You can create one or more network mappings by using the {ocp} web console to map source networks to {virt} networks.
Source and target providers added to the {ocp} web console.
If you map more than one source and target network, each additional {virt} network requires its own network attachment definition.
In the {ocp} web console, click Migration → NetworkMaps for virtualization.
Click Create NetworkMap.
Specify the following fields:
Name: Enter a name to display in the network mappings list.
Source provider: Select a source provider.
Target provider: Select a target provider.
Select a Source network and a Target namespace/network.
Optional: Click Add to create additional network mappings or to map multiple source networks to a single target network.
If you create an additional network mapping, select the network attachment definition as the target network.
Click Create.
The network mapping is displayed on the NetworkMaps screen.