Implement context menu reibun generation.
- Interface with Claude API.
- Provide relevant contextual information based on existing fields.
- Populate only the current field. Keep it simple for demo.
- Should bold the reibun word.
- Should allow for phrases.
- Bold the associated english translation.
Simple pop-up to determine per deck controls for target field.
- Auto-populates the current field as reibun field.
- Then the rest are populated in order.
- User dictates mapping.
Allow for full customization of the prompt.
- User can define the fields to return in the dialog.
- Probably won't be necessary.
- Start with Reibun, Translation, Additional Context
Pivot to a YAML based template system for prompting.
Settings Menu?
- Target JLPT level for auto-generation.
- Refine the existing structure.
Use QueryOp for sentence generation
Append notes to field, rather than exclusive.