1. Install prerequisites
- golang compiler (tested @ 1.11.5)
- dep (tested @ v0.5.0)
2. Clone the project to your $GOPATH
Clone forklift-controller to your $GOPATH so that dependencies in vendor
will be found
at build time.
# Sample of setting $GOPATH
mkdir -p $HOME/go
export GOPATH="$HOME/go"
# Running 'go get -d' will clone the forklift-controller repo into the proper
# location on your $GOPATH
go get -d github.com/konveyor/forklift-controller
# Take a peek at the newly cloned files
ls -Fal $GOPATH/src/github.com/konveyor/forklift-controller
__5. Login __
$ oc login
__4. Create required CRDs __
5. Use make run
to start the controller.
$ make run
go generate ./pkg/... ./cmd/...
go fmt ./pkg/... ./cmd/...
go vet ./pkg/... ./cmd/...
go run ./cmd/manager/main.go
{"level":"info","ts":1555619492,"logger":"entrypoint","msg":"setting up client for manager"}
{"level":"info","ts":1555619492,"logger":"entrypoint","msg":"setting up manager"}
{"level":"info","ts":1555619493,"logger":"entrypoint","msg":"Registering Components."}
There are several useful Makefile targets for forklift-controller that developers should be aware of.
Command | Description |
run |
Build a controller manager binary and run the controller against the active cluster |
manager |
Build a controller manager binary |
install |
Install generated CRDs onto the active cluster |
manifests |
Generate updated CRDs from types.go files, RBAC from annotations in controller, deploy manifest YAML |
docker-build |
Build the controller into a container image. Requires support for multi-stage builds, which may require moby-engine |