- geopandas - Working with spatial data is fun again!
- shapely - For geometry handling
- rtree - For efficiently querying spatial data
- geographiclib - For solving geodesic problems
- pyshp - For reading and writing shapefiles (in pure Python)
- pyproj - For conversions between projections
- rasterio - A Pythonic way to work with geospatial rasters
- fiona - For making it easy to read/write geospatial data formats
- ogr/gdal - For reading, writing, and transforming geospatial data formats
- pyqgis - For anything and everything GIS
- geopy - For geolocating and things like that
- geojsonio.py - For shooting data to the web
- geog - For a numpy interface to solve geodesic problems
- h5py - Your pythonic gateway to hdf5 files
- pyModis - Download and preprocess MODIS data
- pyspatial - projection aware querying of vector/raster data
- scipy - General scientific computing library. Has a spatial module.
- scikit-image - Algorithms for (satellite) image processing
- scikit-learn - Machine learning for python
- statsmodels - For models and stats in Python
- pysal - Spatial econometrics, exploratory spatial and spatio-temporal data analysis, spatial clustering (and more)
- networkx - For working with networks (duh!)
- rasterstats - For analyzing rasters based on vector geometries (zonal statistics)
- matplotlib - For all my plotting needs
- cartopy - For plotting spatial data on projections and more
- folium - Python Data. Leaflet.js Maps.
- nodebox-opengl - For playing around with animations
- descartes - For plotting geometries in matplotlib
- basemap - For plotting geospatial data on projections
- mplleaflet - For creating web-maps
- pandas - For data handling and munging
- numpy - For pretty much anything that involves arrays
- ipython - For a wondering interactive environment in which to play
- pelican - For blogging about all this stuff...