Releases: jewettaij/moltemplate
bugfixes for and several OPLS water models
- I fixed an edge-case bug causing "" to fail without printing out an error message. This would happen whenever the user ran on a file not named "", and then attempted to run "" afterwards. (This is a situation that "" does not handle gracefully.) I did not fix this limitation. But now whenever a user does this, it prints out a detailed error message explaining how to get around this limitation.
- I fixed some serious mistakes in the "" and "" files (for the SPC and TIP3P water models). Thanks to github user feifzhou for pointing them out!
updated GAFF2,, and a few alkane examples
The @atom:hw and @atom:ow atom types in "" now have been given epsilon and sigma parameters (of 0.0 and 1.0). These parameters are not correct, but at least users who don't need these atom types and want to use "" will be able to do so (without LAMMPS complaining about missing pair_coeffs).
Similarly the program will now supply default epsilon and sigma parameters (of 0.0 and 1.0) for atoms when this information is lacking in the FRCMOD or DAT file containing the force-field parameters (such as "gaff2.dat").
The program accepts a slightly wider range of FRCMOD file formats.
Thanks to Karteek Bejegam and Jonathan Campeggio for their debugging help and suggestions!
added the conversion tool
The newly added program converts force-field files used by and created by AmberTools (such as FRCMOD and DAT files) into moltemplate (LT) format. The "" and "" files were created with this program. Now users can use this tool as well with their own custom FRCMOD files.
The script replaces files and scripts that were used before. (Those scripts were buggy and undocumented.)
fixed a bug in
Fixed a bug in which occurs when the subID numbers in the MOL2 file do not begin at 1. (In the past, I had only tested it on files where the subunit ID begins at 1.) and documentation improvements now creates less confusing LT files when the MOL2 file contains only a single subunit.
Additional improvements to the documentation were also made.
fixed a small bug in
The "--charges" argument for should be working now.
I forgot to mention that the AMBER "" and "" files were also recently updated today (in moltemplate v2.20.8). This should help a lot of people who use GAFF or GAFF2.
I also made some minor improvements to the documentation
initial (alpha) attempt at MOL2 file conversion
The new converter program ( converts MOL2 files to moltemplate (LT) files. This program has not been widely tested and probably fails on some MOL2 files. But the program appears to be useful in some cases.
I fear it is possible I have misinterpreted the MOL2 file format when I wrote this converter. Once I this feature has been tested on a wider variety of MOL2 files, I'll post another version update.
bugfix: stop deleting the "" file
This is a very minor update, but I thought it was important. Some people edit that file, and their work was getting erased.
Thanks again to Jordan Dialpuri for catching this bug.
renamed the "" file to ""
I also removed the "moltemplate_manual.pdf" file because it was causing the .git directory to grow in size rapidly as I made frequent changes to this large binary file.
Thanks to Jordan Dialpuri for the suggestion!
fixed a bug when using "@{atom:NAME}" syntax
fixed a bug that occurs when @{atom:NAME} syntax is used inside pair_coeff commands. (The explicit use of {} brackets was sometimes failing.)
Thanks to Otello Roscioni (MaterialX, LTD, for reporting the bug!