diff --git a/parts_list/extra_parts.md b/parts_list/extra_parts.md index b15eac54..a3dfb01d 100644 --- a/parts_list/extra_parts.md +++ b/parts_list/extra_parts.md @@ -73,10 +73,9 @@ You will want threadlocker for several screws so that they don't unscrew themsel * Voltage Regulators: * **1 X** 5V Regulator: [Pololu](https://www.pololu.com/product/2881) * **1 X** 12V Regulator: [Pololu](https://www.pololu.com/product/2855) -* **1 X** PCA9685 corner: [Mouser](https://www.mouser.com/ProductDetail/Adafruit/815?qs=GURawfaeGuCGKbWyy9179Q%3D%3D) * **3 X** Roboclaw 2x7A Motor Controller [Basic Micro](https://www.basicmicro.com/Roboclaw-2x7A-Motor-Controller_p_55.html) * **1 X** Power Measurement Unit INA260: Sold out on DigiKey, possible replacements are on [Adafruit](https://www.adafruit.com/product/4226?gclid=CjwKCAjw5dqgBhBNEiwA7PryaLOm_zC9GhlzRH1NwN4bSRwDg84sIhSh3LEqTOrIvQ3j_kRBscTAYhoCBOQQAvD_BwE) -* **1 X** PCA9685 corner motor driver [Mouser](https://www.mouser.com/ProductDetail/Adafruit/815?qs=GURawfaeGuCGKbWyy9179Q%3D%3D) +* **1 X** PCA9685 steering servo driver [Mouser](https://www.mouser.com/ProductDetail/Adafruit/815?qs=GURawfaeGuCGKbWyy9179Q%3D%3D) * DC power meter: [Amazon](https://www.amazon.com/gp/product/B017FSED9I/). This LCD display reads out current, voltage, power, and energy, and can be put on the back where the rectangular hole is in the laser cut cover. * batteries: many options available here. We recommend getting LiPo batteries. You'll need a battery that can provide over 14V(*), so a 4s battery works well. You can get batteries with various mAh ratings (how many milliAmperes the battery can output for 1 hour). We recommend any option over 4000mAh. Higher capacity comes at a higher cost. You can also get more than one battery and swap them out. The rover can carry them as well. * Zeee sells many options [on Amazon](https://www.amazon.com/stores/page/25B7018D-26CC-4E43-BC6D-EFAF737D8F5E?ingress=2&visitId=1b4115fa-2240-424d-a0e6-a466830819ce&ref_=ast_bln)