]*)?>/);\n } else {\n nil\n };\n Opal.const_set($nesting[0], 'DimensionAttributeRx', new RegExp(\"\" + \"\\\\s(?:width|height|style)=([\\\"'])\" + ($$($nesting, 'CC_ANY')) + \"*?\\\\1\"));\n \n Opal.def(self, '$initialize', $Html5Converter_initialize$1 = function $$initialize(backend, opts) {\n var self = this, syntax = nil;\n\n \n \n if (opts == null) {\n opts = $hash2([], {});\n };\n self.backend = backend;\n if (opts['$[]'](\"htmlsyntax\")['$=='](\"xml\")) {\n \n syntax = \"xml\";\n self.xml_mode = true;\n self.void_element_slash = \"/\";\n } else {\n \n syntax = \"html\";\n self.xml_mode = nil;\n self.void_element_slash = \"\";\n };\n return self.$init_backend_traits($hash2([\"basebackend\", \"filetype\", \"htmlsyntax\", \"outfilesuffix\", \"supports_templates\"], {\"basebackend\": \"html\", \"filetype\": \"html\", \"htmlsyntax\": syntax, \"outfilesuffix\": \".html\", \"supports_templates\": true}));\n }, $Html5Converter_initialize$1.$$arity = -2);\n \n Opal.def(self, '$convert', $Html5Converter_convert$2 = function $$convert(node, transform, opts) {\n var $iter = $Html5Converter_convert$2.$$p, $yield = $iter || nil, self = this, $case = nil, $zuper = nil, $zuper_i = nil, $zuper_ii = nil;\n\n if ($iter) $Html5Converter_convert$2.$$p = null;\n // Prepare super implicit arguments\n for($zuper_i = 0, $zuper_ii = arguments.length, $zuper = new Array($zuper_ii); $zuper_i < $zuper_ii; $zuper_i++) {\n $zuper[$zuper_i] = arguments[$zuper_i];\n }\n \n \n if (transform == null) {\n transform = node.$node_name();\n };\n \n if (opts == null) {\n opts = nil;\n };\n return (function() {$case = transform;\n if (\"inline_quoted\"['$===']($case)) {return self.$convert_inline_quoted(node)}\n else if (\"paragraph\"['$===']($case)) {return self.$convert_paragraph(node)}\n else if (\"inline_anchor\"['$===']($case)) {return self.$convert_inline_anchor(node)}\n else if (\"section\"['$===']($case)) {return self.$convert_section(node)}\n else if (\"listing\"['$===']($case)) {return self.$convert_listing(node)}\n else if (\"literal\"['$===']($case)) {return self.$convert_literal(node)}\n else if (\"ulist\"['$===']($case)) {return self.$convert_ulist(node)}\n else if (\"olist\"['$===']($case)) {return self.$convert_olist(node)}\n else if (\"dlist\"['$===']($case)) {return self.$convert_dlist(node)}\n else if (\"admonition\"['$===']($case)) {return self.$convert_admonition(node)}\n else if (\"colist\"['$===']($case)) {return self.$convert_colist(node)}\n else if (\"embedded\"['$===']($case)) {return self.$convert_embedded(node)}\n else if (\"example\"['$===']($case)) {return self.$convert_example(node)}\n else if (\"floating_title\"['$===']($case)) {return self.$convert_floating_title(node)}\n else if (\"image\"['$===']($case)) {return self.$convert_image(node)}\n else if (\"inline_break\"['$===']($case)) {return self.$convert_inline_break(node)}\n else if (\"inline_button\"['$===']($case)) {return self.$convert_inline_button(node)}\n else if (\"inline_callout\"['$===']($case)) {return self.$convert_inline_callout(node)}\n else if (\"inline_footnote\"['$===']($case)) {return self.$convert_inline_footnote(node)}\n else if (\"inline_image\"['$===']($case)) {return self.$convert_inline_image(node)}\n else if (\"inline_indexterm\"['$===']($case)) {return self.$convert_inline_indexterm(node)}\n else if (\"inline_kbd\"['$===']($case)) {return self.$convert_inline_kbd(node)}\n else if (\"inline_menu\"['$===']($case)) {return self.$convert_inline_menu(node)}\n else if (\"open\"['$===']($case)) {return self.$convert_open(node)}\n else if (\"page_break\"['$===']($case)) {return self.$convert_page_break(node)}\n else if (\"preamble\"['$===']($case)) {return self.$convert_preamble(node)}\n else if (\"quote\"['$===']($case)) {return self.$convert_quote(node)}\n else if (\"sidebar\"['$===']($case)) {return self.$convert_sidebar(node)}\n else if (\"stem\"['$===']($case)) {return self.$convert_stem(node)}\n else if (\"table\"['$===']($case)) {return self.$convert_table(node)}\n else if (\"thematic_break\"['$===']($case)) {return self.$convert_thematic_break(node)}\n else if (\"verse\"['$===']($case)) {return self.$convert_verse(node)}\n else if (\"video\"['$===']($case)) {return self.$convert_video(node)}\n else if (\"document\"['$===']($case)) {return self.$convert_document(node)}\n else if (\"toc\"['$===']($case)) {return self.$convert_toc(node)}\n else if (\"pass\"['$===']($case)) {return self.$convert_pass(node)}\n else if (\"audio\"['$===']($case)) {return self.$convert_audio(node)}\n else {return $send(self, Opal.find_super_dispatcher(self, 'convert', $Html5Converter_convert$2, false), $zuper, $iter)}})();\n }, $Html5Converter_convert$2.$$arity = -2);\n \n Opal.def(self, '$convert_document', $Html5Converter_convert_document$3 = function $$convert_document(node) {\n var $a, $b, $c, $$4, $$5, self = this, br = nil, slash = nil, asset_uri_scheme = nil, cdn_base_url = nil, linkcss = nil, max_width_attr = nil, result = nil, lang_attribute = nil, authors = nil, icon_href = nil, icon_type = nil, icon_ext = nil, webfonts = nil, iconfont_stylesheet = nil, syntax_hl = nil, syntax_hl_docinfo_head_idx = nil, docinfo_content = nil, id_attr = nil, sectioned = nil, classes = nil, details = nil, idx = nil, $writer = nil, eqnums_val = nil, eqnums_opt = nil;\n\n \n br = \"\" + \" \";\n if ($truthy((asset_uri_scheme = node.$attr(\"asset-uri-scheme\", \"https\"))['$empty?']())) {\n } else {\n asset_uri_scheme = \"\" + (asset_uri_scheme) + \":\"\n };\n cdn_base_url = \"\" + (asset_uri_scheme) + \"//cdnjs.cloudflare.com/ajax/libs\";\n linkcss = node['$attr?'](\"linkcss\");\n max_width_attr = (function() {if ($truthy(node['$attr?'](\"max-width\"))) {\n return \"\" + \" style=\\\"max-width: \" + (node.$attr(\"max-width\")) + \";\\\"\"\n } else {\n return \"\"\n }; return nil; })();\n result = [\"\"];\n lang_attribute = (function() {if ($truthy(node['$attr?'](\"nolang\"))) {\n return \"\"\n } else {\n return \"\" + \" lang=\\\"\" + (node.$attr(\"lang\", \"en\")) + \"\\\"\"\n }; return nil; })();\n result['$<<'](\"\" + \"\");\n result['$<<'](\"\" + \"\\n\" + \" \\n\" + \" \\n\" + \" \\n\" + \" \");\n if ($truthy(node['$attr?'](\"app-name\"))) {\n result['$<<'](\"\" + \" \")};\n if ($truthy(node['$attr?'](\"description\"))) {\n result['$<<'](\"\" + \" \")};\n if ($truthy(node['$attr?'](\"keywords\"))) {\n result['$<<'](\"\" + \" \")};\n if ($truthy(node['$attr?'](\"authors\"))) {\n result['$<<'](\"\" + \" \")};\n if ($truthy(node['$attr?'](\"copyright\"))) {\n result['$<<'](\"\" + \" \")};\n if ($truthy(node['$attr?'](\"favicon\"))) {\n \n if ($truthy((icon_href = node.$attr(\"favicon\"))['$empty?']())) {\n \n icon_href = \"favicon.ico\";\n icon_type = \"image/x-icon\";\n } else if ($truthy((icon_ext = $$($nesting, 'Helpers').$extname(icon_href, nil)))) {\n icon_type = (function() {if (icon_ext['$=='](\".ico\")) {\n return \"image/x-icon\"\n } else {\n return \"\" + \"image/\" + (icon_ext.$slice(1, icon_ext.$length()))\n }; return nil; })()\n } else {\n icon_type = \"image/x-icon\"\n };\n result['$<<'](\"\" + \" \");};\n result['$<<'](\"\" + \"\" + (node.$doctitle($hash2([\"sanitize\", \"use_fallback\"], {\"sanitize\": true, \"use_fallback\": true}))) + \" \");\n if ($truthy($$($nesting, 'DEFAULT_STYLESHEET_KEYS')['$include?'](node.$attr(\"stylesheet\")))) {\n \n if ($truthy((webfonts = node.$attr(\"webfonts\")))) {\n result['$<<'](\"\" + \" \")};\n if ($truthy(linkcss)) {\n result['$<<'](\"\" + \" \")\n } else {\n result['$<<'](\"\" + \"\")\n };\n } else if ($truthy(node['$attr?'](\"stylesheet\"))) {\n if ($truthy(linkcss)) {\n result['$<<'](\"\" + \" \")\n } else {\n result['$<<'](\"\" + \"\")\n }};\n if ($truthy(node['$attr?'](\"icons\", \"font\"))) {\n if ($truthy(node['$attr?'](\"iconfont-remote\"))) {\n result['$<<'](\"\" + \" \")\n } else {\n \n iconfont_stylesheet = \"\" + (node.$attr(\"iconfont-name\", \"font-awesome\")) + \".css\";\n result['$<<'](\"\" + \" \");\n }};\n if ($truthy((syntax_hl = node.$syntax_highlighter()))) {\n result['$<<']((syntax_hl_docinfo_head_idx = result.$size()))};\n if ($truthy((docinfo_content = node.$docinfo())['$empty?']())) {\n } else {\n result['$<<'](docinfo_content)\n };\n result['$<<'](\"\");\n id_attr = (function() {if ($truthy(node.$id())) {\n return \"\" + \" id=\\\"\" + (node.$id()) + \"\\\"\"\n } else {\n return \"\"\n }; return nil; })();\n if ($truthy(($truthy($a = ($truthy($b = ($truthy($c = (sectioned = node['$sections?']())) ? node['$attr?'](\"toc-class\") : $c)) ? node['$attr?'](\"toc\") : $b)) ? node['$attr?'](\"toc-placement\", \"auto\") : $a))) {\n classes = [node.$doctype(), node.$attr(\"toc-class\"), \"\" + \"toc-\" + (node.$attr(\"toc-position\", \"header\"))]\n } else {\n classes = [node.$doctype()]\n };\n if ($truthy(node['$role?']())) {\n classes['$<<'](node.$role())};\n result['$<<'](\"\" + \"\");\n if ($truthy((docinfo_content = node.$docinfo(\"header\"))['$empty?']())) {\n } else {\n result['$<<'](docinfo_content)\n };\n if ($truthy(node.$noheader())) {\n } else {\n \n result['$<<'](\"\" + \"\");\n };\n result['$<<'](\"\" + \"\\n\" + (node.$content()) + \"\\n\" + \"
\");\n if ($truthy(($truthy($a = node['$footnotes?']()) ? node['$attr?'](\"nofootnotes\")['$!']() : $a))) {\n \n result['$<<'](\"\" + \"\");};\n if ($truthy(node.$nofooter())) {\n } else {\n \n result['$<<'](\"\" + \"\");\n };\n if ($truthy(syntax_hl)) {\n \n if ($truthy(syntax_hl['$docinfo?'](\"head\"))) {\n \n $writer = [syntax_hl_docinfo_head_idx, syntax_hl.$docinfo(\"head\", node, $hash2([\"cdn_base_url\", \"linkcss\", \"self_closing_tag_slash\"], {\"cdn_base_url\": cdn_base_url, \"linkcss\": linkcss, \"self_closing_tag_slash\": slash}))];\n $send(result, '[]=', Opal.to_a($writer));\n $writer[$rb_minus($writer[\"length\"], 1)];\n } else {\n result.$delete_at(syntax_hl_docinfo_head_idx)\n };\n if ($truthy(syntax_hl['$docinfo?'](\"footer\"))) {\n result['$<<'](syntax_hl.$docinfo(\"footer\", node, $hash2([\"cdn_base_url\", \"linkcss\", \"self_closing_tag_slash\"], {\"cdn_base_url\": cdn_base_url, \"linkcss\": linkcss, \"self_closing_tag_slash\": slash})))};};\n if ($truthy(node['$attr?'](\"stem\"))) {\n \n eqnums_val = node.$attr(\"eqnums\", \"none\");\n if ($truthy(eqnums_val['$empty?']())) {\n eqnums_val = \"AMS\"};\n eqnums_opt = \"\" + \" equationNumbers: { autoNumber: \\\"\" + (eqnums_val) + \"\\\" } \";\n result['$<<'](\"\" + \"\\n\" + \"\");};\n if ($truthy((docinfo_content = node.$docinfo(\"footer\"))['$empty?']())) {\n } else {\n result['$<<'](docinfo_content)\n };\n result['$<<'](\"\");\n result['$<<'](\"\");\n return result.$join($$($nesting, 'LF'));\n }, $Html5Converter_convert_document$3.$$arity = 1);\n \n Opal.def(self, '$convert_embedded', $Html5Converter_convert_embedded$6 = function $$convert_embedded(node) {\n var $a, $b, $c, $$7, self = this, result = nil, id_attr = nil, toc_p = nil;\n\n \n result = [];\n if (node.$doctype()['$=='](\"manpage\")) {\n \n if ($truthy(node.$notitle())) {\n } else {\n \n id_attr = (function() {if ($truthy(node.$id())) {\n return \"\" + \" id=\\\"\" + (node.$id()) + \"\\\"\"\n } else {\n return \"\"\n }; return nil; })();\n result['$<<'](\"\" + \"\" + (node.$doctitle()) + \" Manual Page \");\n };\n if ($truthy(node['$attr?'](\"manpurpose\"))) {\n result['$<<'](self.$generate_manname_section(node))};\n } else if ($truthy(($truthy($a = node['$header?']()) ? node.$notitle()['$!']() : $a))) {\n \n id_attr = (function() {if ($truthy(node.$id())) {\n return \"\" + \" id=\\\"\" + (node.$id()) + \"\\\"\"\n } else {\n return \"\"\n }; return nil; })();\n result['$<<'](\"\" + \"\" + (node.$header().$title()) + \" \");};\n if ($truthy(($truthy($a = ($truthy($b = ($truthy($c = node['$sections?']()) ? node['$attr?'](\"toc\") : $c)) ? (toc_p = node.$attr(\"toc-placement\"))['$!='](\"macro\") : $b)) ? toc_p['$!='](\"preamble\") : $a))) {\n result['$<<'](\"\" + \"\\n\" + \"
\" + (node.$attr(\"toc-title\")) + \"
\\n\" + (node.$converter().$convert(node, \"outline\")) + \"\\n\" + \"
\")};\n result['$<<'](node.$content());\n if ($truthy(($truthy($a = node['$footnotes?']()) ? node['$attr?'](\"nofootnotes\")['$!']() : $a))) {\n \n result['$<<'](\"\" + \"\");};\n return result.$join($$($nesting, 'LF'));\n }, $Html5Converter_convert_embedded$6.$$arity = 1);\n \n Opal.def(self, '$convert_outline', $Html5Converter_convert_outline$8 = function $$convert_outline(node, opts) {\n var $a, $b, $$9, self = this, sectnumlevels = nil, toclevels = nil, sections = nil, result = nil;\n\n \n \n if (opts == null) {\n opts = $hash2([], {});\n };\n if ($truthy(node['$sections?']())) {\n } else {\n return nil\n };\n sectnumlevels = ($truthy($a = opts['$[]'](\"sectnumlevels\")) ? $a : ($truthy($b = node.$document().$attributes()['$[]'](\"sectnumlevels\")) ? $b : 3).$to_i());\n toclevels = ($truthy($a = opts['$[]'](\"toclevels\")) ? $a : ($truthy($b = node.$document().$attributes()['$[]'](\"toclevels\")) ? $b : 2).$to_i());\n sections = node.$sections();\n result = [\"\" + \"\"];\n $send(sections, 'each', [], ($$9 = function(section){var self = $$9.$$s || this, $c, slevel = nil, stitle = nil, $case = nil, signifier = nil, child_toc_level = nil;\n\n \n \n if (section == null) {\n section = nil;\n };\n slevel = section.$level();\n if ($truthy(section.$caption())) {\n stitle = section.$captioned_title()\n } else if ($truthy(($truthy($c = section.$numbered()) ? $rb_le(slevel, sectnumlevels) : $c))) {\n if ($truthy(($truthy($c = $rb_lt(slevel, 2)) ? node.$document().$doctype()['$=='](\"book\") : $c))) {\n $case = section.$sectname();\n if (\"chapter\"['$===']($case)) {stitle = \"\" + ((function() {if ($truthy((signifier = node.$document().$attributes()['$[]'](\"chapter-signifier\")))) {\n return \"\" + (signifier) + \" \"\n } else {\n return \"\"\n }; return nil; })()) + (section.$sectnum()) + \" \" + (section.$title())}\n else if (\"part\"['$===']($case)) {stitle = \"\" + ((function() {if ($truthy((signifier = node.$document().$attributes()['$[]'](\"part-signifier\")))) {\n return \"\" + (signifier) + \" \"\n } else {\n return \"\"\n }; return nil; })()) + (section.$sectnum(nil, \":\")) + \" \" + (section.$title())}\n else {stitle = \"\" + (section.$sectnum()) + \" \" + (section.$title())}\n } else {\n stitle = \"\" + (section.$sectnum()) + \" \" + (section.$title())\n }\n } else {\n stitle = section.$title()\n };\n if ($truthy(stitle['$include?'](\"\" + (stitle) + \" \");\n result['$<<'](child_toc_level);\n return result['$<<'](\"\");\n } else {\n return result['$<<'](\"\" + \"\" + (stitle) + \" \")\n };}, $$9.$$s = self, $$9.$$arity = 1, $$9));\n result['$<<'](\" \");\n return result.$join($$($nesting, 'LF'));\n }, $Html5Converter_convert_outline$8.$$arity = -2);\n \n Opal.def(self, '$convert_section', $Html5Converter_convert_section$10 = function $$convert_section(node) {\n var $a, $b, self = this, doc_attrs = nil, level = nil, title = nil, $case = nil, signifier = nil, id_attr = nil, id = nil, role = nil;\n\n \n doc_attrs = node.$document().$attributes();\n level = node.$level();\n if ($truthy(node.$caption())) {\n title = node.$captioned_title()\n } else if ($truthy(($truthy($a = node.$numbered()) ? $rb_le(level, ($truthy($b = doc_attrs['$[]'](\"sectnumlevels\")) ? $b : 3).$to_i()) : $a))) {\n if ($truthy(($truthy($a = $rb_lt(level, 2)) ? node.$document().$doctype()['$=='](\"book\") : $a))) {\n $case = node.$sectname();\n if (\"chapter\"['$===']($case)) {title = \"\" + ((function() {if ($truthy((signifier = doc_attrs['$[]'](\"chapter-signifier\")))) {\n return \"\" + (signifier) + \" \"\n } else {\n return \"\"\n }; return nil; })()) + (node.$sectnum()) + \" \" + (node.$title())}\n else if (\"part\"['$===']($case)) {title = \"\" + ((function() {if ($truthy((signifier = doc_attrs['$[]'](\"part-signifier\")))) {\n return \"\" + (signifier) + \" \"\n } else {\n return \"\"\n }; return nil; })()) + (node.$sectnum(nil, \":\")) + \" \" + (node.$title())}\n else {title = \"\" + (node.$sectnum()) + \" \" + (node.$title())}\n } else {\n title = \"\" + (node.$sectnum()) + \" \" + (node.$title())\n }\n } else {\n title = node.$title()\n };\n if ($truthy(node.$id())) {\n \n id_attr = \"\" + \" id=\\\"\" + ((id = node.$id())) + \"\\\"\";\n if ($truthy(doc_attrs['$[]'](\"sectlinks\"))) {\n title = \"\" + \"\" + (title) + \" \"};\n if ($truthy(doc_attrs['$[]'](\"sectanchors\"))) {\n if (doc_attrs['$[]'](\"sectanchors\")['$=='](\"after\")) {\n title = \"\" + (title) + \" \"\n } else {\n title = \"\" + \" \" + (title)\n }};\n } else {\n id_attr = \"\"\n };\n if (level['$=='](0)) {\n return \"\" + \"\" + (title) + \" \\n\" + (node.$content())\n } else {\n return \"\" + \"\\n\" + \"
\" + (title) + \" \\n\" + ((function() {if (level['$=='](1)) {\n return \"\" + \"
\\n\" + (node.$content()) + \"\\n\" + \"
\"\n } else {\n return node.$content()\n }; return nil; })()) + \"\\n\" + \"
\"\n };\n }, $Html5Converter_convert_section$10.$$arity = 1);\n \n Opal.def(self, '$convert_admonition', $Html5Converter_convert_admonition$11 = function $$convert_admonition(node) {\n var $a, self = this, id_attr = nil, name = nil, title_element = nil, label = nil, role = nil;\n\n \n id_attr = (function() {if ($truthy(node.$id())) {\n return \"\" + \" id=\\\"\" + (node.$id()) + \"\\\"\"\n } else {\n return \"\"\n }; return nil; })();\n name = node.$attr(\"name\");\n title_element = (function() {if ($truthy(node['$title?']())) {\n return \"\" + \"\" + (node.$title()) + \"
\\n\"\n } else {\n return \"\"\n }; return nil; })();\n if ($truthy(node.$document()['$attr?'](\"icons\"))) {\n if ($truthy(($truthy($a = node.$document()['$attr?'](\"icons\", \"font\")) ? node['$attr?'](\"icon\")['$!']() : $a))) {\n label = \"\" + \" \"\n } else {\n label = \"\" + \" \"\n }\n } else {\n label = \"\" + \"\" + (node.$attr(\"textlabel\")) + \"
\"\n };\n return \"\" + \"\\n\" + \"
\\n\" + \"\\n\" + \"\\n\" + (label) + \"\\n\" + \" \\n\" + \"\\n\" + (title_element) + (node.$content()) + \"\\n\" + \" \\n\" + \" \\n\" + \"
\\n\" + \"
\";\n }, $Html5Converter_convert_admonition$11.$$arity = 1);\n \n Opal.def(self, '$convert_audio', $Html5Converter_convert_audio$12 = function $$convert_audio(node) {\n var $a, self = this, xml = nil, id_attribute = nil, classes = nil, class_attribute = nil, title_element = nil, start_t = nil, end_t = nil, time_anchor = nil;\n\n \n xml = self.xml_mode;\n id_attribute = (function() {if ($truthy(node.$id())) {\n return \"\" + \" id=\\\"\" + (node.$id()) + \"\\\"\"\n } else {\n return \"\"\n }; return nil; })();\n classes = [\"audioblock\", node.$role()].$compact();\n class_attribute = \"\" + \" class=\\\"\" + (classes.$join(\" \")) + \"\\\"\";\n title_element = (function() {if ($truthy(node['$title?']())) {\n return \"\" + \"\" + (node.$title()) + \"
\\n\"\n } else {\n return \"\"\n }; return nil; })();\n start_t = node.$attr(\"start\");\n end_t = node.$attr(\"end\");\n time_anchor = (function() {if ($truthy(($truthy($a = start_t) ? $a : end_t))) {\n return \"\" + \"#t=\" + (($truthy($a = start_t) ? $a : \"\")) + ((function() {if ($truthy(end_t)) {\n return \"\" + \",\" + (end_t)\n } else {\n return \"\"\n }; return nil; })())\n } else {\n return \"\"\n }; return nil; })();\n return \"\" + \"\\n\" + (title_element) + \"
\\n\" + \"
\\n\" + \"Your browser does not support the audio tag.\\n\" + \" \\n\" + \"
\\n\" + \"
\";\n }, $Html5Converter_convert_audio$12.$$arity = 1);\n \n Opal.def(self, '$convert_colist', $Html5Converter_convert_colist$13 = function $$convert_colist(node) {\n var $a, $$14, $$15, self = this, result = nil, id_attribute = nil, classes = nil, class_attribute = nil, font_icons = nil, num = nil;\n\n \n result = [];\n id_attribute = (function() {if ($truthy(node.$id())) {\n return \"\" + \" id=\\\"\" + (node.$id()) + \"\\\"\"\n } else {\n return \"\"\n }; return nil; })();\n classes = [\"colist\", node.$style(), node.$role()].$compact();\n class_attribute = \"\" + \" class=\\\"\" + (classes.$join(\" \")) + \"\\\"\";\n result['$<<'](\"\" + \"\");\n if ($truthy(node['$title?']())) {\n result['$<<'](\"\" + \"
\" + (node.$title()) + \"
\")};\n if ($truthy(node.$document()['$attr?'](\"icons\"))) {\n \n result['$<<'](\"
\");\n $a = [node.$document()['$attr?'](\"icons\", \"font\"), 0], (font_icons = $a[0]), (num = $a[1]), $a;\n $send(node.$items(), 'each', [], ($$14 = function(item){var self = $$14.$$s || this, num_label = nil;\n if (self.void_element_slash == null) self.void_element_slash = nil;\n\n \n \n if (item == null) {\n item = nil;\n };\n num = $rb_plus(num, 1);\n if ($truthy(font_icons)) {\n num_label = \"\" + \"\" + (num) + \" \"\n } else {\n num_label = \"\" + \" \"\n };\n return result['$<<'](\"\" + \"\\n\" + \"\" + (num_label) + \" \\n\" + \"\" + (item.$text()) + ((function() {if ($truthy(item['$blocks?']())) {\n return $rb_plus($$($nesting, 'LF'), item.$content())\n } else {\n return \"\"\n }; return nil; })()) + \" \\n\" + \" \");}, $$14.$$s = self, $$14.$$arity = 1, $$14));\n result['$<<'](\"
\");\n } else {\n \n result['$<<'](\"
\");\n $send(node.$items(), 'each', [], ($$15 = function(item){var self = $$15.$$s || this;\n\n \n \n if (item == null) {\n item = nil;\n };\n return result['$<<'](\"\" + \"\\n\" + \"\" + (item.$text()) + \"
\" + ((function() {if ($truthy(item['$blocks?']())) {\n return $rb_plus($$($nesting, 'LF'), item.$content())\n } else {\n return \"\"\n }; return nil; })()) + \"\\n\" + \" \");}, $$15.$$s = self, $$15.$$arity = 1, $$15));\n result['$<<'](\" \");\n };\n result['$<<'](\"
\");\n return result.$join($$($nesting, 'LF'));\n }, $Html5Converter_convert_colist$13.$$arity = 1);\n \n Opal.def(self, '$convert_dlist', $Html5Converter_convert_dlist$16 = function $$convert_dlist(node) {\n var $$17, $a, $$19, $$21, self = this, result = nil, id_attribute = nil, $case = nil, classes = nil, class_attribute = nil, slash = nil, col_style_attribute = nil, dt_style_attribute = nil;\n\n \n result = [];\n id_attribute = (function() {if ($truthy(node.$id())) {\n return \"\" + \" id=\\\"\" + (node.$id()) + \"\\\"\"\n } else {\n return \"\"\n }; return nil; })();\n $case = node.$style();\n if (\"qanda\"['$===']($case)) {classes = [\"qlist\", \"qanda\", node.$role()]}\n else if (\"horizontal\"['$===']($case)) {classes = [\"hdlist\", node.$role()]}\n else {classes = [\"dlist\", node.$style(), node.$role()]};\n class_attribute = \"\" + \" class=\\\"\" + (classes.$compact().$join(\" \")) + \"\\\"\";\n result['$<<'](\"\" + \"\");\n if ($truthy(node['$title?']())) {\n result['$<<'](\"\" + \"
\" + (node.$title()) + \"
\")};\n $case = node.$style();\n if (\"qanda\"['$===']($case)) {\n result['$<<'](\"
\");\n $send(node.$items(), 'each', [], ($$17 = function(terms, dd){var self = $$17.$$s || this, $$18;\n\n \n \n if (terms == null) {\n terms = nil;\n };\n \n if (dd == null) {\n dd = nil;\n };\n result['$<<'](\"\");\n $send(terms, 'each', [], ($$18 = function(dt){var self = $$18.$$s || this;\n\n \n \n if (dt == null) {\n dt = nil;\n };\n return result['$<<'](\"\" + \"\" + (dt.$text()) + \"
\");}, $$18.$$s = self, $$18.$$arity = 1, $$18));\n if ($truthy(dd)) {\n \n if ($truthy(dd['$text?']())) {\n result['$<<'](\"\" + \"\" + (dd.$text()) + \"
\")};\n if ($truthy(dd['$blocks?']())) {\n result['$<<'](dd.$content())};};\n return result['$<<'](\" \");}, $$17.$$s = self, $$17.$$arity = 2, $$17));\n result['$<<'](\" \");}\n else if (\"horizontal\"['$===']($case)) {\n slash = self.void_element_slash;\n result['$<<'](\"
\");\n if ($truthy(($truthy($a = node['$attr?'](\"labelwidth\")) ? $a : node['$attr?'](\"itemwidth\")))) {\n \n result['$<<'](\"\");\n col_style_attribute = (function() {if ($truthy(node['$attr?'](\"labelwidth\"))) {\n return \"\" + \" style=\\\"width: \" + (node.$attr(\"labelwidth\").$chomp(\"%\")) + \"%;\\\"\"\n } else {\n return \"\"\n }; return nil; })();\n result['$<<'](\"\" + \" \");\n col_style_attribute = (function() {if ($truthy(node['$attr?'](\"itemwidth\"))) {\n return \"\" + \" style=\\\"width: \" + (node.$attr(\"itemwidth\").$chomp(\"%\")) + \"%;\\\"\"\n } else {\n return \"\"\n }; return nil; })();\n result['$<<'](\"\" + \" \");\n result['$<<'](\" \");};\n $send(node.$items(), 'each', [], ($$19 = function(terms, dd){var self = $$19.$$s || this, $$20, first_term = nil;\n\n \n \n if (terms == null) {\n terms = nil;\n };\n \n if (dd == null) {\n dd = nil;\n };\n result['$<<'](\"\");\n result['$<<'](\"\" + \"\");\n first_term = true;\n $send(terms, 'each', [], ($$20 = function(dt){var self = $$20.$$s || this;\n\n \n \n if (dt == null) {\n dt = nil;\n };\n if ($truthy(first_term)) {\n } else {\n result['$<<'](\"\" + \" \")\n };\n result['$<<'](dt.$text());\n return (first_term = nil);}, $$20.$$s = self, $$20.$$arity = 1, $$20));\n result['$<<'](\" \");\n result['$<<'](\"\");\n if ($truthy(dd)) {\n \n if ($truthy(dd['$text?']())) {\n result['$<<'](\"\" + \"\" + (dd.$text()) + \"
\")};\n if ($truthy(dd['$blocks?']())) {\n result['$<<'](dd.$content())};};\n result['$<<'](\" \");\n return result['$<<'](\" \");}, $$19.$$s = self, $$19.$$arity = 2, $$19));\n result['$<<'](\"
\");}\n else {\n result['$<<'](\"
\");\n dt_style_attribute = (function() {if ($truthy(node.$style())) {\n return \"\"\n } else {\n return \" class=\\\"hdlist1\\\"\"\n }; return nil; })();\n $send(node.$items(), 'each', [], ($$21 = function(terms, dd){var self = $$21.$$s || this, $$22;\n\n \n \n if (terms == null) {\n terms = nil;\n };\n \n if (dd == null) {\n dd = nil;\n };\n $send(terms, 'each', [], ($$22 = function(dt){var self = $$22.$$s || this;\n\n \n \n if (dt == null) {\n dt = nil;\n };\n return result['$<<'](\"\" + \"\" + (dt.$text()) + \" \");}, $$22.$$s = self, $$22.$$arity = 1, $$22));\n if ($truthy(dd)) {\n } else {\n return nil;\n };\n result['$<<'](\"\");\n if ($truthy(dd['$text?']())) {\n result['$<<'](\"\" + \"\" + (dd.$text()) + \"
\")};\n if ($truthy(dd['$blocks?']())) {\n result['$<<'](dd.$content())};\n return result['$<<'](\" \");}, $$21.$$s = self, $$21.$$arity = 2, $$21));\n result['$<<'](\" \");};\n result['$<<'](\"
\");\n return result.$join($$($nesting, 'LF'));\n }, $Html5Converter_convert_dlist$16.$$arity = 1);\n \n Opal.def(self, '$convert_example', $Html5Converter_convert_example$23 = function $$convert_example(node) {\n var self = this, id_attribute = nil, class_attribute = nil, summary_element = nil, title_element = nil, role = nil;\n\n \n id_attribute = (function() {if ($truthy(node.$id())) {\n return \"\" + \" id=\\\"\" + (node.$id()) + \"\\\"\"\n } else {\n return \"\"\n }; return nil; })();\n if ($truthy(node['$option?'](\"collapsible\"))) {\n \n class_attribute = (function() {if ($truthy(node.$role())) {\n return \"\" + \" class=\\\"\" + (node.$role()) + \"\\\"\"\n } else {\n return \"\"\n }; return nil; })();\n summary_element = (function() {if ($truthy(node['$title?']())) {\n return \"\" + \"\" + (node.$title()) + \" \"\n } else {\n return \"Details \"\n }; return nil; })();\n return \"\" + \"\\n\" + (summary_element) + \"\\n\" + \"\\n\" + (node.$content()) + \"\\n\" + \"
\\n\" + \" \";\n } else {\n \n title_element = (function() {if ($truthy(node['$title?']())) {\n return \"\" + \"\" + (node.$captioned_title()) + \"
\\n\"\n } else {\n return \"\"\n }; return nil; })();\n return \"\" + \"\\n\" + (title_element) + \"
\\n\" + (node.$content()) + \"\\n\" + \"
\\n\" + \"
\";\n };\n }, $Html5Converter_convert_example$23.$$arity = 1);\n \n Opal.def(self, '$convert_floating_title', $Html5Converter_convert_floating_title$24 = function $$convert_floating_title(node) {\n var self = this, tag_name = nil, id_attribute = nil, classes = nil;\n\n \n tag_name = \"\" + \"h\" + ($rb_plus(node.$level(), 1));\n id_attribute = (function() {if ($truthy(node.$id())) {\n return \"\" + \" id=\\\"\" + (node.$id()) + \"\\\"\"\n } else {\n return \"\"\n }; return nil; })();\n classes = [node.$style(), node.$role()].$compact();\n return \"\" + \"<\" + (tag_name) + (id_attribute) + \" class=\\\"\" + (classes.$join(\" \")) + \"\\\">\" + (node.$title()) + \"\" + (tag_name) + \">\";\n }, $Html5Converter_convert_floating_title$24.$$arity = 1);\n \n Opal.def(self, '$convert_image', $Html5Converter_convert_image$25 = function $$convert_image(node) {\n var $a, $b, $c, self = this, target = nil, width_attr = nil, height_attr = nil, svg = nil, obj = nil, img = nil, fallback = nil, id_attr = nil, classes = nil, class_attr = nil, title_el = nil;\n\n \n target = node.$attr(\"target\");\n width_attr = (function() {if ($truthy(node['$attr?'](\"width\"))) {\n return \"\" + \" width=\\\"\" + (node.$attr(\"width\")) + \"\\\"\"\n } else {\n return \"\"\n }; return nil; })();\n height_attr = (function() {if ($truthy(node['$attr?'](\"height\"))) {\n return \"\" + \" height=\\\"\" + (node.$attr(\"height\")) + \"\\\"\"\n } else {\n return \"\"\n }; return nil; })();\n if ($truthy(($truthy($a = ($truthy($b = ($truthy($c = node['$attr?'](\"format\", \"svg\")) ? $c : target['$include?'](\".svg\"))) ? $rb_lt(node.$document().$safe(), $$$($$($nesting, 'SafeMode'), 'SECURE')) : $b)) ? ($truthy($b = (svg = node['$option?'](\"inline\"))) ? $b : (obj = node['$option?'](\"interactive\"))) : $a))) {\n if ($truthy(svg)) {\n img = ($truthy($a = self.$read_svg_contents(node, target)) ? $a : \"\" + \"\" + (node.$alt()) + \" \")\n } else if ($truthy(obj)) {\n \n fallback = (function() {if ($truthy(node['$attr?'](\"fallback\"))) {\n return \"\" + \" \"\n } else {\n return \"\" + \"\" + (node.$alt()) + \" \"\n }; return nil; })();\n img = \"\" + \"\" + (fallback) + \" \";}};\n img = ($truthy($a = img) ? $a : \"\" + \" \");\n if ($truthy(node['$attr?'](\"link\"))) {\n img = \"\" + \"\" + (img) + \" \"};\n id_attr = (function() {if ($truthy(node.$id())) {\n return \"\" + \" id=\\\"\" + (node.$id()) + \"\\\"\"\n } else {\n return \"\"\n }; return nil; })();\n classes = [\"imageblock\"];\n if ($truthy(node['$attr?'](\"float\"))) {\n classes['$<<'](node.$attr(\"float\"))};\n if ($truthy(node['$attr?'](\"align\"))) {\n classes['$<<'](\"\" + \"text-\" + (node.$attr(\"align\")))};\n if ($truthy(node.$role())) {\n classes['$<<'](node.$role())};\n class_attr = \"\" + \" class=\\\"\" + (classes.$join(\" \")) + \"\\\"\";\n title_el = (function() {if ($truthy(node['$title?']())) {\n return \"\" + \"\\n\" + (node.$captioned_title()) + \"
\"\n } else {\n return \"\"\n }; return nil; })();\n return \"\" + \"\\n\" + \"
\\n\" + (img) + \"\\n\" + \"
\" + (title_el) + \"\\n\" + \"
\";\n }, $Html5Converter_convert_image$25.$$arity = 1);\n \n Opal.def(self, '$convert_listing', $Html5Converter_convert_listing$26 = function $$convert_listing(node) {\n var $a, self = this, nowrap = nil, lang = nil, syntax_hl = nil, opts = nil, doc_attrs = nil, $writer = nil, pre_open = nil, pre_close = nil, id_attribute = nil, title_element = nil, role = nil;\n\n \n nowrap = ($truthy($a = node['$option?'](\"nowrap\")) ? $a : node.$document()['$attr?'](\"prewrap\")['$!']());\n if (node.$style()['$=='](\"source\")) {\n \n lang = node.$attr(\"language\");\n if ($truthy((syntax_hl = node.$document().$syntax_highlighter()))) {\n \n opts = (function() {if ($truthy(syntax_hl['$highlight?']())) {\n return $hash2([\"css_mode\", \"style\"], {\"css_mode\": ($truthy($a = (doc_attrs = node.$document().$attributes())['$[]'](\"\" + (syntax_hl.$name()) + \"-css\")) ? $a : \"class\").$to_sym(), \"style\": doc_attrs['$[]'](\"\" + (syntax_hl.$name()) + \"-style\")})\n } else {\n return $hash2([], {})\n }; return nil; })();\n \n $writer = [\"nowrap\", nowrap];\n $send(opts, '[]=', Opal.to_a($writer));\n $writer[$rb_minus($writer[\"length\"], 1)];;\n } else {\n \n pre_open = \"\" + \"\";\n pre_close = \"
\";\n };\n } else {\n \n pre_open = \"\" + \"\";\n pre_close = \" \";\n };\n id_attribute = (function() {if ($truthy(node.$id())) {\n return \"\" + \" id=\\\"\" + (node.$id()) + \"\\\"\"\n } else {\n return \"\"\n }; return nil; })();\n title_element = (function() {if ($truthy(node['$title?']())) {\n return \"\" + \"\" + (node.$captioned_title()) + \"
\\n\"\n } else {\n return \"\"\n }; return nil; })();\n return \"\" + \"\\n\" + (title_element) + \"
\\n\" + ((function() {if ($truthy(syntax_hl)) {\n \n return syntax_hl.$format(node, lang, opts);\n } else {\n return $rb_plus($rb_plus(pre_open, ($truthy($a = node.$content()) ? $a : \"\")), pre_close)\n }; return nil; })()) + \"\\n\" + \"
\\n\" + \"
\";\n }, $Html5Converter_convert_listing$26.$$arity = 1);\n \n Opal.def(self, '$convert_literal', $Html5Converter_convert_literal$27 = function $$convert_literal(node) {\n var $a, self = this, id_attribute = nil, title_element = nil, nowrap = nil, role = nil;\n\n \n id_attribute = (function() {if ($truthy(node.$id())) {\n return \"\" + \" id=\\\"\" + (node.$id()) + \"\\\"\"\n } else {\n return \"\"\n }; return nil; })();\n title_element = (function() {if ($truthy(node['$title?']())) {\n return \"\" + \"\" + (node.$title()) + \"
\\n\"\n } else {\n return \"\"\n }; return nil; })();\n nowrap = ($truthy($a = node.$document()['$attr?'](\"prewrap\")['$!']()) ? $a : node['$option?'](\"nowrap\"));\n return \"\" + \"\\n\" + (title_element) + \"
\\n\" + \"
\" + (node.$content()) + \" \\n\" + \"
\\n\" + \"
\";\n }, $Html5Converter_convert_literal$27.$$arity = 1);\n \n Opal.def(self, '$convert_stem', $Html5Converter_convert_stem$28 = function $$convert_stem(node) {\n var $a, $b, $$29, self = this, id_attribute = nil, title_element = nil, style = nil, open = nil, close = nil, equation = nil, br = nil, role = nil;\n\n \n id_attribute = (function() {if ($truthy(node.$id())) {\n return \"\" + \" id=\\\"\" + (node.$id()) + \"\\\"\"\n } else {\n return \"\"\n }; return nil; })();\n title_element = (function() {if ($truthy(node['$title?']())) {\n return \"\" + \"\" + (node.$title()) + \"
\\n\"\n } else {\n return \"\"\n }; return nil; })();\n $b = $$($nesting, 'BLOCK_MATH_DELIMITERS')['$[]']((style = node.$style().$to_sym())), $a = Opal.to_ary($b), (open = ($a[0] == null ? nil : $a[0])), (close = ($a[1] == null ? nil : $a[1])), $b;\n if ($truthy((equation = node.$content()))) {\n \n if ($truthy((($a = style['$=='](\"asciimath\")) ? equation['$include?']($$($nesting, 'LF')) : style['$=='](\"asciimath\")))) {\n \n br = \"\" + ($$($nesting, 'LF')) + \" \";\n equation = $send(equation, 'gsub', [$$($nesting, 'StemBreakRx')], ($$29 = function(){var self = $$29.$$s || this, $c;\n\n return \"\" + (close) + ($rb_times(br, $rb_minus((($c = $gvars['~']) === nil ? nil : $c['$[]'](0)).$count($$($nesting, 'LF')), 1))) + ($$($nesting, 'LF')) + (open)}, $$29.$$s = self, $$29.$$arity = 0, $$29));};\n if ($truthy(($truthy($a = equation['$start_with?'](open)) ? equation['$end_with?'](close) : $a))) {\n } else {\n equation = \"\" + (open) + (equation) + (close)\n };\n } else {\n equation = \"\"\n };\n return \"\" + \"\\n\" + (title_element) + \"
\\n\" + (equation) + \"\\n\" + \"
\\n\" + \"
\";\n }, $Html5Converter_convert_stem$28.$$arity = 1);\n \n Opal.def(self, '$convert_olist', $Html5Converter_convert_olist$30 = function $$convert_olist(node) {\n var $$31, self = this, result = nil, id_attribute = nil, classes = nil, class_attribute = nil, type_attribute = nil, keyword = nil, start_attribute = nil, reversed_attribute = nil;\n\n \n result = [];\n id_attribute = (function() {if ($truthy(node.$id())) {\n return \"\" + \" id=\\\"\" + (node.$id()) + \"\\\"\"\n } else {\n return \"\"\n }; return nil; })();\n classes = [\"olist\", node.$style(), node.$role()].$compact();\n class_attribute = \"\" + \" class=\\\"\" + (classes.$join(\" \")) + \"\\\"\";\n result['$<<'](\"\" + \"\");\n if ($truthy(node['$title?']())) {\n result['$<<'](\"\" + \"
\" + (node.$title()) + \"
\")};\n type_attribute = (function() {if ($truthy((keyword = node.$list_marker_keyword()))) {\n return \"\" + \" type=\\\"\" + (keyword) + \"\\\"\"\n } else {\n return \"\"\n }; return nil; })();\n start_attribute = (function() {if ($truthy(node['$attr?'](\"start\"))) {\n return \"\" + \" start=\\\"\" + (node.$attr(\"start\")) + \"\\\"\"\n } else {\n return \"\"\n }; return nil; })();\n reversed_attribute = (function() {if ($truthy(node['$option?'](\"reversed\"))) {\n \n return self.$append_boolean_attribute(\"reversed\", self.xml_mode);\n } else {\n return \"\"\n }; return nil; })();\n result['$<<'](\"\" + \"
\");\n $send(node.$items(), 'each', [], ($$31 = function(item){var self = $$31.$$s || this;\n\n \n \n if (item == null) {\n item = nil;\n };\n if ($truthy(item.$id())) {\n result['$<<'](\"\" + \"\")\n } else if ($truthy(item.$role())) {\n result['$<<'](\"\" + \" \")\n } else {\n result['$<<'](\" \")\n };\n result['$<<'](\"\" + \"\" + (item.$text()) + \"
\");\n if ($truthy(item['$blocks?']())) {\n result['$<<'](item.$content())};\n return result['$<<'](\" \");}, $$31.$$s = self, $$31.$$arity = 1, $$31));\n result['$<<'](\" \");\n result['$<<'](\"
\");\n return result.$join($$($nesting, 'LF'));\n }, $Html5Converter_convert_olist$30.$$arity = 1);\n \n Opal.def(self, '$convert_open', $Html5Converter_convert_open$32 = function $$convert_open(node) {\n var $a, $b, $c, self = this, style = nil, id_attr = nil, title_el = nil, role = nil;\n\n if ((style = node.$style())['$=='](\"abstract\")) {\n if ($truthy((($a = node.$parent()['$=='](node.$document())) ? node.$document().$doctype()['$=='](\"book\") : node.$parent()['$=='](node.$document())))) {\n \n self.$logger().$warn(\"abstract block cannot be used in a document without a title when doctype is book. Excluding block content.\");\n return \"\";\n } else {\n \n id_attr = (function() {if ($truthy(node.$id())) {\n return \"\" + \" id=\\\"\" + (node.$id()) + \"\\\"\"\n } else {\n return \"\"\n }; return nil; })();\n title_el = (function() {if ($truthy(node['$title?']())) {\n return \"\" + \"\" + (node.$title()) + \"
\\n\"\n } else {\n return \"\"\n }; return nil; })();\n return \"\" + \"\\n\" + (title_el) + \"
\\n\" + (node.$content()) + \"\\n\" + \" \\n\" + \"
\";\n }\n } else if ($truthy((($a = style['$=='](\"partintro\")) ? ($truthy($b = ($truthy($c = $rb_gt(node.$level(), 0)) ? $c : node.$parent().$context()['$!='](\"section\"))) ? $b : node.$document().$doctype()['$!='](\"book\")) : style['$=='](\"partintro\")))) {\n \n self.$logger().$error(\"partintro block can only be used when doctype is book and must be a child of a book part. Excluding block content.\");\n return \"\";\n } else {\n \n id_attr = (function() {if ($truthy(node.$id())) {\n return \"\" + \" id=\\\"\" + (node.$id()) + \"\\\"\"\n } else {\n return \"\"\n }; return nil; })();\n title_el = (function() {if ($truthy(node['$title?']())) {\n return \"\" + \"\" + (node.$title()) + \"
\\n\"\n } else {\n return \"\"\n }; return nil; })();\n return \"\" + \"\\n\" + (title_el) + \"
\\n\" + (node.$content()) + \"\\n\" + \"
\\n\" + \"
\";\n }\n }, $Html5Converter_convert_open$32.$$arity = 1);\n \n Opal.def(self, '$convert_page_break', $Html5Converter_convert_page_break$33 = function $$convert_page_break(node) {\n var self = this;\n\n return \"
\"\n }, $Html5Converter_convert_page_break$33.$$arity = 1);\n \n Opal.def(self, '$convert_paragraph', $Html5Converter_convert_paragraph$34 = function $$convert_paragraph(node) {\n var self = this, attributes = nil;\n\n \n if ($truthy(node.$role())) {\n attributes = \"\" + ((function() {if ($truthy(node.$id())) {\n return \"\" + \" id=\\\"\" + (node.$id()) + \"\\\"\"\n } else {\n return \"\"\n }; return nil; })()) + \" class=\\\"paragraph \" + (node.$role()) + \"\\\"\"\n } else if ($truthy(node.$id())) {\n attributes = \"\" + \" id=\\\"\" + (node.$id()) + \"\\\" class=\\\"paragraph\\\"\"\n } else {\n attributes = \" class=\\\"paragraph\\\"\"\n };\n if ($truthy(node['$title?']())) {\n return \"\" + \"\\n\" + \"
\" + (node.$title()) + \"
\\n\" + \"
\" + (node.$content()) + \"
\\n\" + \"
\"\n } else {\n return \"\" + \"\\n\" + \"
\" + (node.$content()) + \"
\\n\" + \"
\"\n };\n }, $Html5Converter_convert_paragraph$34.$$arity = 1);\n Opal.alias(self, \"convert_pass\", \"content_only\");\n \n Opal.def(self, '$convert_preamble', $Html5Converter_convert_preamble$35 = function $$convert_preamble(node) {\n var $a, $b, self = this, doc = nil, toc = nil;\n\n \n if ($truthy(($truthy($a = ($truthy($b = (doc = node.$document())['$attr?'](\"toc-placement\", \"preamble\")) ? doc['$sections?']() : $b)) ? doc['$attr?'](\"toc\") : $a))) {\n toc = \"\" + \"\\n\" + \"\\n\" + \"
\" + (doc.$attr(\"toc-title\")) + \"
\\n\" + (doc.$converter().$convert(doc, \"outline\")) + \"\\n\" + \"
\"\n } else {\n toc = \"\"\n };\n return \"\" + \"\\n\" + \"
\\n\" + (node.$content()) + \"\\n\" + \"
\" + (toc) + \"\\n\" + \"
\";\n }, $Html5Converter_convert_preamble$35.$$arity = 1);\n \n Opal.def(self, '$convert_quote', $Html5Converter_convert_quote$36 = function $$convert_quote(node) {\n var $a, self = this, id_attribute = nil, classes = nil, class_attribute = nil, title_element = nil, attribution = nil, citetitle = nil, cite_element = nil, attribution_text = nil, attribution_element = nil;\n\n \n id_attribute = (function() {if ($truthy(node.$id())) {\n return \"\" + \" id=\\\"\" + (node.$id()) + \"\\\"\"\n } else {\n return \"\"\n }; return nil; })();\n classes = [\"quoteblock\", node.$role()].$compact();\n class_attribute = \"\" + \" class=\\\"\" + (classes.$join(\" \")) + \"\\\"\";\n title_element = (function() {if ($truthy(node['$title?']())) {\n return \"\" + \"\\n\" + (node.$title()) + \"
\"\n } else {\n return \"\"\n }; return nil; })();\n attribution = (function() {if ($truthy(node['$attr?'](\"attribution\"))) {\n \n return node.$attr(\"attribution\");\n } else {\n return nil\n }; return nil; })();\n citetitle = (function() {if ($truthy(node['$attr?'](\"citetitle\"))) {\n \n return node.$attr(\"citetitle\");\n } else {\n return nil\n }; return nil; })();\n if ($truthy(($truthy($a = attribution) ? $a : citetitle))) {\n \n cite_element = (function() {if ($truthy(citetitle)) {\n return \"\" + \"\" + (citetitle) + \" \"\n } else {\n return \"\"\n }; return nil; })();\n attribution_text = (function() {if ($truthy(attribution)) {\n return \"\" + \"— \" + (attribution) + ((function() {if ($truthy(citetitle)) {\n return \"\" + \" \\n\"\n } else {\n return \"\"\n }; return nil; })())\n } else {\n return \"\"\n }; return nil; })();\n attribution_element = \"\" + \"\\n\\n\" + (attribution_text) + (cite_element) + \"\\n
\";\n } else {\n attribution_element = \"\"\n };\n return \"\" + \"\" + (title_element) + \"\\n\" + \"
\\n\" + (node.$content()) + \"\\n\" + \" \" + (attribution_element) + \"\\n\" + \"
\";\n }, $Html5Converter_convert_quote$36.$$arity = 1);\n \n Opal.def(self, '$convert_thematic_break', $Html5Converter_convert_thematic_break$37 = function $$convert_thematic_break(node) {\n var self = this;\n\n return \"\" + \" \"\n }, $Html5Converter_convert_thematic_break$37.$$arity = 1);\n \n Opal.def(self, '$convert_sidebar', $Html5Converter_convert_sidebar$38 = function $$convert_sidebar(node) {\n var self = this, id_attribute = nil, title_element = nil, role = nil;\n\n \n id_attribute = (function() {if ($truthy(node.$id())) {\n return \"\" + \" id=\\\"\" + (node.$id()) + \"\\\"\"\n } else {\n return \"\"\n }; return nil; })();\n title_element = (function() {if ($truthy(node['$title?']())) {\n return \"\" + \"\" + (node.$title()) + \"
\\n\"\n } else {\n return \"\"\n }; return nil; })();\n return \"\" + \"\";\n }, $Html5Converter_convert_sidebar$38.$$arity = 1);\n \n Opal.def(self, '$convert_table', $Html5Converter_convert_table$39 = function $$convert_table(node) {\n var $a, $$40, $$41, self = this, result = nil, id_attribute = nil, frame = nil, classes = nil, stripes = nil, styles = nil, autowidth = nil, tablewidth = nil, role = nil, class_attribute = nil, style_attribute = nil, slash = nil;\n\n \n result = [];\n id_attribute = (function() {if ($truthy(node.$id())) {\n return \"\" + \" id=\\\"\" + (node.$id()) + \"\\\"\"\n } else {\n return \"\"\n }; return nil; })();\n if ((frame = node.$attr(\"frame\", \"all\", \"table-frame\"))['$=='](\"topbot\")) {\n frame = \"ends\"};\n classes = [\"tableblock\", \"\" + \"frame-\" + (frame), \"\" + \"grid-\" + (node.$attr(\"grid\", \"all\", \"table-grid\"))];\n if ($truthy((stripes = node.$attr(\"stripes\", nil, \"table-stripes\")))) {\n classes['$<<'](\"\" + \"stripes-\" + (stripes))};\n styles = [];\n if ($truthy(($truthy($a = (autowidth = node['$option?'](\"autowidth\"))) ? node['$attr?'](\"width\")['$!']() : $a))) {\n classes['$<<'](\"fit-content\")\n } else if ((tablewidth = node.$attr(\"tablepcwidth\"))['$=='](100)) {\n classes['$<<'](\"stretch\")\n } else {\n styles['$<<'](\"\" + \"width: \" + (tablewidth) + \"%;\")\n };\n if ($truthy(node['$attr?'](\"float\"))) {\n classes['$<<'](node.$attr(\"float\"))};\n if ($truthy((role = node.$role()))) {\n classes['$<<'](role)};\n class_attribute = \"\" + \" class=\\\"\" + (classes.$join(\" \")) + \"\\\"\";\n style_attribute = (function() {if ($truthy(styles['$empty?']())) {\n return \"\"\n } else {\n return \"\" + \" style=\\\"\" + (styles.$join(\" \")) + \"\\\"\"\n }; return nil; })();\n result['$<<'](\"\" + \"\");\n if ($truthy(node['$title?']())) {\n result['$<<'](\"\" + \"\" + (node.$captioned_title()) + \" \")};\n if ($truthy($rb_gt(node.$attr(\"rowcount\"), 0))) {\n \n slash = self.void_element_slash;\n result['$<<'](\"\");\n if ($truthy(autowidth)) {\n result = $rb_plus(result, $$($nesting, 'Array').$new(node.$columns().$size(), \"\" + \" \"))\n } else {\n $send(node.$columns(), 'each', [], ($$40 = function(col){var self = $$40.$$s || this;\n\n \n \n if (col == null) {\n col = nil;\n };\n return result['$<<']((function() {if ($truthy(col['$option?'](\"autowidth\"))) {\n return \"\" + \" \"\n } else {\n return \"\" + \" \"\n }; return nil; })());}, $$40.$$s = self, $$40.$$arity = 1, $$40))\n };\n result['$<<'](\" \");\n $send(node.$rows().$to_h(), 'each', [], ($$41 = function(tsec, rows){var self = $$41.$$s || this, $$42;\n\n \n \n if (tsec == null) {\n tsec = nil;\n };\n \n if (rows == null) {\n rows = nil;\n };\n if ($truthy(rows['$empty?']())) {\n return nil;};\n result['$<<'](\"\" + \"\");\n $send(rows, 'each', [], ($$42 = function(row){var self = $$42.$$s || this, $$43;\n\n \n \n if (row == null) {\n row = nil;\n };\n result['$<<'](\"\");\n $send(row, 'each', [], ($$43 = function(cell){var self = $$43.$$s || this, $b, cell_content = nil, $case = nil, cell_tag_name = nil, cell_class_attribute = nil, cell_colspan_attribute = nil, cell_rowspan_attribute = nil, cell_style_attribute = nil;\n\n \n \n if (cell == null) {\n cell = nil;\n };\n if (tsec['$=='](\"head\")) {\n cell_content = cell.$text()\n } else {\n $case = cell.$style();\n if (\"asciidoc\"['$===']($case)) {cell_content = \"\" + \"\" + (cell.$content()) + \"
\"}\n else if (\"literal\"['$===']($case)) {cell_content = \"\" + \"\"}\n else {cell_content = (function() {if ($truthy((cell_content = cell.$content())['$empty?']())) {\n return \"\"\n } else {\n return \"\" + \"\" + (cell_content.$join(\"\" + \"
\\n\" + \"\")) + \"
\"\n }; return nil; })()}\n };\n cell_tag_name = (function() {if ($truthy(($truthy($b = tsec['$=='](\"head\")) ? $b : cell.$style()['$=='](\"header\")))) {\n return \"th\"\n } else {\n return \"td\"\n }; return nil; })();\n cell_class_attribute = \"\" + \" class=\\\"tableblock halign-\" + (cell.$attr(\"halign\")) + \" valign-\" + (cell.$attr(\"valign\")) + \"\\\"\";\n cell_colspan_attribute = (function() {if ($truthy(cell.$colspan())) {\n return \"\" + \" colspan=\\\"\" + (cell.$colspan()) + \"\\\"\"\n } else {\n return \"\"\n }; return nil; })();\n cell_rowspan_attribute = (function() {if ($truthy(cell.$rowspan())) {\n return \"\" + \" rowspan=\\\"\" + (cell.$rowspan()) + \"\\\"\"\n } else {\n return \"\"\n }; return nil; })();\n cell_style_attribute = (function() {if ($truthy(node.$document()['$attr?'](\"cellbgcolor\"))) {\n return \"\" + \" style=\\\"background-color: \" + (node.$document().$attr(\"cellbgcolor\")) + \";\\\"\"\n } else {\n return \"\"\n }; return nil; })();\n return result['$<<'](\"\" + \"<\" + (cell_tag_name) + (cell_class_attribute) + (cell_colspan_attribute) + (cell_rowspan_attribute) + (cell_style_attribute) + \">\" + (cell_content) + \"\" + (cell_tag_name) + \">\");}, $$43.$$s = self, $$43.$$arity = 1, $$43));\n return result['$<<'](\" \");}, $$42.$$s = self, $$42.$$arity = 1, $$42));\n return result['$<<'](\"\" + \" \");}, $$41.$$s = self, $$41.$$arity = 2, $$41));};\n result['$<<'](\"
\");\n return result.$join($$($nesting, 'LF'));\n }, $Html5Converter_convert_table$39.$$arity = 1);\n \n Opal.def(self, '$convert_toc', $Html5Converter_convert_toc$44 = function $$convert_toc(node) {\n var $a, $b, self = this, doc = nil, id_attr = nil, title_id_attr = nil, title = nil, levels = nil, role = nil;\n\n \n if ($truthy(($truthy($a = ($truthy($b = (doc = node.$document())['$attr?'](\"toc-placement\", \"macro\")) ? doc['$sections?']() : $b)) ? doc['$attr?'](\"toc\") : $a))) {\n } else {\n return \"\"\n };\n if ($truthy(node.$id())) {\n \n id_attr = \"\" + \" id=\\\"\" + (node.$id()) + \"\\\"\";\n title_id_attr = \"\" + \" id=\\\"\" + (node.$id()) + \"title\\\"\";\n } else {\n \n id_attr = \" id=\\\"toc\\\"\";\n title_id_attr = \" id=\\\"toctitle\\\"\";\n };\n title = (function() {if ($truthy(node['$title?']())) {\n return node.$title()\n } else {\n \n return doc.$attr(\"toc-title\");\n }; return nil; })();\n levels = (function() {if ($truthy(node['$attr?'](\"levels\"))) {\n return node.$attr(\"levels\").$to_i()\n } else {\n return nil\n }; return nil; })();\n role = (function() {if ($truthy(node['$role?']())) {\n return node.$role()\n } else {\n \n return doc.$attr(\"toc-class\", \"toc\");\n }; return nil; })();\n return \"\" + \"\\n\" + \"
\" + (title) + \"
\\n\" + (doc.$converter().$convert(doc, \"outline\", $hash2([\"toclevels\"], {\"toclevels\": levels}))) + \"\\n\" + \"
\";\n }, $Html5Converter_convert_toc$44.$$arity = 1);\n \n Opal.def(self, '$convert_ulist', $Html5Converter_convert_ulist$45 = function $$convert_ulist(node) {\n var $$46, self = this, result = nil, id_attribute = nil, div_classes = nil, marker_checked = nil, marker_unchecked = nil, checklist = nil, ul_class_attribute = nil;\n\n \n result = [];\n id_attribute = (function() {if ($truthy(node.$id())) {\n return \"\" + \" id=\\\"\" + (node.$id()) + \"\\\"\"\n } else {\n return \"\"\n }; return nil; })();\n div_classes = [\"ulist\", node.$style(), node.$role()].$compact();\n marker_checked = (marker_unchecked = \"\");\n if ($truthy((checklist = node['$option?'](\"checklist\")))) {\n \n div_classes.$unshift(div_classes.$shift(), \"checklist\");\n ul_class_attribute = \" class=\\\"checklist\\\"\";\n if ($truthy(node['$option?'](\"interactive\"))) {\n if ($truthy(self.xml_mode)) {\n \n marker_checked = \" \";\n marker_unchecked = \" \";\n } else {\n \n marker_checked = \" \";\n marker_unchecked = \" \";\n }\n } else if ($truthy(node.$document()['$attr?'](\"icons\", \"font\"))) {\n \n marker_checked = \" \";\n marker_unchecked = \" \";\n } else {\n \n marker_checked = \"✓ \";\n marker_unchecked = \"❏ \";\n };\n } else {\n ul_class_attribute = (function() {if ($truthy(node.$style())) {\n return \"\" + \" class=\\\"\" + (node.$style()) + \"\\\"\"\n } else {\n return \"\"\n }; return nil; })()\n };\n result['$<<'](\"\" + \"\");\n if ($truthy(node['$title?']())) {\n result['$<<'](\"\" + \"
\" + (node.$title()) + \"
\")};\n result['$<<'](\"\" + \"
\");\n result['$<<'](\"
\");\n return result.$join($$($nesting, 'LF'));\n }, $Html5Converter_convert_ulist$45.$$arity = 1);\n \n Opal.def(self, '$convert_verse', $Html5Converter_convert_verse$47 = function $$convert_verse(node) {\n var $a, self = this, id_attribute = nil, classes = nil, class_attribute = nil, title_element = nil, attribution = nil, citetitle = nil, cite_element = nil, attribution_text = nil, attribution_element = nil;\n\n \n id_attribute = (function() {if ($truthy(node.$id())) {\n return \"\" + \" id=\\\"\" + (node.$id()) + \"\\\"\"\n } else {\n return \"\"\n }; return nil; })();\n classes = [\"verseblock\", node.$role()].$compact();\n class_attribute = \"\" + \" class=\\\"\" + (classes.$join(\" \")) + \"\\\"\";\n title_element = (function() {if ($truthy(node['$title?']())) {\n return \"\" + \"\\n\" + (node.$title()) + \"
\"\n } else {\n return \"\"\n }; return nil; })();\n attribution = (function() {if ($truthy(node['$attr?'](\"attribution\"))) {\n \n return node.$attr(\"attribution\");\n } else {\n return nil\n }; return nil; })();\n citetitle = (function() {if ($truthy(node['$attr?'](\"citetitle\"))) {\n \n return node.$attr(\"citetitle\");\n } else {\n return nil\n }; return nil; })();\n if ($truthy(($truthy($a = attribution) ? $a : citetitle))) {\n \n cite_element = (function() {if ($truthy(citetitle)) {\n return \"\" + \"\" + (citetitle) + \" \"\n } else {\n return \"\"\n }; return nil; })();\n attribution_text = (function() {if ($truthy(attribution)) {\n return \"\" + \"— \" + (attribution) + ((function() {if ($truthy(citetitle)) {\n return \"\" + \" \\n\"\n } else {\n return \"\"\n }; return nil; })())\n } else {\n return \"\"\n }; return nil; })();\n attribution_element = \"\" + \"\\n\\n\" + (attribution_text) + (cite_element) + \"\\n
\";\n } else {\n attribution_element = \"\"\n };\n return \"\" + \"\" + (title_element) + \"\\n\" + \"
\" + (node.$content()) + \" \" + (attribution_element) + \"\\n\" + \"
\";\n }, $Html5Converter_convert_verse$47.$$arity = 1);\n \n Opal.def(self, '$convert_video', $Html5Converter_convert_video$48 = function $$convert_video(node) {\n var $a, $b, self = this, xml = nil, id_attribute = nil, classes = nil, class_attribute = nil, title_element = nil, width_attribute = nil, height_attribute = nil, $case = nil, asset_uri_scheme = nil, start_anchor = nil, delimiter = nil, autoplay_param = nil, loop_param = nil, muted_param = nil, rel_param_val = nil, start_param = nil, end_param = nil, has_loop_param = nil, mute_param = nil, controls_param = nil, fs_param = nil, fs_attribute = nil, modest_param = nil, theme_param = nil, hl_param = nil, target = nil, list = nil, list_param = nil, playlist = nil, poster_attribute = nil, val = nil, preload_attribute = nil, start_t = nil, end_t = nil, time_anchor = nil;\n\n \n xml = self.xml_mode;\n id_attribute = (function() {if ($truthy(node.$id())) {\n return \"\" + \" id=\\\"\" + (node.$id()) + \"\\\"\"\n } else {\n return \"\"\n }; return nil; })();\n classes = [\"videoblock\"];\n if ($truthy(node['$attr?'](\"float\"))) {\n classes['$<<'](node.$attr(\"float\"))};\n if ($truthy(node['$attr?'](\"align\"))) {\n classes['$<<'](\"\" + \"text-\" + (node.$attr(\"align\")))};\n if ($truthy(node.$role())) {\n classes['$<<'](node.$role())};\n class_attribute = \"\" + \" class=\\\"\" + (classes.$join(\" \")) + \"\\\"\";\n title_element = (function() {if ($truthy(node['$title?']())) {\n return \"\" + \"\\n\" + (node.$title()) + \"
\"\n } else {\n return \"\"\n }; return nil; })();\n width_attribute = (function() {if ($truthy(node['$attr?'](\"width\"))) {\n return \"\" + \" width=\\\"\" + (node.$attr(\"width\")) + \"\\\"\"\n } else {\n return \"\"\n }; return nil; })();\n height_attribute = (function() {if ($truthy(node['$attr?'](\"height\"))) {\n return \"\" + \" height=\\\"\" + (node.$attr(\"height\")) + \"\\\"\"\n } else {\n return \"\"\n }; return nil; })();\n return (function() {$case = node.$attr(\"poster\");\n if (\"vimeo\"['$===']($case)) {\n if ($truthy((asset_uri_scheme = node.$document().$attr(\"asset-uri-scheme\", \"https\"))['$empty?']())) {\n } else {\n asset_uri_scheme = \"\" + (asset_uri_scheme) + \":\"\n };\n start_anchor = (function() {if ($truthy(node['$attr?'](\"start\"))) {\n return \"\" + \"#at=\" + (node.$attr(\"start\"))\n } else {\n return \"\"\n }; return nil; })();\n delimiter = [\"?\"];\n autoplay_param = (function() {if ($truthy(node['$option?'](\"autoplay\"))) {\n return \"\" + (($truthy($a = delimiter.$pop()) ? $a : \"&\")) + \"autoplay=1\"\n } else {\n return \"\"\n }; return nil; })();\n loop_param = (function() {if ($truthy(node['$option?'](\"loop\"))) {\n return \"\" + (($truthy($a = delimiter.$pop()) ? $a : \"&\")) + \"loop=1\"\n } else {\n return \"\"\n }; return nil; })();\n muted_param = (function() {if ($truthy(node['$option?'](\"muted\"))) {\n return \"\" + (($truthy($a = delimiter.$pop()) ? $a : \"&\")) + \"muted=1\"\n } else {\n return \"\"\n }; return nil; })();\n return \"\" + \"\" + (title_element) + \"\\n\" + \"
\\n\" + \"\\n\" + \"
\\n\" + \"
\";}\n else if (\"youtube\"['$===']($case)) {\n if ($truthy((asset_uri_scheme = node.$document().$attr(\"asset-uri-scheme\", \"https\"))['$empty?']())) {\n } else {\n asset_uri_scheme = \"\" + (asset_uri_scheme) + \":\"\n };\n rel_param_val = (function() {if ($truthy(node['$option?'](\"related\"))) {\n return 1\n } else {\n return 0\n }; return nil; })();\n start_param = (function() {if ($truthy(node['$attr?'](\"start\"))) {\n return \"\" + \"&start=\" + (node.$attr(\"start\"))\n } else {\n return \"\"\n }; return nil; })();\n end_param = (function() {if ($truthy(node['$attr?'](\"end\"))) {\n return \"\" + \"&end=\" + (node.$attr(\"end\"))\n } else {\n return \"\"\n }; return nil; })();\n autoplay_param = (function() {if ($truthy(node['$option?'](\"autoplay\"))) {\n return \"&autoplay=1\"\n } else {\n return \"\"\n }; return nil; })();\n loop_param = (function() {if ($truthy((has_loop_param = node['$option?'](\"loop\")))) {\n return \"&loop=1\"\n } else {\n return \"\"\n }; return nil; })();\n mute_param = (function() {if ($truthy(node['$option?'](\"muted\"))) {\n return \"&mute=1\"\n } else {\n return \"\"\n }; return nil; })();\n controls_param = (function() {if ($truthy(node['$option?'](\"nocontrols\"))) {\n return \"&controls=0\"\n } else {\n return \"\"\n }; return nil; })();\n if ($truthy(node['$option?'](\"nofullscreen\"))) {\n \n fs_param = \"&fs=0\";\n fs_attribute = \"\";\n } else {\n \n fs_param = \"\";\n fs_attribute = self.$append_boolean_attribute(\"allowfullscreen\", xml);\n };\n modest_param = (function() {if ($truthy(node['$option?'](\"modest\"))) {\n return \"&modestbranding=1\"\n } else {\n return \"\"\n }; return nil; })();\n theme_param = (function() {if ($truthy(node['$attr?'](\"theme\"))) {\n return \"\" + \"&theme=\" + (node.$attr(\"theme\"))\n } else {\n return \"\"\n }; return nil; })();\n hl_param = (function() {if ($truthy(node['$attr?'](\"lang\"))) {\n return \"\" + \"&hl=\" + (node.$attr(\"lang\"))\n } else {\n return \"\"\n }; return nil; })();\n $b = node.$attr(\"target\").$split(\"/\", 2), $a = Opal.to_ary($b), (target = ($a[0] == null ? nil : $a[0])), (list = ($a[1] == null ? nil : $a[1])), $b;\n if ($truthy((list = ($truthy($a = list) ? $a : node.$attr(\"list\"))))) {\n list_param = \"\" + \"&list=\" + (list)\n } else {\n \n $b = target.$split(\",\", 2), $a = Opal.to_ary($b), (target = ($a[0] == null ? nil : $a[0])), (playlist = ($a[1] == null ? nil : $a[1])), $b;\n if ($truthy((playlist = ($truthy($a = playlist) ? $a : node.$attr(\"playlist\"))))) {\n list_param = \"\" + \"&playlist=\" + (playlist)\n } else {\n list_param = (function() {if ($truthy(has_loop_param)) {\n return \"\" + \"&playlist=\" + (target)\n } else {\n return \"\"\n }; return nil; })()\n };\n };\n return \"\" + \"\" + (title_element) + \"\\n\" + \"
\\n\" + \"\\n\" + \"
\\n\" + \"
\";}\n else {\n poster_attribute = (function() {if ($truthy((val = node.$attr(\"poster\"))['$nil_or_empty?']())) {\n return \"\"\n } else {\n return \"\" + \" poster=\\\"\" + (node.$media_uri(val)) + \"\\\"\"\n }; return nil; })();\n preload_attribute = (function() {if ($truthy((val = node.$attr(\"preload\"))['$nil_or_empty?']())) {\n return \"\"\n } else {\n return \"\" + \" preload=\\\"\" + (val) + \"\\\"\"\n }; return nil; })();\n start_t = node.$attr(\"start\");\n end_t = node.$attr(\"end\");\n time_anchor = (function() {if ($truthy(($truthy($a = start_t) ? $a : end_t))) {\n return \"\" + \"#t=\" + (($truthy($a = start_t) ? $a : \"\")) + ((function() {if ($truthy(end_t)) {\n return \"\" + \",\" + (end_t)\n } else {\n return \"\"\n }; return nil; })())\n } else {\n return \"\"\n }; return nil; })();\n return \"\" + \"\" + (title_element) + \"\\n\" + \"
\\n\" + \"\\n\" + \"Your browser does not support the video tag.\\n\" + \" \\n\" + \"
\\n\" + \"
\";}})();\n }, $Html5Converter_convert_video$48.$$arity = 1);\n \n Opal.def(self, '$convert_inline_anchor', $Html5Converter_convert_inline_anchor$49 = function $$convert_inline_anchor(node) {\n var $a, $b, self = this, $case = nil, path = nil, attrs = nil, text = nil, ref = nil, refid = nil, top = nil, outer = nil;\n\n return (function() {$case = node.$type();\n if (\"xref\"['$===']($case)) {\n if ($truthy((path = node.$attributes()['$[]'](\"path\")))) {\n \n attrs = self.$append_link_constraint_attrs(node, (function() {if ($truthy(node.$role())) {\n return [\"\" + \" class=\\\"\" + (node.$role()) + \"\\\"\"]\n } else {\n return []\n }; return nil; })()).$join();\n text = ($truthy($a = node.$text()) ? $a : path);\n } else {\n \n attrs = (function() {if ($truthy(node.$role())) {\n return \"\" + \" class=\\\"\" + (node.$role()) + \"\\\"\"\n } else {\n return \"\"\n }; return nil; })();\n if ($truthy((text = node.$text()))) {\n } else if ($truthy($$($nesting, 'AbstractNode')['$===']((ref = ($truthy($a = (self.refs = ($truthy($b = self.refs) ? $b : node.$document().$catalog()['$[]'](\"refs\")))['$[]']((refid = node.$attributes()['$[]'](\"refid\")))) ? $a : (function() {if ($truthy(refid['$nil_or_empty?']())) {\n \n return (top = self.$get_root_document(node));\n } else {\n return nil\n }; return nil; })()))))) {\n if ($truthy(($truthy($a = (self.resolving_xref = ($truthy($b = self.resolving_xref) ? $b : (outer = true)))) ? outer : $a))) {\n \n if ($truthy((text = ref.$xreftext(node.$attr(\"xrefstyle\", nil, true))))) {\n if ($truthy(text['$include?'](\"\" + (text) + \" \";}\n else if (\"ref\"['$===']($case)) {return \"\" + \" \"}\n else if (\"link\"['$===']($case)) {\n attrs = (function() {if ($truthy(node.$id())) {\n return [\"\" + \" id=\\\"\" + (node.$id()) + \"\\\"\"]\n } else {\n return []\n }; return nil; })();\n if ($truthy(node.$role())) {\n attrs['$<<'](\"\" + \" class=\\\"\" + (node.$role()) + \"\\\"\")};\n if ($truthy(node['$attr?'](\"title\"))) {\n attrs['$<<'](\"\" + \" title=\\\"\" + (node.$attr(\"title\")) + \"\\\"\")};\n return \"\" + \"\" + (node.$text()) + \" \";}\n else if (\"bibref\"['$===']($case)) {return \"\" + \" [\" + (($truthy($a = node.$reftext()) ? $a : node.$id())) + \"]\"}\n else {\n self.$logger().$warn(\"\" + \"unknown anchor type: \" + (node.$type().$inspect()));\n return nil;}})()\n }, $Html5Converter_convert_inline_anchor$49.$$arity = 1);\n \n Opal.def(self, '$convert_inline_break', $Html5Converter_convert_inline_break$50 = function $$convert_inline_break(node) {\n var self = this;\n\n return \"\" + (node.$text()) + \" \"\n }, $Html5Converter_convert_inline_break$50.$$arity = 1);\n \n Opal.def(self, '$convert_inline_button', $Html5Converter_convert_inline_button$51 = function $$convert_inline_button(node) {\n var self = this;\n\n return \"\" + \"\" + (node.$text()) + \" \"\n }, $Html5Converter_convert_inline_button$51.$$arity = 1);\n \n Opal.def(self, '$convert_inline_callout', $Html5Converter_convert_inline_callout$52 = function $$convert_inline_callout(node) {\n var self = this, src = nil, guard = nil;\n\n if ($truthy(node.$document()['$attr?'](\"icons\", \"font\"))) {\n return \"\" + \"(\" + (node.$text()) + \") \"\n } else if ($truthy(node.$document()['$attr?'](\"icons\"))) {\n \n src = node.$icon_uri(\"\" + \"callouts/\" + (node.$text()));\n return \"\" + \" \";\n } else if ($truthy($$$('::', 'Array')['$===']((guard = node.$attributes()['$[]'](\"guard\"))))) {\n return \"\" + \"<!--(\" + (node.$text()) + \") -->\"\n } else {\n return \"\" + (guard) + \"(\" + (node.$text()) + \") \"\n }\n }, $Html5Converter_convert_inline_callout$52.$$arity = 1);\n \n Opal.def(self, '$convert_inline_footnote', $Html5Converter_convert_inline_footnote$53 = function $$convert_inline_footnote(node) {\n var self = this, index = nil, id_attr = nil;\n\n if ($truthy((index = node.$attr(\"index\")))) {\n if (node.$type()['$=='](\"xref\")) {\n return \"\" + \"\"\n } else {\n \n id_attr = (function() {if ($truthy(node.$id())) {\n return \"\" + \" id=\\\"_footnote_\" + (node.$id()) + \"\\\"\"\n } else {\n return \"\"\n }; return nil; })();\n return \"\" + \"\";\n }\n } else if (node.$type()['$=='](\"xref\")) {\n return \"\" + \"\"\n } else {\n return nil\n }\n }, $Html5Converter_convert_inline_footnote$53.$$arity = 1);\n \n Opal.def(self, '$convert_inline_image', $Html5Converter_convert_inline_image$54 = function $$convert_inline_image(node) {\n var $a, $b, $$55, $c, $d, self = this, type = nil, class_attr_val = nil, title_attr = nil, img = nil, target = nil, attrs = nil, svg = nil, obj = nil, fallback = nil, role = nil;\n\n \n if ($truthy((($a = (type = ($truthy($b = node.$type()) ? $b : \"image\"))['$=='](\"icon\")) ? node.$document()['$attr?'](\"icons\", \"font\") : (type = ($truthy($b = node.$type()) ? $b : \"image\"))['$=='](\"icon\")))) {\n \n class_attr_val = \"\" + \"fa fa-\" + (node.$target());\n $send($hash2([\"size\", \"rotate\", \"flip\"], {\"size\": \"fa-\", \"rotate\": \"fa-rotate-\", \"flip\": \"fa-flip-\"}), 'each', [], ($$55 = function(key, prefix){var self = $$55.$$s || this;\n\n \n \n if (key == null) {\n key = nil;\n };\n \n if (prefix == null) {\n prefix = nil;\n };\n if ($truthy(node['$attr?'](key))) {\n return (class_attr_val = \"\" + (class_attr_val) + \" \" + (prefix) + (node.$attr(key)))\n } else {\n return nil\n };}, $$55.$$s = self, $$55.$$arity = 2, $$55));\n title_attr = (function() {if ($truthy(node['$attr?'](\"title\"))) {\n return \"\" + \" title=\\\"\" + (node.$attr(\"title\")) + \"\\\"\"\n } else {\n return \"\"\n }; return nil; })();\n img = \"\" + \" \";\n } else if ($truthy((($a = type['$=='](\"icon\")) ? node.$document()['$attr?'](\"icons\")['$!']() : type['$=='](\"icon\")))) {\n img = \"\" + \"[\" + (node.$alt()) + \"]\"\n } else {\n \n target = node.$target();\n attrs = [];\n if ($truthy(node['$attr?'](\"width\"))) {\n attrs['$<<'](\"\" + \" width=\\\"\" + (node.$attr(\"width\")) + \"\\\"\")};\n if ($truthy(node['$attr?'](\"height\"))) {\n attrs['$<<'](\"\" + \" height=\\\"\" + (node.$attr(\"height\")) + \"\\\"\")};\n if ($truthy(node['$attr?'](\"title\"))) {\n attrs['$<<'](\"\" + \" title=\\\"\" + (node.$attr(\"title\")) + \"\\\"\")};\n attrs = (function() {if ($truthy(attrs['$empty?']())) {\n return \"\"\n } else {\n return attrs.$join()\n }; return nil; })();\n if ($truthy(($truthy($a = ($truthy($b = ($truthy($c = type['$!='](\"icon\")) ? ($truthy($d = node['$attr?'](\"format\", \"svg\")) ? $d : target['$include?'](\".svg\")) : $c)) ? $rb_lt(node.$document().$safe(), $$$($$($nesting, 'SafeMode'), 'SECURE')) : $b)) ? ($truthy($b = (svg = node['$option?'](\"inline\"))) ? $b : (obj = node['$option?'](\"interactive\"))) : $a))) {\n if ($truthy(svg)) {\n img = ($truthy($a = self.$read_svg_contents(node, target)) ? $a : \"\" + \"\" + (node.$alt()) + \" \")\n } else if ($truthy(obj)) {\n \n fallback = (function() {if ($truthy(node['$attr?'](\"fallback\"))) {\n return \"\" + \" \"\n } else {\n return \"\" + \"\" + (node.$alt()) + \" \"\n }; return nil; })();\n img = \"\" + \"\" + (fallback) + \" \";}};\n img = ($truthy($a = img) ? $a : \"\" + \" \");\n };\n if ($truthy(node['$attr?'](\"link\"))) {\n img = \"\" + \"\" + (img) + \" \"};\n if ($truthy((role = node.$role()))) {\n if ($truthy(node['$attr?'](\"float\"))) {\n class_attr_val = \"\" + (type) + \" \" + (node.$attr(\"float\")) + \" \" + (role)\n } else {\n class_attr_val = \"\" + (type) + \" \" + (role)\n }\n } else if ($truthy(node['$attr?'](\"float\"))) {\n class_attr_val = \"\" + (type) + \" \" + (node.$attr(\"float\"))\n } else {\n class_attr_val = type\n };\n return \"\" + \"\" + (img) + \" \";\n }, $Html5Converter_convert_inline_image$54.$$arity = 1);\n \n Opal.def(self, '$convert_inline_indexterm', $Html5Converter_convert_inline_indexterm$56 = function $$convert_inline_indexterm(node) {\n var self = this;\n\n if (node.$type()['$=='](\"visible\")) {\n return node.$text()\n } else {\n return \"\"\n }\n }, $Html5Converter_convert_inline_indexterm$56.$$arity = 1);\n \n Opal.def(self, '$convert_inline_kbd', $Html5Converter_convert_inline_kbd$57 = function $$convert_inline_kbd(node) {\n var self = this, keys = nil;\n\n if ((keys = node.$attr(\"keys\")).$size()['$=='](1)) {\n return \"\" + \"\" + (keys['$[]'](0)) + \" \"\n } else {\n return \"\" + \"\" + (keys.$join(\" +\")) + \" \"\n }\n }, $Html5Converter_convert_inline_kbd$57.$$arity = 1);\n \n Opal.def(self, '$convert_inline_menu', $Html5Converter_convert_inline_menu$58 = function $$convert_inline_menu(node) {\n var self = this, caret = nil, submenu_joiner = nil, menu = nil, submenus = nil, menuitem = nil;\n\n \n caret = (function() {if ($truthy(node.$document()['$attr?'](\"icons\", \"font\"))) {\n return \" \"\n } else {\n return \" › \"\n }; return nil; })();\n submenu_joiner = \"\" + \"