$ sudo pecl install apm
$ git clone https://github.com/patrickallaert/php-apm.git
cd php-apm
$ phpize
Configure the extension, by default, only sqlite3 support is built:
$ ./configure [--with-sqlite3[=DIR]] [--with-mysql[=DIR]] [--with-debugfile[=FILE]]
Compile it:
$ make
Install it:
$ sudo make install
Skip to 5. if you are not using the SQLite driver.
Create the directory for the SQLite database as referenced in the setting: apm.sqlite_db_path:
$ mkdir -p /var/php/apm/db/ $ chmod a+rwx /var/php/apm/db/
Create the sqlite3 schema:
$ sqlite3 /var/php/apm/db/events < sql/sqlite/create.sql
Set the following settings:
apm.sqlite_enabled=1 ; The directory containing the "events" file apm.sqlite_db_path="/path/to/directory/configured/in/6." ; Error reporting level specific to the SQLite3 driver, same level as for PHP's *error_reporting* apm.sqlite_error_reporting=E_ALL|E_STRICT
Skip to 9. if you are not using the MySQL driver.
Create a user/database for storing APM events.
Create the tables:
$ mysql -u <user> -p <password> <APMdatabase> < sql/mysql/create.sql
Set the following settings:
apm.mysql_enabled=1 ; Error reporting level specific to the MySQL driver, same level as for PHP's *error_reporting* apm.mysql_error_reporting=E_ALL|E_STRICT apm.mysql_host=<host> ;apm.mysql_port=<port> apm.mysql_user=<user> apm.mysql_pass=<password> apm.mysql_db=<dbname>
Copy the web/ directory so that it can be accessed by your webserver.
Configure web/config/db.php to use the correct backend:
return new PDO("sqlite:/var/php/apm/db/events");