This is a temporary document for taking notes, jotting ideas and writing key principles.
- Guide:
- Upstream:
- Microsoft365Dsc is a POSH DSC module. It can configure and manage M365 in a DevOps way - Configuration as Code
- Changes are done in a Git repository and automatically deployed to a M365 tenant using automated pipeline (GitHub Actions workflow)
- Deployment machine - self-hosted agent / GitHub runner - will be hosted on Azure. It will do the actual deployment to M365
- Software: WS 2016+, .NET Framework 4.7+, PowerShell 5.1, Up-to-date PowerShellGet:
Install-PackageProvider Nuget -Force; Install-Module -Name PowerShellGet -Force
- local account with admin privileges
- Software: WS 2016+, .NET Framework 4.7+, PowerShell 5.1, Up-to-date PowerShellGet:
- GitHub repository - e.g.,
- a private repository that will be used for the automated deployment pipeline and storing the configuration files. It will be created from the "Accelerator" template! - Microsoft 365 tenant - will be managed using Microsoft365Dsc
- a Global Administrator privileges (to access the Admin Portal)
- a service account -
- with Global Administrator privileges (to deploy settings using DSC) - cannot be configured for MFA; no license assignment needed; Note: could have more limited permissions depending on the resources in your configuration.
[ ] - Q: Assume that GitHub repository is created already or create it with e.g., gh CLI or otherwise (?) [ ] - Q: Explore the possibility to use OICD integration with AAD or if we need to have SPN and Secrets in the GitHub repository
- Create an account in Microsoft 365 Admin Portal with Global Administrator privileges (DSCConfigAdmin). Note: is this step (3.1) redundant with 3.6.1?
- Create a new self-hosted runner "pool" (single or vmss) config in the repo (agent pools in ADO, example name: Microsoft365Dsc).
- Create a PAT token (Name: DevOpsAgent, expiration: 1 year, Scope: Agent pools: Read & manage), copy the secret (token).
- Provision a new VM in Azure - add 'CustomScript' extension to:
- Ensure all prerequisites (software) are installed
- Download and uzip the "agent" package to c:\agent directory
- Create a local service account for the agent (account needs local Admin permissions for LCM)
- Run the
with an elevated cmd prompt - the script with require parameters to register the runner to the pool (repo/project name, PAT token, agent pool name, agent server name, run as service: Yes; Enter created service account credentials)
- Create SPN:
az ad sp create-for-rbac -n Microsoft365Dsc
- save the output. - Create a new Key Vault (Name: M365DscAzureKeyVault or similar); standard tier; soft-delete: yes; purge-protection: enabled
- Grant Secrets: Get+List permissions to the SPN (Microsoft355Dsc)
- Add secret: Name=DscConfigAdmin; Value=password of the DSC account in M365 tenant.
- Add Service connection (name: KeyVaultConnection): Azure Resource Manager - Service Principal (manual); use info from the AZ CLI output for Microsoft365Dsc SPN; subscriptionId: write a specific one; grant permission to all pipelines: yes
//Stopped on page 27 (section 3.7)