This is a convenience tool used by the EHRI frontend to synchronise the search engine with the EHRI backend (and for doing the same easily from the command-line.) The basic idea is to read some JSON from a web service (EHRI REST), convert it to another format (Solr Doc), and POST it to another web service (Solr).
The traditional way to do this would be something like:
curl <WS-URL> | convert-json | curl -X POST "Content-type: application/json" <SOLR-UPDATE-URL> --data @-
Here, we just bundle the downloading and uploading bits with some shortcut syntax. There are ways to accomplish the shell pipeline approach using certain options detailed below.
usage: index-data-converter [OPTIONS] <spec> ... <specN>
-c,--clear-id <arg> Clear an individual id. Can be used multiple
-C,--clear-type <arg> Clear an item type. Can be used multiple
-D,--clear-all Clear entire index first (use with caution.)
-f,--file <arg> Read input from a file instead of the REST
service. Use '-' for stdin.
-H <header=value> Set a header for the REST service.
-h,--help Print this message.
-i,--index Index the data. This is NOT the default for
safety reasons.
-k,--clear-key-value <arg> Clear items with a given key=value pair. Can
be used multiple times.
-n,--noconvert Don't convert data to index format.
-P,--pretty Pretty print out JSON given by --print
(implies --print).
-p,--print Print converted JSON to stdout. The default
action in the omission of --index.
-r,--rest <arg> Base URL for EHRI REST service.
-s,--solr <arg> Base URL for Solr service (minus the action
-S,--stats Print indexing stats.
-v,--verbose Print individual item ids to show progress.
-version Print the version number and exit.
Each <spec> should consist of:
* an item type (all items of that type)
* an item id prefixed with '@' (individual items)
* a type|id (bar separated - all children of an item)
The default URIs for Solr and the REST service are:
* http://localhost:7474/ehri
* http://localhost:8983/solr/portal
Index documentary unit and repository types from default service endpoints:
java -jar index-data-converter.jar --index documentaryUnit repository
Index individual item us-005578
java -jar index-data-converter.jar --index @us-005578
Pretty print (to stdout) the converted JSON output for all documentary units, but don't index:
java -jar index-data-converter.jar --pretty documentaryUnit
Pretty print (to stdout) the raw REST service output:
java -jar index-data-converter.jar --pretty --noconvert documentaryUnit
Clear the entire index:
java -jar index-data-converter.jar --clear-all
Clear items with holderId 'us-005248':
java -jar index-data-converter.jar --clear-key-value holderId=us-005248
Index data read from a JSON file instead of the REST service, outputting some stats:
java -jar index-data-converter.jar --index -f data.json -v
Same as above, but piping the data through stdin (use '-' as the file name):
cat data.json | java -jar index-data-converter.jar --index -f - -v
Read data from stdin, convert it, and pipe it to a Curl upload for indexing:
cat orig.json | java -jar index-data-converter.jar -f - | curl -X POST -H "Content-type: application/json"
"http://localhost:8983/solr/ehri/update?commit=true" --data @-
- Add proper logging
- Add proper error handling
- Ensure all resources are properly cleaned up
- Add more tests!