This is a resubmission of Rpadrino 0.0.5. It contains an update that checks for internet before downloading a resource, and fails predictably and informatively if there is no internet connection. This is in response to a message from CRAN maintainers earlier this week that this update was required for the package to stay on CRAN. Furthermore, it updates the CITATION to use bibentry() and fixes a couple broken links in documentation.
Additional information on this submission:
- local R installation, Windows 10, R 4.2.0
- ubuntu 20.04.4 (GitHub Actions), devel, release, and oldrelease
- macOS Big Sur/Monterey 10.16 (GitHub Actions), release and oldrelease
- Windows server x64 (Github Actions), devel, release, and 3.6.3
0 errors | 0 warnings | 0 notes