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File metadata and controls

executable file
875 lines (682 loc) · 27.1 KB

synda command reference


synda SUBCOMMAND [args]


synda is the command-line client of Synda. Its functionality is offered via a collection of task-specific subcommands, most of which accept a number of options for fine-grained control of the program's behavior.

Available subcommands are:

autoremove   Remove old datasets versions
certificate  Manage X509 certificate
check        Perform check over ESGF metadata
contact      Print contact information
count        Count dataset
daemon       Daemon management
dump         Display raw metadata
facet        Facet discovery
get          Download dataset
help         Show help
history      Show history
install      Install dataset
intro        Print introduction to synda command
list         List installed dataset
metric       Display performance and disk usage metrics
open         Open netcdf file
param        Print ESGF facets
pexec        Execute post-processing task
queue        Display download queue status
remove       Remove dataset
replica      Move to next replica
reset        Remove all 'waiting' and 'error' transfers
retry        Retry transfer (switch status from error to waiting)
search       Search dataset
selection    List selection files
show         Display detailed information about dataset
stat         Display summary information about dataset
update       Update ESGF parameter local cache
upgrade      Run 'install' command on all selection files
variable     Print variable
version      List all versions of a dataset
watch        Display running transfer

Each subcommand is detailed in the next section.

Subcommands description


Remove old datasets versions

usage: synda autoremove [-h] [-z]

optional arguments:
  -h, --help     show this help message and exit
  -z, --dry_run


Manage X509 certificate

usage: synda certificate [-h] [-d] [-o OPENID] [-p PASSWORD] [-x]

positional arguments:
  {renew,print}         action

optional arguments:
  -h, --help            show this help message and exit
  -d, --debug           Display debug message
  -o OPENID, --openid OPENID
                        ESGF openid
  -p PASSWORD, --password PASSWORD
                        ESGF password
  -x, --force_renew_ca_certificates
                        Force renew CA certificates

  synda certificate renew
  synda certificate print


Perform check over ESGF metadata

usage: synda check [-h] [-s SELECTION_FILE] [-z] [-p FILE | -r FILE]
                   [-o {text,pdf}]
                   [parameter [parameter ...]]

positional arguments:
  parameter             search parameters. Format is name=value1,value2.. ...
                        Most of the time, parameter name can be omitted.

optional arguments:
  -h, --help            show this help message and exit
  -s SELECTION_FILE, --selection_file SELECTION_FILE
  -z, --dry_run
  -p FILE, --playback FILE
                        Read metadata from FILE
  -r FILE, --record FILE
                        Write metadata to FILE
  -o {text,pdf}, --output_format {text,pdf}
                        Set output format

    synda check dataset_version [search_parameter ...] checks the
    correctness and consistency of dataset version numbers in all dataset
    versions (or, if search parameters are given, those that match those

    The first check consists in verifying that version numbers are
    syntactically valid. The "version" field is deemed valid if it matches
    (case-insensitively) the Python regular expression /^(\d+)$/ or, as an
    extension, /^v(\d+)$/. A missing "version" field is the same as a
    "version" field set to "0".

    The second check only applies to datasets which have more than one
    version. It consists in verifying that all the versions of a dataset
    have unique version numbers. An integral version number is extracted
    from the value of each "version" field by converting the string
    matched by the capture group in the regular expressions above to an
    integer. For example, a "version" field set to "20160101" would match
    regexp /^(\d+)$/ therefore the version number would be 20160101. There
    must be no duplicated version numbers in all the versions of a
    dataset. Note that this test is more stringent than merely checking
    for duplicated "version" fields : a dataset with two versions having
    "version" fields set to "1" and "01" respectively would not pass
    because both have version number 1.

    If all the versions of a dataset have a "timestamp" field, a third
    check is done. The versions of a dataset are sorted by time stamp and
    the sequence numbers are examined. Gaps in the sequence are accepted
    but the numbers must be increasing. For example, this dataset would
    pass :

                           timestamp             version
                           2016-01-01T00:00:00Z  1
                           2016-01-02T00:00:00Z  20160102

    but this one would not :

                           timestamp             version
                           2016-01-01T00:00:00Z  20160101
                           2016-01-02T00:00:00Z  2

    By default, the report is in plain text format and is written to standard
    output. The pdf format can be used instead through the use of
    '--output_format' option.
    The report comprises four parts :

    - A header which gives the date and time of execution and the Synda
      command line.

    - For every dataset with errors, the name of the dataset and, for each
      of its versions, the "timestamp" and "version" fields along with a
      list of the errors found in this dataset version, if any.

    - Statistics :
      - the number of dataset versions found
      - ... with a "timestamp" field
      - ... without a "timestamp" field
      - the number of datasets found
      - ... with a "timestamp" field on all  of their versions
      - ... with a "timestamp" field on some of their versions
      - ... with a "timestamp" field on none of their versions

    - For each type of error,
      - a detailed description of the error,
      - the number of dataset versions in which it was found,
      - the number of datasets to which it applies, ie datasets with at
        least one version having in error.
    list files having more than one variable
    check if selection files parameters are valid

  synda check dataset_version
  synda check file_variable CMIP5 atmos orog
  synda check selection


Print contact information

usage: synda contact [-h]

optional arguments:
  -h, --help  show this help message and exit


Count dataset

usage: synda count [-h] [-s SELECTION_FILE] [-n] [-z] [-i INDEX_HOST]
                   [-a | -d | -f | -v]
                   [parameter [parameter ...]]

positional arguments:
  parameter             search parameters. Format is name=value1,value2.. ...
                        Most of the time, parameter name can be omitted.

optional arguments:
  -h, --help            show this help message and exit
  -s SELECTION_FILE, --selection_file SELECTION_FILE
  -n, --no_default      prevent loading default value
  -z, --dry_run
  -i INDEX_HOST, --index_host INDEX_HOST
                        Retrieve parameters from the specified index
  -a, --aggregation
  -d, --dataset
  -f, --file
  -v, --variable

  synda count
  synda count CMIP5
  synda count obs4MIPs -f
  synda count -s selection.txt --timestamp_left_boundary 2012-01-01T01:00:00Z --timestamp_right_boundary 2015-01-01T01:00:00Z


Daemon management

usage: synda daemon [-h] [{start,stop,status}]

positional arguments:
  {start,stop,status}  action

optional arguments:
  -h, --help           show this help message and exit

  This command is for source installation only (in system package
  installation, Synda daemon is installed as a service and is managed
  using 'service' command).


Display raw metadata

usage: synda dump [-h] [-s SELECTION_FILE] [-n] [-z] [-a | -d | -f | -v] [-A]
                  [-R] [-C COLUMN] [-F {raw,line,indent,value}]
                  [parameter [parameter ...]]

positional arguments:
  parameter             search parameters. Format is name=value1,value2.. ...
                        Most of the time, parameter name can be omitted.

optional arguments:
  -h, --help            show this help message and exit
  -s SELECTION_FILE, --selection_file SELECTION_FILE
  -n, --no_default      prevent loading default value
  -z, --dry_run
  -a, --aggregation
  -d, --dataset
  -f, --file
  -v, --variable
  -A, --all             Show all attributes
  -R, --raw_mode        dump original metadata
  -C COLUMN, --column COLUMN
                        set column(s) to be used with 'dump' action
  -F {raw,line,indent,value}, --format {raw,line,indent,value}
                        set format to be used with 'dump' action

  synda dump CORDEX IPSL-INERIS  evaluation limit=1 -f -F indent
  synda dump CMIP5 IPSL mon atmos limit=1 -d -F indent
  synda dump -R CMIP5 limit=1 -f -F indent
  synda dump -F indent
  synda dump -R CMIP5 limit=1 -f -F value -C url_http,url_gridftp
  synda dump CORDEX IPSL-INERIS  evaluation limit=1 -f -C local_path -F value


Facet discovery

usage: synda facet [-h] [-s SELECTION_FILE] [-z]
                   facet_name [parameter [parameter ...]]

positional arguments:
  facet_name            Facet name
  parameter             search parameters. Format is name=value1,value2.. ...
                        Most of the time, parameter name can be omitted.

optional arguments:
  -h, --help            show this help message and exit
  -s SELECTION_FILE, --selection_file SELECTION_FILE
  -z, --dry_run

  synda facet experiment MPI-ESM-LR | column
  synda facet variable MPI-ESM-LR | column
  synda facet experiment fddtalk MPI-ESM-LR


Download dataset

usage: synda get [-h] [-s SELECTION_FILE] [-z] [--verify_checksum]
                 [--dest_folder DEST_FOLDER] [--force]
                 [--network_bandwidth_test] [--openid OPENID]
                 [--password PASSWORD] [--quiet] [--timeout TIMEOUT]
                 [--urllib2] [--verbosity] [--hpss] [--no-hpss]
                 [parameter [parameter ...]]

positional arguments:
  parameter             search parameters. Format is name=value1,value2.. ...
                        Most of the time, parameter name can be omitted.

optional arguments:
  -h, --help            show this help message and exit
  -s SELECTION_FILE, --selection_file SELECTION_FILE
  -z, --dry_run
  --verify_checksum, -c
                        Compare remote and local checksum
  --dest_folder DEST_FOLDER, -d DEST_FOLDER
                        Destination folder
  --force, -f           Overwrite local file if exists
  --network_bandwidth_test, -n
                        Prevent disk I/O to measure network throughput. When
                        this option is used, local file is set to /dev/null.
  --openid OPENID, -o OPENID
                        ESGF openid
  --password PASSWORD, -p PASSWORD
                        ESGF password
  --quiet, -q
  --timeout TIMEOUT, -t TIMEOUT
                        HTTP timeout
  --urllib2, -u         Use urllib2 instead of wget as HTTP client
  --verbosity, -v
  --hpss                Enable 'hpss' flag
  --no-hpss             Disable 'hpss' flag (Default)

  synda get cmip5.output1.CCCma.CanCM4.decadal1972.fx.atmos.fx.r0i0p0.v20120601
  synda get
  synda get
  synda get
  synda get -d CORDEX 1
  synda get -f CMIP5 fx 1
  synda get protocol=gridftp limit=1 -f
  synda get
  synda get
  synda get gsi
  synda get
  synda get


Show help

usage: synda help [-h] [topic]

positional arguments:

optional arguments:
  -h, --help  show this help message and exit


Show history

usage: synda history [-h]

optional arguments:
  -h, --help  show this help message and exit


Install dataset

usage: synda install [-h] [-s SELECTION_FILE] [-n] [-z] [-y] [-i]
                     [parameter [parameter ...]]

positional arguments:
  parameter             search parameters. Format is name=value1,value2.. ...
                        Most of the time, parameter name can be omitted.

optional arguments:
  -h, --help            show this help message and exit
  -s SELECTION_FILE, --selection_file SELECTION_FILE
  -n, --no_default      prevent loading default value
  -z, --dry_run
  -y, --yes             assume "yes" as answer to all prompts and run non-
  -i, --incremental     Install files which appeared since last run

  synda install baresoilFrac
  synda install
  synda install MPI-ESM-LR rcp26

  'install' command is asynchronous, the transfer is handled by a
  background process. To check when the download is complete, use 'synda 
  queue' command.


Print introduction to synda command

usage: synda intro [-h]

optional arguments:
  -h, --help  show this help message and exit


List installed dataset

usage: synda list [-h] [-s SELECTION_FILE] [-z] [-a | -d | -f | -v]
                  [parameter [parameter ...]]

positional arguments:
  parameter             search parameters. Format is name=value1,value2.. ...
                        Most of the time, parameter name can be omitted.

optional arguments:
  -h, --help            show this help message and exit
  -s SELECTION_FILE, --selection_file SELECTION_FILE
  -z, --dry_run
  -a, --aggregation
  -d, --dataset
  -f, --file
  -v, --variable

  synda list limit=5 -f
  synda list limit=5 -d


Display performance and disk usage metrics

usage: synda metric [-h] [-z] [--groupby {data_node,project,model}]
                    [--metric {rate,size}] [--project PROJECT]

optional arguments:
  -h, --help            show this help message and exit
  -z, --dry_run
  --groupby {data_node,project,model}, -g {data_node,project,model}
                        Group-by clause
  --metric {rate,size}, -m {rate,size}
                        Metric name
  --project PROJECT, -p PROJECT
                        Project name (must be used with '--groupby=model' else

  synda metric -g data_node -m rate -p CMIP5
  synda metric -g project -m size


Open netcdf file

usage: synda open [-h] [-s SELECTION_FILE] [-z] [--geometry GEOMETRY]
                  [parameter [parameter ...]]

positional arguments:
  parameter             search parameters. Format is name=value1,value2.. ...
                        Most of the time, parameter name can be omitted.

optional arguments:
  -h, --help            show this help message and exit
  -s SELECTION_FILE, --selection_file SELECTION_FILE
  -z, --dry_run
  --geometry GEOMETRY, -g GEOMETRY
                        Window geometry

  synda open
  synda open -g 1000x600+70+0


Print ESGF facets

usage: synda param [-h] [-c COLUMNS] [pattern1] [pattern2]

positional arguments:
  pattern1              Parameter name
  pattern2              Filter

optional arguments:
  -h, --help            show this help message and exit
  -c COLUMNS, --columns COLUMNS

  synda param | column
  synda param institute | column
  synda param institute NA
  synda param project


Execute post-processing task

usage: synda pexec [-h] [-s SELECTION_FILE] [-n] [-z] {cdf}

positional arguments:
  {cdf}                 Order name

optional arguments:
  -h, --help            show this help message and exit
  -s SELECTION_FILE, --selection_file SELECTION_FILE
  -n, --no_default      prevent loading default value
  -z, --dry_run


Display download queue status

usage: synda queue [-h] [project]

positional arguments:
  project     ESGF project (e.g. CMIP5)

optional arguments:
  -h, --help  show this help message and exit

  synda queue obs4MIPs
  synda queue CMIP5
  synda queue


Remove dataset

usage: synda remove [-h] [-s SELECTION_FILE] [-n] [-z] [-y] [--verbose] [-m]
                    [parameter [parameter ...]]

positional arguments:
  parameter             search parameters. Format is name=value1,value2.. ...
                        Most of the time, parameter name can be omitted.

optional arguments:
  -h, --help            show this help message and exit
  -s SELECTION_FILE, --selection_file SELECTION_FILE
  -n, --no_default      prevent loading default value
  -z, --dry_run
  -y, --yes             assume "yes" as answer to all prompts and run non-
  --verbose             verbose mode
  -m, --keep_data       Remove only metadata

  synda remove
  synda remove status=error -n
  synda remove,, status=error -n
  synda remove CMIP5 MIROC-ESM historicalNat mon


Move to next replica

usage: synda replica [-h] [-z] [{next}] [file_id]

positional arguments:
  {next}         action
  file_id        File identifier (ESGF instance_id)

optional arguments:
  -h, --help     show this help message and exit
  -z, --dry_run

  synda replica next
  synda replica next


Remove all 'waiting' and 'error' transfers

usage: synda reset [-h]

optional arguments:
  -h, --help  show this help message and exit


Retry transfer (switch status from error to waiting)

usage: synda retry [-h]

optional arguments:
  -h, --help  show this help message and exit


Search dataset

usage: synda search [-h] [-s SELECTION_FILE] [-n] [-z] [-l LIMIT] [-r]
                    [-a | -d | -f | -v]
                    [parameter [parameter ...]]

positional arguments:
  parameter             search parameters. Format is name=value1,value2.. ...
                        Most of the time, parameter name can be omitted.

optional arguments:
  -h, --help            show this help message and exit
  -s SELECTION_FILE, --selection_file SELECTION_FILE
  -n, --no_default      prevent loading default value
  -z, --dry_run
  -l LIMIT, --limit LIMIT
                        Set the total number of returned results. By default,
                        returns the first 100 records matching the given
                        constraints. Limit can be also be changed through the
                        keyword parameters limit=. The system imposes a
                        maximum value of limit <= 10,000.
  -r, --replica         show replica
  -a, --aggregation
  -d, --dataset
  -f, --file
  -v, --variable

  synda search cmip5 output1 MOHC HadGEM2-A amip4xCO2 mon atmos Amon r1i1p1
  synda search rcp85 3hr timeslice=20050101-21001231 -f
  synda search project=CORDEX 'query=domain:EUR*11*'
  synda search rcp85 3hr start=2005-01-01T00:00:00Z end=2100-12-31T23:59:59Z -d
  synda search timeslice=00100101-20501231 model=GFDL-ESM2M "Air Temperature" -f
  synda search experiment=rcp45,rcp85 model=CCSM4
  synda search project=CMIP5 realm=atmos
  synda search realm=atmos project=CMIP5
  synda search CMIP5 frequency=day atmos tas -d
  synda search CMIP5 frequency=day atmos tas -v
  synda search CMIP5 frequency=day atmos tas -f
  synda search project=ISI-MIP%20Fast%20Track
  synda search atmos 50
  synda search MIROC rcp45 2
  synda search CCSM4 rcp45 atmos mon r1i1p1
  synda search variable=tas institute!=MPI-M
  synda search project=EUCLIPSE
  synda search
  synda search
  synda search
  synda search c20c.UCT-CSAG.HadAM3P-N96.NonGHG-Hist.HadCM3-p50-est1.v1-0.mon.atmos.run060.v20140528
  synda search
  synda search tamip.output1.NCAR.CCSM4.tamip200904.3hr.atmos.3hrSlev.r9i1p1.v20120613|
  synda search tamip.output1.NCAR.CCSM4.tamip200904.3hr.atmos.3hrSlev.r9i1p1.v20120613
  synda search dataset_id=tamip.output1.NCAR.CCSM4.tamip200904.3hr.atmos.3hrSlev.r9i1p1.v20120613|
  synda search
  synda search gsi
  synda search


List selection files

usage: synda selection [-h]

optional arguments:
  -h, --help  show this help message and exit


Display detailed information about dataset

usage: synda show [-h] [-s SELECTION_FILE] [-n] [-z] [-l] [--verbose]
                  [parameter [parameter ...]]

positional arguments:
  parameter             search parameters. Format is name=value1,value2.. ...
                        Most of the time, parameter name can be omitted.

optional arguments:
  -h, --help            show this help message and exit
  -s SELECTION_FILE, --selection_file SELECTION_FILE
  -n, --no_default      prevent loading default value
  -z, --dry_run
  -l, --localsearch     search in local data repository (already installed
  --verbose             verbose mode

  synda show
  synda show


Display summary information about dataset

usage: synda stat [-h] [-s SELECTION_FILE] [-n] [-z] [-i]
                  [parameter [parameter ...]]

positional arguments:
  parameter             search parameters. Format is name=value1,value2.. ...
                        Most of the time, parameter name can be omitted.

optional arguments:
  -h, --help            show this help message and exit
  -s SELECTION_FILE, --selection_file SELECTION_FILE
  -n, --no_default      prevent loading default value
  -z, --dry_run
  -i, --incremental     Limit action on files which appeared since last run

  synda stat cmip5.output1.MOHC.HadGEM2-A.amip4xCO2.mon.atmos.Amon.r1i1p1.v20131108
  synda stat cmip5.output1.CCCma.CanCM4.decadal1964.mon.ocean.Omon.r1i1p1.v20120622
  synda stat MPI-ESM-LR rcp26
  synda stat project=CORDEX 'query=domain:EUR*11*'
  synda stat ECMWF-ERAINT frequency=day


Update ESGF parameter local cache

usage: synda update [-h] [-i INDEX_HOST] [-p PROJECT]

optional arguments:
  -h, --help            show this help message and exit
  -i INDEX_HOST, --index_host INDEX_HOST
                        Retrieve parameters from the specified index
  -p PROJECT, --project PROJECT
                        Retrieve project specific parameters for the specified


Run 'install' command on all selection files

usage: synda upgrade [-h] [-z] [-y] [-i] [-e FILE] [parameter [parameter ...]]

positional arguments:
  parameter             search parameters. Format is name=value1,value2.. ...
                        Most of the time, parameter name can be omitted.

optional arguments:
  -h, --help            show this help message and exit
  -z, --dry_run
  -y, --yes             assume "yes" as answer to all prompts and run non-
  -i, --incremental     Install files which appeared since last run
  -e FILE, --exclude_from FILE
                        Read exclude selection-file from FILE


Print variable

usage: synda variable [-h] [-z] [-l] [-s] [-S] [parameter [parameter ...]]

positional arguments:
  parameter            search parameters. Format is name=value1,value2.. ...
                       Most of the time, parameter name can be omitted.

optional arguments:
  -h, --help           show this help message and exit
  -z, --dry_run
  -l, --long_name
  -s, --short_name
  -S, --standard_name

  synda variable
  synda variable -S
  synda variable -s
  synda variable sfcWind
  synda variable wind_speed
  synda variable Near-Surface Wind Speed
  synda variable Dissolved Inorganic Carbon Concentration
  synda variable cell_area
  export COLUMNS ; synda variable -s | cut -c 1-20 | column | less


List all versions of a dataset

usage: synda version [-h] [-s SELECTION_FILE] [-n] [-z]
                     [parameter [parameter ...]]

positional arguments:
  parameter             search parameters. Format is name=value1,value2.. ...
                        Most of the time, parameter name can be omitted.

optional arguments:
  -h, --help            show this help message and exit
  -s SELECTION_FILE, --selection_file SELECTION_FILE
  -n, --no_default      prevent loading default value
  -z, --dry_run

  synda version cmip5.output1.MOHC.HadGEM2-A.amip4xCO2.mon.atmos.Amon.r1i1p1.v20131108
  synda version cmip5.output1.NCAR.CCSM4.rcp26.mon.atmos.Amon.r1i1p1.v20130426


Display running transfer

usage: synda watch [-h]

optional arguments:
  -h, --help  show this help message and exit