title | subtitle | author | job | framework | highlighter | hitheme | widgets | mode | knit |
Learn R |
Nehil Jain |
io2012 |
highlight.js |
tomorrow |
selfcontained |
slidify::knit2slides |
- Github
- Data Importing
- Data Cleaning and Munging
- Data Vizualisation
- Code Style Guide
- Resources
- What is source control?
- Why Github?
- Advantages
- Lets do it ourselves
- create github account
- create a new repository
- Go through http://rogerdudler.github.io/git-guide/
- Data Types in R
- Readr
- Data.Table
- Caveats
- Prevent copying data
plyr #later
5 verbs
- slice
- filter
- select
- arrange
- desc
- mutate
- summarise
Grouped Operations
- Merges
- rbind, cbind
- left join, right join, outer join, inner join Visual Explaination
- Dplyr Cheatsheet
- ggplot2
- ggvis
- exploratory
- Grammar of Graphics
- ggplot #data
- aes #mapping
- geom #Visual Geometry
- scales and coordinates
- ggplot Cheatsheet
- resources
- Creating code vs maintaining code
- Be kind to your future self. Write readable and consistent code
- Hadley Wickam's Style Guide (http://adv-r.had.co.nz/Style.html)
- Naming is complex. Also beware of collisions
- Datacamp
- Coursera
- R-bloggers
- Rdocumentation.org
- Stackoverflow