5.0.0 (2020-03-31)
Closed issues:
- Process does not work on Windows / wrong ENV-definition #106
- Remove compatibility layers #99
- Only support new version of mediainfo #98
- Convert code to php7 #97
- Update dependencies #96
Merged pull requests:
- Use mediainfo>=17.10 output format by default #103 (mhor)
- phpunit: migrate getMock usage to prophecy #102 (mhor)
- PHP 7.4 support #101 (mhor)
- Update php code #109 (mhor)
- Update symfony/process component call #108 (mhor)
4.1.3 (2020-03-22)
Fixed bugs:
- Runtime exception for version 4.1.1 due to latest fix - Wrap every command argument in quotes #87
Merged pull requests:
4.1.2 (2018-07-03)
4.1.1 (2018-06-27)
Fixed bugs:
- Mediainfo >= 17.10 changed XML Format #82
- XML format of mediainfo command has changed #76
- Wrap every command argument in quotes #86 (mitchellklijs)
4.1.0 (2018-04-08)
Fixed bugs:
Closed issues:
- Laravel 5.6 support #85
Merged pull requests:
- Fix-Runtime exception for version 4.1.1 #88 (amardeokar23)
4.0.2 (2017-12-21)
Fixed bugs:
4.0.1 (2017-12-19)
Implemented enhancements:
- Support for Symfony 4 components #77
Merged pull requests:
4.0.0 (2017-12-15)
Closed issues:
Merged pull requests:
- Apply fixes from StyleCI #79 (mhor)
- Allow compatibility with symfony4 components #78 (fvilpoix)
- Update README.md #75 (cklm)
- I guess it's still accurate but must be specified #74 (Nek-)
- change StyleCI config #70 (mhor)
3.0.0 (2017-01-17)
Fixed bugs:
- Rate::getAbsoluteValue() returns a string #65
Closed issues:
- Height is expressed as a Rate #67
Merged pull requests:
2.3.1 (2017-01-15)
Merged pull requests:
2.3.0 (2017-01-13)
Merged pull requests:
2.2.2 (2016-09-04)
Fixed bugs:
- Encoding issues related to simplexml_load_string #60
Merged pull requests:
2.2.1 (2016-07-11)
2.2.0 (2016-05-22)
Implemented enhancements:
Merged pull requests:
2.1.0 (2016-05-06)
Merged pull requests:
- Applied fixes from StyleCI #54 (mhor)
- [Travis] disable XDebug #53 (mhor)
- mediainfocontainer-dump-xml #52 (javiertrejo)
2.0.0 (2016-05-02)
Merged pull requests:
- Applied fixes from StyleCI #51 (mhor)
- Feature/mediainfocontainer dump #50 (javiertrejo)
1.6.0 (2016-01-24)
Fixed bugs:
Merged pull requests:
1.5.3 (2015-12-21)
1.5.2 (2015-12-21)
Merged pull requests:
- Added lc_type env to travis test #44 (alangregory)
- tweaked .travis.yml #41 (mhor)
- improve unit test #40 (mhor)
1.5.1 (2015-12-04)
Merged pull requests:
- Set LANG env variable #43 (alangregory)
- make php-mediainfo compatible with symfony3 #39 (mhor)
- Dedup attributes with different case #38 (mhor)
- fix .styleci.yml #37 (mhor)
1.5.0 (2015-09-16)
Fixed bugs:
- Type doesn't exist: Menu #31
Merged pull requests:
1.4.4 (2015-09-04)
Implemented enhancements:
- What about adding 'Maximum bit rate'? #29
Merged pull requests:
1.4.3 (2015-09-02)
Fixed bugs:
- if Video, Audio Track->format is string, value is invalid. #27
Closed issues:
- Fix StyleCI build #25
Merged pull requests:
- Some Mode field can be strings #28 (mhor)
- Fixed styleci config #26 (GrahamCampbell)
1.4.2 (2015-07-08)
1.4.1 (2015-06-14)
Merged pull requests:
- Typo fixes #24 (GrahamCampbell)
- Fixes #23 (GrahamCampbell)
- Fixed style to match the other badges #20 (GrahamCampbell)
1.4.0 (2015-06-14)
Merged pull requests:
1.3.0 (2015-06-13)
Merged pull requests:
1.2.1 (2015-03-12)
1.2.0 (2015-01-25)
Implemented enhancements:
Closed issues:
Merged pull requests:
- Add Subtitle type #17 (mhor)
- add __toString function on attributes fix #13 #16 (mhor)
- add documentation #12 (mhor)
1.0.0 (2014-12-14)
Merged pull requests:
- add special type fields #11 (mhor)
- Increase code coverage #10 (mhor)
- Create attribute name checker #9 (mhor)
- Architecture enhancement #8 (mhor)
- add badges #7 (mhor)
- cs fix #6 (mhor)
- architecture improvement + unit tests + cs fix #5 (mhor)
- cleaning #4 (mhor)
- cleaning cs docs #3 (mhor)
- create custom attribute for special values #2 (mhor)
- create attribute factories #1 (mhor)
* This Changelog was automatically generated by github_changelog_generator