Retrieve info from locally-saved webpages from LinkedIn.
This avoids having to scrape directly from their (or any other) website.
A web-scraper built on BeautifulSoup to extract information from downloaded LinkedIn job adverts, with URLs like
and aggregate it all into a CSV file.
The collected information is:
Intrinsic Data (from LinkedIn)
- Job ID
- Job title
- Company Location
- Company Name
- Seniority Level
- Industry
- Employment Type
- Job Functions
- Number of applicants
Derived data
- DE (identifies whether the job ad is in German)
- Status (based on how webpages are locally stored, determines which jobs are closed, applied for, etc.)
- Posted Date (a duration fro when the job was first posted)
- Data of webpage download (used to adjust the Posted Date)
Basic usage is to first collect a series of html files into a given directory, then the scraper does the rest.
python -d <./path/saved_webpages_dir> -m <./path/master.csv> -v
This generates a CVS which can be read in any way you like. However, I find it useful to quickly see everything in the terminal, so I created some additional utilities:
generates a smaller CSV to be (re)read directly from the command line usingcolumn
it thins down the information and also uses abbreviations to cut down on space.
There are a number of functions to access and manipulate htmls based on there Job ID number
- jread` takes a Job ID and then prints out that specific entry with the full details of the job advertisement.
this is a special filter which shows when the "DE" column has a "1" in itjmove
moves htmls to a specified locationjfind
gets the location of the html with the Job IDjgrep
, is an alias forjshow | grep <JobID>
- Note the Job ID is always given in the column of the table printed from
Sometimes the tags change and the information is not found
This project has been set up using PyScaffold 3.2.3. For details and usage
information on PyScaffold see