diff --git a/src/test/Components/CreateImageWizardV2/CreateImageWizard.content.test.tsx b/src/test/Components/CreateImageWizardV2/CreateImageWizard.content.test.tsx
index 7fda5abe07..1cbe4c7844 100644
--- a/src/test/Components/CreateImageWizardV2/CreateImageWizard.content.test.tsx
+++ b/src/test/Components/CreateImageWizardV2/CreateImageWizard.content.test.tsx
@@ -1,12 +1,12 @@
-// import React from 'react';
-// import '@testing-library/jest-dom';
-// import { screen, waitFor, within } from '@testing-library/react';
-// import userEvent from '@testing-library/user-event';
+import React from 'react';
+import '@testing-library/jest-dom';
+import { screen, waitFor, within } from '@testing-library/react';
+import userEvent from '@testing-library/user-event';
// import api from '../../../api.js';
-// import CreateImageWizard from '../../../Components/CreateImageWizard/CreateImageWizard';
+import CreateImageWizard from '../../../Components/CreateImageWizardV2/CreateImageWizard';
// import ShareImageModal from '../../../Components/ShareImageModal/ShareImageModal';
// import {
// mockPkgResultAlpha,
@@ -14,49 +14,51 @@
// mockPkgResultAll,
// mockPkgResultPartial,
// } from '../../fixtures/packages';
-// import {
-// clickBack,
-// clickNext,
-// renderCustomRoutesWithReduxRouter,
-// renderWithReduxRouter,
-// verifyCancelButton,
-// } from '../../testUtils';
-// const routes = [
-// {
-// path: 'insights/image-builder/*',
-// element:
-// },
-// {
-// path: 'insights/image-builder/imagewizard/:composeId?',
-// element: ,
-// },
-// {
-// path: 'insights/image-builder/share/:composeId',
-// element: ,
-// },
-// ];
-// let router = undefined;
-// jest.mock('@redhat-cloud-services/frontend-components/useChrome', () => ({
-// useChrome: () => ({
-// auth: {
-// getUser: () => {
-// return {
-// identity: {
-// internal: {
-// org_id: 5,
-// },
-// },
-// };
-// },
-// },
-// isBeta: () => false,
-// isProd: () => true,
-// getEnvironment: () => 'prod',
-// }),
-// }));
+import {
+ clickBack,
+ clickNext,
+ renderCustomRoutesWithReduxRouter,
+ // renderWithReduxRouter,
+ // verifyCancelButton,
+} from '../../testUtils';
+const routes = [
+ {
+ path: 'insights/image-builder/*',
+ element: ,
+ },
+ {
+ path: 'insights/image-builder/imagewizard/:composeId?',
+ element: ,
+ },
+ // {
+ // path: 'insights/image-builder/share/:composeId',
+ // element: ,
+ // },
+// The router is just initiliazed here, it's assigned a value in the tests
+// eslint-disable-next-line @typescript-eslint/no-unused-vars
+let router = undefined;
+jest.mock('@redhat-cloud-services/frontend-components/useChrome', () => ({
+ useChrome: () => ({
+ auth: {
+ getUser: () => {
+ return {
+ identity: {
+ internal: {
+ org_id: 5,
+ },
+ },
+ };
+ },
+ },
+ isBeta: () => false,
+ isProd: () => true,
+ getEnvironment: () => 'prod',
+ }),
// const searchForAvailablePackages = async (searchbox, searchTerm) => {
// const user = userEvent.setup();
@@ -77,27 +79,27 @@
// }
// };
-// let mockContentSourcesEnabled;
-// jest.mock('@unleash/proxy-client-react', () => ({
-// useUnleashContext: () => jest.fn(),
-// useFlag: jest.fn((flag) =>
-// flag === 'image-builder.enable-content-sources'
-// ? mockContentSourcesEnabled
-// : false
-// ),
-// }));
-// beforeAll(() => {
-// // scrollTo is not defined in jsdom
-// window.HTMLElement.prototype.scrollTo = function () {};
-// mockContentSourcesEnabled = true;
-// });
-// afterEach(() => {
-// jest.clearAllMocks();
-// mockContentSourcesEnabled = true;
-// });
+let mockContentSourcesEnabled: boolean;
+jest.mock('@unleash/proxy-client-react', () => ({
+ useUnleashContext: () => jest.fn(),
+ useFlag: jest.fn((flag) =>
+ flag === 'image-builder.enable-content-sources'
+ ? mockContentSourcesEnabled
+ : false
+ ),
+beforeAll(() => {
+ // scrollTo is not defined in jsdom
+ window.HTMLElement.prototype.scrollTo = function () {};
+ mockContentSourcesEnabled = true;
+afterEach(() => {
+ jest.clearAllMocks();
+ mockContentSourcesEnabled = true;
// describe('Step Packages', () => {
// describe('without Content Sources', () => {
// const user = userEvent.setup();
@@ -821,214 +823,225 @@
// });
// });
-// describe('Step Custom repositories', () => {
-// const user = userEvent.setup();
-// const setUp = async () => {
-// ({ router } = renderCustomRoutesWithReduxRouter('imagewizard', {}, routes));
-// // select aws as upload destination
-// await user.click(await screen.findByTestId('upload-aws'));
-// await clickNext();
-// // aws step
-// await user.click(
-// await screen.findByRole('radio', {
-// name: /manually enter an account id\./i,
-// })
-// );
-// await user.type(
-// await screen.findByTestId('aws-account-id'),
-// '012345678901'
-// );
-// await clickNext();
-// // skip registration
-// await screen.findByRole('textbox', {
-// name: 'Select activation key',
-// });
-// await user.click(await screen.findByLabelText('Register later'));
-// await clickNext();
-// // skip fsc
-// await clickNext();
-// // skip packages
-// await clickNext();
-// };
-// test('selected repositories stored in and retrieved from form state', async () => {
-// await setUp();
-// const getFirstRepoCheckbox = async () =>
-// await screen.findByRole('checkbox', {
-// name: /select row 0/i,
-// });
-// let firstRepoCheckbox = await getFirstRepoCheckbox();
-// expect(firstRepoCheckbox.checked).toEqual(false);
-// await user.click(firstRepoCheckbox);
-// expect(firstRepoCheckbox.checked).toEqual(true);
-// await clickNext();
-// clickBack();
-// firstRepoCheckbox = await getFirstRepoCheckbox();
-// expect(firstRepoCheckbox.checked).toEqual(true);
-// });
-// test('correct number of repositories is fetched', async () => {
-// await setUp();
-// await user.click(
-// await screen.findByRole('button', {
-// name: /^select$/i,
-// })
-// );
-// await screen.findByText(/select all \(1015 items\)/i);
-// });
-// test('filter works', async () => {
-// await setUp();
-// await user.type(
-// await screen.findByRole('textbox', { name: /search repositories/i }),
-// '2zmya'
-// );
-// const table = await screen.findByTestId('repositories-table');
-// const { getAllByRole } = within(table);
-// const getRows = () => getAllByRole('row');
-// let rows = getRows();
-// // remove first row from list since it is just header labels
-// rows.shift();
-// expect(rows).toHaveLength(1);
-// // clear filter
-// await user.click(await screen.findByRole('button', { name: /reset/i }));
-// rows = getRows();
-// // remove first row from list since it is just header labels
-// rows.shift();
-// await waitFor(() => expect(rows).toHaveLength(10));
-// });
-// test('press on Selected button to see selected repositories list', async () => {
-// await setUp();
-// const getFirstRepoCheckbox = async () =>
-// await screen.findByRole('checkbox', {
-// name: /select row 0/i,
-// });
-// const firstRepoCheckbox = await getFirstRepoCheckbox();
-// expect(firstRepoCheckbox.checked).toEqual(false);
-// await user.click(firstRepoCheckbox);
-// expect(firstRepoCheckbox.checked).toEqual(true);
-// const getSelectedButton = async () =>
-// await screen.findByRole('button', {
-// name: /selected repositories/i,
-// });
-// const selectedButton = await getSelectedButton();
-// await user.click(selectedButton);
-// expect(firstRepoCheckbox.checked).toEqual(true);
-// await clickNext();
-// clickBack();
-// expect(firstRepoCheckbox.checked).toEqual(true);
-// });
-// test('press on All button to see all repositories list', async () => {
-// await setUp();
-// const getFirstRepoCheckbox = async () =>
-// await screen.findByRole('checkbox', {
-// name: /select row 0/i,
-// });
-// const firstRepoCheckbox = await getFirstRepoCheckbox();
-// const getSecondRepoCheckbox = async () =>
-// await screen.findByRole('checkbox', {
-// name: /select row 1/i,
-// });
-// const secondRepoCheckbox = await getSecondRepoCheckbox();
-// expect(firstRepoCheckbox.checked).toEqual(false);
-// expect(secondRepoCheckbox.checked).toEqual(false);
-// await user.click(firstRepoCheckbox);
-// expect(firstRepoCheckbox.checked).toEqual(true);
-// expect(secondRepoCheckbox.checked).toEqual(false);
-// const getAllButton = async () =>
-// await screen.findByRole('button', {
-// name: /all repositories/i,
-// });
-// const allButton = await getAllButton();
-// await user.click(allButton);
-// expect(firstRepoCheckbox.checked).toEqual(true);
-// expect(secondRepoCheckbox.checked).toEqual(false);
-// await clickNext();
-// clickBack();
-// expect(firstRepoCheckbox.checked).toEqual(true);
-// expect(secondRepoCheckbox.checked).toEqual(false);
-// });
-// test('press on Selected button to see selected repositories list at the second page and filter checked repo', async () => {
-// await setUp();
-// const getFirstRepoCheckbox = async () =>
-// await screen.findByRole('checkbox', {
-// name: /select row 0/i,
-// });
-// const firstRepoCheckbox = await getFirstRepoCheckbox();
-// const getNextPageButton = async () =>
-// await screen.findByRole('button', {
-// name: /go to next page/i,
-// });
-// const nextPageButton = await getNextPageButton();
-// expect(firstRepoCheckbox.checked).toEqual(false);
-// await user.click(firstRepoCheckbox);
-// expect(firstRepoCheckbox.checked).toEqual(true);
-// await user.click(nextPageButton);
-// const getSelectedButton = async () =>
-// await screen.findByRole('button', {
-// name: /selected repositories/i,
-// });
-// const selectedButton = await getSelectedButton();
-// await user.click(selectedButton);
-// expect(firstRepoCheckbox.checked).toEqual(true);
-// await user.type(
-// await screen.findByRole('textbox', { name: /search repositories/i }),
-// '13lk3'
-// );
-// expect(firstRepoCheckbox.checked).toEqual(true);
-// await clickNext();
-// clickBack();
-// expect(firstRepoCheckbox.checked).toEqual(true);
-// await user.click(firstRepoCheckbox);
-// expect(firstRepoCheckbox.checked).toEqual(false);
-// });
-// });
+describe('Step Custom repositories', () => {
+ const user = userEvent.setup();
+ const setUp = async () => {
+ ({ router } = await renderCustomRoutesWithReduxRouter(
+ 'imagewizard',
+ {},
+ routes
+ ));
+ // select aws as upload destination
+ await user.click(await screen.findByTestId('upload-aws'));
+ await clickNext();
+ // aws step
+ await user.click(
+ await screen.findByRole('radio', {
+ name: /manually enter an account id\./i,
+ })
+ );
+ await user.type(
+ await screen.findByRole('textbox', {
+ name: 'aws account id',
+ }),
+ '012345678901'
+ );
+ await clickNext();
+ // skip registration
+ await screen.findByRole('textbox', {
+ name: 'Select activation key',
+ });
+ await user.click(await screen.findByLabelText('Register later'));
+ await clickNext();
+ // skip OpenSCAP
+ await clickNext();
+ // // skip fsc
+ // await clickNext();
+ // // skip packages
+ // await clickNext();
+ };
+ test('selected repositories stored in and retrieved from form state', async () => {
+ await setUp();
+ const getFirstRepoCheckbox = async () =>
+ await screen.findByRole('checkbox', {
+ name: /select row 0/i,
+ });
+ let firstRepoCheckbox = (await getFirstRepoCheckbox()) as HTMLInputElement;
+ expect(firstRepoCheckbox.checked).toEqual(false);
+ await user.click(firstRepoCheckbox);
+ expect(firstRepoCheckbox.checked).toEqual(true);
+ await clickNext();
+ await clickBack();
+ firstRepoCheckbox = (await getFirstRepoCheckbox()) as HTMLInputElement;
+ await waitFor(() => expect(firstRepoCheckbox.checked).toEqual(true));
+ }, 30000);
+ test('correct number of repositories is fetched', async () => {
+ await setUp();
+ await user.click(
+ await screen.findByRole('button', {
+ name: /^select$/i,
+ })
+ );
+ await screen.findByText(/select all \(1015 items\)/i);
+ });
+ test('filter works', async () => {
+ await setUp();
+ await user.type(
+ await screen.findByRole('textbox', { name: /search repositories/i }),
+ '2zmya'
+ );
+ const table = await screen.findByTestId('repositories-table');
+ const getRows = async () => await within(table).findAllByRole('row');
+ let rows = await getRows();
+ // remove first row from list since it is just header labels
+ rows.shift();
+ expect(rows).toHaveLength(1);
+ // clear filter
+ await user.click(await screen.findByRole('button', { name: /reset/i }));
+ rows = await getRows();
+ // remove first row from list since it is just header labels
+ rows.shift();
+ await waitFor(() => expect(rows).toHaveLength(10));
+ }, 30000);
+ test('press on Selected button to see selected repositories list', async () => {
+ await setUp();
+ const getFirstRepoCheckbox = async () =>
+ await screen.findByRole('checkbox', {
+ name: /select row 0/i,
+ });
+ const firstRepoCheckbox =
+ (await getFirstRepoCheckbox()) as HTMLInputElement;
+ expect(firstRepoCheckbox.checked).toEqual(false);
+ await user.click(firstRepoCheckbox);
+ expect(firstRepoCheckbox.checked).toEqual(true);
+ const getSelectedButton = async () =>
+ await screen.findByRole('button', {
+ name: /selected repositories/i,
+ });
+ const selectedButton = await getSelectedButton();
+ await user.click(selectedButton);
+ expect(firstRepoCheckbox.checked).toEqual(true);
+ await clickNext();
+ await clickBack();
+ await waitFor(() => expect(firstRepoCheckbox.checked).toEqual(true));
+ });
+ test('press on All button to see all repositories list', async () => {
+ await setUp();
+ const getFirstRepoCheckbox = async () =>
+ await screen.findByRole('checkbox', {
+ name: /select row 0/i,
+ });
+ const firstRepoCheckbox =
+ (await getFirstRepoCheckbox()) as HTMLInputElement;
+ const getSecondRepoCheckbox = async () =>
+ await screen.findByRole('checkbox', {
+ name: /select row 1/i,
+ });
+ const secondRepoCheckbox =
+ (await getSecondRepoCheckbox()) as HTMLInputElement;
+ expect(firstRepoCheckbox.checked).toEqual(false);
+ expect(secondRepoCheckbox.checked).toEqual(false);
+ await user.click(firstRepoCheckbox);
+ expect(firstRepoCheckbox.checked).toEqual(true);
+ expect(secondRepoCheckbox.checked).toEqual(false);
+ const getAllButton = async () =>
+ await screen.findByRole('button', {
+ name: /all repositories/i,
+ });
+ const allButton = await getAllButton();
+ await user.click(allButton);
+ expect(firstRepoCheckbox.checked).toEqual(true);
+ expect(secondRepoCheckbox.checked).toEqual(false);
+ await clickNext();
+ await clickBack();
+ expect(firstRepoCheckbox.checked).toEqual(true);
+ await waitFor(() => expect(secondRepoCheckbox.checked).toEqual(false));
+ });
+ test('press on Selected button to see selected repositories list at the second page and filter checked repo', async () => {
+ await setUp();
+ const getFirstRepoCheckbox = async () =>
+ await screen.findByRole('checkbox', {
+ name: /select row 0/i,
+ });
+ const firstRepoCheckbox =
+ (await getFirstRepoCheckbox()) as HTMLInputElement;
+ const getNextPageButton = async () =>
+ await screen.findByRole('button', {
+ name: /go to next page/i,
+ });
+ const nextPageButton = await getNextPageButton();
+ expect(firstRepoCheckbox.checked).toEqual(false);
+ await user.click(firstRepoCheckbox);
+ expect(firstRepoCheckbox.checked).toEqual(true);
+ await user.click(nextPageButton);
+ const getSelectedButton = async () =>
+ await screen.findByRole('button', {
+ name: /selected repositories/i,
+ });
+ const selectedButton = await getSelectedButton();
+ await user.click(selectedButton);
+ expect(firstRepoCheckbox.checked).toEqual(true);
+ await user.type(
+ await screen.findByRole('textbox', { name: /search repositories/i }),
+ '13lk3'
+ );
+ expect(firstRepoCheckbox.checked).toEqual(true);
+ await clickNext();
+ clickBack();
+ expect(firstRepoCheckbox.checked).toEqual(true);
+ await user.click(firstRepoCheckbox);
+ await waitFor(() => expect(firstRepoCheckbox.checked).toEqual(false));
+ }, 30000);
// describe('On Recreate', () => {
// const user = userEvent.setup();
@@ -1116,3 +1129,4 @@
// expect(unavailableRepoCheckbox).toBeDisabled();
// });
// });
diff --git a/src/test/Components/CreateImageWizardV2/CreateImageWizard.test.tsx b/src/test/Components/CreateImageWizardV2/CreateImageWizard.test.tsx
index 7098e2e933..0714cbef96 100644
--- a/src/test/Components/CreateImageWizardV2/CreateImageWizard.test.tsx
+++ b/src/test/Components/CreateImageWizardV2/CreateImageWizard.test.tsx
@@ -120,9 +120,9 @@ describe('Create Image Wizard', () => {
await screen.findByRole('button', { name: 'Image output' });
await screen.findByRole('button', { name: 'Register' });
// await screen.findByRole('button', { name: 'File system configuration' });
- // await screen.findByRole('button', { name: 'Content' });
+ await screen.findByRole('button', { name: 'Content' });
// await screen.findByRole('button', { name: 'Additional Red Hat packages' });
- // await screen.findByRole('button', { name: 'Custom repositories' });
+ await screen.findByRole('button', { name: 'Custom repositories' });
await screen.findByRole('button', { name: 'Details' });
// await screen.findByRole('button', { name: 'Review' });
@@ -868,14 +868,13 @@ describe('Step Upload to AWS', () => {
await clickNext();
// skip oscap
await clickNext();
+ // skip repositories
+ await clickNext();
+ // // skip fsc
+ // await clickNext();
+ // // skip packages
+ // await clickNext();
- // // skip fsc
- // await clickNext();
- // // skip packages
- // await clickNext();
- // // skip repositories
- // await clickNext();
- // };
test('image name invalid for more than 63 chars', async () => {
await setUp();