HiveRunner has been setup to build continuously on a build server as well as prepared to be manually released from a buildserver to Maven central. The following steps were involved.
- A Sonatype OSSRH (Open Source Software Repository Hosting) account has been created for user "klarna.odin".
- The OSSRH username and password were encrypted according to
- A special maven settings.xml (settings-4-travis.xml) file was created that uses the encrypted environment variables in the ossrh server definition.
- A GNU PGP keypair was created locally according to
- The pubring.gpg and secring.gpg were tar'ed into secrets.tar
- The secrets.tar was encrypted according to
- The GPG_PASSPHRASE variable was encrypted for Travis usage.
- The pom has had sections added to it according to instructions from
- A .travis.yml build file has been added
Depending on the version number in the pom, the build artifact will be deployed to either the snapshots repository or the releases repository.
Basically follow this guide:
- Change the version number in the pom to the release version you want. Should not include -SNAPSHOT in the name.
- Update for this new version.
- Commit, tag with release number, push:
git commit -a -m "Setting version number before releasing"
git tag -a v3.2.1 -m "HiveRunner-3.2.1"
git push origin --tags
- Travis builds and deploys. Make sure to check the status of the build in Travis (
- Check that the artifacts are now available in Maven Central.
- Change version number in pom to next SNAPSHOT version.
- Commit and push:
git commit -a -m "Setting version to next development version"
git push origin