"Art is a bridge between fact and feeling" Ekene Ijeoma
Photo from Wage # 2 Installation
Class discussion
From the NYC by the Numbers Exhibit at The Museum of the City of New York
Class discussion
Brainstorm how would you create a vizualization from the information.
In small groups choose one data visualization from W.E.B. DuBois' collection for the 1900's Paris Expo, to discuss. You can use any of the following resources
- INSTALLATION ON THE FLOOR: JHT's Colored Portraits Digital Art on the floor
- "W.E.B. DuBois's Data Portraits Visualizing Black America"
- "WEB DuBois's Data Portraits Visualizing Black America"
Florence Nightingale, aka the "Lady with the Lamp", best known for her nursing work during the Crimean war. She was a nurse and a statistician who collected and analysed data on the deaths of soldiers in Crimean war. The data showed that more soldiers were dying from infectious diseases due to unsanitary conditions and poor ventilation than from wounds of war and other causes. Florence Nightingale instituted reforms to mitigate these outcomes. She created visualizations to communicate her findings and the results of her interventions to the general public.
"The core mission of Du Bois’s sociological research was to forcefully refute the widespread belief that black Americans were innately inferior and incapable of social advancement.”
- WEB DuBois's Data Portraits Visualizing Black America
- Black Lives 1900: W.E.B. Du Bois at the Paris Exposition
- https://visionscarto.net/web-du-bois-color-line
- https://medium.com/nightingale/exploring-the-craft-and-design-of-w-e-b-du-bois-data-visualizations-part-3-b110d034fd36
African American Photographs Assembled By W. E. B. DuBois for 1900 Paris Exposition
- Exploring data, uncovering narrative.
- Data storytelling and bias?
Create a folder with your name in the 2023 CLASS GOOGLE DRIVE. Homework must be submitted by midnight on the night before class.
- Submit homework to your folder on the 2023 CLASS GOOGLE DRIVE
Reflect on Week 1 class. Think about whether you might like to contribute to building the project or creating a new piece of work for your final project. Be prepared to discuss in class.
THE COVID TRACKING PROJECT: https://revealnews.org/article/covid-tracking-project/ This three-part podcast series exposes the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention’s (CDC's) bungled response to COVID-19 in the early days of the pandemic and takes listeners inside the massive volunteer effort to collect data about tests, cases, hospitalizations and deaths in the U.S. The United States has 4% of the world’s population, but 16% of COVID-19 deaths. This podcast series investigates the failures that led to over 1 million Americans dying from COVID-19 and what that tells us about the nation’s ability to respond to the next pandemic. This three-part series was reported by Artis Curiskis and Kara Oehler and hosted by infectious disease expert Jessica Malaty Rivera.
- Listen to Episode 1 of the COVID Tracking Project podcast (50 mins). https://revealnews.org/article/covid-tracking-project/
- In a medium of your choice, react to at least one thing that caught your attention. (essay, poetry, prose, art etc)
- Choose 2 data vizzies that you would like to share with the class. Put screenshots, images (if from printed material) and links if relevant into your Week 1 Google folder.
- Why did you choose those vizzies?
- Describe what the vizzie is trying to convey and how.