This is a quick slip release to regenerate the gemspec. Apparently
jeweler inserts dependencies twice if you use the gemspec
method in
your Gemfile and declare gem dependencies in your gemspec.
This just bit me. I just released a gem with the wrong dependencies because I have updated jeweler. This should have been opt-in, otherwise a bunch of people using jeweler are going to release gems with the wrong dependencies because you are automatically importing from the Gemfile.
Update the dependency on addressable to get around an issue in v2.2.5. Thanks to Peter Higgins.
Add support for matching parameter values using a regular expression as well as a string. Thanks to Oleg M Prozorov.
Fix integration with httpclient as the internal API has changed. Thanks to Frank Prößdorf.
Ensure Curl::Easy#content_type is always set. Thanks to Peter Higgins.
Fix bug with em-http-request adapter stubbing responses that have a chunked transfer encoding. Thanks to Myron Marston.
Fix a load of spec failures with Patron, httpclient, and specs that depended on the behaviour of Thanks to Alex Grigorovich.
Em-http-request adapter sets
property. Thanks to Sam Stokes. -
Curb adapter supports
without arguments (by settingpost_body
beforehand). Thanks to Eugene Bolshakov
- Fixed issue with
which didn't load correctly ifrspec/core
was already required butrspec/expectations
Simplified integration with Test::Unit, RSpec and Cucumber. Now only a single file has to be required i.e.
require 'webmock/test_unit' require 'webmock/rspec' require 'webmock/cucumber'
The error message on unstubbed request now contains code snippet which can be used to stub this request. Thanks to Martyn Loughran for suggesting this feature.
The expectation failure message now contains a list of made requests. Thanks to Martyn Loughran for suggesting this feature.
method which can be useful to find out what requests were made until a given point. -
em-http-request adapter is now activated by replacing EventMachine::HttpRequest constant, instead of monkeypatching the original class.
This technique is borrowed from em-http-request native mocking module. It allows switching WebMock adapter on an off, and using it interchangeably with em-http-request native mocking i.e:
Thanks to Martyn Loughran for suggesting this feature.
is deprecated in favour of newWebMock.reset!
Fixed integration with Cucumber. Previously documented example didn't work with new versions of Cucumber.
Fixed stubbing requests with body declared as a hash. Thanks to Erik Michaels-Ober for reporting the issue.
Fixed issue with em-http-request adapter which didn't work when :query option value was passed as a string, not a hash. Thanks to Chee Yeo for reporting the issue.
Fixed problem with assert_requested which didn't work if used outside rspec or test/unit
Removed dependency on json gem
Support for dynamically evaluated raw responses recorded with
curl -is
i.e.`curl -is > /tmp/` stub_request(:get, "").to_return(lambda { |request|"/tmp/#{}.txt" }))
option can be passed toWebMock.allow_net_connect!
methods, i.e.WebMock.allow_net_connect!(:net_http_connect_on_start => true)
This forces WebMock Net::HTTP adapter to always connect on
. Check 'Connecting on Net::HTTP.start' in README for more information.Thanks to Alastair Brunton for reporting the issue and for fix suggestions.
Fixed an issue where Patron spec tried to remove system temporary directory. Thanks to Hans de Graaff
WebMock specs now use RSpec 2
rake spec NO_CONNECTION=true
can now be used to only run WebMock specs which do not make real network connections
Curb support!!! Thanks to the awesome work of Pete Higgins!
include WebMock
is now deprecated to avoid method and constant name conflicts. Pleaseinclude WebMock::API
instead. -
is renamed toWebMock::API#a_request
to prevent method name conflicts with i.e. Rails controller specs. WebMock.request is still available. -
instance methods. These methods are still available, but only as WebMock class methods. -
which were only used internally and were not documented. -
:allow_localhost => true' now permits in addition to and 'localhost'. Thanks to Myron Marston and Mike Gehard for suggesting this.
Fixed issue with both RSpec 1.x and 2.x being available.
WebMock now tries to use already loaded version of RSpec (1.x or 2.x). Previously it was loading RSpec 2.0 if available, even if RSpec 1.3 was already loaded.
Thanks to Hans de Graaff for reporting this.
Changed runtime dependency on Addressable version 2.2.2 which fixes handling of percent-escaped '+'
External requests can be disabled while allowing selected hosts. Thanks to Charles Li and Ryan Bigg
This feature was available before only for localhost with
:allow_localhost => true
WebMock.disable_net_connect!(:allow => "") Net::HTTP.get('', '/') # ===> Failure Net::HTTP.get('', '/') # ===> Allowed.
Fixed Net::HTTP adapter so that it preserves the original behavior of Net::HTTP.
When making a request with a block that calls #read_body on the request, Net::HTTP causes the body to be set to a Net::ReadAdapter, but WebMock was causing the body to be set to a string.
- Fixed Net::HTTP adapter to handle cases where a block with
call is passed torequest
. This fixes compatibility withopen-uri
. Thanks to Mark Evans for reporting the issue.
- Fixed handling of multiple values for the same response header for Net::HTTP. Thanks to Myron Marston for reporting the issue.
- Fixed compatibility with EM-HTTP-Request >= 0.2.9. Thanks to Myron Marston for reporting the issue.
The less hacky way to get the stream behaviour working for em-http-request. Thanks to Martyn Loughran
Fixed issues where Net::HTTP was not accepting valid nil response body. Thanks to Muness Alrubaie
Added support for em-http-request
Matching query params using a hash
stub_http_request(:get, "").with(:query => {"a" => ["b", "c"]}) RestClient.get("[]=b&a[]=c") # ===> Success request(:get, "").with(:query => {"a" => ["b", "c"]}).should have_been_made # ===> Success
Matching request body against a hash. Body can be URL-Encoded, JSON or XML.
(Thanks to Steve Tooke for the idea and a solution for url-encoded bodies)
stub_http_request(:post, ""). with(:body => {:data => {:a => '1', :b => 'five'}})'', "data[a]=1&data[b]=five", :content_type => 'application/x-www-form-urlencoded') # ===> Success'', '{"data":{"a":"1","b":"five"}}', :content_type => 'application/json') # ===> Success'', '<data a="1" b="five" />', :content_type => 'application/xml' ) # ===> Success request(:post, ""). with(:body => {:data => {:a => '1', :b => 'five'}}, :headers => 'Content-Type' => 'application/json').should have_been_made # ===> Success
Request callbacks (Thanks to Myron Marston for all suggestions)
WebMock can now invoke callbacks for stubbed or real requests:
WebMock.after_request do |request_signature, response| puts "Request #{request_signature} was made and #{response} was returned" end
invoke callbacks for real requests only and except requests made with Patron client
WebMock.after_request(:except => [:patron], :real_requests_only => true) do |request_signature, response| puts "Request #{request_signature} was made and #{response} was returned" end
now accepts an exception instance or a string as argument in addition to an exception classstub_request(:any, '').to_raise("some error")) stub_request(:any, '').to_raise("some error")
Matching requests based on a URI is 30% faster
Fixed constant namespace issues in HTTPClient adapter. Thanks to Nathaniel Bibler for submitting a patch.
- Fixed problem where ArgumentError was raised if query params were made up of an array e.g. data[]=a&data[]=b. Thanks to Steve Tooke
Changed license from GPL to MIT
Fixed gemspec file. Thanks to Razic
RSpec 2 compatibility. Thanks to Sam Phillips!
:allow_localhost => true' now permits as well as 'localhost'. Thanks to Mack Earnhardt
Request URI matching in now 2x faster!
VCR compatibility. Many thanks to Myron Marston for all suggestions.
Support for stubbing requests and returning responses with multiple headers with the same name. i.e multiple Accept headers.
stub_http_request(:get, ''). with(:headers => {'Accept' => ['image/png', 'image/jpeg']}). to_return(:body => 'abc') RestClient.get('', {"Accept" => ['image/png', 'image/jpeg']}) # ===> "abc\n"
When real net connections are disabled and unstubbed request is made, WebMock throws WebMock::NetConnectNotAllowedError instead of assertion error or StandardError.
Added WebMock.version()
Added support for Patron
Responses dynamically evaluated from block (idea and implementation by Tom Ward)
stub_request(:any, ''). to_return { |request| {:body => request.body} }'', 'abc') # ===> "abc\n"
Responses dynamically evaluated from lambda (idea and implementation by Tom Ward)
stub_request(:any, ''). to_return(lambda { |request| {:body => request.body} })'', 'abc') # ===> "abc\n"
Response with custom status message
stub_request(:any, "").to_return(:status => [500, "Internal Server Error"]) req ="/") Net::HTTP.start("") { |http| http.request(req) }.message # ===> "Internal Server Error"
Raising timeout errors (suggested by Jeffrey Jones) (compatibility with Ruby 1.8.6 by Mack Earnhardt)
stub_request(:any, '').to_timeout'', 'abc') # ===> RestClient::RequestTimeout
External requests can be disabled while allowing localhost (idea and implementation by Mack Earnhardt)
WebMock.disable_net_connect!(:allow_localhost => true) Net::HTTP.get('', '/') # ===> Failure Net::HTTP.get('localhost:9887', '/') # ===> Allowed. Perhaps to Selenium?
- Fixed issue where Net::HTTP adapter didn't work for requests with body responding to read (reported by Tekin Suleyman)
- Fixed issue where request stub with headers declared as nil was matching requests with non empty headers
- Fixed issue where response status code was not read from raw (curl -is) responses
Matching requests against provided block (by Sergio Gil)
stub_request(:post, "").with { |request| request.body == "abc" }.to_return(:body => "def")'', 'abc') # ===> "def\n" request(:post, "").with { |req| req.body == "abc" }.should have_been_made #or assert_requested(:post, "") { |req| req.body == "abc" }
Matching request body against regular expressions (suggested by Ben Pickles)
stub_request(:post, "").with(:body => /^.*world$/).to_return(:body => "abc")'', 'hello world') # ===> "abc\n"
Matching request headers against regular expressions (suggested by Ben Pickles)
stub_request(:post, "").with(:headers => {"Content-Type" => /image\/.+/}).to_return(:body => "abc")'', '', {'Content-Type' => 'image/png'}) # ===> "abc\n"
Replaying raw responses recorded with
curl -is
`curl -is > /tmp/example_curl_-is_output.txt` raw_response_file ="/tmp/example_curl_-is_output.txt") from file stub_request(:get, "").to_return(raw_response_file) or string stub_request(:get, "").to_return(
Multiple responses for repeated requests
stub_request(:get, "").to_return({:body => "abc"}, {:body => "def"}) Net::HTTP.get('', '/') # ===> "abc\n" Net::HTTP.get('', '/') # ===> "def\n"
Multiple responses using chained
declarationsstub_request(:get, ""). to_return({:body => "abc"}).then. #then() just is a syntactic sugar to_return({:body => "def"}).then. to_raise(MyException) Net::HTTP.get('', '/') # ===> "abc\n" Net::HTTP.get('', '/') # ===> "def\n" Net::HTTP.get('', '/') # ===> MyException raised
Specifying number of times given response should be returned
stub_request(:get, ""). to_return({:body => "abc"}).times(2).then. to_return({:body => "def"}) Net::HTTP.get('', '/') # ===> "abc\n" Net::HTTP.get('', '/') # ===> "abc\n" Net::HTTP.get('', '/') # ===> "def\n"
Added support for
This fixes compatibility with new versions of RestClient
WebMock doesn't suppress default request headers added by http clients anymore.
i.e. Net::HTTP adds `'Accept'=>'*/*'` to all requests by default
- Fixed issue where WebMock was not closing IO object passed as response body after reading it.
- Ruby 1.9.2 compat: Use
for require path because "." is not be included in LOAD_PATH since Ruby 1.9.2
- Fixed HTTPClient adapter compatibility with Ruby 1.8.6 (reported by Piotr Usewicz)
- Net:HTTP adapter now handles request body assigned as Net::HTTP::Post#body attribute (fixed by Mack Earnhardt)
- Fixed issue where requests were not matching stubs with Accept header set.(reported by Piotr Usewicz)
- Fixed compatibility with Ruby 1.9.1, 1.9.2 and JRuby 1.3.1 (reported by Diego E. “Flameeyes” Pettenò)
- Fixed issue with response body declared as IO object and multiple requests (reported by Niels Meersschaert)
- Fixed "undefined method `assertion_failure'" error (reported by Nick Plante)
- Support for HTTPClient (sync and async requests)
- Support for dynamic responses. Response body and headers can be now declared as lambda. (Thanks to Ivan Vega ( @ivanyv ) for suggesting this feature)
- Support for stubbing and expecting requests with empty body
- Executing non-stubbed request leads to failed expectation instead of error
- Basic authentication now works correctly
- Fixed problem where WebMock didn't call a block with the response when block was provided
- Fixed problem where uris with single slash were not matching uris without path provided
- Clarified documentation
- Fixed some issues with loading of Webmock classes
- Test::Unit and RSpec adapters have to be required separately
- Added support for matching escaped and non escaped URLs