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EECS 662 - Programming Languages

Programming Languages is an introduction to basic principles of defining, describing and implementing interpreters for programming languages. The fundamental goal is establishing a vocabulary for discussing what programming languages and programs written in them do. Topics covered to accomplish this are data representation and types; decelarations, bindings and variable assignment; parameter passing and function evaluation; statements; and objects and types; The course uses an implementation-based approach with students developing type checkers, interpreters for languages that demonstrate features presented in class.

Class Information

Room and Time : 1136 Learned Hall : 4:00-5:15 TR

Prerequisites : EECS 368

Instructor Information : Dr. Perry Alexander : Office Hours: ??? TR, 2022 Eaton Hall or by appointment : Office: 2022 Eaton Hall / 205 Nichols Hall : Phone: 4-8833 / 4-7741 : Web: : Email: [email protected]

Textbook : Shriram Krishnamurthy, Programming Languages: Application and Interpretation, published online. (Required) : Matthias Felleisen, Robert Bruce Findler, Matthew Flatt, Shriram Krishnamurthi, How To Design Programs: An Introduction to Computing and Programming, The MIT Press, 2001, published online. (Scheme Reference)


You will perform several projects that involve developing code using the Scheme programming language. These projects are an exceptionally important part of the course and provide insight into building interpreters that cannot be gained from lectures or exams. Programming projects will be assigned every 1-2 weeks. The PLT Racket interpreter, MzRacket, and the DrRacket development environment will be available on the EECS Department's Linux systems. Interpreters for virtually any platform you might have are also available for download from the PLT website. I strongly recommend using DrRacket for your assignments.

You are required to submit your documented source code, testing results, test input files you have prepared, and any documentation needed to execute your code. Use tar to create an archive of your submission. Please email programming assignments to me or the TA/Grader. You will be given specific submission instructions as needed. I will not accept paper listings when electronic submission is required. Your programs will be extracted, compiled and tested in the Linux environment. Please document your code source files making certain to include your name and ID number. Undocumented source code will result in a serious point deduction!

Project 0 - Visiting

Stop by my office and say hello if you haven't done so already. This is a real homework assignment that you're going to get points for. Honest.

Project 1 - Building interpreters.

Project 2 - Adding functions, conditions and elaboration to the WAE language.

Project 3 - Adding State and Sequencing.

Project 4 - Adding types.

Project 5 - Adding Recursion.


Midterm : Date: TBD : Book Chapters: 1-6 (very little from Chapter 1) : Topics:

  • Interpreters

    • Concrete and Abstract Syntax
    • Parsing and Interpretation
    • Values and terms
  • Identifiers and Substitution

    • Binding identifiers to values
    • Substitution and Interpretation
    • Environments and Deferring Substitution
    • Identifier Scoping
    • Static and Dynamic Scoping
  • Functions

    • Taxonomy of functions - first order, higher order, first class
    • Interpreting functions
    • Closures for functions

Final : Date: TBD : Book Chapters: 7-8, 12-14, 24-28 all limited to what I covered in class : Topics in addition to Midterm Topics:

  • State

    • Environment and store
    • Boxes
    • Variables and assignment
  • Recursion

    • The rec construct
    • Implementing recursion
  • Types

    • Type systems and rules
    • Type checking and inference
    • Type values
  • Language Extension

    • Extending concrete and abstract syntax
    • Extending type systems
    • Extending type checkers, elaborators, and interpreters
    • Elaboration for language extension

Classroom Policies

The Three Commandments

Pretty simple. Follow them and we'll be great friends!

  1. Don't whine
  2. Don't cheat
  3. Don't tell me what you don't need to know

Class Participation

I do not take attendance in class; however participation in class is important to your success, however participation in class is important to its success. How much homework and how rigorously it is graded will definitely depend on class participation. Please ask questions and participate in class discussions. When assigning final grades, borderline cases will be decided based on class participation.

Grading Errors

If I have made an error in grading an exam or assignment, you have two weeks following the date the item is available to see me about correcting the problem. Note that this includes the final! After that time, your grade is set and will not be changed. I also request that you wait 24 hours after an exam is returned before coming to me with questions.


I may decide to curve final scores when the quarter is over. Whether I curve and how much I curve is at my discretion. I will never curve up, but may curve down. Specifically, 90% and above will always be an "A", but I may choose to lower the cutoff percentage. Whether I curve and how much I curve is at my discretion. I will never curve scores on an individual graded assignment, lab or exam.


I encourage you to use email to contact me. I am logged in whenever I am working and check my mail frequently. Email is my preferred means of communication.


The course blog is available on the website and via an RSS feed. I will post late-breaking news about projects, homework and class administration on the blog. Either subscribe to the RSS feed, or check the website frequently.


Feel free to call me in any of my office at any time. I would prefer not to be called at home.

Office Hours

I will make every effort to be in my office during scheduled office hours. If there are exceptions, I will let you know as early as is possible. If you have a conflict with my office hours, please make an appointment. I have an open door policy, you are free to come by whenever you choose. If I am busy, I may ask that you come back later, but please don't hesitate to knock! My schedule is available online.


Academic misconduct of any kind will automatically result in a 0 score on the homework, lab, project, or exam in question and your actions will be reported to the department chair. Your homework, exams and projects must be individually prepared unless otherwise noted. Posting your assignments to internet discussion lists is considered academic misconduct. Sharing your solutions with others is considered academic misconduct. Turning in solutions from previous semesters is considered academic misconduct. Paying people to prepare solutions is academic misconduct. Automated mechanisms are available for checking the originality of source code. Please spend your time trying to solve assigned problems rather than trying to get around the system. Don't risk it!


Excusing a missed exam or assignment is left to the discretion of the instructor. Illness, family emergencies, and religious observances are examples of acceptable excuses. Computer down time, over sleeping, and social events are examples of unacceptable excuses. Please try to let me know of problems in advance when possible and be prepared to provide verification of your excuse.


As a policy, I do not extend due dates of homework and projects. If I choose to do so, I will only announce the extension in class, via email or on the blog. If you hear an extension has been granted and I have not announced it, your information is incorrect. Remember that if I grant extensions early in the semester, it will necessarily compress due dates the end of the semester.


Grades are assigned on a standard 10 point scale:

  • A = 90-100%
  • B = 80-90%
  • C = 70-80%
  • D = 60-70%
  • F = 0-70%

Classroom tasks are weighted using the following scale

  • Midterm Exam 20%
  • Final Exam 30%
  • Homework and Mini Projects 50%


We will cover topics in roughly the same order as our text. I will also add miscellaneous topics throughout the semester. Specific topics are subject to change without notice and topics marked “(tentative)” will be covered as time permits.

  • Introduction
  • Scheme Tutorial
  • Modeling Languages
  • Substitution and Functions
  • Laziness
  • Recursion
  • State
  • Continuations
  • Memory Management
  • Semantics
  • Types and Type Checking
  • Programming by Searching (tentative)
  • Domain-Specific Languages
  • Metaprogramming (tentative)