Subschema 0.5.6 -> 0.6.0 Upgrade ##Dependencies
- +react-dom ##API Changes
- Forms are no longer use form-horizontal className. To change it back you can set it
subschema.styles.FormTemplate.formClass = 'form-horizontal';
- Listener Properties now exist. They are similar to expressions, but only listen to the path specified.
- Demo has been reworked to use Subschema, and removed react-router.
- Demo now has the value preview built in the Playground component, to fix some nasty state issues using component-playground.
- Fixes to ValueManager not creating intermediate objects.
Subschema 0.2x ->0.5 Upgrade ##Dependencies ##Webpack
- Mixins are now defunct. Some have been changed to base classes, others are no longer needed.
- Components no longer manage their own state. Instead a 'value' property is passed.
- ValueManagerListenerMixin is replaced with @listeners and @listen respectively.
- Core components are now in components/
- ValueManager#removeListener now must take a listener no longer supports a path.
- No longer includes the React.js exported, now it just import React from 'react'.
- EditorTemplate now will pass error with the first error and errors with all errors into the corresponding template.
- NestedMixin is now just types/Object.jsx. The property to change the template is objectTemplate.
- DefaultLoader is now powered by decorators.
- Use @provide.type, @provide.validator @provide.loader respectively.
- Injection - Types are now injected with the corresponding object according to the propTypes object on the object.
- Now using ES6 style classes.
- valueManager and loader are now injected via context to use directly.
var PropTypes = Subschema.PropTypes;
class SomeClass {
static contextTypes = PropTypes.contextTypes;
//now this.context will have valueManager and loader;
- now requires react-0.14, react-dom and fbjs
- If you are using webpack to build subschema you will need to add an alias from
resolve: {
alias: {
'subschema': path.join(__dirname, 'node_modules/subschema/src/index.jsx'),
'subschema-styles':path.join(__dirname, 'node_modules/subschema/src/styles')
Components that use BasicFieldMixin (Perhaps Transitively) need to use this.triggerUpdate rather than this.props.handleChange.
valueManager and loader are now part of context instead of props. This makes most things more convenient, (except testing) but removes a lot of PNA and could increase performance. Make sure if you need to have a valueManager or loader to add the
import {PropTypes} from 'subschema'; React.createClass({ contextTypes:{ valueManager:PropTypes.valueManager, loader:PropTypes.loader } //everything else });
Form without a schema will throw an error.
form.js and form.jsx are gone. Please use Form.jsx.
Editor.js is now Editor.jsx - to follow React Components end in jsx all else ends in js.
Form now is just a passthrough to ObjectType, rather than a Mixin of NestedMixin. As a result I may drop NestedMixin in future releases.
fields and fieldsets should be defined in the schema, rather than passed as props.
{ schema:{ }, fields:[], fieldsets:[] }
All classes are now exported in the Subschema namespace. Subschema.templates is now the same as require('subschema/templates'), but you don't have to have babel or webpack to get to the things. Mostly done to make the subschema.js and subschema-noreact.js dists easier to test.