title | subtitle | icon | layout | order |
Coding sprint |
Improve nilearn |
fa-laptop-code |
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6 |
The sprint will be a community effort to work on nilearn: adding new features, improving examples, documentations.
Sprint infrastructure:
- Technical discussions should take place on GitHub as usual to keep track of development and have open discussions.
- To create more dynamic time together (albeit remotely), we have created a Nilearn-Dev-Days Discord room. You can find a quick introduction to the Discord platform at the end of this email.
- Important announcements will be made on both Discord "general" channel and the dedicated Nilearn issue.
Daily organization:
- To say hello and organize work, we will have two introductory meetings on Wednesday at 9:30a CET and 9:30a EDT. To share progress we will have another common session on Thursday 5:00p CET, 11a EDT. You can find all relevant events in the sprint calendar.
- We welcome all contributors to schedule discussions for specific topics of interest. These sessions should be announced with at least a few hours notice on both the GitHub issue and Discord room.
- We will consider the sprint hours to run roughly from 9:00a CET to 6:00p EDT. We do not expect anyone to attend all (or most !) of that time ! These are just the times when at least one current Nilearn core developer will be online to help with general questions and point towards available resources.
An introduction to Discord:
- Discord is a chat platform that allows for both voice and text communication.
- In the left panel, you can modify settings at the top (notifications, privacy...) and see all available channels below (text and voice)
- In the right panel you can see who is connected and contact them directly.
- The general channels will be for welcoming, general announcements, and asking general questions. A break channel is dedicated to sharing breaks together. You can create other channels to accommodate specific needs (for example, setting up your development environment).
- Notifications can be a bit overwhelming on Discord, don't hesitate to filter them out while working (muting channels with right-click or setting your account on Do Not Disturb).
We strongly encourage all interested contributors to register for the sprint ! To do so, please fill the form below.
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