Thoughts: Computers are really good at repetitive tasks. Learning the core fundamentals of a language is very important on the longrun.
Link(s) to work 1.( via @CodePen)
Today's Progress: Revised some javascript fundamentals such as function chaining, js scopes, "This" keyword, arrow functions, template literals and js automatic semicolon insertion.Thoughts: what impressed me today about Javascript? its ability to chain multiple actions based on what it returns.function chaining is not limited to arrays; all datatypes can do it.
Link(s) to work 1.( via @CodePen)
Today's Progress:i worked on a basic js To-do App in the browser environment. also Worked on some nodejs environment basics; such as the http module and its methods and i got a better understanding of the "req" object in a nodejs server.Thoughts: A common disease in programming is the act of trying to learn everything there is, at once and getting confused and giving up. Understand the "why" before using a new fancy library.
Link(s) to work 1.( via @CodePen)
Today's Progress: i setup an express server with connection to mongodb. then wrote some anonymous callback functions, Asynchronous promises and CRUD operations using js.Thoughts: Really learnt alot about the node javascript environment and its jargons. First, the express module is a branch of pre-written js code for the node environment that we can leverge (so we dont re-invent the wheel and our code is more organized). Secondly, the mongodb is a no sql db. the db can have many collecctions just like a db can have several tables and each value in the collection is called a document. Thirdly, one major use of nodejs callbacks, is that upon db connection; it'll run certain functionalities automatically. etc
Link(s) to work 1.Still in development.
Today's Progress: i got to learn and use the axios promise feature of js in place of fetch() method for browser and server asychronous communication. integrated full CRUD operation in nodeserver.Thoughts: I related the axios and fetch() promise feature, to the way i understood Ajax calls and request to PHP server. tomorrow i'll implement the DRY(do not repeat yourself) productivity skill.
Link(s) to work 1.Still in development(Fully featured and dynamic TodoApp).
Today's Progress:i've learnt more about client side rendering,res.send() vs res.json() methods, securing routes using express response Authentication feature,and completed my minimalistic CRUD To-do App.
it is important to have lots of small victories along the road towards becoming a better developer; Completing small projects is one of the many ways to cement your skills and keep learning.small wins, small victories ,one of many significant victories.
Link(s) to work
1. Minimalistic todo app with bowser rendering , secure and full CRUD operation with mongodb.
Today's Progress:
Over the couple of days i've worked on Understanding routes, middleswares, the boilerplate express.json() & express.urlencode() methods as used in the express framework. As well Organization of my code into components using MVC design pattern. I also worked on useful server side form validations.
It's been great learning how to implement industry standard techniques and tools in complex application development. Theres always a method the madness.
Link(s) to work
1. webconnect App. it replicates the main functionalities of modern social network applications. it's still in development
view Code Today's Progress:I included mongodb connection to my webConnet app. i learnt more about node environmental variables and how to use them with .gitignore file to secure api keys,port and mongodb connection string.i understood the context binding that es6 arrow functions provides as against the tranditonal function that mutates the "this" function and refers to the global object always.
Sometimes tech can seem to be overwhelming; its just important to understand the fundamentals first, then use it as a line of reasoning when trying to understand certain concepts. the more i learn js i'm literally constantly in awe to see what it does and how its evolved. i'll work on promises tomorrow to handle response from the modeled data.
Link(s) to work
1. webconnect App. it replicates the main functionalities of modern social network applications. it's still in development
view Code Today's Progress:i worked on handling async operations in javascript using promises, traditional callbacks and asyc await, especially on mongodb methods that return a promise. I also reinforced my knowledge on handling stateless http request using sessions and browser cookies.
Generally Async operations means more programs can run at the same time. learning and implementing different tools js and node offers, to handle this kind of situations was impressive. And http requests are statless; they dont have knowledge of previous requests, so sessions and cookies fix their amnesia.
Link(s) to work
1. webconnect App. it replicates the main functionalities of modern social network applications. it's still in development
view Code Today's Progress:I worked on rendering partial pages in ejs such as headers and footers, worked on parsing dynamic data in ejs also storing sessions and flash messages in mongodb db with callbacks before rendering pages.
i understand sessions in js better as used in flash messages. The flash is typically used in combination with redirects, ensuring that the message is available to the next page that is to be rendered.
Link(s) to work
1. webconnect App. it replicates the main functionalities of modern social network applications. it's still in development
view Code Today's Progress:I wrote some async functions which returned a promise. i basically used them to handle timing and async actions such as calls to the database and api request.
i like the await async feature in js because it helps me write cleaner code by helping with responses which resolve and as to writing ".then(callback) & .catch(callback)".
Link(s) to work
1. WebConnect App. it replicates the main functionalities of modern social network applications. it's still in development
view Code Today's Progress:I fixed syntax and semantics bugs. removed some repetitive code and worked on the model in my mvc structre of my project .
I worked out that my model module should include files or group name of a specific functionality in the app. i'm good!
Link(s) to work
1. WebConnect App. it replicates the main functionalities of modern social network applications. it's still in development
view Code Today's Progress:I've been doing alot for the past couple of days, from writing api's in nodejs, testing api's with postman to debugging nodejs applications.
The passed few days has made me more enthuisiastic and knowlegdeable in the realm of backend development and development in general. over the weekend i was also involved a hackathon which really boosted my zeal for technology.
Link(s) to work
1. WebConnect App. it replicates the main functionalities of modern social network applications. it's still in development
view Code Today's Progress:I worked with mongodb aggregrate pipeline operators, used the flash package to display messages, restricted pages and features to only priviledged users, wrote reuseable functions and stripped useless codes.
I made tech goals for october; well i wouldnt say i've acheived all of them buh i can certainly say i've worked hard towards them and its made me a better developer so far. the learning never stop.
Link(s) to work
1. WebConnect App. it replicates the main functionalities of modern social network applications. it's still in development
view Code Today's Progress:I worked on preventing cross-site scriptng attacks in my node app. i wrote functions to sanitize and Markdown Safe User Generated HTML.
Every new feature or priviledge to the user produces opportunities for attacks; care thus needs to be taken in implementing features with good security and good logic.
Link(s) to work
1. webconnect App. it replicates the main functionalities of modern social network applications. it's still in development
view Code Today's Progress:I worked on frontend js using webpack to bundle JavaScript files for usage in the browser, i wrote more mongodb aggregate pipline operations to implement a live search feature; after each key strokes and an asychcronous request is sent to the server.
Each project must be structured correctly, it helps the entire program become maintainable and easy to debug. Being writing mongodb aggregrate functions now; well i'm still wrapping my head around the operators and and the pipline stages.
Link(s) to work
1. webconnect App. it replicates the main functionalities of modern social network applications. it's still in development
view Code Today's Progress:Still working on my frontend js modules and implemented some features geared towards better useability and performance. Fixed security vulnerabilities when i'm rendering template that isn't ejs. used a lightweight npm packge DOMpurify.
Useabibily and performance must be balanced or well thought about in every web application.
Link(s) to work
1. webconnect App. it replicates the main functionalities of modern social network applications. it's still in development
view Code Today's Progress:I Implemented some model using the MVC design pattern . I wrote CRUD Operations to my app's mongodb storage. i work on more promises to handle expensive functions execution and async operations. lastly, i debugged alot of my syntax errors.
I'm happy i worked today. honestly i just wanted to sleep more. Buh the -100DaysOfCode community has a way of reinvigorating my passion for code. Another day to be world class.
Link(s) to work
1. webconnect App. it replicates the main functionalities of modern social network applications. it's still in development
view Code Today's Progress:I worked on the scopes and contexts of propeties in my node app, manipulated the global object that executed my functions, and wrote some client side logic based on the response from the server.
After a while of coding; i mixed up my semantics as to what context and scope my properties referred to. long story short i checked out some docs on using the "this" keyword, Global object in browser and nodejs, class based syntax and function constructor syntax. it was cool learning how js works.
Link(s) to work
1. webconnect App. it replicates the main functionalities of modern social network applications. it's still in development
view Code Today's Progress:The highlights of my coding session involved debugging, reading up on mongodb's aggregate pipeline operators, refactoring my async code for better performanace; using Es6 features and writing some serversside business logic in js.
The more errors in my code i fix, the more i cement certain concepts in javascript. like the fact that JavaScript functions do not check the number of arguments received. If a function is called with missing arguments (less than declared), the missing values are set to: undefined. this is really knew to me.
Link(s) to work
1. webconnect App. it replicates the main functionalities of modern social network applications. it's still in development
view Code Today's Progress:The highlights of my coding sessions involved learning to use the module in nodejs, powering the entire server with socketting functionality, using axios for asynchronus req (live form validations and error display) and preventing csrf attacks using the csurf package.
I've learnt a couple of backend tools like and csurf. they seemed a little challenging to understand how they work, buh their documentation has been alot of help.
Link(s) to work
1. webconnect App. it replicates the main functionalities of modern social network applications. it's still in development
view Code Today's Progress:I worked on api's to my web application,using jsonwebtokens for authentication, implemeneted the CORS feature for sharing of the api through any http platform that sends a request to the server and integrated sendgrid email client
My opinion, fullstack js makes for a simplier and more modern web. its just another tool in my toolbox. I feel nodejs is the future, it also has enhanced the adaptability for the demand for custom webapp development.
Read more at:
Link(s) to work
1. Webconnect App. it replicates the main functionalities of modern social network applications. Version 1 is completed; i'll be introducing more features soon.
view Code Today's Progress:*highights, New web application setup, express routing, installed dependencies, and building the UI.. debuging applcation hosted on heroku
CSS work takes a chunk of my time. Frontend devs are important ! well i'm writing some farm mannagement system; its coming up slow though, gui and mockup is real work!
Link(s) to work
1. AHAI Web APP in devlopment.
view Code Today's Progress:*highights,worked on the MVC structure on my backend code and implemented webpack for my frontend js.
Thoughts:Fixing bugs is how we learn. if you get better at debugging, you’ll get better at learning. The opposite is true as well. The better you get at learning things, the easier it’ll be to fix bugs in your code.
Link(s) to work1. AHAI Web APP in devlopment.
view Code Today's Progress:*highights,worked on Admin authentication, wrote some webApp custom features, research on the (Real-time Applications) or SPAs (Single-page Applications) using nodejs, fixed buh errors and mentored entry-level devs
Thoughts:We spend ridiculous amount of time debugging your applications. if you get better at debugging, you’ll get better at learning. The opposite is true as well. The better you get at learning things, the easier it’ll be to fix bugs in your code.
Link(s) to work1. AHAI Web APP in devlopment.
view Code Today's Progress:Because of JavaScript’s loosely typed and permissive nature, developers have the temptation to access uninitialized and uncreated values. I’m guilty of such bad practice too. 🙄 Maybe I'm the only self....😕
Thoughts:How can i write bugless and cleaner code? Not at the moment 😂. Maybe in a couple of years to come codes will be cleaner and i can reduce debugging time.
1. AHAI FARMS Web APP in devlopment.
view Code Today's Progress:I just love how smooth SPA(single page application) WebApps work. Version 2 of AHAIFARMS webApp will be SPA. Mostly likely reactjs on the frontend.
Thoughts:In my opinion well built WebApps rely on research, thorough work-through of features to be implemented and sometimes scaling up project dependencies .
1. AHAI FARMS Web APP in devlopment.
view Code Today's Progress:*Highlights; worked on some ejs templates for my express routes. i used material UI blocks and bs4
Thoughts:A good User Interface is important in the sense that it makes it easier for your target users to clearly see what the web service or application is meant to do.
1. AHAI FARMS Web APP in devlopment.
view Code Today's Progress:*Highlights; Finished work on some ejs templates. i also wrote more modules to handle my frontend javascript for user interaction.
Thoughts:I havent used GULP yet. But webpack is great for me, my frontend js is well structured and hopefully maintainable. Webpack takes care of bundling alongside a separate task runner.
1. AHAI FARMS Web APP in devlopment.
view Code Today's Progress:*Highlights; Researched for a prouction ready, file-upload npm module. i found multer and formidable. Both great tools.
Thoughts:Formidable npm module, is lightweight and easy to use. it has over 2 million weekly downloads. In all its a great package.
1. AHAI FARMS Web APP in devlopment.
view Code Today's Progress:*Highlights; Being refactoring my spaghetti code here and there. my codebase is still a mess.. The goal is to handle operations in straightforward, obvious ways.
Thoughts:Good code is not clever. It does things in straightforward, obvious ways. i'm still figuring out how to remove model code in my controllers ...
1. AHAI FARMS Web APP in devlopment.
view Code Today's Progress:I checked out vuejs frontend framework. did i like it? i dont know. maybe if i had more patience; i would have.
Thoughts:All of them frontend frameworks, shouldnt be so opionated. They give you a much steeper learning curve than the language they were built with infact!
1. AHAI FARMS Web APP in devlopment.
Today's Progress:being working on a bunch of stuffs *Code Organisation using MVC design architecture *code refactoring *just write code and refactor later *Always comment your code *// A 'static method', it's just like a normal function // it has no relation with any parent class object instance
Thoughts: In JavaScript, everything is an object.
In JavaScript functions are first-class objects, that means you can treat them just like any object, in static methods, you are only adding a property to the function object.
1. AHAI FARMS Web APP in devlopment.
Today's Progress:Wrote more routes,ejs templates and event driven DOM mainpulations.I also handled alot of “JavaScript Reference Error Is Not Defined” error logs working with my app's frontend js.
Thoughts:To avoid "JavaScript Reference Error Is Not Defined" error logs, I highly recommend including very clear code comments at the function level to explain what ever optional parameter is used for, why it’s present, and what aspects of the application necessitate the need for doing something like that. The problem might also be resolved in one of two ways.
- Load the Libraries in Proper Order
- Leverage Undefined Values i.e check if the variables parsed as arguments to the function is actually defined.
1. AHAI FARMS Web APP in devlopment.
view repo Today's Progress:implemented some routing, model code and client side presentation of data for admin analytics.
Thoughts:I decided When to use static methods in my models for my webApp
1. AHAI FARMS Web APP in devlopment.
view repo Today's Progress:essentially; i worte more jScript!
Thoughts:Static methods are like auxiliary functions associated with the object which do not use or need the stored properties.
1. AHAI FARMS Web APP in devlopment.
view repo Today's Progress: - fixed DNS error. ping; returns Name or service not known
- worked with client side async calls with axios
I decided When to use static methods in my models for my webApp
1. AHAI FARMS Web APP in devlopment.
Today's Progress:wrote more static methods to my models
Thoughts:Code first. Get a working model. Refactor code later.
1. AHAI FARMS Web APP in devlopment.
Today's Progress:
- wrote more Async calls to the server using Axios
- routing, controllers and model logic
Code first. Get a working model. Refactor code later.
1. AHAI FARMS Web APP in devlopment.
Today's Progress:
- Fixed some mongodb find one and update issues
- Handled and implemented csrf form requests
Code first. Get a working model. Refactor code later.
1. AHAI FARMS Web APP in devlopment.
Today's Progress:
- Webpack endpoints refactoring for compiling ES6
- worked on single page appications using reactjs library
Being writing alot of backend functionalities using nodejs as my runtime environment and the expressjs framework on top of nodejs. Revisiting reactjs library and worked on components for building blocks of my User interface.
1. Reactjs blogging application.
Today's Progress:
- Worked on lifecycle react methods for making api request to server
- react stores data in two main methods, i.e using props and states.
Being writing alot of backend functionalities using nodejs as my runtime environment and the expressjs framework on top of nodejs. Revisiting the reactjs library .
1. Reactjs blogging application.
Today's Progress:
-Worked on fetch API and parsing json data
- re-rendering parsed data with state
Being writing alot of backend functionalities using nodejs as my runtime environment and the expressjs framework on top of nodejs. Revisiting the reactjs library .
1. Reactjs blogging application.
Today's Progress:
- Hooked my react components to render routes.
- worked on passing props from parent component to child components.
-learnt about the vertex staging server and the vertex community and the vertex CMS.
-Worked with react componentDidUpdate to always ensure the content is in sync with the modified DOM.
-why dangerouslySetInnerHTML is better than innerHTML in react.
Because React uses a virtual DOM, when it goes to compare the diff against the actual DOM, it can straight up bypass checking the children of that node because it knows the HTML is coming from another source. So there's performance gains.
1. Reactjs blogging application.
Today's Progress:
- plan and design of next product feature
- meeting with client for for evaluation and updates on project development
Being writing alot of backend functionalities using nodejs as my runtime environment and the expressjs framework on top of nodejs. Revisiting the reactjs library .
1. AHAI webApp
Today's Progress:
- so tired managed. I managed to implement the product delete feature on the app.
Bad idea. don't code while tired.
1. AHAI WebApp
view repo Today's Progress:
- researched on the Blockchain technology
- worked with blockchain api documentations
- jwt Vs passport.js
- Passportjs helps Devs build more secure RESTful endpoints without sessions by authenticating tokens or other strategies.
Authentication using stateful user sessions and session_ids stored in the cookie has been a strategy that has worked for decades. But with the rise of service oriented architectures and web services, there has been a push to design applications with the principle of statelessness in mind. JWTs provide a stateless solution to authentication by removing the need to track session data on the server. Instead, JWTs allow us to safely and securely store our session data directly on the client in the form of a JWT.
1. Reactjs blogging application.
Today's Progress:
- researched on image resizing npm module that works well multer storage to the filesystem. Found sharp module
- refactoring some model codes
- rendering templates and parsing props
Code first. Get a working model. Refactor code later.
1. AHAI WebApp
Today's Progress:
-built frontend template with bs4
- integerated it with a node-express backend
-refactoring the Frontend code
Code first. Get a working model. Refactor code later.
1. AHAI WebApp
Today's Progress:
- working on UI/UX
-integrated Google forms
Code first. Get a working model. Refactor code later.
Today's Progress:
- integrating a node server
-sendgrid module
-cloudmailin integration
- working on UI
-deploy to heroku
You want to build email-clients and emailing features for your web applications?
CloudMailin just takes your emails and converts them into regular HTTP POSTs. you can receive either your email as JSON, a Multipart form/data request or as RAW text.
Today's Progress:Nodejs image manipulation libraries
Thoughts:Code first. Get a working model. Refactor code later.
1. AHAI webApp
Today's Progress:
- Debugging and refactoring my image Resize node module 😕!
error: Invalid input.
i'll fix you soon...i know i will!
Code first. Get a working model. Refactor code later.
1. AHAI webApp
view repo Today's Progress:
- I'm comfortable writing my models using function constructors with prototypical and static methods; i wrote one of my app's model in using
- worked on some self executing anynomous functions
- the file path points to a file in the images folder located in the current folder: 'public/uploads'
the file path points to a file in the images folder located at the root of the current web: '/public/uploads'
the file path points to a file in the images folder located in the folder one level above the current folder: '../public/uploads'
- removed repeated code. DRY principle
I had to relearn Relative File Paths today 🤔. D bugs were giving me headaches 😤. i don't know it all.. There's nothing wrong with needing refreshers & knowing how to find information is certainly a good skill to have 🤷♂.
1. AHAI webApp
view repo Today's Progress:
Highlights of work done
- Researched on headless & traditional CMS architecture
- comparison between traditional Vs headless CMS
- traditional fullstack apps Vs headless apps
- Refactoring codebase 4 fullstack app
Code first. Get a working model. Refactor code later.
1. Open Source Project
view repo Today's Progress:
- Sharpening my problem solving skills.
Took some Dynamic programming tests on @hackerank yesterday.
Code first. Get a working model. Refactor code later.
1. AHAI webApp
view repo Today's Progress:
- Today was Day 200/301 of working and learning from projects around the JavaScript environment. I am not where I want to be yet, and everyday is a learning experience for me! Round 2 completed! 💪
- I spent most of the day refactoring my node code.
- installing and Running an opensource project locally.
- catchup on opensource contributions with the team.
Code first. Get a working model. Refactor code later.
1. AHAI webApp
view repo Today's Progress:
- Worked with Mail Service for the Sendgrid v3 Web API, Sending an Email to multiple users using a single api request
- Testing of webApp and user feedback from client
Code first. Get a working model. Refactor code later.
1. Repotecc
Today's Progress:Highlights: Light redesign of UI and customization of old project: node chat app. Implemented Responsive and Mobile-friendly rendering. 🤓
Thoughts:Code first. Get a working model. Refactor code later.
1. Nextty chat app
Today's Progress:
- Deployed minimalistic chat App. Built with nodejs and socketing server functionality.
- Reviewing and researching on Opensource project issues. Still working 🥴
Code first. Get a working model. Refactor code later.
1. Nextty chat app
Today's Progress:
Tiring day 😴
- Read alot of docs 4 an Opensource project , picked a part I'll b contributing 2, after hours of research & reproducing many of d open issues on GitHub 😤
- helped a newbie on how 2 manage time & stay motivated
Code first. Get a working model. Refactor code later.
1.OPenSource contributions
Today's Progress:
- I think I finally get asynchronous programming in nodejs. 😌
It's the event loop! It's in the heart of Node.js / Javascript - it is responsible for scheduling async operations.
- I gave My first talk at a tech event 🤓
Code first. Get a working model. Refactor code later.
1.Preach JavaScript
Today's Progress:
- I encountered my first issue 🤓 with context binding in ES6 and mutation of "this" keyword
- learnt about ANI and AGI in AI/ML⚙️
Code first. Get a working model. Refactor code later.
1.AHAI webApp