IntelliJ IDEA source formatter
ActionsRun docker run -v $PWD:/github/workspace "*.java,*.kts,*.kt" "" "./<intellij-stylesheet.xml>"
to format the current working directtory's java, kts and kt files according to the stylesheet.
To use as an action:
- name: Reformat
uses: leventeBajczi/[email protected]
settings-file: "./doc/ThetaIntelliJCodeStyle.xml"
file-mask: "*.java,*.kts,*.kt"
additional-options: "-dry" # omit this to actually reformat the code
- name: Create Pull Request # this will create a pull request towards the current branch with the modifications
uses: peter-evans/create-pull-request@153407881ec5c347639a548ade7d8ad1d6740e38
commit-message: "Reformatted code"
branch: "code-reformat"
title: '[AutoPR] Reformatted code'
IntelliJ IDEA source formatter is not certified by GitHub. It is provided by a third-party and is governed by separate terms of service, privacy policy, and support documentation.