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Unreal Pixel Streaming on OKE

This project represents a container-based Pixel Streaming runtime on Oracle Container Engine for Kubernetes (OKE)

About WebRTC

WebRTC defines a web peering technology for real-time media and data streaming. To establish the peer-to-peer connection, WebRTC uses a four-way handshake where the various peer networking configurations and firewalls are traversed. The basic design of a WebRTC system includes the following:

  • A signalling service that establishes an initial connection with the streaming application and exchanges Interactive Connectivity Establishment (ICE) candidate configurations.
  • Session Traversal Utilities for NAT (STUN) and Traversal Using Relays around NAT (TURN) servers which provide ICE candidates to the signal service
  • A Session Description Protocol network path is discovered through ICE negotiation and the peer-to-peer connection is created.
  • STUN/TURN server transports the encoded media stream between the streaming app and browser.

Cluster Setup

There are three distinct node pools to use in this setup. Specifics regarding node shape are suggested as baseline starting points, and can be customized by requirements.

Name Description Node Shape Node Count
Default General cluster workloads VM.Standard.E4.Flex 3+
Turn Deploy coturn as DaemonSet with host networking VM.Standard.E4.Flex 1+
GPU PixelStreaming runtime with signal server as sidecar * 1+

* Specific GPU shape can also vary depending on the application and scaling demands. It is recommended to evaluate performance and settings accordingly.

Default Node Pool

The default (or general) node pool is considered for multipurpose installations or cluster-wide resources such as ingress controller, telemetry services, applications, etc.

For purposes of this example, the standard Quick Create workflow with public API and private workers is considered adequate. Select alternatives, or customize as necessary.

Once created, note that the worker node subnet will have a CIDR range.

* Specific GPU shape can also vary depending on the application and scaling demands. It is recommended to evaluate performance and settings accordingly.

Turn Node Pool

This node pool is used exclusively for the STUN/TURN services running coturn. While coTURN is the most prevalent suggestion for hosting our own TURN services, alternates like Pion TURN may be viable.

STUN and TURN are network bound services, so specific attention to network bandwidth and associative compute sizing should be considered.

For public access, the nature of STUN/TURN dictates that the node pool is created in a public subnet, with associative security list rules and a public route table to work within OKE. In order to leverage host networking, the services are run as a DaemonSet on this specific node pool. These following setup used to acheive a single node deployment:

  1. Create a public subnet (regional) in the OKE cluster VCN. (This example used CIDR block)

  2. Assign default DHCP options for cluster vcn

  3. Assign the public route table to the public subnet (default from OKE is fine)

  4. Assign/update the existing node security list for the TURN subnet CIDR block

    Dir Source/Dest Protocol Src Port Dest Port Type/Code Description
    Ingress All Protocols * * Allow pods on turn nodes to communicate with pods on other worker nodes
    Egress All Protocols * * Allow pods on turn nodes to communicate with pods on other worker nodes
    Ingress TCP * 3478 STUN TCP
    Ingress UDP * 3478 TURN UDP
    Ingress TCP * 49152-65535 STUN Connection ports
    Ingress UDP * 49152-65535 TURN Connection ports
  5. Update K8s API endpoint security list to include ingress/egress to the turn CIDR block

    Dir Source/Dest Protocol Src Port Dest Port Type/Code Description
    Ingress TCP * 6443 turn worker to k8s API endpoint
    Ingress TCP * 12250 turn worker to OKE control plane
    Ingress ICMP 3, 4 path discovery turn
    Egress ICMP 3, 4 path discovery turn
    Egress TCP * * TURN traffic from worker nodes
  6. Create the node pool using Advanced Options to specify additional k8s key-value labels:

  7. Taint each node after they start to ensure selective node assignment/affinity

    # assuming node pool was labeled with 'app.pixel/turn=true' in provisioning
    kubectl taint nodes $(kubectl get nodes -l app.pixel/turn=true --no-headers | awk '{print $1}') app.pixel/turn=true:NoSchedule

    NOTE: this is done automatically as part of the turn DaemonSet

GPU Node Pool

This is the node pool for the Pixel Streaming GPU workloads. Part of the design, each Pixel Streaming runtime is directly asosciated with a corresponding node.js signal server known as "cirrus" (./signalserver here). As such, each pixel streaming container runs with cirrus as a sidecar on the same pod.

It is necessary to differentiate the GPU pool from others with a kubernetes label. Create the node pool using Advanced Options to specify additional k8s labels:


Read more on this under GPU Allocation

The architecture used here for pixel streaming does not require any specific network/subnet other than the general OKE node subnet


As with many kubernetes systems, there are several choices for anciliary services such as ingress controllers, certificate management, metrics, etc.. This solution aims to offer viability using the most basic/standard dependencies:

  • Ingress Controller: documentation

    helm upgrade --install ingress-nginx ingress-nginx \
      --repo \
      --namespace ingress-nginx --create-namespace 
  • Cert Manager: documentation

    1. Install CRDs (if not already installed)

      kubectl apply -f \
    2. Install chart

      helm upgrade --install cert-manager cert-manager \
        --repo \
        --namespace cert-manager --create-namespace \
        --version v1.6.0
    3. Create associative ClusterIssuer or Issuer resources depending on needs. As an example:

      # adjust as needed
      kubectl apply -f ./support/misc/issuer.yaml
  • Metrics Server: documentation

    1. Install chart

      helm upgrade --install metrics-server metrics-server \
        --repo \
        --namespace metrics --create-namespace


Prebuilt images are included with this repo, along with a demo Pixel Streaming image. With a cluster configured per the instructions above, you can deploy the entire runtime with the following:

kubectl create ns demo
kubectl apply -f demo.yaml

See demo.yaml for complete details

Image Build

All of the services/constructs are contained within this repo with the exception of the Unreal project source code. See more on this below.

Service Layers

As a convenience all service images can be built with the following command:

# from project root
docker compose build -f ../docker-compose.yml

Each service image should be built and pushed to the respective OCIR registy. Image tags can be found in the ./k8s/kustomization.yaml file, however any tag name can be used, so long as it's repo/tag is known prior to deployment.

Pixel Streaming Build

For this piece, an example Dockerfile is provided in the unreal directory.

In this example, it is expected that the ./project relative path contains the full project source, which would be ./project/PixelStreamingDemo.uproject in this case - update as necessary.

NOTE Access to the official Unreal Engine docker images (hosted on is restricted, so it is necessary to sign up and register for access. Instructions are here

Once repo access is obtained, the basic build process is as follows:

  1. Authenticate to ghcr

  2. Build the unreal project

    # change to the project directory containing dockerfile described above
    cd path/to/ue4/project
    # docker build (in current directory '.')
    docker build -t my-pixelstream:latest .
  3. Tag and push to OCIR per documentation.

Custom Deploy

Although we've used helm to install various objects in the kubernetes environment, this Pixel Streaming demo deployment is designed using plain kubectl and kustomize commands directly to de-mystify the k8s manifests in our runtime , offering higher transparency to the readers :).

  1. As a first step, create a namespace for our application and it's respective systems

    export NAMESPACE=pixel
    kubectl create ns $NAMESPACE
  2. Create an OCIR registry secret (refer to documentation)

    kubectl create secret docker-registry ocirsecret \
      --docker-server=<region-key> \
      --docker-username='<tenancy-namespace>/<oci-username>' \
      --docker-password='<oci-auth-token>' \
      --docker-email='<email-address>' \
      --namespace $NAMESPACE
  3. Optionally locate an ingress controller ip address for use of a wilcard dns name from

    # get public ip address
    kubectl get svc -A | grep ingress | grep LoadBalancer | awk '{print $5}' | head -n 1
    # or use a hex format
    printf '%02x' $(kubectl get svc -A | grep LoadBalancer | grep ingress-nginx | awk '{print $5}' | head -n 1 | tr '.' ' '); echo

    Set the ip dns name in .env below

  4. Create a .env file in this directory or set environment with configuration variables like the following:

    # kubernetes namespace for pixel streaming
    # container registry/repo path
    # container registry secret (optional)
    # tag version (all services use same)
    # unreal image container registry
    # name of the unreal container in OCIR 
    # unreal container registry secret (optional)
    # version for the streamer image (can differ from the services)
    # a hostname to use ( ip example)
    INGRESS_HOST=my-pixelstream.<load balancer ip>
    # optionally specify ingress path prefix (example: /game)
    # specify initial TURN service username
    # also specify a turn password
    # specify whether or not to enable the pod proxy
    # configure proxy prefix
    # configure basic auth users (unreal/demo)
  5. Use the ./ wrapper to generate a kustomization overlay and (optionally) apply:

    # run to generate ./overlay and output manifests 
    # run to generate ./overlay and output manifests with different env path
    ./ path/to/.env 
    # generate ./overlay AND apply the manifests
    ./ | kubectl apply -f -

    NOTE to delete, just run ./ | kubectl delete -f -

  6. Inspect objects created in the cluster on pixel namespace

    kubectl get all -n pixel
  7. Checkout the traefik proxy dashboard

    kubectl -n pixel port-forward service/router 8080

    Open http://localhost:8080/dashboard/#/http/routers


GPU Telemetry is done through the use of prometheus and the DCGM exporter. Setup and configuration details can be found in the NVIDIA Documentation

Install Prometheus Stack

A values file for the prometheus stack is provided with settings to include GPU metrics from dcgm-exporter. These values are unmodified from the nvidia installation guide

helm upgrade --install prometheus-stack kube-prometheus-stack \
  --repo \
  --namespace prometheus --create-namespace \
  --values ./support/prometheus.values.yaml \
  --set prometheus.prometheusSpec.serviceMonitorSelectorNilUsesHelmValues=false

Add DCGM Exporter

Although prometheus has been installed, it won't collect any GPU metrics until the Data Center GPU Manager exporter is deployed which exposes the metrics endpoint scraped by prometheus. Again, a custom values file is defined to ensure the DaemonSet is properly deployed on GPU nodes.

helm upgrade --install dcgm-exporter dcgm-exporter \
  --repo \
  --namespace prometheus \
  --values ./support/dcgm.values.yaml

The values applied for this helm chart release are specific to this use case:

# Establish known gpu node selections
  app.pixel/gpu: "true"

# ensure scheduling is allowed based on OKE GPU node taints
  - key: ""
    effect: "NoSchedule"
    operator: "Exists"

Access Grafana

Grafana is installed automatically as part of the kube-prometheus-stack chart. The installation is pre-loaded with several useful kubernetes dashboards. In order to see GPU metrics, we'll add a dashboard related specifically to the dcgm-exporter metrics.

  1. Get the grafana admin password:

    kubectl get secret prometheus-stack-grafana \
      -n prometheus \
      -o jsonpath="{.data.admin-password}" | base64 --decode; echo

    The admin account password defaults to prom-operator in the prometheus helm chart

  2. In order to access the grafana user interface, you can enable ingress through the kube-prometheus-stack grafana settings or define it separately.

    • Based on the prometheus installation, the grafana service will be named prometheus-stack-grafana. For now, simply open a local port-forward on to the service and load the dashboard.

      kubectl port-forward svc/prometheus-stack-grafana -n prometheus 8000:80
    • Open localhost:8000 and use the admin credentials found above.

  3. Once Grafana is opened, import relevant dashboards:

    1. Custom pixel streaming dashboard included as json
    2. DCGM exporter dashboard for overall GPU metrics


Prometheus Adapter

In order to acheive the desired autoscaling scenario of reactive scaling the GPU streaming application, it is necessary to leverage the Prometheus Adapter with custom metrics on the streamer Horizontal Pod Autoscaler.

Each signal server produces a metric that indicates whether or not (1 or 0) its stream is allocated to a client. By scaling on this metric with a target total value of 1, the replicaset will be adjusted to hit this goal. It's worth noting that the GPU pool/shape should be chosen such that cluster autoscaling happens infrequently enough as not to impact the user experience.

Install the prometheus adapter:

helm upgrade --install prometheus-adapter prometheus-adapter \
  --repo \
  --namespace prometheus \
  --values ./support/prometheus-adapter.values.yaml

See the custom values for the custom metric configurations

Test the custom metrics:

# average player connections
kubectl get --raw '/apis/*/stream_player_connections' | jq .
# total free streams
kubectl get --raw '/apis/*/pixelstream_available_count' | jq .
# ratio of number of players (channels) to streams
kubectl get --raw '/apis/*/player_stream_pool_ratio' | jq .

Streamer HPA

With the Prometheus Adapter deployed, custom metrics are used to establish horizontal pod autoscaling on the streaming app deployment. Using the player_stream_pool_ratio, the following target logic applies:

  • A value of 1 adjusts so that the number of players should equal the number of streams.
  • A value < 1 (such as 900m) means that streams increase proactively to accommodate future player sessions

Refer to stream-hpa.yaml for the full specification.

Scaling down applies the heuristic notion pod-deletion-cost for replicaset scaling order/preference. Note that this feature requires Kubernetes 1.22 or later. Without this, active pods (with connected players) may be terminated indiscriminately.

Once the total number of requested pods exceeds available cluster resources, it is necessary to configure Cluster Autoscaling. Refer to this guide for details.

Assumptions and Limitations

This architecture is partially based on original sample code from Epic Games to support Unreal Engine Pixel Streaming (signalserver and matchmaker). There are some associated limitations with those services, many of which are described here, as well as some introduced by this design. This section is meant to call attention to some known shortcomings that may require additional work.

  • Authentication is not included. Users should consider adding upstream auth, or extending the router configurations.
  • Streamer availability is done via broadcast to matchmaker rather than using service discovery from endpoints.
  • Player websocket connections are queued through matchmaker and forwarded to matched streams.
  • Matchmaker replicas do not share state, therefore stream availability and player session affinity may be unpredictable.
  • Each WebRTC session establishes a peer-to-peer mesh, so the number of connections is n2 where n is the number of participants.
  • The static browser code in src/player is mostly original, but slightly adapted for this runtime. It is meant purely as a starting point, however is not a model for modern web apps.
  • The demo applies some defaults to the pixel streaming runtime, including a maximum 30 frames per second value. This is an arbitrary selection for demo performance, and may be adjusted in the env ConfigMap. Refer to documentation.

GPU Allocation

  • Containers (and Pods) normally do not share GPUs - as in, there's no overcommitting of GPUs. Each container can request one or more GPUs, but it is not possible to request a fraction of a GPU.
    • This demo uses the app.pixel/gpu label for affinity and proportionate CPU requests to allow more than one stream on a single GPU, which may not be suitable in production.

      See stream-runtime.yaml for more information.

  • MIG Support (multi-instance GPU partitioning) will require testing with A100 shapes,


  • Add STUN/TURN metrics and define approach for autoscaling
  • Revisit autoscale (nodes and pods) based on GPU availability and app design
  • Define a k8s service for the streamer, allowing matchmaker (or similar) to perform endpoint discovery and manage player affinity
  • Support distributed matchmaker state (with redis for example) to widen the player-to-stream broker system


Below is a list of helpful references with concepts applied within this architecture

Link About
TURN servers for cloud has some good information about coturn in docker
GCP WebRTC + GPU perhaps the holy grail of related examples. It does not relate to pixel streaming, but much of the architecture is derived from this example
Trickle ICE Tests STUN/TURN
Pion TURN Alternate to coturn
UE4 Containers Unreal Engine official docs on general container usage resource created by Adam Rehn - AKA God of Unreal running in Linux/Containers
Unreal Engine Images requires permissions with Epic Games, but this is where the base images from Unreal live
Unreal Image EULA Information on how Unreal Engine EULA restricts the distribution of Unreal Engine container images
NVIDIA containers Information from NVIDIA on GPUs in cloud native
NVIDIA GPU Monitoring How to collect GPU metrics for prometheus in k8s (Data Center GPU Metrics exporter)
GPU Monitoring Tools Helm charts for GPU Telemetry
MIG Support Multi-instance GPU partitioning support (NVIDIA A100)
Oracle GPU Oracle Cloud Infrastructure NVIDIA GPU Instances