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This guide aims to set up a full operational Kubernetes environment quickly on your personal computer by Kind, a tool for running local Kubernetes clusters using Docker container "nodes".
You can learn how to build a production-ready Kubernetes cluster steps by steps under the guidance.
First of all, because it bases on Kind, you should ensure you have installed Docker.
Following contents' origin of this part is HERE.
On Linux:
curl -Lo /usr/local/bin/kind "https://kind.sigs.k8s.io/dl/v0.11.1/kind-$(uname)-amd64"
chmod +x /usr/local/bin/kind
On macOS (via Homebrew):
brew install kind
On Windows (via Chocolatey):
choco install kind
# Or you could try winget, Windows official package manager :)
For conveience of accessing and persistence, I wrote a configuration file "config.yaml", telling Kind to expose port 80 and 443, and to mount a folder into the container. The path of the folder is "/root/kind", and you can replace it to where you want to storage your data.
kind create cluster --config config.yaml
After that, we can get a local Kubernetes cluster only in several minutes! Awesome! Good job, Kind!
We use Nginx Ingress as our Kubernetes Ingress Component.
kubectl apply -f ingress-nginx.yaml
kubectl create namespace infra
# Install Registry
kubectl apply -f registry.yaml
# Install Chartmuseum
# Install Mariadb
kubectl apply -f mariadb.yaml