Mojaloop transaction metrics that have been instrumented through Prometheus:
Metric | Type (e.g. Quotes, Transfers, etc) | Description | Labels |
moja_tx_transfer | Transfers | Mojaloop financial transfer transaction representing the end-to-end transfer (receiving transfer prepare, and sending out the final notification on fulfilment) | serviceName, success |
moja_tx_transfer_prepare | Transfers | Mojaloop financial transfer transaction representing the end-to-end transfer for Prepare leg (receiving transfer prepare, and sending out the prepare notification) | serviceName, success |
moja_tx_transfer_fulfil | Transfers | Mojaloop financial transfer transaction representing the end-to-end transfer for Fulfil leg (receiving transfer fulfiment, and sending out the fulfil notification) | serviceName, success |
moja_notification_event_delivery | Transfers | Notification delivery, resonse codes (result), error rates & error codes | serviceName, success, status, action |
Mojaloop component metrics that have been instrumented through Prometheus:
Metric | Component | Description | Labels |
moja_transfer_prepare | ML-API-Adapter | Produce a transfer prepare message to transfer prepare kafka topic | serviceName, success |
moja_transfer_fulfil | ML-API-Adapter | Produce a transfer fulfil message to transfer fulfil kafka topic | serviceName, success |
moja_notification_event | ML-API-Adapter | Consume a notification message from the kafka topic and process it accordingly | serviceName, success, action, type |
moja_transfer_prepare | Central-Ledger | Consume a prepare transfer message from the kafka topic and process it accordingly | serviceName, success, fspId |
moja_transfer_position | Central-Ledger | Consume a prepare transfer message from the kafka topic and process it accordingly | serviceName, success, fspId |
moja_transfer_fulfil | Central-Ledger | Consume a fulfil transfer message from the kafka topic and process it accordingly | serviceName, success, fspId |
moja_sim_request | Simulator | Histogram for http operation | success, fsp, operation, source, destination |