- Leiningen = the Clojure package manager and project jumpstarter
- Java
Install Leiningen
- See: http://leiningen.org
Test it
lein self-install
-> Leiningen is a tool for working with Clojure projects.
Many choices:
- Emacs
- IntelliJ with LaClojure or Cursive plugin
- Eclipse
- Lighttable (young but probably soon amazing)
- Sublime
- VI
Most popular in the Clojure world: Emacs and IntelliJ with Cursive plugin.
Emacs is cool but hard to learn. Focus on one thing at a time: Clojure!!
For this workshop, take Sublime or the Cursive plugin for IntelliJ.
- Install sublime
- And its package manager: https://sublime.wbond.net, https://sublime.wbond.net/docs/usage
- Install the REPL integration: http://sublimerepl.readthedocs.org/en/latest/
- Ctrl + Shift + P: Install Package
- Define the path to leiningen
- Ctrl+ F12 cs Start REPL
- Ctrl+, b Send the current “block” to REPL. Currently Clojure-only.
- Ctrl+, s Send the selection to REPL
- Ctrl+, f Send the current file to REPL
- Ctrl+, l Send the current line to REPL
Start a REPL
lein repl
Clojure has brackets around the expression and the operator comes first:
5 + 2 in Clojure:
(+ 5 2)
Try a couple of math operations in the REPL.
- println is a function to print
- str concatenates strings
- Clojure strings are like Java: "Hey dude!"
Try more stuff
Clojure has its own test library clojure.test, but there are other libraries like
In this lab we will use Midje. Steps:
- Create a new project
- Execute tests in REPL
- Do a coding DOJO
Create an empty project
lein new stringcalc
This creates an empty project.
We have to add the dependencies to the midje testing library. Modify the project.clj in the root of the project.
(defproject stringcalc "0.1.0-SNAPSHOT"
:dependencies [[org.clojure/clojure "1.6.0"]]
:profiles {
:dev {
:dependencies [[midje "1.6.3"]]
:plugins [[lein-midje "3.1.3"]]}})
###Start a REPL
lein repl
Import the midje.repl lib
(require 'midje.repl)
Midje starts executing the tests. You should see something like
FAIL in (a-test) (core_test.clj:7)
FIXME, I fail.
Remove the dummy files.
rm stringcalc/src/stringcalc/core.clj
rm stringcalc/test/stringcalc/core_test_.clj
For a Dojo, we can keep tests and code in a single file.
Create a new file string_calc_test.clj in test/foo
(ns stringcalc.stringcalc-test
(:require [midje.sweet :refer :all] ))
(defn calc[input] )
(fact empty-string
(calc "") => 0)
The moment you safe the file, you should see the test failure in the REPL.
FAIL in (empty-string) (stringcalc_test.clj:12)
empty string returns 0
expected: 0
actual: nil
diff: - 0
Follow the Kata at: http://osherove.com/tdd-kata-1/
If you want to use the clojure tests instead of midje
- Run tests on file change: https://github.com/jakemcc/lein-test-refresh
- More readable output: https://github.com/pjstadig/humane-test-output
Compojure is a small routing library. It uses ring, which is the Clojure abstraction for HTTP requests.
Start a new template project:
lein new compojure hello-world
Start a local server
lein ring server
If not already open in your browser, go to http://localhost:3000/
The routes are defined in the handlers.clj in src/hello-world
As we build a JSON REST api and not a website, please change the ring handler in handlers.clj to:
(def app
(wrap-defaults app-routes api-defaults))
Destructure request parameters
(GET "/myage" {{:keys [name age]} :params}
(str name " age is " age))
; Test: http://localhost:3000/myage?name=abc&age=5
Destructure path parameter
(GET "/myname/:name" [name]
(str "My name is " name))
; Test: http://localhost:3000/myage?name=abc&age=5
JSON response
Add the dependency [ring/ring-json "0.3.1"] to the project.clj and restart lein ring server
Change your handler.
(ns hello-world.handler
(:require [compojure.core :refer :all]
[compojure.handler :as handler]
[compojure.route :as route]
[ring.util.response :refer [response]]
[ring.middleware.json :refer [wrap-json-response wrap-json-body]]
(defroutes app-routes
(GET "/" [] (response {:message "Hello World"}))
(def app
(wrap-defaults app-routes api-defaults)
(wrap-json-body {:keywords? true})
- Add a POST and a DELETE service
Hint: JSON params are stored in request under {:body {...}}
- https://github.com/weavejester/compojure
- Very cool stuff: JSON schemas to validate input and REST API documentation for free
- https://github.com/metosin/compojure-api
- lein new compojure-api my-api
The lein ring plugin has tasks to build war files with all required libraries.
lein ring uberwar
You can find the WAR in target. Copy it into the Jenkins or Tomcat deploy directory.
There are different libs to abstract from SQL in Clojure. We will have a look at Korma
Add the following dependencies to the project.clj to access PostgreSQL
[korma "0.3.2"]
[org.postgresql/postgresql "9.3-1101-jdbc4"]
If you want to use MySQL use its driver accordingly: [mysql/mysql-connector-java "5.1.32"]
In a bash, create PostgreSQL database and tables:
createdb kitestore
psql --username=postgres kitestore -c "create table kites(name text, type text, size int);"
In a REPL:
(require 'korma.db)
(korma.db/defdb prod (korma.db/postgres {:db "kitestore"
:user "postgres"
:password "p"}))
(require '[korma.core :refer :all])
(defentity kites)
(select kites
(fields :name :type)
(where {:size [> 12]}))
(insert kites (values {:name "Core" :type "Delta" :size 14}))
Korma provides a very good documentation: http://sqlkorma.com/docs
If you prefer Mongo DB have a look at congomongo.
- The Joy of Clojure, 2nd Edition (2014)
- Programming Clojure, 2nd edition (2012)
- http://clojurekoans.com (online exercises)
- https://www.4clojure.com (local exercises)
- http://clojars.org/ - the community repository of most projects
- http://tryclj.com - online REPL