- Simmy, the monkey for making chaos
- Building resilient applications with Polly
- Simmy Chaos Engine for .NET – Part 1, Injecting Faults
- Simmy Chaos Engine for .NET – Part 2, Resilience and Injected Faults
- Simmy Chaos Engine for .NET – Part 3, Adding Latency
- Chaos Engineering your .NET applications using Simmy
- Resiliency and high availability in microservices
- Implement resilient applications
- Handle partial failure
- Strategies to handle partial failure
- Resiliency and high availability in microservices
- Implement resilient applications
- Handle partial failure
- Strategies to handle partial failure
- Creating Resilient Microservices in .NET with Polly
- Microservice resilience – Circuit Breaker using polly in .Net Core
- Resiliency Patterns in Microservice Architecture
- Cross-Cutting Concerns with MediatR Pipeline Behaviors
- Caching behavior with MediatR
- MediatR: how to use Decorators to add retry policies
- Refactoring Towards Resilience: A Primer
- Refactoring Towards Resilience: Evaluating Stripe Options
- Refactoring Towards Resilience: Evaluating SendGrid Options
- Refactoring Towards Resilience: Evaluating RabbitMQ Options
- Refactoring Towards Resilience: Evaluating Coupling
- Refactoring Towards Resilience: Process Manager Solution
- Best practices with HttpClient and Retry Policies with Polly in .NET Core 2, Part 1
- Best practices with HttpClient and Retry Policies with Polly in .NET Core 2, Part 2
- gRPC & ASP.NET Core 3.1: Resiliency with Polly
- Handling Failures in Message Driven Architecture
- Make your microservice resilient with Polly's Circuit Breaker | .NET Core
- Managing Resiliency in Microservices || Full Stack Virtual Conference
- Life Beyond Distributed Transactions: An Apostate's Implementation - Jimmy Bogard
- Fixing Distributed Systems Fail with Jimmy Bogard
- The Circuit Breaker Pattern | Resilient Microservices
- [Fault Handling with Polly and .NET 6](Fault Handling with Polly and .NET 6)