Releases: microsoft/service-fabric-healer
FabricHealer 1.2.5
FabricHealer 1.2.5 - SFPkgs with Microsoft-signed binaries. Microsoft-signed Nupkgs are located in the gallery.
- Fixed bug in rolling service repair feature.
- Updated logic rules.
FabricHealer 1.2.4
FabricHealer 1.2.4 - SFPkgs with Microsoft-signed binaries. Microsoft-signed Nupkgs are located in the gallery.
Note: Version 1.2.5 fixes a bug in the Rolling Service Repair feature that is present in this version (1.2.4) and earlier versions. If you enable this in your deployment, then please upgrade to 1.2.5 at your earliest convenience.
- Fixed null reference exception that can happen when an internal repair task query fails.
- Added more debug logging.
FabricHealer 1.2.4
FabricHealer 1.2.4 - SFPkgs with Microsoft-signed binaries. Microsoft-signed Nupkgs will be located in the gallery.
- Fixed null reference exception that can happen when an internal repair task query fails.
- Added more debug logging.
FabricHealer 1.2.3
FabricHealer 1.2.3 - SFPkgs with Microsoft-signed binaries. Microsoft-signed Nupkgs will be located in the gallery.
Important bug fixes and code improvements.
- Updated MachineRules.guan with samples of how to deactivate nodes based on data from any type of watchdog running in the cluster.
- DeactivateFabricNode predicate is a now an FH_Infra repair. (Bug fix: DeactivateFabricNode: logic rule constraints are ignored leading to multiple node deactivations).
- DeactivateFabricNode now supports MaxExecutionTime setting which means you can specify how long you want a deactivated node to remain in that state. When this time elapses, FH will activate/enable the node.
- Increased reliability and quality.
FabricHealer 1.2.2
FabricHealer 1.2.2 - SFPkgs with Microsoft-signed binaries. Microsoft-signed Nupkgs will be located in the gallery.
Note: Older versions of FabricObserver (up to 3.2.3.x) employ an EntityType enum that is no longer supported by FH. Please upgrade your FO versions to latest, otherwise 1.2.x versions FH will not work as expected when working with data from earlier versions of FO. It is best to keep up to date with FO and FH versions. These projects do not ship at the same interval and sometimes bugs like this escape testing. In general, we try to ensure we don't break behavior across releases. In this case, this was missed.
- Bug Fix: #150: Rules are processed when related policies are disabled.
- Bug Fix: Rule tracing is inconsistent for more complex rules.
- Bug Fix: SystemService rules are not being traced.
- Code improvements, more tests.
FabricHealer - SFPkgs with Microsoft-signed binaries. Microsoft-signed Nupkgs will be located in the gallery.
NOTE: This release requires SF Runtime Versions 9.0 and higher and targets .NET 6.
Note that version naming has changed to reflect the FabricHealer release version, minimum supported SF runtime version, and the version of .NET (core) it targets. In this case, it is, which means FabricHealer version is 1.1.0, target SF runtime is 9 and higher, and target .NET runtime/sdk is .NET 6.
- This is a major release with significant improvements.
- FabricHealer no longer requires FabricObserver to be deployed in the same cluster (though it is of course a great idea to do so). If you do deploy FabricObserver, then this version requires FabricObserver
- FabricHealer can now be deployed as a singleton stateless 1 (runs on one node) service. This means that Disk repair and System Service process restart repair will be unsupported unless the disk/system service is attached/running on the same VM as the singleton FH instance. All Service Fabric entity type repairs are supported (meaning repairs that employ related SF Client APIs) for singleton instance FH deployments. FH will detect how it is deployed and use that information to determine which repairs it can successfully perform.
- FabricHealer can successfully accomplish most repairs running as NetworkUser on Windows or sfappsuser on Linux (Ubuntu). You will need to test this out in your OS configurations. Basically, for any repair that utilizes SF Client APIs, you do not need System level privileges.
- Any .NET SF service can now interoperate with FabricHealer via the FabricHealerProxy .NET Standard 2.0 library, which is now available on the public gallery.
- FabricHealer requires Microsoft.ServiceFabric.Services Version 6.0.1017 and higher (SF Runtime 9.0 and higher) and targets .NET 6.
- FabricHealer now supports ARM deployment.
FabricHealer - SFPkgs with Microsoft-signed binaries. Microsoft-signed Nupkgs will be located in the gallery.
NOTE: This release requires SF Runtime Versions 8.0 and higher and targets .NET Core 3.1.
Note that version naming has changed to reflect the FabricHealer release version, minimum supported SF runtime version, and the version of .NET (core) it targets. In this case, it is, which means FabricHealer version is 1.1.0, target SF runtime is 8 and higher, target .NET runtime/sdk is .NET Core 3.1.
- This is a major release with significant improvements.
- FabricHealer no longer requires FabricObserver to be deployed in the same cluster (though it is of course a great idea to do so). If you do deploy FabricObserver, then this version requires FabricObserver
- FabricHealer can now be deployed as a singleton stateless 1 (runs on one node) service. This means that Disk repair and System Service process restart repair will be unsupported unless the disk/system service is attached/running on the same VM as the singleton FH instance. All Service Fabric entity type repairs are supported (meaning repairs that employ related SF Client APIs) for singleton instance FH deployments. FH will detect how it is deployed and use that information to determine which repairs it can successfully perform.
- FabricHealer can successfully accomplish most repairs running as NetworkUser on Windows or sfappsuser on Linux (Ubuntu). You will need to test this out in your OS configurations. Basically, for any repair that utilizes SF Client APIs, you do not need System level privileges.
- Any .NET SF service can now interoperate with FabricHealer via the FabricHealerProxy .NET Standard 2.0 library, which is now available on the public gallery.
- FabricHealer requires Microsoft.ServiceFabric.Services Version 5.0.516 and higher (SF Runtime 8.0 and higher). Lesser sdk/runtime versions are no longer supported. This is very important.
- FabricHealer now supports ARM deployment.
FabricHealer 1.0.14
FabricHealer 1.0.14 - SFPkgs with Microsoft-signed binaries. Microsoft-signed Nupkgs will be located in the gallery.
- Added support for new FabricObserver (v3.1.25) facts - new ephemeral ports metric: Percentage in use of total dynamic ports configured for machine. FO can supply this data for individual service processes and machine-wide.
- Updated Disk logic rules with Folder Size Warning repair workflow.
- Added more descriptions to all rules files to help clarify how to compose successful related logic.
- Added ObserverName named argument to Mitigate CompoundTerm (e.g., Mitigate(ObserverName=DiskObserver) :- ...).
- Added GetRepairRulesForSupportedObserver function to add more flexibility to getting related rules Lists. This will help limit required FH code changes to support new FO capabilities.
- Renamed rules text files to '[repair type].guan'. Ex: AppRules.guan, DiskRules.guan, etc.
- EnableTelemetryProvider is now an Application Parameter.
- Code improvements.
FabricHealer 1.0.13
FabricHealer 1.0.13 - SFPkgs with Microsoft-signed binaries. Microsoft-signed Nupkgs will be located in the gallery.
- Fixed bugs due to Guan 1.0.4 breaking changes. This version requires Guan 1.0.4.
- Updated Disk Repair feature.
- Updated logic rules.
FabricHealer 1.0.12
FabricHealer 1.0.12 - SFPkgs with Microsoft-signed binaries. Microsoft-signed Nupkgs will be located in the gallery.
- Bug fix in Disk Repair feature.
- Added new named argument to
external predicate,SearchPattern
, for use in searching specified folder(s) for files with names matching specified pattern. - Bug fix: added correct internal version number.