Upstream PLP files are partially supported.
The majority of ambit functionality uses a new mapping_module
. The actions defined here are not supported by upstream PaletteApp.
Used by Ambit to choose screen image.
May have other behavior with upstream PaletteApp.
type: string
implemented: partial
valid options (upstream): Palette, Joystick, Keyboard, Media
valid options (ambit): Palette, Joystick, Keyboard, Media, Home, Shell
type: string
String to display on the screen.
Length should be <= 11 bytes.
Set the base orientation for the entire layout.
type: int
valid options: 0, 90, 180, 270
default: 0
ambit-only: true
0 degrees means toward the USB connector and progresses clockwise.
implemented: partial
type: dict
keys: keyMap, colorMap, mediaMap, actionMap
"module_mappings": {
"keyMap": { },
"colorMap": { },
"actionMap": { }
Map behaviors to components.
implemented: true
ambit-only: true
"actionMap": {
"<query>": {
"<input_type>": { "action": "<action_type>", [params] }
Query used to choose the component this action should be assigned to.
If the query is not enclosed by [ ]
it will be intepreted as the
raw uid of the component.
Queries can match a component based on its position and other attributes, both ephemeral and persistent.
This supports any search string supported by ComponentLayout.query()
See also:
For example [kind=Slider | rowwise | select(1)]
would refer to the slider
which was second from the top left (rowwise).
When a query returns multiple components, the first will be selected by default.
Queries are resolved to uids each time the layout changes.
The particular input to assign this action to.
type: string
Supported inputs differ by component kind.
- pressed (Button, Dial)
- released (Button, Dial)
- rotation_right (Dial)
- rotation_left (Dial)
- set (Dial, Slider)
type: string
Must be a registered action. Actions registered by the default ambit Controller are documented below.
supported behaviors: TRIGGER, ACCUMULATE
Switch to the previous configuration if multiple are loaded, looping around to the end.
supported behaviors: TRIGGER, ACCUMULATE
Switch to the next configuration if multiple are loaded, looping around to the start.
supported behaviors: TRIGGER, ACCUMULATE
Cycle through configurations if multiple are loaded. Honors
the invert
behavior parameter, thus behaves predictably for
Dial right and left rotation.
supported behaviors: TRIGGER, ACCUMULATE
Set the RGB color of all attached component LEDs.
supported behaviors: TRIGGER, ACCUMULATE, DELTA
Invokes the specified argv
(list of str) as a subprocess.
environment: AMBIT_VALUE
set to the current component value.
other environment variables are passed through unmodified.
argv will substitute any instance of %AMBIT_VALUE%
with the
current value.
Anything printed to stdout will be displayed to the device screen.
Could be combined with something like for system wide media control.
supported behaviors: CYCLE
Cycle through alternative actionMaps on a target
fields: target (component uid), map (dict)
supports the same values as actionMap
Threshold for invoking callbacks.
type: int
default: 1
supported behaviors: (ALL)
If defined, callbacks will only be invoked when the cumulative change is greater than the threshold.
supported behaviors: CYCLE
supported behaviors: (ALL)
supported behaviors: (ALL)
supported behaviors: ACCUMULATE, TRIGGER, CYCLE
supported behaviors: CYCLE
use discrete (integer) values
supported behaviors: TRIGGER
type: bool
Set the behavior of a component.
type: string
default: varies by component kind and action definition.
See also:
Map meta functionality to components.
implemented: partial
"mediaMap": {
"<uid>": {
"key": "<action>",
"sensitivity": 9 }
actions: togglePreview, switchFunctions
Switch to the next configuration profile.
implemented: true
See also: actionMap > switchFunctions
Display the currently selected layout as a GUI overlay.
implemented: false
Map joystick behavior to components.
implemented: false
Human friendly name for components.
implemented: false
"shortcutsMap": { "<uid>": "<string>" }
implemented: false
implemented: false
Specify the default color for component LEDs.
implemented: false
"colorMap": {
"<uid>": "#ffffff"
Bind HID keys to component input.
implemented: partial
"keyMap": {
"<uid>": {
<input_id>: {
"code": "<string>",
"label": "<string>",
"modifier_codes": [<int>, ...],
"virtual_code": "PK_<string>",
Define the operating system for binding values.
implemented: false
type: string
valid options: windows, mac
type: list of string (uid)
implemented: false
Unique ID to represent this configuration.
type: string
implemented: false
UUID is of the form: \{[a-z0-9]{3}\-[a-z0-9]{4}\-[a-z0-9]{4}\-[a-z0-9]{4}\-[a-z0-9]{12}\}
The version of PaletteApp used to create this config.
type: string
implemented: false
MIDI channel used when mapping USB MIDI notes.
implemented: false
type: int
default: -1
Define the expected layout of the physical device.
type: dict
implemented: false