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File metadata and controls

193 lines (152 loc) · 8.1 KB


High-level interface for sklearn / nilearn, targeted at neuroimaging data analysis. Not even alpha at the moment -- the API may change anytime.

Simple example:

from sklearn.svm import SVC
from decog.chain import SimpleChain
from sklearn.datasets import make_classification

X, y = make_classification()
clf = SVC
# Decog offers two features for classifier and feature selection parameters:
# 1. Parameters in plain list form [Param1, Param2, .. ParamN] generate N analyses looping over
#    each parameter.
#    In the example below, two analyses are produced, one using an RBF kernel and a second one
#    using a linear kernel.
# 2. Parameters defined as a nested list [[Param1, Param2, .. ParamN]] are iterated over in a
#    nested leave-one-out cross-validation procedure using GridSearchCV, to find the optimal
#    parameter in each fold.
#    In the example below, a gridsearch is performed for the parameter C on the values 0.1 and 1,
#    both for the analysis using an RBF kernel and for the analysis using a linear kernel.
clf_args = dict(kernel=['rbf', 'linear'], C=[[0.1, 1]])

# Here we use a variance-based feature selection and start two analyses with two different
# thresholds. Please note that Decog expands all permutations of classifier parameters and feature
# selection parameters, i.e. in this case the code produces 2x2=4 analyses.
fs = 'variance'
fs_args = dict(threshold=[0.01, 0.1])

analysis = SimpleChain(data=X, clf=clf, clf_args=clf_args, fs=fs, fs_args=fs_args, labels=y)

# n_jobs_links:  distribute different analyses across n_jobs_links processors
# n_jobs_folds:  distribute cross-validation folds of each analysis across n_jobs_folds processors
# verbose:       increase in order to view more detailed results (e.g. fold-wise results)
# output_path:   directory to store the result
# skip_ioerror:  set True if the analysis chain should continue despite an I/O error when saving the,
#                previous result
# skip_runerror: set True if the analysis chain should continue despite any runtime error in the
#                previous analysis
# detailed_save: save more detailed results (currently undocumented)
result =, n_jobs_folds=1, verbose=1, output_path='/tmp/decog/',
                      skip_ioerror=False, skip_runerror=False, detailed_save=True)
print('Finished example!')

# Decog results are stored in a simple SQL-based database (,
# which allows easy querying of the results (e.g. SELECT * FROM chain ORDER BY roc_auc_scores)
# An exception is if the classifier is searchlight-based, in which case the results are saved as
# nibabel.NiftiImages.

Advanced example:

from sklearn.svm import SVC
from sklearn.ensemble.forest import RandomForestClassifier
from sklearn.discriminant_analysis import LinearDiscriminantAnalysis
from decog.chain import Channel, ClassifierDescriptor, FeatureSelectionDescriptor, \
    SchemeDescriptor, Data, ChainBuilder
from sklearn.datasets import make_classification

# Using a slightly more verbose syntax, we can concatenate permutations of analyses using
# (1) different data, (2) different classifiers and (3) different feature selections.

# First we create two different data sets.
X1, y1 = make_classification()
X2, y2 = make_classification()

# Now we setup a list with three different classifiers by using the ClassifierDescriptor class.
# Please note that still all requested permutations for the parameters of each classifier are
# expanded (see simple example).
clf_args_SVC = dict(kernel='linear', C=[[0.1, 1]])
clf_args_RF = dict(criterion=['entropy', 'gini'], n_estimators=128)
clfs = [
    ClassifierDescriptor(name='SVC', clf=SVC, clf_args=clf_args_SVC),
    ClassifierDescriptor(name='RF', clf=RandomForestClassifier, clf_args=clf_args_RF),
    ClassifierDescriptor(name='LDA', clf=LinearDiscriminantAnalysis)

# Dito for different feature selections.
fss = [
    FeatureSelectionDescriptor(name='nested', fs_args=dict(model='nested', threshold='median')),
    FeatureSelectionDescriptor(name='variance', fs_args=dict(threshold=0.01))

# A 'channel' specifies a (permutational) processing pipeline consisting of feature selections and
# classifiers.
channel = Channel(fss=fss, clfs=clfs)

# The (processing) scheme descriptor glues together the data input and processing pipeline. The
# scoring argument allows passing of a performance evaluation metric (see sklearn.metrics).
processing_schemes = [
    SchemeDescriptor(name='data_v1', data=Data(X1, y1), channels=channel, scoring='roc_auc'),
    SchemeDescriptor(name='data_v2', data=Data(X2, y2), channels=channel, scoring='roc_auc')

# Build the chain, i.e. all permutations of analyses.
analysis = ChainBuilder(schemes=processing_schemes).build_chain()

# And run..
# In this example the chain contains 16 different analyses ('links'):
# 2 different data sets x 2 different feature selections x 4 different classifiers (SVC,
# RandomForest with gini, RandomForest with entropy, LDA).
# Increase the n_jobs_links variable below, to distribute these links on different processors.
result =, n_jobs_folds=1, verbose=1, output_path='/tmp/decog/',
                      skip_ioerror=False, skip_runerror=False, detailed_save=True)
print('Finished example!')

Example for a searchlight analysis:

import os
import numpy as np
import nibabel
from decog.chain import SimpleChain, Data
from decog.estimators.searchlight import SearchLight
from nilearn import datasets
from nilearn.image import index_img
from nilearn._utils import check_niimg_4d
from sklearn.cross_validation import KFold

haxby_dataset = datasets.fetch_haxby_simple()

conditions = np.recfromtxt(haxby_dataset.conditions_target)['f0']
condition_mask = np.logical_or(conditions == b'face', conditions == b'house')
labels = conditions[condition_mask]

fmri_img = nibabel.load(haxby_dataset.func)
fmri_img = index_img(fmri_img, condition_mask)
fmri_img = [img for img in check_niimg_4d(fmri_img, return_iterator=True)]

mask_img = nibabel.load(haxby_dataset.mask)

cv = KFold(len(labels), n_folds=4)
clf_args = dict(mask_img=mask_img, process_mask_img=mask_img, cv=cv, radius=5.6)
data = Data(data=fmri_img, labels=labels)
chain = SimpleChain(clf=SearchLight, clf_args=clf_args, data=data)

root = os.path.dirname(haxby_dataset['session_target'])
output_path = os.path.join(root, 'searchlight.nii'), verbose=3, output_path=output_path)

Example for multimodal analysis:

from sklearn.model_selection import LeaveOneOut
from sklearn.preprocessing import RobustScaler
from sklearn.svm import SVC

from decog.chain import ChainBuilder
from import SuperExhaustiveLeaveNOut
from decog.descriptor import SchemeDescriptor, ClassifierDescriptor, PreprocessingDescriptor, Data, Channel
from decog.estimators.metaclf import MultiModalProbabilisticMetaClassifier





LABEL_NAMES = ['controls', 'patients']

cv = LeaveOneOut()
cv_weight = SuperExhaustiveLeaveNOut(N=2)

CLF = ClassifierDescriptor(name='SVC_rbf', clf=SVC,
                           clf_args=dict(kernel='rbf', class_weight='balanced', C=8))

clfs = {k: CLF for k in data.keys()}
preproc = PreprocessingDescriptor('preproc', preprocessor=RobustScaler,
                                  preprocessor_args=dict(quantile_range=(1.0, 99.0)))
channels = dict([(k, Channel(data=Data(data[k]), preproc=preproc, clfs=clfs[k]))
                 for k in data.keys()])

scheme = SchemeDescriptor(channels, LABELS, scoring='balanced_accuracy', label_names=LABEL_NAMES,
                          cv=cv, meta_clf=MultiModalProbabilisticMetaClassifier,
                          meta_clf_args=dict(weight_grid=WEIGHTGRID, weight_cv=cv_weight,
                                             weight_separate=False, discrete=False))

if __name__ == '__main__':
    chain = ChainBuilder(schemes=scheme).build_chain()
    analysis =, skip_ioerror=False, skip_runerror=False,
                         detailed_save=True, recompute=True)