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Starter kit

Content table


first of all, we're going to review docker services and introduce each one.


first service is app that contain the laravel project.

  • environment : has some environment variables to configure database and app environment
  • volumes : binding the ./core to the /var/www/starter folder. this able us to edit the project files in app container. in another binding we add Xdebug configuration to the /usr/local/etc/php/conf.d folder that Xdebug searching for its configuration file there and in the end saving the whole php configuration in a docker volume.
  • ports : we export the port 9005 to access the xdebug from IDE.


in this service we run the horizon package which installed in laravel app. horizon is a queue manager that provides a dashboard to easily monitor the metrics. horizon dashboard path is /horozon

  • command : horizon start working with php /var/www/starter/artisan horizon command
  • restart : every time the horizon failed on-failure option make the container restart.
  • volumes : for accessing the artisan file and laravel app it's necessary.


laravel-websockets package is a socket server written in php that running on this service.

  • command : socket server stating with php /var/www/starter/artisan websockets:serve command.
  • ports : laravel-websockets working on port 6001.

the rest of configs is similar to horizon service.


Prometheus is an open-source systems monitoring and alerting toolkit.

  • ports : prometheus running on port 9090.
  • command : --web.enable-lifecycle --config.file=/etc/prometheus/prometheus.yml command start prometheus with custom config file.
  • volumes : first, we bind ./prometheus/conf.d/prometheus.yml to the /etc/prometheus/prometheus.yml file into the container which is the config file that prometheus loaded in start up time. new exporters defined there. second, we store prometheus configuration files and data in prometheus-data volume.


grafana is an open-source system that virtualize data. prometheus provides the data.

  • ports : grafana accessible from port 3000


redis_exporter is a prometheus exporter for redis metrics.

  • ports : this exports redis metrics data on port 9121


mysql_exporter is another prometheus exporter that collect mysql server metrics.

  • ports : mysql exporter export collected data on port 9104
  • environment : we define a database connection using DATA_SOURCE_NAME environment variable to used by mysql exporter.


Nginx is a web server that we used in this project.

  • ports : binding the port 80 that is default port of app service to the port 8080.
  • volumes : first, binding ./nginx/conf.d folder that contain our defined server to the /etc/nginx/conf.d folder which Nginx scans for servers. second, we need to bind destination folder of our servers in Nginx service to be accessible from it.


Redis is an im-memory key-value database that used as cache server in this project.

  • command : redis server in running up using redis-server --appendonly yes --requirepass ${REDIS_PASS} and we can pass the password if we set a password.
  • environment : define a password for redis server using REDIS_PASS variable.
  • volumes : store the redis data in cache volume.


MariaDB is a community-developed fork of MySQL which used in this project.

  • environment : initialize the database. create a user with password and also set a password for root user.
  • volumes : we bind a file in ./database/config.d/setup.sql folder to the /docker-entrypoint-initdb.d/setup.sql path in the container. this file executed every time the mysql server initialize. we store db service data in a volume called database.


Adminer is a tool for managing content in MySQL databases.

  • ports : bind the adminer default port 8080 to the 8082. we can access Adminer panel from localhost:8082

basic commands

we're going to introduce some basic commands that are useful for developing the project.

some useful commands for working with docker

  • docker ps : get the running containers list
  • docker logs CONTAINER : fetch the logs of a container
  • docker inspect CONTAINER : return low-level information of a docker container
  • docker inspect CONTAINER | grep --word-regexp IPAddress : return just IP Address of the container
  • docker-compose up -d : builds, create or recreate, starts, attaches to containers for a service.
  • docker-compose down : stops and removes containers, networks, volumes and images created by docker-compose up command
  • docker-compose exec SERVICE bash : you can open a terminal inside of the SERVICE
  • docker-compose restart : restarts all stopped and running services.

artisan commands may you need

  • jsonapi:all : generate all files needed to settings up a schema
  • optimize:clear : clear all cached data such as views, routs ...
  • migrate:fresh : drop all database tables and re-run all migrations
  • websockets:restart : restart the websockets
  • horizon:status : get the current status of horizon
  • horizon:purge : terminate any rogue horizon processes
  • tinker : interact with the project from CLI

starting up

there's several predefined profile for using is the different situation.

SERVER profile

used on production server.


  • docker-compose up -d --build : starts the services (--build is just for the first time).
  • docker-compose exec app bash : open a terminal inside of app service.
  • chown -R www-data:www-data bootstrap/cache storage resources/lang : change the owner of folders and files to the docker's default user.
  • cp .env.server .env : create a copy from .env.server file and named the new file .env
  • composer update --no-dev --optimize-autoloader : install necessary composer dependencies and optimize autoloader
  • php artisan key:generate : generate a new unique key for laravel that used for encode and decode seasons, cookies etc.
  • php artisan migrate:fresh --seed --force : create tables and seeds the database
  • php artisan storage:link : create a symbolic link between the public and storage/app/public folder.
  • npm i : install npm dependencies.
  • npm run prod : builds and compresses .scss and .js files and place the built files into the public directory.
  • exit : exit from the container bash.
DEVELOP profile

this profile recommended for developing. using this profile developer can access all features and tool-kits.

instructions :

  • docker-compose up -d --build : starts the services (--build is just for the first time).
  • docker-compose exec app bash : open a terminal inside of app service.
  • chown -R www-data:www-data bootstrap/cache storage resources/lang : change the owner of folders and files to the docker's default user.
  • cp .env.develop .env : create a copy from .env.develop file and named the new file .env
  • composer update : install all composer dependencies
  • php artisan key:generate : generate a new unique key for laravel that used for encode and decode seasons, cookies etc.
  • php artisan migrate:fresh --seed : create tables and seeds the database
  • php artisan storage:link : create a symbolic link between the public and storage/app/public folder.
  • npm i : install npm dependencies
  • npm run dev : builds .scss and .js files and place the built files into the public directory in css and js folder
  • exit : exit from the container bash.
  • open localhost:8080
FRONT-END profile

Local profile used for front-end developer. in this profile developer don't have to deal with Docker and just can reach the UI and main features.

requirements :

  • redis : runs on port 6379
  • web server : xampp or wampp
  • composer
  • npm

instructions :

  • run your web server.
  • create a database named starter.
  • cd core/ : change the current directory of terminal to the ./core folder.
  • cp .env.frontend .env : create a copy of .env.frontend and named it .env.
  • composer update --ignore-platform-reqs : install the composer dependencies.
  • php artisan key:generate : generate a unique key for laravel.
  • php artisan migrate:fresh --seed : create tables and seeds the database.
  • php artisan storage:link : create a symbolic link between the public and storage/app/public folder.
  • npm i : install npm dependencies from package.json file
  • npm run watch : builds .scss and .js files in resource directory and watch them for new changes.
  • php artisan horizon : starts the horizon (make sure keep this command running).
  • php artisan websockets:serve : starts the websockets (make sure keep this command running).
  • php artisan serve : serves the laravel app (make sure keep this command running).
  • open localhost:8000

google services

for managing Google Analytics and Google Tag Manager for this project you can use this gmail :

and there are direct links to :


mailtrap is a Fake SMTP server for email testing from the development & staging environments without spamming real customers.

mailtrap config is placed in .env file in root project directory

[email protected]

to configuring up the mailtrap, you just need to register and replace these values


with yours.


helpers created for defining global constants, functions and arrays.


we are going to introduce the packages used in starter-kit.


Laravel Sanctum provides a featherweight authentication system for SPAs, mobile applications, and simple, token based APIs.

laravel permissions

laravel permissions allows you to manage user permissions and roles in a database.

laravel debugbar

This is a package to integrate PHP Debug Bar with Laravel.

laravel ide helper

This package generates helper files that enable your IDE to provide accurate autocompletion. Generation is done based on the files in your project, so they are always up-to-date.

ide helper configured in post-update-cmd hook that mean every time that you run composer commands, ide helper generates helpers files based on your project files, also you can do this manually with artisan ide helper commands.

laravel activitylog

The spatie/laravel-activitylog package provides easy to use functions to log the activities of the users of your app. It can also automatically log model events. All activity will be stored in the activity_log table.

there is example snippet code to record an activity

   ->withProperties(['customProperty' => 'customValue'])
   ->log('Look, I logged something');

to record model event activity, just add Spatie\Activitylog\Traits\LogsActivity trait to you model. this trait force you to implement a method. there is a simple implementation

public function getActivitylogOptions(): LogOptions {
    return LogOptions::defaults()->logFillable();

this means, log fillable attributes only.