The purpose of this example is to add new audio prompts associated with the commands recognition.
The patch ex4_vit.patch can be applied to obtain the end-result of this example.
Applying the patch will not modify the file system! You will still need to run Ivaldi and populate the .opus files at the path described later in this section.
- Right click on sln_svui_iot_local_demo_vit_ex_3, then click on "Copy"
- Right click in the workspace, then click on "Paste"
- You will be asked to give a name to the copied instance. Use sln_svui_iot_local_demo_vit_ex_4
- Make sure you have the correct version of SDK (2.16.0). In case you don't, please follow the instructions from the main README on how to download and install it
- You should have the latest VIT lib integrated (VIT_CM7_v04_10_00). In case you don't, please follow the instructions from VIT example 0
In order to add new audio prompts, .mp3 files need to be generated first.
There are multiple free text-to-speech tools available on the internet.
For this training, mp3 files were generated using
It is an easy to use free online text-to-speech tool that provides up to 50 different languages and accents.
Starting from the .mp3 files, we have to convert them into .opus format.
Opus is a lossy audio coding format designed to efficiently code speech and general audio in a single format while remaining low-complexity enough for low-end embedded processors.
To convert mp3 files to opus files, an audio format converter was created and it is available in tools\audio_format_conversion.
The audio format converter is a bash script, which means it requires a Linux terminal: How to install WSL (Windows Subsystem for Linux). Alternatively, you can use a Linux Virtual Machine or a Linux system.
The following packages would need to be installed by running these commands:
sudo apt-get install -y libopus-dev
sudo apt install ffmpeg
sudo dos2unix
- On select an English voice and generate mp3 files using the text below:
- "Ok, mute" -> ok_mute.mp3
- "Ok, next" -> ok_next.mp3
- "Ok, pause" -> ok_pause.mp3
- "Ok, skip" -> ok_skip.mp3
- "Ok, stop" -> ok_stop.mp3
- "New prompts exercise demo" -> new_prompts_demo.mp3
- Save the files in a folder structure like the one below, in folder "tools\audio_format_conversion"
With current scripts, it is mandatory to have this folder structure: audio_format_conversion\project_name\language_name
Open a linux terminal in folder "tools\audio_format_conversion" an run
./ opus bin 16000
(arguments explained in README) -
Might need to run
when encountering the following errors:
./ line 7: $'\r': command not found
./ line 9: $'\r': command not found
./ line 11: $'\r': command not found
./ line 13: syntax error in conditional expression
'/ line 13: syntax error near `]]
'/ line 13: ` if [[ ${f::1} == "/" ]]
- This will result in .opus files being populated next to .mp3 files
- Copy the entire "prompts_exercise" folder in \Ivaldi_updater\Image_Binaries\svui_audio_files
- While in folder « EN », search for .mp3 files. Select all results, then delete them
- You should have only .opus files in the folder in the end
We need to generate a new files header for littlefs.
- First open cmd, then go to tools\Ivaldi_updater
- Activate the env with
- Run
cd Scripts\sln_platforms_config\sln_svui_iot_config
- Then run
Ivaldi_updater\FLASH_SVUI_BOARD.bat must have been run at least once before, in order for it to properly set pyenv.conf to point to the Python installation from the pre-configured package.
This command will generate a .h header file with defines for all files that will be a part of the file system.
- We will edit the file and copy the section of interest for us
- In the MCUXpresso project, edit source/sln_flash_files.h and add the newly generated lines at the end of it
#define AUDIO_DELICATE_FR "Washing_Machine/FR/01_delicate_fr.opus"
#define AUDIO_NORMAL_FR "Washing_Machine/FR/02_normal_fr.opus"
#define AUDIO_HEAVY_DUTY_FR "Washing_Machine/FR/03_heavy_duty_fr.opus"
#define AUDIO_WHITES_FR "Washing_Machine/FR/04_whites_fr.opus"
#define AUDIO_START_FR "Washing_Machine/FR/05_start_fr.opus"
#define AUDIO_CANCEL_FR "Washing_Machine/FR/06_cancel_fr.opus"
// New prompts definitions starting below
#define AUDIO_NEW_PROMPTS_DEMO "prompts_exercise/EN/new_prompts_demo.opus"
#define AUDIO_OK_MUTE "prompts_exercise/EN/ok_mute.opus"
#define AUDIO_OK_NEXT "prompts_exercise/EN/ok_next.opus"
#define AUDIO_OK_PAUSE "prompts_exercise/EN/ok_pause.opus"
#define AUDIO_OK_SKIP "prompts_exercise/EN/ok_skip.opus"
#define AUDIO_OK_STOP "prompts_exercise/EN/ok_stop.opus"
#endif /* _SLN_FLASH_FILES_H_ */
- Edit local_voice/VIT/en/en_strings_to_prompts_vit.h to point to the new prompts
#include "sln_flash_files.h"
const void * const prompts_ww_en[] = {
const void * const prompts_test_demo_en[] = {
AUDIO_OK_MUTE, // "Mute"
AUDIO_OK_NEXT, // "Next"
AUDIO_OK_SKIP, // "Skip"
AUDIO_OK_PAUSE, // "Pause"
AUDIO_OK_STOP, // "Stop"
#endif /* ENABLE_VIT_ASR */
- Edit local_voice/VIT/en/en_voice_demos_vit.h to play the demo announcement prompt: add AUDIO_NEW_PROMPTS_DEMO instead of NULL
const sln_voice_demo_t test_demo_en =
ww_en, // wake word strings
cmd_test_demo_en, // command strings
actions_ww_en, // wake word actions
actions_test_demo_en, // command actions
prompts_ww_en, // wake word prompts
prompts_test_demo_en, // command prompts
AUDIO_NEW_PROMPTS_DEMO, // prompt for demo announcement
NUM_ELEMENTS(ww_en), // number of wake words
NUM_ELEMENTS(cmd_test_demo_en), // number of commands
(void *)VIT_Model_en, // pointer to model
ASR_ENGLISH, // what language is used
ASR_CMD_TEST_DEMO, // what demo is used
LANG_STR_EN, // language string
DEMO_STR_TEST_DEMO, // demo string
It is always a good idea to update application version when planning to update via MSD because it will be an easy way to check if the binary got updated, by calling command version
in the shell.
The binary version definitions are found in source/app.h.
/* Application version */
#define APP_MAJ_VER 0x02
#define APP_MIN_VER 0x00
#define APP_BLD_VER 0x0004
- Build the project in MCUXpresso, then generate a .bin from the .axf
- Rename the .bin to sln_svui_iot_local_demo_vit.bin and overwrite the existing one in Ivaldi_updater\Image_Binaries
- Ensure the board is in serial downloader mode by moving jumper J61 to connect pins 2 and 3 (towards the buttons)
- Then run FLASH_SVUI_BOARD.bat:
- This will generate a new sln_svui_iot_file_system.bin image and flash it
- It will also flash sln_svui_iot_bootloader.bin, sln_svui_iot_bootstrap.bin, and sln_svui_iot_local_demo_vit.bin
- Generate the binary and use it for an MSD update
- Command
should print 2.0.4 - Command
should list the newly added commands - Say the wake word followed by one of the commands to test the detection
- You should now hear the new promts being played