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Richard Marsot edited this page Aug 23, 2019 · 69 revisions

Uplus WSS static pages


  • added fix for the real-time data streaming to pass the MKTID cookie value if present as customer_id if the customer_id is passed as empty.
  • major changes in the settings page to match the updated design - the new setting pages are easier to use and work on a mobile device.


  • Added new option under Pega Marketing called 'Enable Real-time data streaming'. The offers on the home page when served by Pega Marketing will be tracked through the real-time data stream functionality.

Once the setting is enabled, an overlay will be exposed at the bottom of the page to start/stop the real-time streaming. When the feature is enabled, hovering for more than 3 seconds on an offer will send a real-time event.


  • Fixed issue where vertical scrolling was not working on a mobile device.


  • Provided the ability to go directly through the Mashup for the following use cases:
  1. To show the Home hero action - set the url parameter index.html?homeHeroAction=1
  2. To show the Offer action - set the url parameter offer.html?offerAction=1
  3. To show the Bill pay action (needs username) - set the url parameter index.html?pega_userid=xx&viewBill=1
  4. To show the KM Help (needs username) - set the url parameter index.html?pega_userid=xx&viewKMHelp=1


  • Reverted some of the changes to add geolocation attribute to the iframe - the previous change was using a customized version of the pegaIAC javascript file that is not compatible with PEga 8.2 and would cause Mashup to no longer work for 8.2 system. The correct fix which is to add the attribute when creating the iframe element is fixed in 8.4 but is not addressed in 8.2 or 8.3 - If you have a use case, where geolocation is required, the options are:
  1. use a browser than does not implement feature policy - right now only Chrome on desktop and Android supports this setting -
  2. download the 'docs' folder and serve the pages on your own application/web server - set the request response header to allow for the geolocation feature policy
  3. Use the following site instead (Github hosted pages do not allow to update the request response header)


  • Changed how pegaMashupNavigateBack works on mobile - it will now go back to the home page instead of the quicklink page

  • Fixed issue with quicklink on mobile - Now when using the quicklink, the mashup will be shown immediately instead of the home screen

  • Provided the ability to pass extra parameters through a quicklink. The extra params are passed as is to the Mashup iframe. For example, if you use index.html?pega_userid=foo&quicklinkclass=Work-Test&param1=value1&param2=value2 then the Mashup for the quicklink will receive the parameters param1 and param2.

  • Fixed issue where the todo list was incorrect after login - the issue is fixed by sending a LogOff command to the ToDo Mashup; this will close the requestor and create a new requestor when logged in with a different user.

  • Added ability to hide a quicklink from the account page - go to the 'Quick Links' page under Settings and check the checkbox 'Hide from account page' to hide it from the account. The quicklink can still be accessed through the shortcut url using index.html?pega_userid=foo&quicklinkclass=Work-Test


  • Added support for proactive chat. Upgraded the JS helper and CSS for chat to support the ability to send an o ffer through chat proactively. A Mashup UI could send the following payload to the top document to

Format of the proactive chat message:

    'command': 'ProactiveChat',
    'payload': {
        'action': 'offer|accept|decline|setStyles',
        'queue': 'QUEUE_NAME',
        'metadata': {},
        'style': 'left:30%;top:70%;'

4 new API available available in the Pega app through the Clarity Theme:

  • pegaMashupProactiveChatOffer(queueName, metaData)
  • pegaMashupProactiveChatSetStyles(styles)
  • pegaMashupProactiveChatAccept()
  • pegaMashupProactiveChatDecline()

List of changes included in uplus-wss 1.0.0 delivered on 6/12/2019

see distribution


  • Added new option under “todo” called ‘hide account details' - As such the main tile in the account page can only be used to show the todo mashup - all the other components can be turned off (bill pay, account details and recent activity) through the settings configuration



  • Fixed couple of issues with rendering the different pages on an Ipad


  • Exposed ability to replace the image header of the home page as the Hero placement instead of inserting an image overlay on top of the header - this behavior is configurable through the Pega Marketing settings page
  • Exposed the AI overlay for the Pega Marketing offer - this can be turned on through the Pega Marketing settings page
  • Exposed ability to open a KM article using postMessage. This function will be used by Pega Chat to open the KM article directly into the uplus application using a similar function as
var showKMArticle = function(articleID) {
  strDomainsWhiteList.split(",").forEach(function(url) {
    top.postMessage({action: "showkmarticle", articleid: articleID }, url);


  • URL parameters passed to the offer.html will be passed directly to the Mashup configured in the Offer Action settings
  • Clicking on Knowledge Management 'Help' link will reload the mashup - Note that any internal state stored in the requestor of the Pega platform will be persisted
  • Expose the bill amount in the Account balance through the user settings - you can now update the value from your config file instead of being hardcoded
  • Update the geolocation allow attribute to allow any hosts


  • Several optimizations on how Mashup is loaded - After these changes, the pzIncludeMashupScripts is now only loaded and shared across all the different Mashup pages and the Pega Chat. This avoids conflict issues between Pega Chat and Mashup and improved the load time of Mashup.
  • Fixed issue on IphoneXR where the header for settings was not visible


  • added support for Pega Marketing Hero placement
  • couple of cosmetic changes for text and images


  • added support for parameter 'isDeepLink=true' when using a deep link like 'index.html?pega_userid=test&quicklinkclass=foo'. The isDeepLink parameter is send as true for all Mashup configuration sent for the session; that includes the todo list or any quicklinks. The parameter is not sent when the user is not logged in through a deeplink. The deeplink state is reset on logout.
  • pegaMashupNavigateBack should now work correctly on a mobile phone as well as the pegaMashupSetIntent api
  • fixed issue with the height of the Knowledge Management iframe so that it takes the full height available
  • Removed the hardcoded width of 570px set on the iframe created when using a clickThroughURL from Pega Marketing.


  • added support for Offer action which is the action available in the OTB offer.html page. clicking on the button will now open a Mashup that can be configured in the settings page under the 'Offer action' tab
  • moved support for 'pegaMashupNavigateBack' into the MainHeader so that it can be called from any pages like quicklinks or offers (before it was only support in the Account page).
  • Fixed regression introduced where the zoom of 0.8 was also applied on mobile phone. Fix centering of the uplus logo in the header.


  • updated top level url when login to the account - support for the browser back button and refresh on the account page
  • extra parameters set on the user settings are now passed to the Pega Chat iframe on login
  • fixed issue with Pega Chat not correctly passing the accountID and contactID the first time
  • added API to pass the intent to the Pega Marketing system
  • Login button added on the home page on a phone form factor - offer is updated automatically after login using the CustomerID


  • added ability to deep link into a quicklink page using the parameter 'quicklinkclass' which maps to the objclass in your quicklinks. For example to open a case type, you can do index.html?pega_userid=foo&quicklinkclass=Work-Test
  • Fixed issue where previousPage was cleared when clicking on the U+ logo
  • Deleted the PreviewGadget div generated by the Pega Chat when login into the application if it is present
  • Updated U+ logo for manufacturing as U+ Industries
  • Small update in the account page for commercial bank
  • Updated hero images for commercial and retail bank


  • Updated the cash projections chart and the account table for commercial bank to be more aligned to the design
  • Added support for Knowledge Management - a need tab to set up the Mashup settings is present under the settings page - when configured, a "help" link will be displayed when logged in in the header
  • Updated the realtimecontainerscript JS to be in sync with Pega 8.3 - the updated version provide support for 'placement'. Updated the settings page and remove the MaxNumber of offers and instead replaced it by the placement and the click action. On click you can either do a top level navigation to open the offer (TopURL), open the url in a new browser tab or open it in a Mashup. Note that to get it work in a Mashup you need to make sure that the system is using https and is correctly configured for CORS.
  • Updated the offer page to also display the offers from the Pega Marketing- Added a new container type called "offer Page" under the settings page
  • Previous URL is now passed to the offer request - the previous url will use your objcase name for quicklinks or the offer name for an offer. it is set to index.html for the home page and account.html for the account page.
  • Few cosmetic improvements requested by the design team.


  • Updated health for payer with new images and text
  • Added support for Pega Marketing offer - the ClickThrough url is now used when clicking on the 'learn more' link. The ClickThrough url will retrieve the offer url from the Pega Marketing system. Because the main doc url needs to stay the same, the clickthrough url is run inside an iframe.


  • Added 2 new parameters under user settings: SubscriberID and extra params - the SubscriberID will be passed to Pega Marketing to get the offer - this avoid the issue where the accountID was used for both subscriberID and mashup parameter. the Extra params allows to add extra parameters related to this user that will be passed to any Mashup case.
  • Fix bug in user settings page where the username field was losing focus every time a character was typed
  • Updated manufacturing language files and secondary details picture - moved the secondary details picture into each industry instead of being shared for all apps.


  • Force a reload of PegaChat during login and logout - when logged in - the ContactId, AccountID and username will now be sent to Pega Chat - on logout, these parameters are cleared.


  • Updated all the translations and images for Comms and Insurance
  • Fix iframe width for the Pega Chat modal on a mobile to be only 300px. Height is left unchanged (should be fine on most mobile devices)
  • Added keyrates widget for commercial bank


  • renamed health consumer as health payer
  • add support for offers through Pega Marketing - provide url and port number under settings - note that the Pega Marketing instance must run on https. For the account offer, the subcriberID is can be set under the user settings page and is passed to the API. Offer name for each page can be changed in settings - home page for phone also supports offer
  • provide ability to support Pega Chat through phone
  • improve upgrade logic for old config files so that the system is fully functional after upgrading an old file


  • added ability to pass 'username' or 'pega_userid' as url parameter to the index page - this will automatically login the user and go to the account page.
  • fixed couple of issues with the commercial bank account page related to loading the todo list


  • each user can be assigned an accountID and a contactID - these 2 parameters are passed to each Mashup automatically
  • added parameters for cobrowse url and token
  • updated PegaHelper.js to use the latest code - removed the included version of Jquery - added support for ProActive chat


  • added support for extra parameters for each Mashup - the list of extra param is a comma separated list - for example param1=value1,param2=value2 - the extra parameter can be specified for each mashup configuration.
  • added ability to hide the recent activities (see setting under the 'ToDo' tab)
  • added ability to hide the bill pay (see setting under the 'Bill Pay' tab)

Known limitations / missing features