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Allegro GUI libraries
AGUI C++ GUI (jmasterx) : http://github.com/jmasterx/AGUI
EAGLE C++11 GUI (Edgar Reynaldo) : http://members.allegro.cc/EdgarReynaldo/Eagle.html
WidgetZ, a C GUI (SiegeLord) : https://github.com/SiegeLord/WidgetZ
TGUI (Trent Gamblin)
GWEN (Garry Newman) https://github.com/garrynewman/GWEN
IMGUI Immediate Mode C++ GUI https://github.com/ocornut/imgui
lgui C++11/14 GUI (frank n) https://github.com/frank256/lgui
EAGLE 4 (Classic) C++ GUI https://github.com/EdgarReynaldo/EagleClassic
MaSKING (Miran Amon's skinnable GUI) http://members.allegro.cc/miran/masking.html
lexgui (Spellcaster) http://www.steinke.net/allegro/
DLG (Julien Cugniere) DIALOG editor http://uos.free.fr/ https://www.allegro.cc/depot/dlg-agraphicalDIALOGeditor/ Others...
...Lots of others here...add later...