Astro SEO
is an integration that makes managing your SEO easier in Astro projects. It is fully based on the excellent Next SEO library
Astro SEO
works by including it on pages where you would like SEO attributes to be added. Once included on the page you pass it a configuration object with the page's SEO properties. This can be dynamically generated at a page level or in some cases your API may return an SEO object.
First, install it:
npm install @astrolib/seo
yarn add @astrolib/seo
Then you need to import @astrolib/seo
and add the desired properties. This will render out the tags in the <head>
for SEO. At a bare minimum, you should add a title and description.
Example with just title and description:
import { AstroSeo } from '@astrolib/seo';
title="Simple Usage Example"
description="A short description goes here."
But Astro SEO
gives you many more options that you can add. See below for a typical example of a page.
Typical page example:
import { AstroSeo } from '@astrolib/seo';
title="Using More of Config"
description="This example uses more of the available config options."
url: '',
title: 'Open Graph Title',
description: 'Open Graph Description',
images: [
url: '',
width: 800,
height: 600,
alt: 'Og Image Alt',
type: 'image/jpeg',
url: '',
width: 900,
height: 800,
alt: 'Og Image Alt Second',
type: 'image/jpeg',
{ url: '' },
{ url: '' },
site_name: 'SiteName',
handle: '@handle',
site: '@site',
cardType: 'summary_large_image',
Property | Type | Description |
titleTemplate |
string | Allows you to set default title template that will be added to your title |
title |
string | Set the meta title of the page |
noindex |
boolean | Sets whether page should be indexed or not |
nofollow |
boolean | Sets whether page should be followed or not |
robotsProps |
Object | Set the more meta information for the X-Robots-Tag |
description |
string | Set the page meta description |
canonical |
string | Set the page canonical url | |
string | Set what screen size the mobile website should be served from |
mobileAlternate.href |
string | Set the mobile page alternate url |
languageAlternates |
array | Set the language of the alternate urls. Expects array of objects with the shape: { hrefLang: string, href: string } |
additionalMetaTags |
array | Allows you to add a meta tag that is not documented here. |
additionalLinkTags |
array | Allows you to add a link tag that is not documented here. |
twitter.cardType |
string | The card type, which will be one of summary , summary_large_image , app , or player | |
string | @username for the website used in the card footer |
twitter.handle |
string | @username for the content creator / author (outputs as twitter:creator ) |
facebook.appId |
string | Used for Facebook Insights, you must add a facebook app ID to your page to for it |
openGraph.url |
string | The canonical URL of your object that will be used as its permanent ID in the graph |
openGraph.type |
string | The type of your object. Depending on the type you specify, other properties may also be required |
openGraph.title |
string | The open graph title, this can be different than your meta title. |
openGraph.description |
string | The open graph description, this can be different than your meta description. |
openGraph.images |
array | An array of images (object) to be used by social media platforms, slack etc as a preview. If multiple supplied you can choose one when sharing. |
openGraph.videos |
array | An array of videos (object) |
openGraph.locale |
string | The locale the open graph tags are marked up in. Of the format language_TERRITORY. Default is en_US. |
openGraph.site_name |
string | If your object is part of a larger web site, the name which should be displayed for the overall site. |
openGraph.profile.firstName |
string | Person's first name. |
openGraph.profile.lastName |
string | Person's last name. |
openGraph.profile.username |
string | Person's username. |
openGraph.profile.gender |
string | Person's gender. | |
string[] | Writers of the article. | |
string | The ISBN | |
datetime | The date the book was released. | |
string[] | Tag words associated with this book. |
openGraph.article.publishedTime |
datetime | When the article was first published. |
openGraph.article.modifiedTime |
datetime | When the article was last changed. |
openGraph.article.expirationTime |
datetime | When the article is out of date after. |
openGraph.article.authors |
string[] | Writers of the article. |
openGraph.article.section |
string | A high-level section name. E.g. Technology |
openGraph.article.tags |
string[] | Tag words associated with this article. |