Note: All the versions not mentioned in the changelog file do not contain changes.
v0.3.5 - 2018-09-26
- #104 Dynamic pathSegments in navigation nodes (@maxmarkus)
- #84 Remove unnecessary files from public folder (@dariadomagala)
- #103 Fix behavior of the logout dropdown (@dariadomagala)
- #102 Fix 'preserve view' feature for sibiling nodes (@maxmarkus)
- #89 Fix unnecessary 'authSuccessfull' handler execution on each page refresh (@dariadomagala)
- #79 Fix fundamental-ui issues in applications setup docu (@jesusreal)
- #107 Commands path info in angular example readme (@parostatkiem)
core-0.3.3 - 2018-09-14
- #67 Navigation Node visibility with custom nodeAccessibilityResolver (@maxmarkus)
- #82 Fixed changedetector bug (@dariadomagala)
- #71 Fixed top navigation popover behavior (@maxmarkus)
- #76 Fixed broken routing after successful OIDC authentication (@maxmarkus)
- #57 Fixed preserve view and back example (@dariadomagala)
- #75 Fixed import of LuigiClient on angular app (@jesusreal)
- #80 Luigi documentation refinements (@dpolitesap)
- #34 Introduce changelog file (@jesusreal)
client-0.3.2 - 2018-09-10
core-0.3.1 - 2018-09-07
- #31 Redirect from root node to first child (@y-kkamil)
- #50 #49 [fix] OAuth2 implicit grant flow should use GET as default reques… (@aartek)
core-0.3.0 - 2018-09-05
- Preserve view and go back feature.
- Default child nodes feature.
- Support for url parameters.
- Add vue.js example app by @DamianLion
- On angular example app, update angular version from version 5 to 6.
- On angular example app, introduce fundamental-ui css framework.
- Backdrop functionality can now be disabled via Luigi Config object.
- Add error message for missing Luigi Config.
- Improvements on authorization, remove login button, trigger auth flow on page load.
- Add documentation.
- 'hideNav' flag to disable top and left navigations is called now "hideNavigation" and is under "settings".
- 'isHashRoute' flag to activate hash routing is moved to Luigi Config object under 'settings' and is called now 'useHashRouting'.
- Luigi Config is now under "window.Luigi.config" instead of "window.LuigiConfig" and "setConfig" and "getConfig" helper methods are available.
- On angular example app, fix path routing issues by simplifying app chunks split.
- On backdrop functionality, fix some small visual errors.
client-0.3.0 - 2018-09-05
- Support for url parameters.
- Add documentation.
- Prevent reloading of whole browser window when navigating with hash routing and only hash changes.
- Core: Angular example application.
- Core: Hash-based and path-based routing.
- Core: Navigation setup.
- Core: Support authorization via Open ID Connect (OIDC) or OAuth2 Implicit Grant.
- Core: Navigation on top and left (can be disabled via Luigi Config object).
- Core: Backdrop functionality.
- Core: Authorization.
- Client: Lifecycle functions.
- Client: Link manager for navigation.
- Client: UX manager for backdrop.