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2535 lines (1820 loc) · 56.8 KB

File metadata and controls

2535 lines (1820 loc) · 56.8 KB

Stuff in bash file

  • ps
  • xargs
  • od

rdesktop args

  • go full screen
rdesktop <hostname/ip> -u "DOMAIN\Username" -z -f -x 0x81
  • choose a resolution and dont go full screen
rdesktop <hostname/ip> -u "DOMAIN\Username" -z -g "80%" -x 0x81
  • what works in dell laptop VM
rdesktop -u 'ENG\lnara002' -p - -z  -x 0x81 -g 1152x648 -a 32


  • move a window form one session to another
#  come to the window to be moved
:move-window -t target_session_name
  • Easy-peasy way

    • mark window1 first <backtick> m
    • come to other window and type :swap-window
      • or press <backtick> < and choose swap marked (s)
  • move a pane from one session/window to another

## get the number of the source pane (`Q)

## come to the target-window
tmux join-pane -s <src-pane-num>

  • capture a pane
tmux capture-pane -S- -t <target>
tmux save-buffer <path-to-dest-filename>
  • clipboard
#copy into tmux
... | tmux loadb -

#paste from tmux
tmux saveb - | ...


  • bg-color change of current pane
tmux select-pane -t:.1 -P 'bg=red'
  • bg-color of a target pane
tmux select-pane -t:.1 -P 'bg=red'
  • restore to detaul
-P 'default'
-P 'fg=red,bg=yellow'
-P 'fg=colour48,bg=black'
  • some good fg colors that stand distinct in our sol-background
colour45  <- bluish
colour48  <- greenish
colour201 <- pinkish
colour190 <- yellowish
colour196 <- reddish

Note too many fd/files open issue in tmux

Ensure your original tmux and the attached-client version are same!


#change layout .. for vsplits
:select-layout even-horizontal
# for h-splits
:select-layout even-vertical
# otherones
  • To resize a pane
C-S up/down/left/right (my own maps)
  • switch off window rename
set-option allow-rename off
  • new-session
tmux new-session -s name
  • new-session duplicated to another
tmux new-session -s dup_name -t exist_name
  • kill a session
tmux kill-session -t dup_name
  • Show all options
tmux show-options -g
#this window
tmux show-options -w


  • Minimal screenrc
hardstatus alwayslastline "%H %-Lw%{= BW}%50>%n%f* %t%{-}%+Lw%<"
  • standard commands
CtrlChar + A -- rename
CtrlChar + <n> -- go to nth window
CtrlChar + '   -- ask for n, and go to nth window
CtrlChar + H   -- start logging to screen-pwd/screenlog.N. Same to stop
CtrlChar + [   -- go into copy mode. Space bar to mark start and stop
CtrlChar + :   -- command mode (See commands below)

command mode
:number <n>  -- swap current window with that number


  • Authenticate only with password
ssh -o PreferredAuthentications=password -o PubkeyAuthentication=no


  • Local forwarding

    ssh -L myport:someserver:serverport user@sshed_server
    • listens in client-machine at myport, and whatever is send there will be sent to someserver:serverport as if going out of sshed_server
    • you can use localhost, which will make sshed_server forward to itself.
  • Remote forwarding

    ssh -R port_at_sshed_server:to_fwd_server:to_fwd_port user@sshed_server
    • listens in sshed_server at port_at_sshed_server, and whatever is sent there will be sent to to_fwd_server:to_fwd_port as if going out of client_machine
    • you can use localhost, which will make client forward to itself.
    • This is useful when you wnat to reverse ssh back into thi client mc from server mc.
  • To put ssh in background

ssh -fN -L 'forwarding_stuff' user@host

-f  -- go to background
-N  -- dont execute any command at host
  • Useful ssh and scp options
-o UserKnownHostsFile=/dev/null -o StrictHostKeyChecking=no -o ExitOnForwardFailure=yes
-o LogLevel=ERROR   # suppresses the host-added warnings

# ssh options quick copy
-o UserKnownHostsFile=/dev/null -o StrictHostKeyChecking=no -o ExitOnForwardFailure=yes -o LogLevel=ERROR

# keepalive
## will timeout in interval*(count+1) seconds post the last exchanged data
-o ServerAliveInterval=60 -o ServerAliveCountMax=3

-T disable psuedo-terminal allocation
-t force   psuedo-terminal allocation (useful if you want to run cms on login shell)

ssh_config setting

Search: sshconfig

# file is in ~/.ssh/config

## Typical config showing a jumper host proxy-command
Host testvm
    ProxyCommand ssh -p jumper_host_port -l jmp_host_usr JUMPER_HOST_IP -W %h:%p
    User final_mc_user
    Port final_mc_port
    IdentityFile ~/.ssh/insecure_private_key
    UserKnownHostsFile /dev/null
    StrictHostKeyChecking no
  • proxycommand
    • should provide a means so that the stdin/stdout of the command thus invoked serves as a tcp-connection to the target host.
      • ssh -W targethost:targetport does just that.
      • the stdin/out of the ssh program connects to the targethost/port
      • so proxy command is effectively - ssh -W targethost:targetport user@jumperhost
### To use a dynamic ip on the sshconfig
Host chaningiphost
  ProxyCommand socat stdio tcp:${BUILD_MACHINE_IP}:22


search : key gen

# create key pair
### -N ""  .. for no passphrase
### -q        for  quiet mode
### -C ""     for  comment
### -f ""     specifies key file
ssh-keygen -t rsa -f /path/to/output/dir/with/private_key -N "passphrase" -C "comment"

### change paraphrase for existing key
### -p        change paraphrase
### -P ""     old paraphrase
### -N ""     new paraphrase
ssh-keygen -p -P old-paraphrase -N new-paraphrase -f file

### change comment
### -c change comment
ssh-keygen -c -C "new comment" -f file

### other args
## -l     show fingerprint and comments
## -lv    show fingerprint, comments of public-key and its ascii art
## -E md5 show fingerprint in md5 hex format instead of base64
ssh-keygen -lf ~/.ssh/ -E md5

### get public key from private key
##  -y     print public key
ssh-keygen -f private_key.pem -y



-a        .. resume partial transfer
-r        .. recursively get/put directory

Mosh command to pick a particular port

mosh-server new -s -c 8 -p 60000 -l LANG=en_US.UTF-8 -l LANGUAGE=en_US -l LC_CTYPE=en_US.UTF-8

login banner in linux

search: motd

/etc/update-motd.d$ ls
00-header     50-landscape-sysinfo  85-fwupd         90-updates-available       91-release-upgrade      95-hwe-eol      98-fsck-at-reboot   99-custom
10-help-text  50-motd-news          88-esm-announce  91-contract-ua-esm-status  92-unattended-upgrades  97-overlayroot  98-reboot-required

To check what went wrong if something isn't showing:

run-parts /etc/update-motd.d/ > /dev/null

Restarting network in centos

service network stop
service network start
service network restart

Fireup a quick http-server

  • See more info in
#for 2.7
python -m SimpleHTTPServer 8000
#for 3
python3 -m http.server 8000


  • create a zip
zip file1 file2

## add files recursively also
zip -r *

## add a file to a existing file (-u : update)
zip -u newfile
  • list files in a zip
unzip -l
  • extract
# normal extract

#extract one specific file
# -p prints to stdout
unzip -p path/in/zip/to/file > file
  • 7z
sudo apt install p7zip-full

7z x file.7z

#list files
7z l file.7z



-i       # ignore case.
-q       # quiet. quit after first occurence. Typically useful to test presence
-m<N>    # stop after getting max N occurences
-P       # perl regex
-a       # process a binary file as if its text (useful to grep files that have stray binary chars in them)
-n       # prefix line number - 1 based
-H       # prefix file name

Highlight non-ascii chars

(find unicode)
\grep --color=auto -nH -P  '[^\x00-\x7F]' /tmp/a

perl regex

search : pcre

\K - pretend match began here.. usually combined with the -o grep option.
        grep -Po 'hello \Kworld'   # prints only world
?= - positive assertion, but not in pattern (opposite of \K above)
        grep -Po 'hello (?=world)' # prints hello that is followed by world, but just hello
?! - negative assertion

compilation tools

# stop at preprocessing
gcc -E 

# disassemble all function in a binary
objdump -S binary > disassembled.S

# list all functions in a binary
nm -C binary > func_list.S
## arg explanation
##   -g .. display extern symbols
##   -C .. demangle

# another otions 
readelf -sW a.out | awk '$4 == "FUNC"' | c++filt
## args of readelf
##   -s  .. list symbols
##   -W  .. don't cut too long names

core mgmt in linux

search: coredump

cat /proc/sys/kernel/core_pattern

echo "/tmp/cores/core.%e.%p.%h.%t" > /proc/sys/kernel/core_pattern

## notes
%e: executable filename
%p: pid (in its namespace)
%P: pid (in intiial namespace)
%t: UNIX time of dump

%%: output one '%'
%u: uid
%g: gid
%s: signal number
%h: hostname
%: both are dropped
%: '%' is dropped
  • when appport is enabled, check core dumps in

Draw ascii figures in web

  • tag: ascii diagram

Excel stuff

SUMIF(range, criteria, sum-range)


  • find all fd's of a process
lsof -Pn -p <pid>
## args
###  -P  .. dont convert ports to names
###  -n  .. dont convert ips to names
  • find the process listeing on a given port
lsof -i :<port>

#search for all processes on a tcp port
#search: ssh detect
sudo lsof -Pn -i4TCP:61111
sudo lsof -Pn -i4TCP:48555
sudo lsof -Pn -i4TCP:25020

Sequence Diagrams

title: Some Title for the Entire Seq Diag

A -> B: Just introduce A and B and a directed msg between then
note right of A: boxed message.
A --> B: Dotted line from A to B.

A->+B: start of vertical box at B
B->A:  B's response to A.

destroy B     // Put a x at B.

alt cond1
else cond2

Encrypt / Decrypt

  • See more openssl notes in general_reading_notes/

  • encrypt

openssl enc -in -aes-256-cbc -pass stdin >
  • decrypt
openssl enc -in -d -aes-256-cbc -pass stdin >



See general_reading_notes/


# -f        --> be quiet on failures (Not sure, what failures are okay and what shouldn't be quietened)
# -s        --> silent or quiet mode. What you usually want - no progress bars
# -S        --> when used with -s, -S will show errors
# -L        --> Track redirects
# -C        --> continue from where you left
# -d @/path/to/infile'  --> supply data from input file,
#                              typically you want to also say
#                              -H "content-type:application/json"
# -o <file> --> choose output file
##                             if output is json, you want to add
#                              -H "accept:application/json"
# --interface <ip> -- choose a local-bind-ip
# -X/--request <cmd> -- specifies a custom command to use (eg: -X GET)
# -H/--header <hdr>  -- extra header to include in request (eg: -H "accept: application/json")
# -m, --max-time <fractional seconds>  -- max time for each transfer to take
# -w <format>  -- write given format-string(expaned to values) to stdout
#                 eg format:
#                    '\\n%{response_code}'  // http_code was older
# -I         --> just get headers only.. and not the BODY
### ssl stuff:
### server auth
# --cacert $cacert
### client auth
# --cert $mycert
# --key $mykey
### insecure
# -k, --insecure     --> dont verify tls
# -D <file>  --> save the response headers in a file

### resolve
# -- resolve server_url:port:ip

curl '' -o out_file

decode tls in wireshark

SSLKEYLOGFILE=/tmp/tls-keys.log curl https://whatever...

## and in wireshark
edit->preferences->protocol->tls->keyfile to tls-keys.log


-O <file>           -- output to a file     use -O- to output to stdin (typically coupled with -nv)
--limit-rate=RATE   -- limit to the rate    eg: --limit-rate=20k  (will limit to 20kB/s)
-q                  -- completely quiet
-nv                 -- noverbose (error and basic info get printed)
--user <username>
--password <passwd>
--http-user <username>   (overrides user)
--http-password <passwd>   (overrides user)
-S / --server-response   -- print server response

wget '..' -O out_file

run the file on the fly -- cavent emptor if the file screws up
wget -q ${url_to_file} -O - | bash -


  • install a deb
dpkg -i package-name
  • list files in a package
dpkg-query -L <package-name>
  • extract files in a deb package
ar x file.deb
## you will see like this
## ls
control.tar.gz  data.tar.gz  debian-binary
## your data file are in data.tar.gz
tar xf data.tar.gz

## or 
dpkg --contents package.deb
  • find which package provides a file
sudo apt install -y apt-file
sudo apt-file update
apt-file search /path/to/file

dpkg -S /path/to/file
  • Some if your pkg magmt is stuck, rebuild the config database
sudo dpkg --configure -a
  • list packages provided by a repostiry
# check into the files in
grep -h -P -o "^Package: \K.*" /var/lib/apt/lists/repo_name_*_Packages | sort -u
# add a apt key
wget -q -O- | sudo apt-key add -

# list all keys
apt-key list
  • where does apt store downloaded deb
    • but this will get auto-cleared after any time.
    • use --download-only to get a deb here

remove a pkg

apt-get remove --purge libav-tools

## by directly running dpkg
dpkg --purge --force-all <packages>
## also
dpkg -P package_name

upgrade a pkg

## --only-upgrade ensure it only a upgrade.
## mere install will also upgrade if it exists
apt-get install --only-upgrade <packagename>

## to a select version
sudo apt-get install <package name>=<version>
sudo apt-get install gparted=0.16.1-1

only download without install

sudo apt-get install --download-only pppoe
#if its already installed
sudo apt-get install --reinstall --download-only pppoe

## and find the debs in

apt commands

apt-get update             ->  apt update
apt-get upgrade            ->  apt upgrade
apt-get dist-upgrade       ->  apt full-upgrade
apt-get install package    ->  apt install package
apt-get remove package     ->  apt remove package
apt-get autoremove         ->  apt autoremove
apt-cache search string    ->  apt search string
apt-cache policy package   ->  apt list -a package
apt-cache show package     ->  apt show package
apt-cache showpkg package  ->  apt show -a package

## list all isntalled pkgs
apt list --installed
  • list all packges in a repo
## update
sudo apt update

## get info
cat $file1 $file2 | awk '/Package:/ {pkg=$2} /Version:/ {ver=$2} /Architecture:/ {print pkg " | " ver "  | " $2 } '

version pin

   P >= 1000
       causes a version to be installed even if this constitutes a
       downgrade of the package

   990 <= P < 1000
       causes a version to be installed even if it does not come from the
       target release, unless the installed version is more recent

   500 <= P < 990
       causes a version to be installed unless there is a version
       available belonging to the target release or the installed version
       is more recent

   100 <= P < 500
       causes a version to be installed unless there is a version
       available belonging to some other distribution or the installed
       version is more recent

   0 < P < 100
       causes a version to be installed only if there is no installed
       version of the package

   P < 0
       prevents the version from being installed

   P = 0
       has undefined behaviour, do not use it.
$ cat /etc/apt/preferences.d/99mychoices
Package: libopenvswitch
Pin: version 2.15.4-9gxc
Pin-Priority: 1001

Ubuntu pkg mgmt

Installation of ubuntu

search: autoinstall cloudinit auto-install



  • storage config
disk   [ match: , ptable: gpt ]
+-- partition (refers to disk by device==id  [ size: flag:boot label: grub_device:true ]
|   |
|   +-- format (refers to parition by volume==id) [fstype: ]
|       |
|       +-- mount (refers to format by device==id) [path: ]
+-- partition
|   |
|   +-- lvm_volgroup (includes partitions by way of devices:[])   [ name ]
|       |
|       +-- lvm_partition (refers to lvm_volgroup by volgroup==id) [ name, size ]
|           |
|           +-- format (refers to lvm_parition by volume==id) [fstype: label: ]
|               |
|               +-- mount (refers to format by device==id) [path: ]

popular commands and their packages in ubuntu

#kernel headers
sudo apt-get install linux-headers-$(uname -r)

ps          procps
ping        iputils-ping
ssh         openssh-client
sshd        openssh-server
ip          iproute2
netstat     net-tools
arp         net-tools
dig         dnsutils
lstopo      hwloc
nc          netcat
column      bsdmainutils


snap install cmake --classic

snap list


yum install yum-utils
  • list files in a package that is installed

    rpm -ql <package-name>
  • list files in a rpm-package

    rpm -qlp <file.rpm>
  • Information from a rpm

    rpm -qip rpname.rpm
  • Force install a rpm

    rpm -ivh --force --nodeps whatever.rpm
  • Just extract files of a rpm

    rpm2cpio ./your-rpm.rpm | cpio -idmv
    rpm2cpio ./your-rpm.rpm | cpio -iv --to-stdout ./some/specfic/file/mind/the/dot > your_file
  • List all repos

    yum repolist
  • List all packages in a repo

    yum --disablerepo="*" --enablerepo="google" list available
  • find rpm that installed a binary

# rpm -q --whatprovides /usr/bin/ssh
  • List all installed packages
rpm -qa


# edit what you want here
vi /etc/default/grub

# then build the config
grub2-mkconfig -o /boot/grub2/grub.cfg


## to get grub prompt (in KVMs)
keep pressing shift

uefi shell

search: UEFI Uefi

# go back to UEFI mgmt interface

# scroll in the shell - shift pgup/pgdown

# dump all entries
bcfg boot dump -b

# boot a particular entry
bcfg boot boot 0001

# move one entry on top
# moves option-6 to 0(first) and slides 0-5 down
bcfg mv 6 0

ubuntu iso-install



##create a tar
tar zcvf /path/to/target/file.tgz file1 dir2 relative/path/to/dir3
### args
###   c         -- create
###   v         -- list files that's worked on
###   z         -- compress (gzip)
###   f <file>  -- tarfile
###   -T <file> -- take list of files from this file

### extract
tar zxvf /path/to/tarfile.tgz

# -a               -- automatically detect the compression algo from file suffix
# -O, --to-stdout  -- cat to stdout
# -C <dir>         -- extract to a diff dir. Mention after the args. eg .. cat ... | tar xf - -C dir
# --strip-components N -- leave N-many prefix-dirs

### add to a tar file
tar rf tarfile.tgz newfileu

### remove a file
tar  -f tarfile.tar --delete path/to/file

### exclude a folder
###  put exclude before -czf
###  folder doesnt have the ending /
tar --exclude='./gnodeb' -czf /tmp/coredev-configs.tgz  .


tar cf newtarball.tar some_folder1/ some_folder2/ file3
tar cf newtarball.tar -T filelist.txt
find . -name 'whatsoever' | tar cf newtarball.tar -T -

# tar a folder but exclude the path to that folder
tar cf target.tar -C path/to/where/your/tar/should/begin .
# however if you want to glob files in that path, then
# its better to cd there
(cd path/to/where/your/tar/should/begin ; tar cf /abs/path/target.tar *glob* )


tar tf tarball.tar

# cat a file to stdout w/o really creating a file
tar xf file.tgz path/in/tar/ball --to-stdout

pulp tool

pulp python remote create --name upstream_pypi --url ''  --includes "$python_pkgs_json_array" --policy on_demand
pulp python repository create --name gxc_pypi
pulp python repository sync --name gxc_pypi --remote upstream_pypi
pulp python publication create --repository gxc_pypi
pulp python distribution create --name=gxc-pypi --base-path=gxc-pypi --repository=gxc_pypi

pulp python repository list

pulp python publication destroy --repository --href <from list>

pulp deb distribution list

pulp deb publication list


find <global-options> <path-one-or-more> <expressions>
  • At its core find prints every file in the given path, provided the expression returns True for that file.
  • expressions (also referred as primary) can be many, and unless otherwise given, an implicit AND is assumed.
  • -print is assumed to be given unless other stuff like -print0 , -ls, -exec, -execdir is given.
# include paths in the search
find . -wholename '*parentdirname*filepartname*'

# List upto a certain depth
find . -maxdepth 2

# ls just dirs
find . -maxdepth 1 ! -path . -type d

# prune a few dirs from search
find . -type f \( -path dir1 -o -path dir2 -o -path -dir3 \) -prune -o -print

# do something with the file
find . -name '*.c' -exec grep to_find_string '{}' \;

# find with exact perm
find . -perm 775
# find with all of these bits set
###   755 will match all of 755, 757, 775, 777
find . -perm -755
# find with alteast any these bits set
###   111 will match all writable files for any - u,g,o
find . -perm /111


grep -E '\.(c|cc|cpp|h|hh|S|s|in|tcc|Y|m4|asm|rc|ash|fuc|x|l|y|asl|bat|tpl|ac|am|cli)$' cscope.files

git ls-files | grep -E '\.(c|cc|cpp|h|hh|S|s|in|tcc|Y|m4|asm|rc|ash|fuc|x|l|y|asl|bat|tpl|ac|am|cli)$' > cscope.files
cscope -bqi cscope.files


#check rsyslog config
rsyslogd -N1

# config lines for /etc/rsyslog/NN-myfile.conf
if ( $programname contains "magmad" ) then {
    action(type="omfile" file="/var/log/magmad.log")

#old style
:programname, contains, "magmad"    /var/log/magmad.log

#trigger a script on hitting file-limit
# note the script will run as syslog-user.. so you ought to add sudo here
# and add this access in /etc/sudoer
$outchannel Magamdlog,/var/log/magmad.log,104856,sudo /path/to/script

if ($programname contains 'magmad' ) then :omfile:$Magamdlog;FileFormat
## some content in script can be to logrotate, eg:
/usr/sbin/logrotate -f /etc/logrotate.d/file-having-rotate-config-for-our-just-file-of-interest


#sample config
onyxedge@onyxedge-agw:/etc/logrotate.d$ sudo cat /etc/logrotate.d/gxc-magmad
  su root syslog
  rotate 10
  size 50M
#mount a vbox folder
mount -t vboxsf D_DRIVE /path/in/local/vm

## equivalent /etc/fstab entry
C_DRIVE /home/lakshman/host_c vboxsf uid=1000,gid=1000 0 0

linux hard-disk related tools

  • list all partitions/hard-disks
fdisk -l

## extend a primary partition that is the last
##  the case with resize qcow2 for vms
##  note the arg is the full disk.. not just a partition!
fdisk /dev/sda
command: print  ## show the partition
command: d      ## delete a partition.. give the last one.
command: n      ## new partition.. give the same part num, start-sector and the new end-sector
                ## give no for lvm signature overwrite
command: w      ## write to partition-table and exit

## you have to reboot after this, and do the pvresize /dev/sdaN and lvextend , resize2fs commands
  • list filetype of all partiions
df -T
  • linux volumes

#lsblk with filetypes, label, uuid
lsblk -f
  • get UUIDs of all disks. Also lists the partition-type and fs-type!

# this shows the uuid as well.
lsblk -f
  • get pci device list

#get network info list
sudo lshw -businfo -c network
  • commandline for gparted

link on getting partition aligned right -

  • other cmds
  • mounting a cd
mount -o loop /path/to/file.iso /mnt/cd-contents
  • bring in a iso file as block-device
#add a loop dev
losetup -Pf  CentOS-7-x86_64-Minimal-1810.iso
#remove the loop dev
losetup -d /dev/loop0
Bus 005 Device 002: ID 067b:2303 Prolific Technology, Inc. PL2303 Serial Port
... get the xxxx:yyyy detail from above.
sudo modprobe usbserial vendor=0x067b product=0x2303
[83780.104313] usb 2-1.2: new full-speed USB device number 13 using ehci-pci
[83780.186687] usb 2-1.2: New USB device found, idVendor=067b, idProduct=2303
[83780.193659] usb 2-1.2: New USB device strings: Mfr=1, Product=2, SerialNumber=0
[83780.201044] usb 2-1.2: Product: USB-Serial Controller D
[83780.206377] usb 2-1.2: Manufacturer: Prolific Technology Inc.
[83780.236187] usbcore: registered new interface driver pl2303
[83780.241867] usbserial: USB Serial support registered for pl2303
[83780.247856] pl2303 2-1.2:1.0: pl2303 converter detected
[83780.254926] usb 2-1.2: pl2303 converter now attached to ttyUSB0
screen /dev/ttyUSB0 115200

## to know the pci of a usb
root@svt2-proxmox:~# lsusb |grep Telit
Bus 002 Device 002: ID 1bc7:1070 Telit Wireless Solutions FN990   <== Bus 2 

root@svt2-proxmox:~# readlink /sys/bus/usb/devices/usb2
../../../devices/pci0000:00/0000:00:08.1/0000:c5:00.3/usb2      <== c5:00.3

force unmount a nfs stuck partition

  • Note -- obviously causes data losses
sudo umount -l -f /path/to/mount/dir
  • -l is lazy unmount
  • -f is force unmount

Eject a cdrom

eject /dev/cdrom

## reinsert a eject ussb disk

sudo eject -t /dev/sdb

cdrom commands in linux

  • audio-cd
#list the tracks in a audio cd
cdparanoia -vsQ

cdparanoia -B


  • show progress
dd if=input of=output status=progress

## use thse
dd if=input of=output status=progress conv=fsync oflag=direct bs=100M

## dd image of local disk to another m/c
dd if=/dev/sda bs=1G status=progress | gzip -c | ssh remotemc 'cat > proxmox_clone.img.gz'

## dd image from antoher m/c
ssh remotemc "cat /path/to/image.img.gz" | sudo gunzip -c | sudo dd of=/dev/sda bs=1M status=progress


  • on units
s -- sector
KiB/MiB/GiB/TiB  -- 1024^n bytes
kB/MB/GB/TB      -- 1000^n bytes
%                -- percent of device

parted /dev/sda

##in the parted prompt

## show the partition table

## create a gpt Partition Table
mklabel gpt

## create a msdos Partition Table
mklabel msdos

## create a partition
## type is always primary for gpt
##                primary,extended,logical for msdos
## name must for gpt, not give for msdos
mkpart [part-type name fs-type] start end
## eg (-1s is the last sector on disk):
mkpart primary 64s 4MiB
mkpart primary 4MiB -1s

## resize -- moves the end of the partition
resize partitionnum end

## remote a partition
rm partitionnum

## change device
select /dev/sdb

build a usb-raw image

dd if=/dev/zero of=usb.img bs=1M count=8192
losetup -f usb.img

parted /dev/loop0
(parted) mklabel msdos
(parted) mkpart primary 63s 100%
(parted) set 1 boot on
(parted) quit

mkfs.ext2 /dev/loop0p1
#or ext4
mkfs.ext4 /dev/loop0p1

# works for all of ext2/3/4
e2label /dev/loop0p1 'CentOS 7 x86_64'

#remove the loop-device
losetup -d /dev/loopN


#create the dir
sudo mkdir /mountpoint
#std args
mount -t deviceFileFormat -o umask=filePermissions,gid=ownerGroupID,uid=ownerID /device /mountpoint

#useful invocation
mount -o umask=filePermissions,gid=1000,uid=1000 /dev/loop8p1 /mnt/extra_data

#for ext4 partitions, do this after mounting
sudo chown -R user:group /mountpoint

## list all useful mounts
mount | grep -v -e tmpfs -e nsfs -e tracefs -e squashfs -e cgroup -e sysfs -e proc -e overlay -e debugfs -e rpc_pipefs -e securityfs

# quickly mount a tmpfs
mkdir /mnt/temp
mount -o size=8G -t tmpfs none /mnt/temp

get uuid of partitions

sfdisk -d /dev/sda

onyxedge@onyxedge-nr:~$ sudo sfdisk -d /dev/sda
label: gpt
label-id: 407831D1-4ABD-4445-9852-173B542FD260
device: /dev/sda
unit: sectors
first-lba: 34
last-lba: 62914526
sector-size: 512

/dev/sda1 : start=        2048, size=     2201600, type=C12A7328-F81F-11D2-BA4B-00A0C93EC93B, uuid=3952B232-62C3-4FD2-ACD6-DE869F747DAD
/dev/sda2 : start=     2203648, size=     4194304, type=0FC63DAF-8483-4772-8E79-3D69D8477DE4, uuid=B4F7AE03-003D-4364-B76D-04A6918295F8
/dev/sda3 : start=     6397952, size=    56514560, type=0FC63DAF-8483-4772-8E79-3D69D8477DE4, uuid=4A558994-7E6C-40E5-870C-8CFDD416941B


search lvm physical logical

## physical volue <-> volume-group <-> logical-volume



# get free space in vg
vgdisplay --units b


#extend a ext4 part what is on lvm
# get the vg-name and lv-name from the lvs command
lvextend -l +100%FREE /dev/volume-group-name/logical-volume-name

# works off the bat for ext4
resize2fs /dev/volume-group-name/logical-volume-name

## std ubuntu installation
sudo lvextend -l +100%FREE /dev/ubuntu-vg/ubuntu-lv
sudo resize2fs /dev/ubuntu-vg/ubuntu-lv

## more stuff
## to resize a pv
pvresize /dev/sda3

## grow a physical partition - disk and partition number
growpart -v /dev/sda 3

## list the names of the lvms
###   the lv_path is usually a sym-link to the lv_dm_path
###   the lv_dm_path is the device file
###   or both are sym-links to an underlying blockfile.
lvdisplay -C -o "lv_path,lv_dm_path,lv_kernel_minor"

mounting lvm across disks

## install stuff if its not already tehre
sudo yum install lvm2
sudo modprobe dm-mod

## find the availalbe volume-groups
sudo vgscan

## activate the volume
sudo vgchange -ay VolGroup00
#### deactivate a volume (if needed)
## sudo vgchange -an VolGroup00

## list the logical volumes
sudo lvs

## mount your lv
sudo mkdir /mnt/fcroot
sudo mount /dev/VolGroup00/LogVol00 /mnt/fcroot -o ro,user

nfs mounting

  • At server
# ubuntu - install nfs package
sudo apt install -y nfs-kernel-server
# centos
sudo yum install nfs-utils
### centos doesn't start server automatically
### systemctl start nfs-server
### systemctl enable nfs-server

# create a bind-mount of your folder
sudo mkdir -p /srv/nfs4/folder_for_others_to_refer
sudo mount --bind /path/to/original_folder /srv/nfs4/folder_for_others_to_refer

## add to /etc/fstab for mounting on future reboots
/folder/to/export_as_readonly /srv/nfs4/folder_for_others_to_read none bind 0 0

## in /etc/exports
## IMPORTANT: Keep the first line as is.
## On the second line, you can change "ro" to "rw", if you are okay for others to write to this folder.
/srv/nfs4                  ,sync,no_subtree_check,crossmnt,fsid=0)
## recommended .. expose as read-only
## for read-write .. you can also narrow down to single ip

#export now
sudo exportfs -ar

#view the exports
sudo exportfs -v
  • At client
sudo apt install nfs-common

# create the mount point
sudo mkdir -p /folder_of_friend
sudo mount -t nfs -o vers=4 /folder_of_friend

# Add to /etc/fstab for permanent mount /folder_of_friend  nfs  defaults,timeo=900,retrans=5,_netdev	0 0

force fsck on next reboot

## in /etc/default/grub
GRUB_CMDLINE_LINUX_DEFAULT=".... fsck.mode=force"
## and then 
sudo update-grub


sudo tunefs -C 2 -c 1 /dev/root/device
### -C : current mountcount
### -c : max mount count

## to see the current mount count of a device
gxcautotest@auto-gamma:~$ sudo tune2fs -l /dev/md2  | grep -i -e mount -e check
Last mounted on:          /
Default mount options:    user_xattr acl
Last mount time:          Fri Sep  8 07:39:49 2023
Mount count:              10
Maximum mount count:      -1
Last checked:             Mon Jul  3 14:31:15 2023
Check interval:           0 (<none>)
Checksum type:            crc32c
Checksum:                 0x5b34975f

boot from a iso on the disk

menuentry "Reinstall via iPXE" {
  insmod part_gpt
  insmod chain
  search --no-floppy --fs-uuid --set=root 84d5ce35-af85-44fe-bd15-c26b8418d0d6
  chainloader /ipxe.efi

  • ubuntu
menuentry "ubuntu-boot-stop" --class arch --class gnu-linux --class gnu --class os --id 'ubuntu'  {
    insmod lvm
    insmod ext2
    set isofile="/nr-3.0.0-34-5g-gxcr-1727087649-7c9ffa1c89-21.iso"
    search --no-floppy --fs-uuid --set=root e59da571-3cd5-443b-86c2-ef2e16e4f4c8
    loopback loop ($root)$isofile
    linux   (loop)/casper/vmlinuz boot=casper iso-scan/filename=$isofile noeject noprompt autoinstall ds=nocloud\;s=/cdrom/nocloud_nvme/ console=ttyS0,115200n8 console=tty0 ip= gxc-disk-choice=nonexist ---
    initrd  (loop)/casper/initrd
  • system-rescue

search: sysrecue

  • boot-options: copytoram nofirewall
  • there is still a /dev/sda1 that points to the file-system where iso is. This is required. Yet to find a replacement reference to that by uuid
  • remember to copy the file first and also to edit the path
menuentry "rescue-cd" --class arch --class gnu-linux --class gnu --class os  {
    insmod ext2
    set isofile="/home/onyxedge/systemrescue-11.02-amd64.iso"
    search --no-floppy --fs-uuid --set=root fb654b4b-df47-40dc-b18d-064cfaf3970a
    loopback loop ($root)$isofile
    linux (loop)/sysresccd/boot/x86_64/vmlinuz archisobasedir=sysresccd img_dev=/dev/sda1 img_loop=$isofile archisolabel=RESCUE1102 iomem=relaxed console=tty0 console=ttyS0,115200n8 copytoram nofirewall
    initrd (loop)/sysresccd/boot/intel_ucode.img (loop)/sysresccd/boot/amd_ucode.img (loop)/sysresccd/boot/x86_64/sysresccd.img
  • Find the position of the menuentry:
      grep -e '^menuentry' -e '^submenu' /boot/grub/grub.cfg


apt install gcc binutils make perl liblzma mtools mkisofs syslinux syslinux-utils

#git clone [email protected]:ipxe/ipxe.git
git clone

cd ipxe/src
make bin/ipxe.lkrn bin-x86_64-efi/ipxe.efi EMBED=boot.ipxe
./util/genfsimg -o ipxe.iso bin/ipxe.lkrn bin-x86_64-efi/ipxe.efi
  • contents of boot.ipxe
echo Configure dhcp ....
  • contents of a boot-http.ipxe

set uri

chain ${uri}
goto loading
  • contents of aplineboot

set local_address
set alpine_repo
set ipval
set key "ssh-rsa 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 magma@tr0golden"

kernel ${local_address}/vmlinuz-virt modloop=${base-url}/modloop-virt ip=${ipval} alpine_repo=${alpine_repo} initrd=initramfs-virt ssh_key=${key}
initrd ${local_address}/initramfs-virt


set server_ip
kernel ${server_ip}/ubuntu/vmlinuz || sleep 3600
initrd ${server_ip}/ubuntu/initrd || sleep 3600
set ipval
imgargs vmlinuz initrd=initrd boot=casper ip=${ipval} cloud-config-url=/dev/null url=${server_ip}/ubuntu/ubuntu-22.04.4-live-server-amd64.iso autoinstall ds=nocloud-net;s=${server_ip}/ --- || sleep 3600
boot || sleep 3600

study cpu of a machine

# Gives information on sockets/threads/cores
lscpu | egrep 'Model name|Socket|Thread|NUMA|CPU\(s\)'

# see which are hyperthreads on the same core
lscpu --all --extended
## heading:
## whatever cpu that sharee the same "NODE SOCKET CORE" are hyperthreads on same core
lscpu --all --extended | sort -k2 -k3 -k4 -n

## Legend for lscpu and lstopo
#  PU P# = Processing Unit Processor #. (hyper-threads)
#  PU L# = Not sure what this is.
#  L#i = Instruction Cache,
#  L#d = Data Cache.
#  L1 = Level 1 cache.

# who is main, who is hyperthread (SMT - simultaneous multithreading)
#  cpu0  has 0 first, so 0 is main and 32 is SMT
#  cpu32 has 0 first, so 0 is main and 32 is SMT
cat /sys/devices/system/cpu/cpu0/topology/thread_siblings_list
cat /sys/devices/system/cpu/cpu32/topology/thread_siblings_list

# gives l1/l2/l3 cache and numa nodes (apt install hwloc)
lstopo --output-format png -v --no-io > /tmp/cpu.png
# on terminal:
lstopo-no-graphics --no-io --no-legend --of txt

# affinity tools
taskset --cpu_list 0,2 application.exe

numactl --hardware

# show policy
numactl --show

bios quirks

  • asus
    • diable hyper threading ..
      • set LP(s) to Single LP

motherboard details and stuff


# show only one section
dmidecode -t <type>

tool to edit bios / uefi


## list the boot options

## just set a boot option for next boot
efibootmgr -n 0002

## set the boot options permenantly
efibootmgr -o 0001,0002,0003,0005

## delete a boot number
efibootmgr --bootnum 0005 --delete-bootnum

## add a boot number
efibootmgr --create --disk /dev/sda --part 2 --label 'My new label' --loader '\EFI\ubuntu\shimx64.efi'

## '*' in the o/p shows if the entry is active or not, -a => active, -A => inactive
efibootmgr -a <0002>
  • for realtime kernels add this to the kernel args i.e edit /etc/default/grub .. GRUB_CMDLINE_LINUX= and run sudo update-grub
  • want to change the boot-order:


# list all modules

onyxedge@svt2agw:~$ lsmod | grep gre
ip_gre                 28672  0            ## nobody else seems to use ip_gre
ip_tunnel              24576  1 ip_gre     ## ip_tunnel is used by ip_gre
gre                    16384  1 ip_gre

# load 
sudo update-initramfs -u

Enable console on a linux machine

sudo sed -i -e '/GRUB_CMDLINE_LINUX=/ s/"$/ console=ttyS0,115200n8 console=tty0"/' /etc/default/grub
sudo update-grub

##sudo grub-mkconfig -o /boot/grub/grub.cfg

shutdown / reboot linux

no matter what, this will reboot the kernel

sudo bash
echo s > /proc/sysrq-trigger
echo u > /proc/sysrq-trigger
echo s > /proc/sysrq-trigger
echo b > /proc/sysrq-trigger

create a kernel panic

echo c | sudo tee /proc/sysrq-trigger


yum install -y OpenIPMI OpenIPMI-tools

## confirm ipmi from kernel
ipmitool lan set 1 ipsrc static
ipmitool lan set 1 ipaddr
ipmitool lan set 1 netmask
ipmitool lan set 1 defgw ipaddr
ipmitool lan set 1 arp respond on
ipmitool lan set 1 access on

ipmitool lan print 1
ipmitool user list 1
ipmitool user set password 2 ADMIN

## access ipmi from a different server
ipmitool -I lanplus  -H <ip-of-server> -U <user> -P <pass> your ipmi command

## access console .. type ~. to exit console
ipmitool -I lanplus  -H -U admin -P adminpasswd sol activate

### C-A-R-E-F-U-L-L !!!
ipmitool -I lanplus  -H -U admin -P adminpasswd chassis power cycle
### C-A-R-E-F-U-L-L !!!

dell idrac

console com2

## C-A-R-E-F-U-L-L !!!
## reboot the server
racadm serveraction hardreset
## C-A-R-E-F-U-L-L !!!

kernel debugging


search: tracking tracing

cd /sys/kernel/tracing

## see all tracers
cat /sys/kernel/tracing/available_tracers
## hwlat blk mmiotrace function_graph wakeup_dl wakeup_rt wakeup function nop

## current tracer
cat /sys/kernel/tracing/current_tracer
## function_graph

## dump current trace
cat /sys/kernel/tracing/trace

## dump available funcs to trace
cat /sys/kernel/tracing/available_filter_functions

## select functions to filter
echo -e "func1\nfunc2\n" > /sys/kernel/tracing/set_ftrace_filter
## enable all functions
echo > /sys/kernel/tracing/set_ftrace_filter
## see current filter
cat /sys/kernel/tracing/set_ftrace_filter

## turn on tracing
echo 1 > /sys/kernel/tracing/tracing_on ; sleep 10 ; echo 0 > /sys/kernel/tracing/tracing_on

## specific PID
echo $PID > /sys/kernel/tracing/set_ftrace_pid

list kernel config

cat /boot/config-$(uname -r)

dynamic logs

$ grep CONFIG_DYNAMIC_DEBUG /boot/config-$(uname -r)
  • howto
## enable logs
echo "module openvswitch +p" > /sys/kernel/debug/dynamic_debug/control

## study logs.. they appear in dmesg
## turn on debug level
sudo dmesg -n 7
## -w tails the logs
sudo dmesg -w

echo "module openvswitch -p" > /sys/kernel/debug/dynamic_debug/control

## study the points that have logs enabled
sudo awk '$3 != "=_"' /sys/kernel/debug/dynamic_debug/control

In code the following functions log:

pr_debug("just formatstring:%d", args);
netdev_debug(devptr, "fmt-string", args);

// dump bytes
print_hex_dump_bytes("your prefix str:", DUMP_PREFIX_NONE, startbyteptr, len);


#dump all values
sudo sysctl -a

#show on or more values
sudo sysctl net.core.rmem_default net.core.wmem_default

#set value
sudo syssctl -w var=value

#read from all files
sudo sysctl --system
## /run/sysctl.d/*.conf
## /etc/sysctl.d/*.conf
## /usr/local/lib/sysctl.d/*.conf
## /usr/lib/sysctl.d/*.conf
## /lib/sysctl.d/*.conf
## /etc/sysctl.conf

#read from a specfic file
sudo sysctl -p /etc/sysctl.d/myval.conf

performance tuning for networking

search: buffer

# rmem_{deafult,max} -- receive window size
# wmem_{deafult,max} -- send window size
# tcp_rmem           -- tcp received window (min default max) (see man tcp)
# tcp_wmem           -- tcp send window (min default max)

##read the values
sudo sysctl net.core.rmem_default
sudo sysctl net.core.wmem_default
sudo sysctl net.core.rmem_max
sudo sysctl net.core.wmem_max
sudo sysctl net.ipv4.tcp_rmem
sudo sysctl net.ipv4.tcp_wmem

sudo sysctl -w net.core.rmem_default=$((212992*2))
sudo sysctl -w net.core.wmem_default=$((212992*2))
sudo sysctl -w net.core.rmem_max=$((212992*2))
sudo sysctl -w net.core.wmem_max=$((212992*2))
sudo sysctl -w net.ipv4.tcp_rmem="4096 87380 16777216"
sudo sysctl -w net.ipv4.tcp_wmem="4096 16384 16777216"

Vimium shortcuts

j/k -> move up or down
gg/G -> top/end of page
H  -> back page
J/K -> tabs
f -> open in current tab
F -> open in new tab


go  -> edit current url
O   -> type and open a url in a new tab
+/- -> zoom
d   -> close a tab
T   -> next tab (also J, but keeps confusing with J/K, so use T and K)
nT  -> nth tab
K   -> prev tab
Sq  -> list all quickmarks and bookmarks
  • To switch focus to different scrolling area:
;i -> if there are images in the other tab

;y -> highlight links and yank the link

To find:

#plain set opens up the configurations.

whatever i changed

default page:

{"DEFAULT": "{}"}

outlook msg files

open msg files in mac/linux


sudo apt-get install libemail-outlook-message-perl libemail-sender-perl
msgconvert outlooksavedmail.msg

mac and outlook

com_microsoft_outlook_unread == 1
kMDItemAuthors == "Joe Cool"
kMDItemRecipients == "John Smith"c
kMDItemTextContent == "*commented on*"
com_microsoft_outlook_folderID == 146 && com_microsoft_outlook_messageSent < $time.iso("2019-07-01 00:00:00Z")
com_microsoft_outlook_messageSent < $time.iso("2018-12-31 00:00:00Z")

com_microsoft_outlook_folderID == 146 && (kMDItemTextContent == "commented on"  || kMDItemTextContent == "edited a comment" || kMDItemTextContent == "created an issue" || kMDItemTextContent == "Status:" || kMDItemTextContent == "reopened an" || kMDItemTextContent == "resolved as")
com_microsoft_outlook_folderID == 146 && com_microsoft_outlook_unread == 1 && (kMDItemTextContent == "commented on"  || kMDItemTextContent == "edited a comment" || kMDItemTextContent == "created an issue" || kMDItemTextContent == "Status:")
"Change By:	Asn Automation"
# get the folder-id. Select the folder in outlook and run this:
osascript -e 'tell application "Microsoft Outlook" to get selected folder'

Current Assignments


advanced search reference

Common adv-search terms I use

search: outlook

read: no
hasflag: true
category: blue

gmail search


Spotify search

spotify:album:5OVGwMCexoHavOar6v4al5 spotify:track: spotify:playlist:


wget ''
tar xf gdrive_2.1.1_linux_amd64.tar.gz
# or easy:
brew install gdrive

#to authenticate -- follow instructions
gdrive about

# ls the root drive - note default is 30 items.. use -m <100> to list 100
gdrive list

# ls a particular dir - get id of parent
gdrive list --query " 'IdOfTheParentFolder' in parents"

# general find by name
gdrive list --query "name contains 'temp'"

gdrive download <id>

#info on file, path where it is..
gdrive info <id>

gdrive upload --parent <parent-id> ubuntu_install_debug.tar

python3 -m http.server 8000

direct download link

#what you get
#direct download

id=$(echo $orig_url | awk -F/ '{print $6}')
echo ${id}
echo ${direct_url}



Good read: Manual: Another cheatsheet:


# -c   -- compact output json
# -r   -- raw strings (doesnt print quotes)
# --null-input/-n   -- null input. Typically used to create a new json file
# --raw-input/-R   -- raw input. Each line is a string
# -s/--slurp -- entire input is one string
# --arg name value  -- assign value to the variable name for use inside of expression

#prettify json
cat input.json | jq '.'
jq '.' input.json

# output keys in the top-level dict
cat input.json | jq 'keys'
cat input.json | jq 'keys_unsorted'

#just get one element - assuming the top object is a dict
cat input.json | jq '.key'
cat input.json | jq '.key1.key2.key3'
#if keys are numbers or has space
cat input.json | jq '.key1."12345".key3'

#if top object is array
#get just one key from each object in array
cat input.json | jq '.[].key1'
# the above wont be json output. So to wrap the result into a [], you do:
cat input.json | jq '[ .[].key1 ]'

## if your input is an array of objects
## gives all titles followed by all numbers
cat input.json | jq ' .[].title, .[].number'
## gives titles/numbers of each object in input array
cat input.json | jq ' .[] | .title, .number'

# if you want only some keys from an array of dicts.
# this is call object contruction
cat input.json | jq '.states[] | {type, newname: .value.TimeMs}'

#if you have dict of dicts and want just one element from inner dict
# {"level1key1" : { "level2key1" : "value1" }} ..
##  returns {"level1key1" : "value1", ...}
cat input.json | jq 'map_values(.level2key1)'

## You can replace each object with the number of items in that object
cat /tmp/last_data| jq 'map_values(length)' | less

## Add a new entry or modify it
cat input.json | jq '.new_member="value1"'

## add to an array entry. Note the use of [name|length] and .+
jq '.data.messages[.data.messages| length] |= .+ {member:"value"}'

## Add multiple entries
cat input.json | jq '.new_member1="value1" | .exist_member2="value2" | .new_member3 = "value3"'

## remove a member
cat input.json | jq 'del(.member)'

## remove from array .. del elems 1,3,5,11
cat input.json | jq 'del(.Array[1,3,5,11])'
## remote from array .. by equiality
cat input.json | jq 'del(.Array[] | select(.foobar2 == "barfoo2"))'

## create a new json file
jq -n --arg greeting world --arg second more_values '{"hello":$greeting,"another":$second}' > file.json

manual reading dump

'.[key]'  # same
'.["key$$"]' # key with spl char

'.[integer]' # when integer, treats input as array.
             # can be a slice .[10:15]

'.[]'   # return all elements of array or dict.
        # Note you will get N independant json objects as output
        # its a array value iterator

        # comma
'.user, .projects[]'  # same input given to both filters
                      # output is concatenated in order
  • pipe
    • combines two filters by feeding the output(s) of the one on the left into the input of the one on the right
    • If the one on the left produces multiple results, the one on the right will be run for each of those results.
  • parenthesis
    • grouping operator
  • array construction - []
    • typically [filter1, filter2, filterN]
    • filter1 itself can produce multiple outputs. So the result in one long array
    • Eg: '[.user, .projects[]]'
  • as - var-assigment
    • "f o o" as foo | {value: $foo}
  • Object contruction - {}
    • Basically you do {key1: filter1, key2: filter2}
    • Typically key1, key2 are literals. For values you use filters.
    • If filter produces multiple values, then result will be multiple JSON objects.
    • If key isn't a literal, use parenthesis to trigger a evaluation
  • Operators
    • +,-,*
  • Built-ins
    • length
    • keys, keys_unsorted
    • has(key)
    • in -- object is builtin's arg, while key is from input-json. Invert of has(key)
    • map(filter)
      • runs filter on each member in input array. Gives array output
    • map_values(filter)
      • runs filter on each value in input object. Gives object output


search : performance analysis profiling profile

## without args will prepare the in the cwd
sudo perf record -g -p <pid>
## arg explanation for record command
## -g          Enable call graph
## -p <pid>    Only this pid

sudo perf report -f
## arg explanation for report command
## -f          Don’t do ownership validation.


sudo snap install novnc

novnc --listen localhost:10055 --vnc localhost:5904



## for server and client
mkdir -p /etc/apt/keyrings # directory does not exist on older releases
curl -fsSL | gpg --dearmor > /etc/apt/keyrings/openvpn-repo-public.gpg
arch=amd64  ## or i386, arm64

DISTRO=$(lsb_release -c | awk '{print $2}')
echo "deb [arch=$arch signed-by=/etc/apt/keyrings/openvpn-repo-public.gpg]$version $DISTRO main" > /etc/apt/sources.list.d/openvpn-aptrepo.list
apt-get update
apt-get install openvpn
## for openvpn3 client
sudo apt-key add
DISTRO=$(lsb_release -c | awk '{print $2}')
sudo wget -O /etc/apt/sources.list.d/openvpn3.list$DISTRO.list
sudo apt update
sudo apt install -y openvpn3

# Onetime
openvpn3 config-import --config ${MY_CONFIGURATION_FILE}
openvpn3 configs-list
# rmeove that
openvpn3 config-remove --path ${CONFIG_PATH}

# to fire vpn
## if you have just one
CONFIG_PATH=$(openvpn3 configs-list | grep '^/')
## have many?
## Find out which one:
openvpn3 configs-list | awk '/openvpn\/v3/ {p=$1} /.ovpn/ { printf "%s %s\n",p,$1}'
## Grep out the one
CONFIG_PATH=$(openvpn3 configs-list | awk '/openvpn\/v3/ {p=$1} /.ovpn/ { printf "%s %s\n",p,$1}' | grep lnarayanan.ovpn | awk '{print $1}')
## start
openvpn3 session-start --config-path ${CONFIG_PATH}

# exists?
openvpn3 sessions-list
openvpn3 sessions-list | less

# manage-session
## Only one?
SESSION_PATH=$(openvpn3 sessions-list | awk '/Path:/ { print $2 }')
## Many?
openvpn3 sessions-list | awk '/Path:/ {p=$2} /Config name:/ { printf "%s %s\n",p,$3 }'
## Grep out the one
SESSION_PATH=$(openvpn3 sessions-list | awk '/Path:/ {p=$2} /Config name:/ { printf "%s %s\n",p,$3 }' | grep lnarayanan.ovpn | awk '{print $1}')

# restart
openvpn3 session-manage --session-path ${SESSION_PATH} --restart
# disconnect
openvpn3 session-manage --session-path ${SESSION_PATH} --disconnect


search: totp MFA 2FA mfa 2fa oauth

oathtool -b --totp ${secret}


  • devnagiri trained source :

export TESSDATA_PREFIX=.../tessdata

├── san-siddhanta-float.traineddata
└── san.traineddata

gs -o img.tiff -sDEVICE=tiffg4 -r1200 -dAutoRotatePages=/PageByPage -dFirstPage=n -dLastPage=n source.pdf
tesseract img.tiff texted_output -l san-siddhanta-float


adb devices

adb -s ZY22GCL44Z shell /data/local/tmp/iperf3 -c   -p 5679 -i 1 -t 20 -b100M -u -R