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137 lines (128 loc) · 4.63 KB

File metadata and controls

137 lines (128 loc) · 4.63 KB

Environment Setup

Tesla V100, CUDA10.0, linux 16.04, pytorch>=1.2, python3, apex

Data Preparation

Create soft link in main dir.

ln -s $DataLocation experiments/data

In ${ROOT}/experiments/data, it should be like this.



  • First, you should install graphviz.
    apt-get install graphviz
  • Install python requirements.
    pip install -r requirements
  • Then you should install apex.
    git clone
    cd apex
    python install --cpp_ext --cuda_ext

Search, Retrain and Evaluation

We have provided all the shell scripts and the corresponding default parameters, which are stored in the scripts folder.

  • For example:
    cd ${CODE_ROOT}
    bash CyDAS/scripts/
    bash CyDAS/scripts/


  • Main python file is
  • Followings are options during training.
    --regular                   # whether to use regular
    --regular_ratio             # if use regular, the ragular ratio
    --regular_coeff             # if use regular, the regular coefficient
    --ensemble_param            # Ensemble different layer features
    --loss_alpha                # the loss coefficient
    --w_lr                      # the learning rate of the search network
    --alpha_lr                  # the learning rate of the architecture parameters
    --nasnet_lr                 # the learning rate of the evaluation network
    --w_weight_decay            # the weight decay the search and the evaluation network
    --alpha_weight_decay        # the weight decay the the architecture parameters
    --fix_head                  # wheter to fix the parameters of auxiliary heads
    --interactive_type          # The KD function, 0 kl, 1 cosine, 2 mse, 3 sl1
    --pretrain_epochs           # the pretrain epochs of the search network
    --search_iter               # the search iterations
    --search_iter_epochs        # the epochs in each search iteration
    --nasnet_warmup             # the epochs used to train a new evaluation network
  • Here we present our search scripts on CIFAR and ImageNet.
    bash CyDAS/scripts/
    bash CyDAS/scripts/
    bash CyDAS/scripts/
  • Modify the following settings in and to search on CIFAR100.
    --dataset cifar100
    --n_classes 100


  • Main python file is
  • We have provided all cell genotypes of Cifar and ImageNet in
  • Followings are options during training.
    --cell_file                 # path of cell genotype
    --weight_decay              # decay of W in the Retrain-Phase
    --lr                        # learning rate of W in the Retrain-Phase
    --warmup_epochs             # warmup epochs 
    --epochs                    # total retrain epochs 
    --cutout_length             # cutout length for cifar
    --aux_weight                # weight of auxiliary loss, 0.4 is the best option   
    --drop_path_prob            # used for dropping path in NAS
    --label_smooth              # label smooth ratio
  • Here we present our train scripts on CIFAR and ImageNet.
    bash CyDAS/scripts/
    bash CyDAS/scripts/
    bash CyDAS/scripts/
  • Modify the following settings in to train CIFAR100.
    --dataset cifar100
    --n_classes 100


  • Main python file is
  • Followings are options during testing.
    --resume                   # whether to load checkpint
    --resume_name              # checkpint name
  • Here we present our test scripts on CIFAR and ImageNet.
    bash CyDAS/scripts/
    bash CyDAS/scripts/
  • Modify the following settings in to test CIFAR100.
    --dataset cifar100
    --n_classes 100