creates & returns a subclass for your set of constants.
# Form 1 (cname only)
Color = Constant.define_set( "Color", "RED", "GREEN", "BLUE" )
# Form 2 (cname + value)
Color = Constant.define_set( "Color", RED="ff0000", GREEN="00ff00", BLUE="0000ff" )
# Form 3 (cname + arbitrary attributes)
Color = Constant.define_set(
RED = dict( hex="ff0000", like=True ),
GREEN = dict( hex="00ff00", like=True ),
BLUE = dict( hex="0000ff", like=False ),
Color.RED # constants are attached by cname
Color.all # -> [ Color.RED, ... ]
Color.as_cnames( filter=None ) # -> [ "RED", ... ]
# The next three support names "cname_pretty" and "ordinal" as if they were attributes.
Color.pick( name, filter=None ) # list of values for named attribute
# (raises AttributeError if missing)
Color.as_dicts( *names, filter=None ) # list of dicts generated by as_dict( *names )
Color.as_tuples( *names, filter=None ) # list of tuples generated by as_tuple( *names )
Color.choices( filter=None ) # list of ( cname, cname_pretty )
Color.max_length # length of longest cname
Color.filter( filter ) # list of objects where filter( obj ) is True **kwargs ) # list of objects matching kwargs (ANDed)
Color.get( **kwargs ) # single object matching kwargs (ANDed)
# raises ValueError if matches != 1
Color.__contains__( item ) # ex: `Color.RED in Color` -or- `"RED" in Color`
Color.__getitem( item ) # ex: `Color[ Color.RED ]` -or- `Color[ "RED" ]`
# returns None if item not in set
Color.__iter__( ) # ex: `for color in Color:`
Color.__len__( ) # ex: len( Color ) -> count of objects
# You generally shouldn't need to use this.
Color.populate( *args, **kwargs ) # create & register multiple constants
# used by Constant.define_set
# supports all three forms
c = Color.RED
c.cname_pretty # titlecase + "_" -> " " ("FOO_BAR" -> "Foo Bar")
c.ordinal # definition order (1 .. len)
c.value # only if Form 2, or explicitly with Form 3
c.<attribute> # any attribute specified during creation
# The next three support names "cname_pretty" and "ordinal" as if they were attributes.
c.getattr_inclusive( name ) # raises AttributeError if attribute not found
c.as_dict( *names ) # dict with all attributes, or a subset if *names
c.as_tuple( *names ) # tuple with all attribute values in original order,
# or a subset if *names (in the same order as *names);
# if Form 1 and not *names, defaults to: ( cname, ordinal )
c.__repr__( ) # cname
c.__str__( ) # cname
c.__len__( ) # length of cname: len( c )
c.__eq__( other ) # compare by cname (also __ne__)
c.__lt__( other ) # compare by ordinal (also __le__, __gt__, __ge__)
c.__hash__( ) # hash( cname ), to support use as dict key
c.__index__( ) # ordinal, to support use in slice expressions