🎉 This release contains work from a new contributor! 🎉
Thank you, null@jimmyedagawa78, for all your work!
- update choose.html #926 (@jimmyedagawa78)
- Fix #921 move "More Details" plan description to below selling points of plan #922 (@chrisjsimpson)
- #921 adding description template to plans #922 (@joeltejeda)
- #915 github.head_ref -> env.SUBDOMAIN #917 (@chrisjsimpson)
- Fix #915 demo-videos syntax #916 (@chrisjsimpson)
- Update demo-videos.yml (@chrisjsimpson)
- updating onboarding stripe 2 #914 (@joeltejeda)
- updating stripe onboarding steps #914 (@joeltejeda)
- missing one character for the or statement #914 (@joeltejeda)
- only restarting dokku container if mounting the email-queue folder for the first time #914 (@joeltejeda)
- true if already exist #914 (@joeltejeda)
- fixing misspelling #914 (@joeltejeda)
- mounting email queue folder #914 (@joeltejeda)
- adding back the http to development #914 (@joeltejeda)
- #913 adding queue email folder #914 (@joeltejeda)
- refactoring email sending to magic login and reset password #914 (@joeltejeda)
- removing http on development environment #914 (@joeltejeda)
- #913 changing test subscriber user with a new valid test mail #914 (@joeltejeda)
- #910 center get started and demo shop button #912 (@joeltejeda)
- ordering upfront plan with test user #729 (@joeltejeda)
- removing special characters #729 (@joeltejeda)
- debug 3 #729 (@joeltejeda)
- removing debug 2 #729 (@joeltejeda)
- removing debug #729 (@joeltejeda)
- removing password url from logs #729 (@joeltejeda)
- removing password reset url https when running in development mode #729 (@joeltejeda)
- updating subscriber magic login test #729 (@joeltejeda)
- Update README.md (@chrisjsimpson)
- Fix #908 show link to live demo try #909 (@chrisjsimpson)
- updating stripe onboarding steps #906 (@joeltejeda)
- #905 testing filtering by subscriber name and email #906 (@joeltejeda)
- #886 Shop owner can search by name & email at the same time (inclusive search) #895 (@chrisjsimpson)
- close #885 warn shop owner when search filter is applied to subscribers #895 (@chrisjsimpson)
- #885 keep searched subscriber name/email between searches so shop owner does not need to re-type #895 (@chrisjsimpson)
- #885 filtering subscribers by name and email #895 (@joeltejeda)
- adding workflow badges to the the readme #904 (@joeltejeda)
- #900 restore collect-membership-fees.html #901 (@chrisjsimpson)
- #900 myFunction -> toggleDropdown #901 (@chrisjsimpson)
- #900 "Register -> Start now" #901 (@chrisjsimpson)
- #900 restore "Why Subsctibie" to footer #901 (@chrisjsimpson)
- #900 restore subscriptionbilling.html #901 (@chrisjsimpson)
- #900 restore subscriptionsoftware.html #901 (@chrisjsimpson)
- #900 restructure builder theme #901 (@joeltejeda)
- filtering subscription for trialing and active #897 (@joeltejeda)
- removing official name attribute #894 (@joeltejeda)
- #886 default countryObj to None #892 (@chrisjsimpson)
- Fix #886 dynamic country detection #892 (@chrisjsimpson)
- Merge branch '886-store-client-request-country-in-request-header' of github.com:Subscribie/subscribie into 886-store-client-request-country-in-request-header #887 (@chrisjsimpson)
- Fix #888 upgrade to python 3.10 #889 (@chrisjsimpson)
- adding back the 3 workers at a time #883 (@joeltejeda)
- #881 using globalteardown as an env variable to enable and disable it #883 (@joeltejeda)
- #878 adding github action to remove pr preview after merge #880 (@joeltejeda)
- Update README.md (@chrisjsimpson)
- wip #866 added Shop schema (pydantic) #867 (@chrisjsimpson)
- #209 changing connect to stripe wording #876 (@joeltejeda)
- adding edit plan suppoed image text #877 (@joeltejeda)
- #227 adding upload supported list and adding webp image extension #877 (@joeltejeda)
- adding uploads to the filter path #877 (@joeltejeda)
- adding delete connect account id test after all tests #875 (@joeltejeda)
- renaming delete connect account id #875 (@joeltejeda)
- re-adding delete connect accound id test #875 (@joeltejeda)
- deleting connect account id after all workers #875 (@joeltejeda)
- #600 replacing paytoday with upfrontcost, adding the total and removing duplicated html theme #875 (@joeltejeda)
- allowing custom pages to have numbers and letters #874 (@joeltejeda)
- testing logo upload #873 (@joeltejeda)
- adding subscribie logo #873 (@joeltejeda)
- #872 uploading subscribie logo into hair gel plan #873 (@joeltejeda)
- adding custom bootstrap css navbar #871 (@joeltejeda)
- reverting #870 (@joeltejeda)
- Revert "#620 adding question about card expiration" #870 (@joeltejeda)
- making the test slower #870 (@joeltejeda)
- #620 adding question about card expiration #870 (@joeltejeda)
- changing colour contrast for Order Summary #869 (@joeltejeda)
- housekeeping3.1 #868 (@joeltejeda)
- housekeeping3 #868 (@joeltejeda)
- adding variable name #863 (@joeltejeda)
- housekeeping #863 (@joeltejeda)
- Update pr-demo-deploy.yml #862 (@joeltejeda)
- deleting taxrate table and deleting connect account id #862 (@joeltejeda)
- Fix #864 added missing subscriber-payment-failed-notification email template #865 (@chrisjsimpson)
- #857 adding charge date to shop owner failed and failing invoices #858 (@joeltejeda)
- adding subscriber Charge date using database column created #858 (@joeltejeda)
- fetching stripe invoice created date #858 (@joeltejeda)
- #857 adding created at and created columns inside stripe_invoices #858 (@joeltejeda)
- add first video demo to readme (@chrisjsimpson)
- Update README.md (@chrisjsimpson)
- Merge branch '783-as-subscriber-notification-when-payment-fails' #848 (@chrisjsimpson)
- Make demo shop picture link clickable (@chrisjsimpson)
- ref #852 new_domain escape #856 (@chrisjsimpson)
- Fix #853 Fix test announcer action #854 (@chrisjsimpson)
- maintainability housekeeping #852 (@chrisjsimpson)
- Fix #214 Shop owner can "View my shop" from dashboard" #850 (@chrisjsimpson)
- Fix #201 faq page typos #847 (@chrisjsimpson)
- #845 dont redirect using request.referrer, send to well known path admin.subscribers #846 (@chrisjsimpson)
- Fix #845 introduce background_task decorator & make update_stripe_subscription_statuses non blocking #846 (@chrisjsimpson)
- removing shopowner login when they already are in #840 (@joeltejeda)
- deleting unnecesary
tags #840 (@joeltejeda)
- #836 adding account and logout buttons for subscribers template #840 (@joeltejeda)
- #841 add logging to get_stripe_invoices #842 (@chrisjsimpson)
- #841 pass current_app to get_stripe_invoices #842 (@chrisjsimpson)
- remove duplication in get_stripe_invoices by making app context required #841 #842 (@chrisjsimpson)
- Set http response code to 202 for /admin/refresh-invoices #841 #842 (@chrisjsimpson)
- #841 remove debug statement #842 (@chrisjsimpson)
- #841 putting refresh-invoices path to use threads #842 (@joeltejeda)
- #837 keep fix for when logged in subscriber subscribes to new plan- but remove additional email "newplan.jinja2.html" as not needed #843 (@chrisjsimpson)
- #837 spelling + wording newplan.jinja2.html #843 (@chrisjsimpson)
- filtering paths to let subscribers buy plans while logged in #843 (@joeltejeda)
- creating a new email template for logged subscribers #843 (@joeltejeda)
- Merge branch 'master' of github.com:Subscribie/subscribie #811 (@chrisjsimpson)
- Bump minimist from 1.2.5 to 1.2.6 #833 (@dependabot[bot])
- updating update-onboarding-sites (@joeltejeda)
- #831 reducing naming ambiguity #832 (@joeltejeda)
- adding connect-account-id deletion after the test ends #832 (@joeltejeda)
- adding delete-connect-account url #832 (@joeltejeda)
- #829 correct paths-ignore indentation update-onboarding-site (@chrisjsimpson)
- #829 correct paths-ignore indentation update-all-sites (@chrisjsimpson)
- #829 correct paths-ignore indentation python-package (@chrisjsimpson)
- #829 correct paths-ignore indentation demo-videos (@chrisjsimpson)
- #829 correct paths-ignore indentation container-publish (@chrisjsimpson)
- #829 correct paths-ignore indentation codeql-analysis (@chrisjsimpson)
- #829 correct paths-ignore indentation (@chrisjsimpson)
- Fix #829 Dont rebuild on readme changes #830 (@chrisjsimpson)
- Ref #829 to tag a new release when the readme changes (@chrisjsimpson)
- #826 Bump playwright to ^1.19.2 #827 (@chrisjsimpson)
- lint F841 #827 (@chrisjsimpson)
- Fix #826 include cancelled Stripe subscriptions in update_stripe_subscription_statuses #827 (@chrisjsimpson)
- fixing font color headers #812 (@joeltejeda)
- adding test font color #812 (@joeltejeda)
- adding css font colors from homepage #812 (@joeltejeda)
- changing colors and background #812 (@joeltejeda)
- wip changing background and color #812 (@joeltejeda)
- wip changing font colors #812 (@joeltejeda)
- adding font colours #812 (@joeltejeda)
- Update README.md (@chrisjsimpson)
- Merge branch 'master' of github.com:Subscribie/subscribie (@chrisjsimpson)
- default api keys to none in template #820 (@chrisjsimpson)
- #820 handle case where api token not yet set (@chrisjsimpson)
- #820 remove unused var #822 (@chrisjsimpson)
- Fix #820 #820 allow api token authentication #822 (@chrisjsimpson)
- #820 as shop owner/developer I can see the shop api keys and re-generate them #821 #822 (@chrisjsimpson)
- ref #820 return fetch-live-api-key/fetch-test-api-key after generation #822 (@chrisjsimpson)
- wip #820 encrypt api key storage at rest #822 (@chrisjsimpson)
- #820 store api keys in Settings #822 (@chrisjsimpson)
- wip #820 generate test/live api key #822 (@chrisjsimpson)
- #820 add api_key_secret_live & api_key_secret_test to Setting model #822 (@chrisjsimpson)
- Fix #818 remove old kubernetes manifests #819 (@chrisjsimpson)
- #818 remove jenkinsx #819 (@chrisjsimpson)
- document stripe-connect-account-announcer and stripe-connect-account-announcer (@chrisjsimpson)
- Fix #815 email notify shop owner when a subscription payment collection fails #817 (@chrisjsimpson)
- wip #815 log payment_intent.payment_failed events #817 (@chrisjsimpson)
- Update README stripe cli include payment_intent.payment_failed (@chrisjsimpson)
- Fix #815 email notify shop owner when a subscription payment collection fails #816 (@chrisjsimpson)
- wip #815 log payment_intent.payment_failed events #816 (@chrisjsimpson)
- Hotfix - don't attempt to get Stripe Subscription if subscription.stripe_subscription_id is None (@chrisjsimpson)
- Fix #813 show subscriber mobile friendly #814 (@chrisjsimpson)
- Update README.md (@chrisjsimpson)
- Add developer container quickstart example (@chrisjsimpson)
- modifying feature playwright test #810 (@joeltejeda)
- fix #803 adding pause and resume confirmation #810 (@joeltejeda)
- removing logging in because test is already logged in #807 (@joeltejeda)
- removing debugging code #807 (@joeltejeda)
- fix #806 upgrading refresh subscriptions feature #807 (@joeltejeda)
- Fix #808 bump flask to version 2 #809 (@chrisjsimpson)
- #801 enable ondemand and socket activation uwsgi #802 (@chrisjsimpson)
- Fix #801 document socket activation and onDemandVassals #802 (@chrisjsimpson)
- #801 document systemd and uwsgi emperor usage #802 (@chrisjsimpson)
- #801 set subscribie systemd emperor config to emperor.ini #802 (@chrisjsimpson)
- #801 add common vassal config to vassals-inject-config.ini #802 (@chrisjsimpson)
- Fix #801 wip document socket activation #802 (@chrisjsimpson)
- Ref #796 systemd journalctl logging subscribie #800 (@chrisjsimpson)
- #798 fixing stripe test mode to skip subscribing to a plan #799 (@joeltejeda)
- typo #796 #797 (@chrisjsimpson)
- adding systemctl file config #797 (@joeltejeda)
- adding rename script into deploy template #795 (@joeltejeda)
- changing variable naame to new_name #792 (@joeltejeda)
- Fix #789 add plan validation duplicate use of id #790 (@chrisjsimpson)
- Fix #787 return 200 after refreshing subscriptions #788 (@chrisjsimpson)
- 778 add navbar register button #782 (@elliottmotson)
- Elliott Sabin-Motson (@elliottmotson)
- 778 add navbar register button #781 (@elliottmotson)
- Elliott Sabin-Motson (@elliottmotson)
🎉 This release contains work from a new contributor! 🎉
Thank you, Elliott Sabin-Motson (@elliottmotson), for all your work!
- Edited navbar element to include "/" char divider #780 (@elliottmotson)
- Added navbar element "Register" with hardcoded subscribie.co.uk link #780 (@elliottmotson)
- Elliott Sabin-Motson (@elliottmotson)
- 680 instant onboarding #777 (@chrisjsimpson)
- 680 instant onboarding #774 (@chrisjsimpson)
- Revert "adding jinjax reverse (#776)" (@joeltejeda)
- adding jinjax reverse #776 (@joeltejeda)
- 769 shop owner can activate their own shop #770 (@chrisjsimpson)
- Fix #771 auto redirect to shop owner dashboard from login page if already logged in #772 (@chrisjsimpson)
- Fix #766 show shops list #767 (@chrisjsimpson)
- Fix #763 update requirements from requirements.txt during update all sites #764 (@chrisjsimpson)
- Merge branch '752-update-wtf-forms' #753 (@chrisjsimpson)
- removing dokku apps every merge #761 (@joeltejeda)
- adding concurrency github group #761 (@joeltejeda)
- #748 stopping any workflow running and deleting dokku app #761 (@joeltejeda)
- adding timeout to stripe announcer #760 (@joeltejeda)
- ref #746 display ad-hoc charges on transactions dashboard & transactions export #747 (@chrisjsimpson)
- Fix #746 stripe webhook when ad-hoc charge is made, dont try and retrieve invice from stripe because there is none #747 (@chrisjsimpson)
- Merge branch 'master' of github.com:Subscribie/subscribie (@chrisjsimpson)
- #754 set auto release user to subscribie-bot (@chrisjsimpson)
- 754 automatically tag releases #756 (@chrisjsimpson)
- #754 remove plugin all-contributors to remove node dep (@chrisjsimpson)
- #754 update auto ship plugins (@chrisjsimpson)
- #754 remove plugin all-contributors to remove node dep (@chrisjsimpson)
- #754 update auto ship plugins (@chrisjsimpson)
- #754 update auto ship plugins (@chrisjsimpson)
- #754 update auto ship plugins (@chrisjsimpson)
- #754 update auto ship plugins (@chrisjsimpson)
- #754 update auto ship plugins (@chrisjsimpson)