Just look at the test and run.
- RabbitMQ
- why
- what
- how
- connections
- long lived
- AMQP handshake
- authentication
- channels
- multiplexing clients over a connection
- architecture RPC-style protocol
- show in wireshark
- refert to method/class
- explaing the repo structure
- go to
and see how it works
- wireshark:
wireshark -k -i lo0
Show a minimum example for producing and consuming.
- exchange
- queue
- binding (every queue bound to a defult exchange by the queue name provided as routing key)
- producer
- competing consumers
- go to
- look at the management UI after a test (comment out queue deletion in one test)
- implement publisher pure functions
- declare a queue
- publish messages (String w/ dots which indicate amount of work in seconds)
- see in the management UI exchange stats and that the message got enqueued
- implement consumer pure functions
- declare a queue (indempotence)
- consume messages (sleep for dots number of seconds)
- see in the Management UI a consumer is attached an the message got consumed
- create a simple publisher script (.exs)
- attach 2 consumers and see they got messages in a round robin fashion
Explain binding queues to exchanges with routing keys and how that influences message distribution.
- routing key and binding key
- different matching algorithm between binding and routing key depending on the exchange type
- dropped message if there's no one to route to
- implement a task producer process
- declares an exchange
- provides an interface for running a task (Producer.run(Task))
- a task can be
{other, Task}
,{fun, {Fun, Args}}
or{mfa, {M,F,A}}
- validates the task and publishes with
- validates the task and publishes with
- declares an exchange
- implement
process- configurable backend for different tasks types
- can be started with different binding keys
for funs, mfas and all other respectively- e.g.
task_processor.start_link("task.fun", fun = _MsgTag, TaskProcessor.Fun)
- e.g.
- run the system with one producer and 3 consumers
Illustrate basic mechanism for acknolwedging consumption and using prefetch for consumption performance tuning.
- message acknolwedgments: auto/manual
- redelivery
- prefetch count: too low vs. too high
- make it configurable to consume with manual acks
- see their impact if we change Queue.delete to Queue.message count in publish consume test:22 (process sleep has to be added)
- make it configurable to set up channel prefetch count
- see the impact of the prefetch count:
- example workload: 5s x5 + 1s x5
- to low (1): every message is acknolwedge so time is spent for ACKs and the netowrk is congested with them
- to high (5): one conumer gets overloaded while the other one has nothing to do
add ToMessage protocol for to/from string conversion for tasks
handle the mandatory/immediate options and register the handler
figure out tests templating
describe "x" do # publish_task_test("other", @other_task) for {type, task} <- [{"other", @other_task}, {"fun", @fun_task}, {"MFA", @mfa_task}] do # test "ala #{type}" do # assert 3 = 1 + 2 # https://stackoverflow.com/questions/37135619/elixir-how-can-i-unquote-an-array-of-functions-in-my-macro test "publish a #{type} task", prams do # GIVEN {:ok, ref} = Producer.start(@task_queue) # WHEN defp publish_task_test(task, chan) do # GIVEN {:ok, ref} = Producer.start(@task_exchange) # WHEN Logger.debug "Publishing: #{inspect task}" :ok = Producer.publish(ref, task) # THEN Process.sleep(@enqueue_message_delay) assert 1 = Queue.message_count(chan, @task_queue) # CLEANUP :ok = Producer.stop(ref) end end