A reflex tester game written in python to run on the Raspberry Pi with GrovePi peripherals connected.
Connect the GrovePi peripherals as instructed below and then power on the Pi. Copy the reflex_tester.py file to your Raspberry Pi.
You will need the following hardware to run the program:
1. Raspberry Pi
2. GrovePi Board
3. GroveBuzzer
4. GroveLCD
5. GroveLED
6. Grove Connect Wires
To run the program properly, the peripherals must be connected to the GrovePi board in the following way:
- LCD screen into LCD port (middle port on USB/network input side)
- LED light into D3
- Button into D4
- Buzzer into D2
- Run the program from the command line on the Raspberry Pi by navigating to the containing folder and typing "python reflext_tester.py"
- Follow the on-screen prompts.
- Make sure to hit “enter” after inputting 'y' after each guess.
This project is licensed under the MIT License - see the LICENSE.md file for details