Explains directory structure used in this repository
Most directories also contain a README.md
with additional information
In the following table duplicate folder names (in different trees) are excluded since the meaning is same or similar.
- Directory Structure
Contains GitHub templates and workflows
Issue templates
Github workflows
Contains Visual Studio Code configuration and settings for extensions
Contains actions for github workflows
PSScriptAnalyzer action
Contains code to publish generated sitemap of docs
directory to google
Project configuration and configuration for external programs
Contains dictionaries for spell checker extension
Contains CAB files for Update-Help
Configurations files for mTail program
Configurations files for process monitor from sysinternals site
SSH configuration files for Remote-SSH extension
Settings for OS related software
Contains settings for Windows Performance Analyzer
Contains detailed project documentation
Contains notes for OS network setup
Screenshots for markdown documentation
Contains exported firewall rules ready to be reimported
Contains logs made by modules and scripts
Contains audit logs generated by packet capture tools or scripts
Contains logs generated by Windows Firewall if the firewall was set so
Log files generated by tests
Log files generated while updating online help
Root directory for modules that are part of repository
Help info files for updatable help
Contains per language subdirectories for markdown help files
Contains markdown help files for specific language
Functions private to module
Functions exposed by module
Contains module scripts that are not functions
Root directory for all firewall rules
IPv4 rules
IPv6 rules
Rules which apply to outbound traffic
Rules which apply to development programs
Rules which apply to games
Rules which are specific to server platforms
Rules which apply to 3rd party programs
Rules which apply Microsoft programs
Rules which apply to inbound traffic
Scripts which are not part of modules
Experimental scripts, can be used for study and arequire improvements
Contains scripts used to manage Windows security
Contains utility scripts that can help in development and to troubleshoot issues
Contains script and module templates with boilerplate code
Contains test scripts sorted by module to test out individual functions and concepts