Should you have one question for me, I know (why you don't used the teampass image present on docker hub?). Because I prefer use the last updated images and custom.
I suppose that you have installed docker and git on your environment, isn't?! So, let's go ahead!
Clone this project on you Docker Environment;
Extract .zip file named and move files of this directory extracted(TeamPass- to teampass directory:
mv TeamPass-* teampass/
Install docker-compose available on this link;
Access the directory of project downloaded to build Apache custom image on your docker environment and execute the command below:
docker build -t apptpass:latest .
OBS: Don't forget to update file docker-compose.yaml adjusting the password of MYSQL_ROOT_PASSWORD parameter and check wich if the IP of database container on extra_hosts parameter is correct after run docker-compose command. In this case the I had no another containers on this virtual machine.
- After Apache custom image builded, execute stack using docker-compose.yaml file with this command:
docker-compose -f docker-compose.yaml up -d
- After execute the docker-compose file, access the URL http://MyIP/teampass and set permissions on these directories on directory called teampass:
chmod -R 0777 teampass/includes/config &&
chmod -R 0777 teampass/includes/avatars &&
chmod -R 0777 teampass/includes/libraries/csrfp/libs &&
chmod -R 0777 teampass/includes/libraries/csrfp/log &&
chmod -R 0777 teampass/includes/libraries/csrfp/js &&
chmod -R 0777 teampass/backups &&
chmod -R 0777 teampass/files &&
chmod -R 0777 teampass/install &&
chmod -R 0777 teampass/includes &&
chmod -R 0777 teampass/upload
Acessing the URL http://MyIP/teampass, you could see the Installations Steps of Teampass, proceed with installation;
Check wich the IP of mariadb database container running this command:
docker exec -it apptpass cat /etc/hosts
He will be used on Installation steps.
- Access mariadb database container to create database and user to edit
Database conection
on Installation steps:
# Accessing database container
docker exec -it mariadb mysql
# Creating Database
create database teampass;
# Create user and set permissions
grant all privileges on teampass.* to 'usrteam'@'%' identified by 'yourpassword';
- After installed, follow instructions as remove install directory, disable maintenance mode, create roles, directories and users to access your teampass.
Take care of your passwords since today :)