0.15.0 - 2025-01-23
- (popper) remove repeat buffers - (60ff411)
- (project) respect project-mode-line first now - (0e60543)
- (project) do not use project-mode-line-face if not available - (e82295c)
- error when print string is nil - (28268a4)
- silence bytecomp warning - (1dfa091)
- (segment) add profiler-report - (83b6c6f)
- (segment) add segment treesit-explorer-tree and treesit-inspect - (d0fd92f)
- (segment) add segment xwidget - (3be6eed)
- update author and homepage - (e3faeed)
- use split-string instead - (f7d2ddc)
0.14.0 - 2024-10-08
- (popper) error of symbol not exist - (a03e115)
- wrong arguments in mini-echo-persistent-detect - (48ba208)
- silence byte warning - (b6ea9a4)
- add missing group to silence warnings - (4b44459)
- (segment) add segment popper - (bda1948)
- (segment) add segment wgrep - (56c98d8)
- add input-method segment - (6153421)
- (popper) rewrite popper conditon - (58cfc74)
- update segment process - (19522c8)
- use default color in faces - (0c1977d)
0.13.1 - 2024-09-07
- byte warning of missing variable - (931f440)
- typos in option names - (288fd3b)
- silent compile warning - (c08646b)
- (segment) enhance buffer name segments info - (80062f8)
- remove segment ide - (6637a9e)
- adjust face of dired segments - (f377035)
0.13.0 - 2024-09-03
- (project) return project correctly even if non-file buffers - (724ffc7)
- update atomic-chrome segments rule - (1451178)
- typos in mini-echo-default-rules - (ddb2510)
- remove major-mode from diff and dired segments - (c83ad5c)
- typos in description and documentation - (7efd7e3)
- (helpful) add segment helpful - (28a623b)
- (mini-echo-rule-detect) [breaking] use function rather than var to handle special conditions - (15b2897)
- (mini-echo-rules-function) rename mini-echo-rule-detect to mini-echo-rules-function - (7eb4b0b)
- add segments of diff and atomic-chrome - (862f6fa)
- add rule for magit related buffers - (db876b1)
- add segment blame - (535c2fb)
- only add timer to check buffers in older versions emacs - (371fbaf)
- diff/atomic face - (89d6e25)
- [breaking] deprecated some options with new one - (7ce9622)
0.12.1 - 2024-08-27
- hide mode lines in all buffers if some failed globally - (f38cb0f)
- mini-echo-init-echo-area - (0434313)
0.12.0 - 2024-08-16
- kill temp buffer for calculating string-pixel-width - (802321f)
- use ellipsis when shrink-path is too long - (f15119b)
0.11.1 - 2024-06-03
- (shrink-path) string-trim fails when buffer name contains * - (bba194a)
- (shrink-path) lose properties of current buffer status - (ca7a7af)
- remove segment vterm, add segment ide - (8b54310)
- update mini-echo-rules about segment "ide" - (0d2b9ce)
0.11.0 - 2024-06-02
- (buffer-name) only update last part of buffer-name due to uniquify style - (3c9ba73)
- (shrink-path) show duplicated dir due to uniquify - (6fd22cf)
- silent byte-comp warning - (079015f)
- update mini-echo default options with shrink-path - (029ce41)
- use origin face for process segment - (6d419f8)
0.10.0 - 2024-05-28
- (mise) add option mini-echo-mise-show-always - (5b8ecb7)
- (process) handle ibuffer-mode specially - (b79abee)
0.9.3 - 2024-05-23
- (char-info) only display info when character exist - (4e29182)
- calculate string length correctly on gui - (9bcc56c)
0.9.2 - 2024-05-14
- (cliff) fix changelog link error - (76433e6)
0.9.1 - 2024-05-14
- type error in defcustom - (cc1ffcc)
- use dash function instead - (4cc246c)
0.9.0 - 2024-05-08
- fontify minibuffer when activated too - (9b3fd95)
- force hide all mode line when mini-echo-mode is enabled - (8285a5f)
- update dependencies section - (b3e41b7)
- (segment) add segment of text-scale and mise - (adeb402)
0.8.0 - 2024-03-03
- (dependency) [breaking] add new dependency of hide-mode-line - (1fd8311)
0.7.2 - 2024-02-20
- add segment elfeed - (f547997)
- bump copyright years - (3aed734)
- (macro) use default info instead - (54affbe)
- (narrow) use mode-line-format instead - (b504ea9)
- provide new faces for segments - (371d0fb)
0.7.1 - 2023-12-27
- only call segment related update-func when mini-echo-mode is enabled - (b7e4c00)
- lack of information when some segments setup hooks or advices when first activated - (b1bcb38)
- (README) update Customization part - (7604aa2)
- use plistp to check segment definition instead - (7cf4d0a)
0.7.0 - 2023-12-26
- remove segment display property too - (b3d79a3)
- update todo list - (9a9e673)
- support parent mode rules if emacs version >= 30 - (b9ce71d)
- (dependency) update emacs dependency to >= 29.1 - (0559dd5)
- segment "vcs" to adapted to vc-mode - (226f5c0)
- fetch vcs info from vc-mode directly - (39dacb4)
- make segment reuse mode-line-format as much as possible - (ec59632)
0.6.2 - 2023-12-20
- (todo) update todo list - (2e32cfd)
- add segment repeat - (228cd1c)
- add segment buffer-point - (3c60309)
- add segment char-info - (b039eef)
- support rules for derived major modes - (edd6848)
- change envrc status str - (3e0d2a4)
0.6.1 - 2023-11-29
- silent compiler warnings - (6d16c28)
- change default value of mini-echo-rules - (2cae921)
0.6.0 - 2023-11-18
- continue to show info even if minibuf is erased accidently - (5dfd160)
- use default face for minibuffer-window by default - (2793a21)
- remove trailing space of battery segment info - (cf6c697)
- avoid duplicated infos when load and switch new theme - (5c43d10)
- error in segment battery - (d0c3021)
- (TODO) add nerd-icons support in todo list - (628df0c)
- add segment battery - (93ea4de)
0.5.4 - 2023-11-14
- do not report error if declare-function missing file - (dfea407)
- use ellipsis if needed when buffer name is created by atomic-chrome - (9d89e35)
- update minibuf overlays show info always - (5c6c655)
- add segment envrc - (333275e)
- do not show status when there is no .envrc file in dir - (efb9a8f)
0.5.3 - 2023-11-03
- (README) update melpa status - (0407d37)
- add option mini-echo-ellipsis - (3cc5596)
- building new info after testing buffer-window is live - (56871a5)
0.5.2 - 2023-10-31
- exclude temporarily created buffers to avoid flashing - (48f2db8)
- rename mini-echo-short-segments-predicate to mini-echo-short-style-predicate - (9822684)
0.5.1 - 2023-10-28
- wrong order of recovery if segment is toggled enabled again - (049d989)
- check mini-echo-major-mode-segments valid before usage - (a18bbed)
- (README) fix typos - (e1c8bcf)
- rename mini-echo-major-mode-segments to mini-echo-rules - (f06b44c)
0.5.0 - 2023-10-28
- (mini-echo-toggle) put toggled segments in the beginning - (9dd46e7)
- (mini-echo-toggle) only available when mini-echo-mode is enabled - (bbb4893)
- wrong arguments error in flymake segment - (c68e930)
- remove properties of vcs segment to avoid mess - (42d90e9)
- wrong type in defcustom - (6050e8c)
- (README) update todo list and add FAQ section - (29a1770)
- (README) update FAQ section - (f6ce3e2)
- (README) update todo list - (a8b30a9)
- (README) update Usage - (fbf72d7)
- (README) update Customization info to newest - (b56b6ec)
- improve description of macro - (8de162e)
- add segment evil - (56a9c45)
- add segment word-count - (48c62bd)
- add segment last-command - (02ba873)
- only check valid segments when building info first time - (facbbca)
- rewrite macro keywords names - (7ea50ef)
- [breaking] lots of improvements - (894d471)
- internal function mini-echo-get-segments - (b1bee0f)
0.4.1 - 2023-10-25
- autoload macro mini-echo-define-segment - (906d2fb)
- command mini-echo-toggle failed problem - (83b6443)
- (README) improve features section - (185c1e1)
- do not add hook repeatly when init echo area - (08899f4)
0.4.0 - 2023-10-25
- do not add duplicate segments - (394ddcd)
- generate segment when load file instead of compile - (960d5f4)
- wrong result of calculate project root - (0573de2)
- (README) update todo list - (4e0d7dc)
- (README) Update README for publish to Melpa - (deefef7)
- improve docstrings of segments - (a7ad583)
- add option mini-echo-minibuffer-background - (02f29f5)
- add hook mini-echo-current-segments-hook - (2775d28)
- add segment keycast - (73dfa4f)
- add option mini-echo-keycast-format - (9f22fad)
- add command mini-echo-toggle - (2247eeb)
- rename option mini-echo-window-divider-color - (f7770c7)
- insert space in minibuf-0 only once - (5ffb568)
- use faces instead of colors - (11ee769)
- use cl-defstruct to define segments - (84bd3e2)
- macro mini-echo-define-segment - (81b9afd)
- remove single segment toggle cmd - (3c65ae0)
- better default value for default/short styles - (03647dd)
0.3.2 - 2023-10-19
- do not use plistp for compatiblility with emacs 28 - (1797ddb)
- warning of unknown function - (786c38e)
- (segment) add new segment - time - (93e3d8b)
0.3.1 - 2023-10-19
- rename internal var mini-echo--orig-mdf - (3f4ab02)
- rewrite macro mini-echo-define-segment - (f9ce7e8)
0.3.0 - 2023-10-18
- require pakcages to silent compile warning - (be2ecf7)
- (README) update todo list - (e7f485f)
- add option mini-echo-buffer-status-style - (7676b1f)
- add segment of profiler - (5aa6ff7)
- add var mini-echo-toggle-segments - (8b5c99a)
- set mini-echo-update-interval to 0.3 - (67d7569)
- internal function of set window border color - (2cda5ce)
0.2.0 - 2023-10-17
- get meow status only through meow--indicator - (30bd072)
- update overlays with timer too as long as it's not hide - (b0e7b4b)
0.1.1 - 2023-10-16
- return empty string if not in a project - (d54a03b)
- mini-echo-define-segment macro error - (4b9fcca)
- repeat insertion in minibuf - (3026c86)
- select right frame when calculate frame width - (2639e4e)
- add flymake exception mark before diagnostic numbers - (ea1d9b6)
- use minibuffer-window width rather than frame-width - (7d57493)
- update overlays before print message - (1620870)
- save and restore mode-line-format per buffer - (1dde02f)
- update echo info after resize frame size - (93dfbb5)
- (README) update todo list - (01de9cb)
- (README) update package informations - (00e6f78)
- add todo list - (8821aaa)
- add segment macro-record - (666fba7)
- add option for full/short style - (1fbde32)
- add option mini-echo-right-padding - (864a9de)
- add segment vcs - (76c631a)
- add option mini-echo-short-segments-prdicate - (bafcc78)
- add segment of narrow buffer-status - (c56bac9)
- simplify magit-blob-mode buffer name - (4ddc8a4)
- add option mini-echo-window-divider-args - (8f5734c)
- add option mini-echo-window-border-color - (42719d5)