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Илья NEMStudios

Neo EleMixture Studios China, Shanghai

Mélanie Roschewitz (Bernhardt) melanibe
PhD Student @ Imperial College London
Wang Chunjiang chunjiangwong
☞If you want to promote yourself quickly,you have to learn how to share. 但行好事,莫问前程💪 前路有光,初心莫忘🍺

USTC Su Zhou, Jiang Su, China

Luca Modenese modenaxe
Researcher in biomechanics interested in healthcare applications of computer models.

University of New South Wales Sydney

Florent Dufour flrntdfr
Trustworthy AI.


Tomlinson Zhang MRHUMBLErrr
Nice to meet you guys😀


Nijat Ibrahimov ibrahimovnijat
Software Engineer

Munich, Germany

Anjun Hu anjunhu

McGill University Montreal

SCUT Vision and Brain Lab xinzhSCUT

South China University of Technology Guangzhou, China

Cheng cheng-01037
Working on medical image computing, with a focus on cost-effective and robust algorithms for cardiac imaging.


Andreas Schuh schuhschuh
Staff Research Scientist @aschuh-hf

HeartFlow Inc. London, United Kingdom

Uğurcan Akyüz ugurcanakyuz
Computer Vision Engineer, MSc | Deep Learning, Machine Learning, Domain Specific Languages

Erciyes University