Call data:
"origin": "moonbeam",
"dest": "moonbeam",
"direction": "local",
"xcmVersion": null,
"method": "balances::transferKeepAlive",
"format": "call",
"tx": "0x0a03f977814e90da44bfa03b6295a0616a897441acec821a0600"
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/.snippets/code/develop/application-devs/tooling/asset-transfer-api/reference/ctt-fn-signature.ts b/.snippets/code/develop/application-devs/tooling/asset-transfer-api/reference/ctt-fn-signature.ts
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..0af1ef38c
--- /dev/null
+++ b/.snippets/code/develop/application-devs/tooling/asset-transfer-api/reference/ctt-fn-signature.ts
@@ -0,0 +1,7 @@
+public async createTransferTransaction
+ destChainId: string,
+ destAddr: string,
+ assetIds: string[],
+ amounts: string[],
+ opts: TransferArgsOpts = {}
+): Promise>;
diff --git a/.snippets/code/develop/application-devs/tooling/asset-transfer-api/reference/de-example-request.ts b/.snippets/code/develop/application-devs/tooling/asset-transfer-api/reference/de-example-request.ts
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..903714021
--- /dev/null
+++ b/.snippets/code/develop/application-devs/tooling/asset-transfer-api/reference/de-example-request.ts
@@ -0,0 +1,27 @@
+import {
+ AssetTransferApi,
+ constructApiPromise,
+} from "@substrate/asset-transfer-api";
+async function main() {
+ const { api, specName, safeXcmVersion } = await constructApiPromise(
+ "wss://wss.api.moonbeam.network"
+ );
+ const assetsApi = new AssetTransferApi(api, specName, safeXcmVersion);
+ const encodedExt = "0x0a03f977814e90da44bfa03b6295a0616a897441acec821a0600";
+ try {
+ const decodedExt = assetsApi.decodeExtrinsic(encodedExt, "call");
+ console.log(
+ `Decoded tx:\n ${JSON.stringify(JSON.parse(decodedExt), null, 4)}`
+ );
+ } catch (e) {
+ console.error(e);
+ throw Error(e as string);
+ }
+ .catch((err) => console.error(err))
+ .finally(() => process.exit());
diff --git a/.snippets/code/develop/application-devs/tooling/asset-transfer-api/reference/de-example-response.md b/.snippets/code/develop/application-devs/tooling/asset-transfer-api/reference/de-example-response.md
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..3bc83e19d
--- /dev/null
+++ b/.snippets/code/develop/application-devs/tooling/asset-transfer-api/reference/de-example-response.md
@@ -0,0 +1,11 @@
+ Decoded tx:
+ {
+ "args": {
+ "dest": "0xF977814e90dA44bFA03b6295A0616a897441aceC",
+ "value": "100,000"
+ },
+ "method": "transferKeepAlive",
+ "section": "balances"
+ }
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/.snippets/code/develop/application-devs/tooling/asset-transfer-api/reference/de-fn-signature.ts b/.snippets/code/develop/application-devs/tooling/asset-transfer-api/reference/de-fn-signature.ts
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..197d817df
--- /dev/null
+++ b/.snippets/code/develop/application-devs/tooling/asset-transfer-api/reference/de-fn-signature.ts
@@ -0,0 +1,4 @@
+public decodeExtrinsic(
+ encodedTransaction: string,
+ format: T
+): string;
diff --git a/.snippets/code/develop/application-devs/tooling/asset-transfer-api/reference/ffi-example-request.ts b/.snippets/code/develop/application-devs/tooling/asset-transfer-api/reference/ffi-example-request.ts
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..6fc39c42e
--- /dev/null
+++ b/.snippets/code/develop/application-devs/tooling/asset-transfer-api/reference/ffi-example-request.ts
@@ -0,0 +1,25 @@
+import {
+ AssetTransferApi,
+ constructApiPromise,
+} from "@substrate/asset-transfer-api";
+async function main() {
+ const { api, specName, safeXcmVersion } = await constructApiPromise(
+ "wss://wss.api.moonbeam.network"
+ );
+ const assetsApi = new AssetTransferApi(api, specName, safeXcmVersion);
+ const encodedExt = "0x0a03f977814e90da44bfa03b6295a0616a897441acec821a0600";
+ try {
+ const decodedExt = await assetsApi.fetchFeeInfo(encodedExt, "call");
+ console.log(`Fee info:\n${JSON.stringify(decodedExt, null, 4)}`);
+ } catch (e) {
+ console.error(e);
+ throw Error(e as string);
+ }
+ .catch((err) => console.error(err))
+ .finally(() => process.exit());
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/.snippets/code/develop/application-devs/tooling/asset-transfer-api/reference/ffi-example-response.md b/.snippets/code/develop/application-devs/tooling/asset-transfer-api/reference/ffi-example-response.md
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..3f90dea38
--- /dev/null
+++ b/.snippets/code/develop/application-devs/tooling/asset-transfer-api/reference/ffi-example-response.md
@@ -0,0 +1,11 @@
+ Fee info:
+ {
+ "weight": {
+ "refTime": 163777000,
+ "proofSize": 3581
+ },
+ "class": "Normal",
+ "partialFee": 0
+ }
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/.snippets/code/develop/application-devs/tooling/asset-transfer-api/reference/ffi-fn-signature.ts b/.snippets/code/develop/application-devs/tooling/asset-transfer-api/reference/ffi-fn-signature.ts
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..7f87e9aa8
--- /dev/null
+++ b/.snippets/code/develop/application-devs/tooling/asset-transfer-api/reference/ffi-fn-signature.ts
@@ -0,0 +1,4 @@
+public async fetchFeeInfo(
+ tx: ConstructedFormat,
+ format: T
+): Promise;
diff --git a/.snippets/code/develop/application-devs/tooling/asset-transfer-api/reference/format.ts b/.snippets/code/develop/application-devs/tooling/asset-transfer-api/reference/format.ts
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..7e20a0012
--- /dev/null
+++ b/.snippets/code/develop/application-devs/tooling/asset-transfer-api/reference/format.ts
@@ -0,0 +1 @@
+export type Format = "payload" | "call" | "submittable";
diff --git a/.snippets/code/develop/application-devs/tooling/asset-transfer-api/reference/transfer-arg-opts.md b/.snippets/code/develop/application-devs/tooling/asset-transfer-api/reference/transfer-arg-opts.md
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..e244fecbc
--- /dev/null
+++ b/.snippets/code/develop/application-devs/tooling/asset-transfer-api/reference/transfer-arg-opts.md
@@ -0,0 +1,94 @@
+Options for customizing the claim assets transaction. These options allow you to specify the transaction format, fee payment details, weight limits, XCM versions, and more.
+??? child "Show more"
+ `format` ++"T extends Format"++
+ Specifies the format for returning a transaction.
+ ??? child "Type `Format`"
+ ```ts
+ --8<-- 'code/develop/application-devs/tooling/asset-transfer-api/reference/format.ts'
+ ```
+ ---
+ `paysWithFeeOrigin` ++"string"++
+ The Asset ID to pay fees on the current common good parachain. The defaults are as follows:
+ - Polkadot Asset Hub - `'DOT'`
+ - Kusama Asset Hub - `'KSM'`
+ ---
+ `paysWithFeeDest` ++"string"++
+ Asset ID to pay fees on the destination parachain.
+ ---
+ `weightLimit` ++"{ refTime?: string, proofSize?: string }"++
+ Custom weight limit option. If not provided, it will default to unlimited.
+ ---
+ `xcmVersion` ++"number"++
+ Sets the XCM version for message construction. If this is not present a supported version will be queried, and if there is no supported version a safe version will be queried.
+ ---
+ `keepAlive` ++"boolean"++
+ Enables `transferKeepAlive` for local asset transfers. For creating local asset transfers, if `true` this will allow for a `transferKeepAlive` as opposed to a `transfer`.
+ ---
+ `transferLiquidToken` ++"boolean"++
+ Declares if this will transfer liquidity tokens. Default is `false`.
+ ---
+ `assetTransferType` ++"string"++
+ The XCM transfer type used to transfer assets. The `AssetTransferType` type defines the possible values for this parameter.
+ ??? child "Type `AssetTransferType`"
+ --8<-- 'code/develop/application-devs/tooling/asset-transfer-api/reference/asset-transfer-type.md'
+ ---
+ `remoteReserveAssetTransferTypeLocation` ++"string"++
+ The remove reserve location for the XCM transfer. Should be provided when specifying an `assetTransferType` of `RemoteReserve`.
+ ---
+ `feesTransferType` ++"string"++
+ XCM TransferType used to pay fees for XCM transfer. The `AssetTransferType` type defines the possible values for this parameter.
+ ??? child "Type `AssetTransferType`"
+ --8<-- 'code/develop/application-devs/tooling/asset-transfer-api/reference/asset-transfer-type.md'
+ ---
+ `remoteReserveFeesTransferTypeLocation` ++"string"++
+ The remote reserve location for the XCM transfer fees. Should be provided when specifying a `feesTransferType` of `RemoteReserve`.
+ ---
+ `customXcmOnDest` ++"string"++
+ A custom XCM message to be executed on the destination chain. Should be provided if a custom XCM message is needed after transferring assets. Defaults to:
+ ```bash
+ Xcm(vec![DepositAsset { assets: Wild(AllCounted(assets.len())), beneficiary }])
+ ```
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/.snippets/code/develop/application-devs/tooling/asset-transfer-api/reference/tx-result.md b/.snippets/code/develop/application-devs/tooling/asset-transfer-api/reference/tx-result.md
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..389d58391
--- /dev/null
+++ b/.snippets/code/develop/application-devs/tooling/asset-transfer-api/reference/tx-result.md
@@ -0,0 +1,148 @@
+A promise containing the result of constructing the transaction.
+??? child "Show more"
+ `dest` ++"string"++
+ The destination `specName` of the transaction.
+ ---
+ `origin` ++"string"++
+ The origin `specName` of the transaction.
+ ---
+ `format` ++"Format | 'local'"++
+ The format type the transaction is outputted in.
+ ??? child "Type `Format`"
+ ```ts
+ --8<-- 'code/develop/application-devs/tooling/asset-transfer-api/reference/format.ts'
+ ```
+ ---
+ `xcmVersion` ++"number | null"++
+ The XCM version that was used to construct the transaction.
+ ---
+ `direction` ++"Direction | 'local'"++
+ The direction of the cross-chain transfer.
+ ??? child "Enum `Direction` values"
+ `Local`
+ Local transaction.
+ ---
+ `SystemToPara`
+ System parachain to parachain.
+ ---
+ `SystemToRelay`
+ System paracahin to system relay chain.
+ ---
+ `SystemToSystem`
+ System parachain to System parachain chain.
+ ---
+ `SystemToBridge`
+ System parachain to an external `GlobalConsensus` chain.
+ ---
+ `ParaToPara`
+ Parachain to Parachain.
+ ---
+ `ParaToRelay`
+ Parachain to Relay chain.
+ ---
+ `ParaToSystem`
+ Parachain to System parachain.
+ ---
+ `RelayToSystem`
+ Relay to System Parachain.
+ ---
+ `RelayToPara`
+ Relay chain to Parachain.
+ ---
+ `RelayToBridge`
+ Relay chain to an external `GlobalConsensus` chain.
+ `method` ++"Methods"++
+ The method used in the transaction.
+ ??? child "Type `Methods`"
+ ```ts
+ type Methods =
+ | LocalTransferTypes
+ | 'transferAssets'
+ | 'transferAssetsUsingTypeAndThen'
+ | 'limitedReserveTransferAssets'
+ | 'limitedTeleportAssets'
+ | 'transferMultiasset'
+ | 'transferMultiassets'
+ | 'transferMultiassetWithFee'
+ | 'claimAssets';
+ ```
+ ??? child "Type `LocalTransferTypes`"
+ ```ts
+ type LocalTransferTypes =
+ | 'assets::transfer'
+ | 'assets::transferKeepAlive'
+ | 'foreignAssets::transfer'
+ | 'foreignAssets::transferKeepAlive'
+ | 'balances::transfer'
+ | 'balances::transferKeepAlive'
+ | 'poolAssets::transfer'
+ | 'poolAssets::transferKeepAlive'
+ | 'tokens::transfer'
+ | 'tokens::transferKeepAlive';
+ ```
+ ---
+ `tx` ++"ConstructedFormat"++
+ The constructed transaction.
+ ??? child "Type `ConstructedFormat`"
+ --8<-- 'code/develop/application-devs/tooling/asset-transfer-api/reference/constructed-format.md'
diff --git a/.snippets/code/develop/parachain-devs/get-started/polkadot-sdk/install-deps/termynal-1.html b/.snippets/code/develop/parachain-devs/get-started/polkadot-sdk/install-deps/termynal-1.html
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..bb3fb9c5b
--- /dev/null
+++ b/.snippets/code/develop/parachain-devs/get-started/polkadot-sdk/install-deps/termynal-1.html
@@ -0,0 +1,5 @@
+ brew --version
+ Homebrew 4.3.15
diff --git a/.snippets/code/develop/parachain-devs/get-started/polkadot-sdk/install-deps/termynal-2.html b/.snippets/code/develop/parachain-devs/get-started/polkadot-sdk/install-deps/termynal-2.html
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..00eee2496
--- /dev/null
+++ b/.snippets/code/develop/parachain-devs/get-started/polkadot-sdk/install-deps/termynal-2.html
@@ -0,0 +1,19 @@
+ rustup show
+ ...
+ active toolchain
+ ----------------
+ stable-x86_64-apple-darwin (default)
+ rustc 1.81.0 (eeb90cda1 2024-09-04)
+ ...
+ active toolchain
+ ----------------
+ nightly-x86_64-apple-darwin (overridden by +toolchain on the command line)
+ rustc 1.83.0-nightly (6c6d21008 2024-09-22)
diff --git a/.snippets/code/develop/parachain-devs/interoperability/hrmp-channels/hrmp-query-output.json b/.snippets/code/develop/parachain-devs/interoperability/hrmp-channels/hrmp-query-output.json
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..8165c394f
--- /dev/null
+++ b/.snippets/code/develop/parachain-devs/interoperability/hrmp-channels/hrmp-query-output.json
@@ -0,0 +1,38 @@
+ [
+ [
+ {
+ "sender": 1000,
+ "recipient": 2500
+ }
+ ],
+ {
+ "maxCapacity": 8,
+ "maxTotalSize": 8192,
+ "maxMessageSize": 1048576,
+ "msgCount": 0,
+ "totalSize": 0,
+ "mqcHead": null,
+ "senderDeposit": 0,
+ "recipientDeposit": 0
+ }
+ ],
+ [
+ [
+ {
+ "sender": 2500,
+ "recipient": 1000
+ }
+ ],
+ {
+ "maxCapacity": 8,
+ "maxTotalSize": 8192,
+ "maxMessageSize": 1048576,
+ "msgCount": 0,
+ "totalSize": 0,
+ "mqcHead": null,
+ "senderDeposit": 0,
+ "recipientDeposit": 0
+ }
+ ]
diff --git a/.snippets/code/tutorials/polkadot-sdk/build-a-blockchain/build-a-local-blockchain/compilation-output.html b/.snippets/code/tutorials/polkadot-sdk/build-a-blockchain/build-a-local-blockchain/compilation-output.html
index d16a0d2e6..ddd0db1a7 100644
--- a/.snippets/code/tutorials/polkadot-sdk/build-a-blockchain/build-a-local-blockchain/compilation-output.html
+++ b/.snippets/code/tutorials/polkadot-sdk/build-a-blockchain/build-a-local-blockchain/compilation-output.html
@@ -1,5 +1,5 @@
- cargo build --release
- Compiling solochain-template-node
- Finished `release` profile [optimized] target(s) in 27.12s
\ No newline at end of file
+ cargo build --release
+ Compiling solochain-template-node
+ Finished `release` profile [optimized] target(s) in 27.12s
diff --git a/.snippets/code/tutorials/polkadot-sdk/build-a-blockchain/build-a-local-blockchain/node-block-production.html b/.snippets/code/tutorials/polkadot-sdk/build-a-blockchain/build-a-local-blockchain/node-block-production.html
index d888f06d5..5b1f8a6d7 100644
--- a/.snippets/code/tutorials/polkadot-sdk/build-a-blockchain/build-a-local-blockchain/node-block-production.html
+++ b/.snippets/code/tutorials/polkadot-sdk/build-a-blockchain/build-a-local-blockchain/node-block-production.html
@@ -1,11 +1,11 @@
- ...
- 2024-09-09 08:32:47 💤 Idle (0 peers), best: #0 (0x0eef…935d), finalized #0 (0x0eef…935d), ⬇ 0 ⬆ 0
- ...
- 2024-09-09 08:32:52 💤 Idle (0 peers), best: #1 (0xcb3d…265b), finalized #0 (0x0eef…935d), ⬇ 0 ⬆ 0
- ...
- 2024-09-09 08:32:57 💤 Idle (0 peers), best: #2 (0x16d7…083f), finalized #0 (0x0eef…935d), ⬇ 0 ⬆ 0
- ...
- 2024-09-09 08:33:02 💤 Idle (0 peers), best: #3 (0xe6a4…2cc4), finalized #1 (0xcb3d…265b), ⬇ 0 ⬆ 0
- ...
\ No newline at end of file
+ ...
+ 2024-09-09 08:32:47 💤 Idle (0 peers), best: #0 (0x0eef…935d), finalized #0 (0x0eef…935d), ⬇ 0 ⬆ 0
+ ...
+ 2024-09-09 08:32:52 💤 Idle (0 peers), best: #1 (0xcb3d…265b), finalized #0 (0x0eef…935d), ⬇ 0 ⬆ 0
+ ...
+ 2024-09-09 08:32:57 💤 Idle (0 peers), best: #2 (0x16d7…083f), finalized #0 (0x0eef…935d), ⬇ 0 ⬆ 0
+ ...
+ 2024-09-09 08:33:02 💤 Idle (0 peers), best: #3 (0xe6a4…2cc4), finalized #1 (0xcb3d…265b), ⬇ 0 ⬆ 0
+ ...
diff --git a/.snippets/code/tutorials/polkadot-sdk/build-a-blockchain/build-a-local-blockchain/node-output.html b/.snippets/code/tutorials/polkadot-sdk/build-a-blockchain/build-a-local-blockchain/node-output.html
index e7f2189ae..e0819b6a5 100644
--- a/.snippets/code/tutorials/polkadot-sdk/build-a-blockchain/build-a-local-blockchain/node-output.html
+++ b/.snippets/code/tutorials/polkadot-sdk/build-a-blockchain/build-a-local-blockchain/node-output.html
@@ -1,27 +1,27 @@
./target/release/solochain-template-node --dev
2024-09-09 08:32:42 Substrate Node
2024-09-09 08:32:42 ✌️ version 0.1.0-8599efc46ae
2024-09-09 08:32:42 ❤️ by Parity Technologies , 2017-2024
2024-09-09 08:32:42 📋 Chain specification: Development
2024-09-09 08:32:42 🏷 Node name: light-boundary-7850
2024-09-09 08:32:42 👤 Role: AUTHORITY
2024-09-09 08:32:42 💾 Database: RocksDb at /var/folders/x0/xl_kjddj3ql3bx7752yr09hc0000gn/T/substrate0QH9va/chains/dev/db/full
2024-09-09 08:32:42 🔨 Initializing Genesis block/state (state: 0xc2a0…16ba, header-hash: 0x0eef…935d)
2024-09-09 08:32:42 👴 Loading GRANDPA authority set from genesis on what appears to be first startup.
2024-09-09 08:32:42 Using default protocol ID "sup" because none is configured in the chain specs
2024-09-09 08:32:42 🏷 Local node identity is: 12D3KooWPhdUzf66di1SuuRFgjkFs6X8jm3Uj2ss5ri31WuVAbgt
2024-09-09 08:32:42 Running libp2p network backend
2024-09-09 08:32:42 💻 Operating system: macos
2024-09-09 08:32:42 💻 CPU architecture: aarch64
2024-09-09 08:32:42 📦 Highest known block at #0
2024-09-09 08:32:42 〽️ Prometheus exporter started at
2024-09-09 08:32:42 Running JSON-RPC server: addr=, allowed origins=["*"]
2024-09-09 08:32:47 💤 Idle (0 peers), best: #0 (0x0eef…935d), finalized #0 (0x0eef…935d), ⬇ 0 ⬆ 0
2024-09-09 08:32:48 🙌 Starting consensus session on top of parent 0x0eef4a08ef90cc04d01864514dc5cb2bd822314309b770b49b0177f920ed935d (#0)
2024-09-09 08:32:48 🎁 Prepared block for proposing at 1 (1 ms) [hash: 0xc14630b76907550bef9037dcbfafa2b25c8dc763495f30d9e36ad4b93b673b36; parent_hash: 0x0eef…935d; extrinsics (1): [0xbcd8…5132]
2024-09-09 08:32:48 🔖 Pre-sealed block for proposal at 1. Hash now 0xcb3d2f28bc73807dac5cf19fcfb2ac6d7e922756da9d41ca0c9dadbd0e45265b, previously 0xc14630b76907550bef9037dcbfafa2b25c8dc763495f30d9e36ad4b93b673b36.
2024-09-09 08:32:48 🏆 Imported #1 (0x0eef…935d → 0xcb3d…265b)
\ No newline at end of file
+ ./target/release/solochain-template-node --dev
+ 2024-09-09 08:32:42 Substrate Node
+ 2024-09-09 08:32:42 ✌️ version 0.1.0-8599efc46ae
+ 2024-09-09 08:32:42 ❤️ by Parity Technologies <admin@parity.io>, 2017-2024
+ 2024-09-09 08:32:42 📋 Chain specification: Development
+ 2024-09-09 08:32:42 🏷 Node name: light-boundary-7850
+ 2024-09-09 08:32:42 👤 Role: AUTHORITY
+ 2024-09-09 08:32:42 💾 Database: RocksDb at /var/folders/x0/xl_kjddj3ql3bx7752yr09hc0000gn/T/substrate0QH9va/chains/dev/db/full
+ 2024-09-09 08:32:42 🔨 Initializing Genesis block/state (state: 0xc2a0…16ba, header-hash: 0x0eef…935d)
+ 2024-09-09 08:32:42 👴 Loading GRANDPA authority set from genesis on what appears to be first startup.
+ 2024-09-09 08:32:42 Using default protocol ID "sup" because none is configured in the chain specs
+ 2024-09-09 08:32:42 🏷 Local node identity is: 12D3KooWPhdUzf66di1SuuRFgjkFs6X8jm3Uj2ss5ri31WuVAbgt
+ 2024-09-09 08:32:42 Running libp2p network backend
+ 2024-09-09 08:32:42 💻 Operating system: macos
+ 2024-09-09 08:32:42 💻 CPU architecture: aarch64
+ 2024-09-09 08:32:42 📦 Highest known block at #0
+ 2024-09-09 08:32:42 〽️ Prometheus exporter started at
+ 2024-09-09 08:32:42 Running JSON-RPC server: addr=, allowed origins=["*"]
+ 2024-09-09 08:32:47 💤 Idle (0 peers), best: #0 (0x0eef…935d), finalized #0 (0x0eef…935d), ⬇ 0 ⬆ 0
+ 2024-09-09 08:32:48 🙌 Starting consensus session on top of parent 0x0eef4a08ef90cc04d01864514dc5cb2bd822314309b770b49b0177f920ed935d (#0)
+ 2024-09-09 08:32:48 🎁 Prepared block for proposing at 1 (1 ms) [hash: 0xc14630b76907550bef9037dcbfafa2b25c8dc763495f30d9e36ad4b93b673b36; parent_hash: 0x0eef…935d; extrinsics (1): [0xbcd8…5132]
+ 2024-09-09 08:32:48 🔖 Pre-sealed block for proposal at 1. Hash now 0xcb3d2f28bc73807dac5cf19fcfb2ac6d7e922756da9d41ca0c9dadbd0e45265b, previously 0xc14630b76907550bef9037dcbfafa2b25c8dc763495f30d9e36ad4b93b673b36.
+ 2024-09-09 08:32:48 🏆 Imported #1 (0x0eef…935d → 0xcb3d…265b)
+ ...
diff --git a/.snippets/code/tutorials/polkadot-sdk/build-a-blockchain/simulate-a-network/node-output-1.html b/.snippets/code/tutorials/polkadot-sdk/build-a-blockchain/simulate-a-network/node-output-1.html
index 52441a04e..bb4550546 100644
--- a/.snippets/code/tutorials/polkadot-sdk/build-a-blockchain/simulate-a-network/node-output-1.html
+++ b/.snippets/code/tutorials/polkadot-sdk/build-a-blockchain/simulate-a-network/node-output-1.html
@@ -1,19 +1,19 @@
- ...
- 2024-09-10 09:04:57 discovered: 12D3KooWHdiAxVd8uMQR1hGWXccidmfCwLqcMpGwR6QcTP6QRMuD /ip4/
- 2024-09-10 09:04:58 💤 Idle (0 peers), best: #0 (0x850f…951f), finalized #0 (0x850f…951f), ⬇ 0.3kiB/s ⬆ 0.3kiB/s
- 2024-09-10 09:05:00 🙌 Starting consensus session on top of parent 0x850ffab4827cb0297316cbf01fc7c2afb954c5124f366f25ea88bfd19ede951f (#0)
- 2024-09-10 09:05:00 🎁 Prepared block for proposing at 1 (2 ms) [hash: 0xe21a305e6647b0b0c6c73ba31a49ae422809611387fadb7785f68d0a1db0b52d; parent_hash: 0x850f…951f; extrinsics (1): [0x0c18…08d8]
- 2024-09-10 09:05:00 🔖 Pre-sealed block for proposal at 1. Hash now 0x75bbb026db82a4d6ff88b96f952a29e15dac2b7df24d4cb95510945e2bede82d, previously 0xe21a305e6647b0b0c6c73ba31a49ae422809611387fadb7785f68d0a1db0b52d.
- 2024-09-10 09:05:00 🏆 Imported #1 (0x850f…951f → 0x75bb…e82d)
- 2024-09-10 09:05:03 💤 Idle (1 peers), best: #1 (0x75bb…e82d), finalized #0 (0x850f…951f), ⬇ 0.7kiB/s ⬆ 0.8kiB/s
- 2024-09-10 09:05:06 🏆 Imported #2 (0x75bb…e82d → 0x774d…a176)
- 2024-09-10 09:05:08 💤 Idle (1 peers), best: #2 (0x774d…a176), finalized #0 (0x850f…951f), ⬇ 0.6kiB/s ⬆ 0.5kiB/s
- 2024-09-10 09:05:12 🙌 Starting consensus session on top of parent 0x774dec6bff7a27c38e21106a5a7428ae5d50b991f39cda7c0aa3c0c9322da176 (#2)
- 2024-09-10 09:05:12 🎁 Prepared block for proposing at 3 (0 ms) [hash: 0x10bb4589a7a13bac657219a9ff06dcef8d55e46a4275aa287a966b5648a6d486; parent_hash: 0x774d…a176; extrinsics (1): [0xdcd4…b5ec]
- 2024-09-10 09:05:12 🔖 Pre-sealed block for proposal at 3. Hash now 0x01e080f4b8421c95d0033aac7310b36972fdeef7c6025f8a153c436c1bb214ee, previously 0x10bb4589a7a13bac657219a9ff06dcef8d55e46a4275aa287a966b5648a6d486.
- 2024-09-10 09:05:12 🏆 Imported #3 (0x774d…a176 → 0x01e0…14ee)
- 2024-09-10 09:05:13 💤 Idle (1 peers), best: #3 (0x01e0…14ee), finalized #0 (0x850f…951f), ⬇ 0.6kiB/s ⬆ 0.6kiB/s
- 2024-09-10 09:05:18 🏆 Imported #4 (0x01e0…14ee → 0xe176…0430)
- 2024-09-10 09:05:18 💤 Idle (1 peers), best: #4 (0xe176…0430), finalized #1 (0x75bb…e82d), ⬇ 0.6kiB/s ⬆ 0.6kiB/s
\ No newline at end of file
+ ...
+ 2024-09-10 09:04:57 discovered: 12D3KooWHdiAxVd8uMQR1hGWXccidmfCwLqcMpGwR6QcTP6QRMuD /ip4/
+ 2024-09-10 09:04:58 💤 Idle (0 peers), best: #0 (0x850f…951f), finalized #0 (0x850f…951f), ⬇ 0.3kiB/s ⬆ 0.3kiB/s
+ 2024-09-10 09:05:00 🙌 Starting consensus session on top of parent 0x850ffab4827cb0297316cbf01fc7c2afb954c5124f366f25ea88bfd19ede951f (#0)
+ 2024-09-10 09:05:00 🎁 Prepared block for proposing at 1 (2 ms) [hash: 0xe21a305e6647b0b0c6c73ba31a49ae422809611387fadb7785f68d0a1db0b52d; parent_hash: 0x850f…951f; extrinsics (1): [0x0c18…08d8]
+ 2024-09-10 09:05:00 🔖 Pre-sealed block for proposal at 1. Hash now 0x75bbb026db82a4d6ff88b96f952a29e15dac2b7df24d4cb95510945e2bede82d, previously 0xe21a305e6647b0b0c6c73ba31a49ae422809611387fadb7785f68d0a1db0b52d.
+ 2024-09-10 09:05:00 🏆 Imported #1 (0x850f…951f → 0x75bb…e82d)
+ 2024-09-10 09:05:03 💤 Idle (1 peers), best: #1 (0x75bb…e82d), finalized #0 (0x850f…951f), ⬇ 0.7kiB/s ⬆ 0.8kiB/s
+ 2024-09-10 09:05:06 🏆 Imported #2 (0x75bb…e82d → 0x774d…a176)
+ 2024-09-10 09:05:08 💤 Idle (1 peers), best: #2 (0x774d…a176), finalized #0 (0x850f…951f), ⬇ 0.6kiB/s ⬆ 0.5kiB/s
+ 2024-09-10 09:05:12 🙌 Starting consensus session on top of parent 0x774dec6bff7a27c38e21106a5a7428ae5d50b991f39cda7c0aa3c0c9322da176 (#2)
+ 2024-09-10 09:05:12 🎁 Prepared block for proposing at 3 (0 ms) [hash: 0x10bb4589a7a13bac657219a9ff06dcef8d55e46a4275aa287a966b5648a6d486; parent_hash: 0x774d…a176; extrinsics (1): [0xdcd4…b5ec]
+ 2024-09-10 09:05:12 🔖 Pre-sealed block for proposal at 3. Hash now 0x01e080f4b8421c95d0033aac7310b36972fdeef7c6025f8a153c436c1bb214ee, previously 0x10bb4589a7a13bac657219a9ff06dcef8d55e46a4275aa287a966b5648a6d486.
+ 2024-09-10 09:05:12 🏆 Imported #3 (0x774d…a176 → 0x01e0…14ee)
+ 2024-09-10 09:05:13 💤 Idle (1 peers), best: #3 (0x01e0…14ee), finalized #0 (0x850f…951f), ⬇ 0.6kiB/s ⬆ 0.6kiB/s
+ 2024-09-10 09:05:18 🏆 Imported #4 (0x01e0…14ee → 0xe176…0430)
+ 2024-09-10 09:05:18 💤 Idle (1 peers), best: #4 (0xe176…0430), finalized #1 (0x75bb…e82d), ⬇ 0.6kiB/s ⬆ 0.6kiB/s
diff --git a/.snippets/code/tutorials/polkadot-sdk/build-a-blockchain/simulate-a-network/node-output.html b/.snippets/code/tutorials/polkadot-sdk/build-a-blockchain/simulate-a-network/node-output.html
index 3015ba3fe..4307d2c07 100644
--- a/.snippets/code/tutorials/polkadot-sdk/build-a-blockchain/simulate-a-network/node-output.html
+++ b/.snippets/code/tutorials/polkadot-sdk/build-a-blockchain/simulate-a-network/node-output.html
@@ -1,29 +1,21 @@
./target/release/solochain-template-node \
---base-path /tmp/alice \
---chain local \
---alice \
---port 30333 \
---rpc-port 9945 \
---node-key 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000001 \
2024-09-10 08:35:43 Substrate Node
2024-09-10 08:35:43 ✌️ version 0.1.0-8599efc46ae
2024-09-10 08:35:43 ❤️ by Parity Technologies , 2017-2024
2024-09-10 08:35:43 📋 Chain specification: Local Testnet
2024-09-10 08:35:43 🏷 Node name: Alice
2024-09-10 08:35:43 👤 Role: AUTHORITY
2024-09-10 08:35:43 💾 Database: RocksDb at /tmp/alice/chains/local_testnet/db/full
2024-09-10 08:35:43 🔨 Initializing Genesis block/state (state: 0x074c…27bd, header-hash: 0x850f…951f)
2024-09-10 08:35:43 👴 Loading GRANDPA authority set from genesis on what appears to be first startup.
2024-09-10 08:35:43 Using default protocol ID "sup" because none is configured in the chain specs
2024-09-10 08:35:43 🏷 Local node identity is: 12D3KooWEyoppNCUx8Yx66oV9fJnriXwCcXwDDUA2kj6vnc6iDEp
2024-09-10 08:35:43 Running libp2p network backend
2024-09-10 08:35:43 💻 Operating system: macos
2024-09-10 08:35:43 💻 CPU architecture: aarch64
2024-09-10 08:35:43 📦 Highest known block at #0
2024-09-10 08:35:43 〽️ Prometheus exporter started at
2024-09-10 08:35:43 Running JSON-RPC server: addr=, allowed origins=["http://localhost:*", "*", "https://localhost:*", "*", "https://polkadot.js.org"]
2024-09-10 08:35:48 💤 Idle (0 peers), best: #0 (0x850f…951f), finalized #0 (0x850f…951f), ⬇ 0 ⬆ 0
\ No newline at end of file
+ ./target/release/solochain-template-node \ --base-path /tmp/alice \ --chain local \ --alice \ --port 30333 \ --rpc-port 9945 \ --node-key 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000001 \ --validator
+ 2024-09-10 08:35:43 Substrate Node
+ 2024-09-10 08:35:43 ✌️ version 0.1.0-8599efc46ae
+ 2024-09-10 08:35:43 ❤️ by Parity Technologies <admin@parity.io>, 2017-2024
+ 2024-09-10 08:35:43 📋 Chain specification: Local Testnet
+ 2024-09-10 08:35:43 🏷 Node name: Alice
+ 2024-09-10 08:35:43 👤 Role: AUTHORITY
+ 2024-09-10 08:35:43 💾 Database: RocksDb at /tmp/alice/chains/local_testnet/db/full
+ 2024-09-10 08:35:43 🔨 Initializing Genesis block/state (state: 0x074c…27bd, header-hash: 0x850f…951f)
+ 2024-09-10 08:35:43 👴 Loading GRANDPA authority set from genesis on what appears to be first startup.
+ 2024-09-10 08:35:43 Using default protocol ID "sup" because none is configured in the chain specs
+ 2024-09-10 08:35:43 🏷 Local node identity is: 12D3KooWEyoppNCUx8Yx66oV9fJnriXwCcXwDDUA2kj6vnc6iDEp
+ 2024-09-10 08:35:43 Running libp2p network backend
+ 2024-09-10 08:35:43 💻 Operating system: macos
+ 2024-09-10 08:35:43 💻 CPU architecture: aarch64
+ 2024-09-10 08:35:43 📦 Highest known block at #0
+ 2024-09-10 08:35:43 〽️ Prometheus exporter started at
+ 2024-09-10 08:35:43 Running JSON-RPC server: addr=, allowed origins=["http://localhost:*", "*", "https://localhost:*", "*", "https://polkadot.js.org"]
+ 2024-09-10 08:35:48 💤 Idle (0 peers), best: #0 (0x850f…951f), finalized #0 (0x850f…951f), ⬇ 0 ⬆ 0
diff --git a/.snippets/code/tutorials/polkadot-sdk/build-a-blockchain/simulate-a-network/node-shutdown.html b/.snippets/code/tutorials/polkadot-sdk/build-a-blockchain/simulate-a-network/node-shutdown.html
index f020f8bf2..6500822f7 100644
--- a/.snippets/code/tutorials/polkadot-sdk/build-a-blockchain/simulate-a-network/node-shutdown.html
+++ b/.snippets/code/tutorials/polkadot-sdk/build-a-blockchain/simulate-a-network/node-shutdown.html
@@ -1,4 +1,4 @@
- 2024-09-10 09:10:03 💤 Idle (1 peers), best: #51 (0x0dd6…e763), finalized #49 (0xb70a…1fc0), ⬇ 0.7kiB/s ⬆ 0.6kiB/s
- 2024-09-10 09:10:08 💤 Idle (0 peers), best: #52 (0x2c40…a50e), finalized #49 (0xb70a…1fc0), ⬇ 0.3kiB/s ⬆ 0.3kiB/s
\ No newline at end of file
+ 2024-09-10 09:10:03 💤 Idle (1 peers), best: #51 (0x0dd6…e763), finalized #49 (0xb70a…1fc0), ⬇ 0.7kiB/s ⬆ 0.6kiB/s
+ 2024-09-10 09:10:08 💤 Idle (0 peers), best: #52 (0x2c40…a50e), finalized #49 (0xb70a…1fc0), ⬇ 0.3kiB/s ⬆ 0.3kiB/s
diff --git a/.snippets/code/tutorials/polkadot-sdk/build-a-parachain/connect-a-parachain/genesis-state.md b/.snippets/code/tutorials/polkadot-sdk/build-a-parachain/connect-a-parachain/genesis-state.md
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..e1feb2742
--- /dev/null
+++ b/.snippets/code/tutorials/polkadot-sdk/build-a-parachain/connect-a-parachain/genesis-state.md
@@ -0,0 +1,5 @@
+ ./target/release/parachain-template-node export-genesis-state --chain raw-parachain-chainspec.json para-2000-genesis-state
+ 2024-09-10 14:41:13 🔨 Initializing Genesis block/state (state: 0xb089…1830, header-hash: 0x6b0b…bd69)
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/.snippets/code/tutorials/polkadot-sdk/build-a-parachain/connect-a-parachain/parachain-running.md b/.snippets/code/tutorials/polkadot-sdk/build-a-parachain/connect-a-parachain/parachain-running.md
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..b6011ab9a
--- /dev/null
+++ b/.snippets/code/tutorials/polkadot-sdk/build-a-parachain/connect-a-parachain/parachain-running.md
@@ -0,0 +1,14 @@
+ ...
+ [Relaychain] 💤 Idle (2 peers), best: #90 (0x5f73…1ccf), finalized #87 (0xeb50…68ea), ⬇ 1.4kiB/s ⬆ 1.1kiB/s
+ [Parachain] 💤 Idle (0 peers), best: #0 (0x3626…fef3), finalized #0 (0x3626…fef3), ⬇ 1.2kiB/s ⬆ 0.7kiB/s
+ [Relaychain] 💤 Idle (2 peers), best: #90 (0x5f73…1ccf), finalized #88 (0xd43c…c3e6), ⬇ 0.7kiB/s ⬆ 0.5kiB/s
+ [Parachain] 💤 Idle (0 peers), best: #0 (0x3626…fef3), finalized #0 (0x3626…fef3), ⬇ 1.0kiB/s ⬆ 0.6kiB/s
+ [Relaychain] 👶 New epoch 9 launching at block 0x1c93…4aa9 (block slot 281848325 >= start slot 281848325)
+ [Relaychain] 👶 Next epoch starts at slot 281848335
+ [Relaychain] ✨ Imported #91 (0x1c93…4aa9)
+ [Parachain] Starting collation. relay_parent=0x1c936289cfe15fabaa369f7ae5d73050581cb12b75209c11976afcf07f6a4aa9 at=0x36261113c31019d4b2a1e27d062e186f46da0e8f6786177dc7b35959688ffef3
+ [Relaychain] 💤 Idle (2 peers), best: #91 (0x1c93…4aa9), finalized #88 (0xd43c…c3e6), ⬇ 1.2kiB/s ⬆ 0.7kiB/s
+ [Parachain] 💤 Idle (0 peers), best: #0 (0x3626…fef3), finalized #0 (0x3626…fef3), ⬇ 0.2kiB/s ⬆ 37 B/s
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/.snippets/code/tutorials/polkadot-sdk/build-a-parachain/connect-a-parachain/raw-chain-spec-terminal.md b/.snippets/code/tutorials/polkadot-sdk/build-a-parachain/connect-a-parachain/raw-chain-spec-terminal.md
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..d5aecbdec
--- /dev/null
+++ b/.snippets/code/tutorials/polkadot-sdk/build-a-parachain/connect-a-parachain/raw-chain-spec-terminal.md
@@ -0,0 +1,7 @@
+ ./target/release/parachain-template-node build-spec --chain plain-parachain-chainspec.json --disable-default-bootnode --raw > raw-parachain-chainspec.json
+ 2024-09-10 14:34:58 Building chain spec
+ 2024-09-10 14:34:59 assembling new collators for new session 0 at #0
+ 2024-09-10 14:34:59 assembling new collators for new session 1 at #0
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/.snippets/code/tutorials/polkadot-sdk/build-a-parachain/connect-a-parachain/start-collator-node.md b/.snippets/code/tutorials/polkadot-sdk/build-a-parachain/connect-a-parachain/start-collator-node.md
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..09ed9e063
--- /dev/null
+++ b/.snippets/code/tutorials/polkadot-sdk/build-a-parachain/connect-a-parachain/start-collator-node.md
@@ -0,0 +1,19 @@
+ ./target/release/parachain-template-node \
+ --charlie \
+ --collator \
+ --force-authoring \
+ --chain raw-parachain-chainspec.json \
+ --base-path /tmp/charlie-parachain/ \
+ --unsafe-force-node-key-generation \
+ --port 40333 \
+ --rpc-port 8844 \
+ -- \
+ --chain INSERT_RELAY_CHAIN_PATH/local-raw-spec.json \
+ --port 30333 \
+ --rpc-port 9946
+ 2024-09-10 16:26:30 [Parachain] PoV size { header: 0.21875kb, extrinsics: 3.6103515625kb, storage_proof: 3.150390625kb }
+ 2024-09-10 16:26:30 [Parachain] Compressed PoV size: 6.150390625kb
+ 2024-09-10 16:26:33 [Relaychain] 💤 Idle (2 peers), best: #1729 (0x3aa4…cb6b), finalized #1726 (0xff7a…4352), ⬇ 9.1kiB/s ⬆ 3.8kiB/s
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/.snippets/code/tutorials/polkadot-sdk/build-a-parachain/prepare-relay-chain/relay-chain-bootstraping-logs.html b/.snippets/code/tutorials/polkadot-sdk/build-a-parachain/prepare-relay-chain/relay-chain-bootstraping-logs.html
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..601dd4443
--- /dev/null
+++ b/.snippets/code/tutorials/polkadot-sdk/build-a-parachain/prepare-relay-chain/relay-chain-bootstraping-logs.html
@@ -0,0 +1,21 @@
+ 2024-09-09 13:49:58 Parity Polkadot
+ 2024-09-09 13:49:58 ✌️ version 1.15.2-d6f482d5593
+ 2024-09-09 13:49:58 ❤️ by Parity Technologies <admin@parity.io>, 2017-2024
+ 2024-09-09 13:49:58 📋 Chain specification: Rococo Local Testnet
+ 2024-09-09 13:49:58 🏷 Node name: Alice
+ 2024-09-09 13:49:58 👤 Role: AUTHORITY
+ 2024-09-09 13:49:58 💾 Database: RocksDb at /tmp/relay/alice/chains/rococo_local_testnet/db/full
+ 2024-09-09 13:49:59 🏷 Local node identity is: 12D3KooWG393uX82rR3QgDkZpb7U8StzuRx9BQUXCvWsP1ctgygp
+ 2024-09-09 13:49:59 Running libp2p network backend
+ ...
diff --git a/.snippets/code/tutorials/polkadot-sdk/build-a-parachain/prepare-relay-chain/relay-chain-running-logs.html b/.snippets/code/tutorials/polkadot-sdk/build-a-parachain/prepare-relay-chain/relay-chain-running-logs.html
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..982b8b333
--- /dev/null
+++ b/.snippets/code/tutorials/polkadot-sdk/build-a-parachain/prepare-relay-chain/relay-chain-running-logs.html
@@ -0,0 +1,9 @@
+ ...
+ 2024-09-10 13:29:38 🏆 Imported #55 (0xad6a…567c → 0xecae…ad12)
+ 2024-09-10 13:29:38 💤 Idle (1 peers), best: #55 (0xecae…ad12), finalized #0 (0x1cac…618d), ⬇ 2.0kiB/s ⬆ 1.6kiB/s
+ ...
diff --git a/.snippets/code/tutorials/tooling/chopsticks/overview/replay-block.json b/.snippets/code/tutorials/tooling/chopsticks/overview/replay-block.json
index 21230a01f..3360f1c42 100644
--- a/.snippets/code/tutorials/tooling/chopsticks/overview/replay-block.json
+++ b/.snippets/code/tutorials/tooling/chopsticks/overview/replay-block.json
@@ -74,10 +74,7 @@
- [
- "0x3a65787472696e7369635f696e646578",
- null
- ],
+ ["0x3a65787472696e7369635f696e646578", null],
@@ -146,4 +143,4 @@
"offchainStorageDiff": [],
"runtimeLogs": []
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/.snippets/code/tutorials/tooling/chopsticks/overview/terminal/fork-output.html b/.snippets/code/tutorials/tooling/chopsticks/overview/terminal/fork-output.html
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..ba045ad8d
--- /dev/null
+++ b/.snippets/code/tutorials/tooling/chopsticks/overview/terminal/fork-output.html
@@ -0,0 +1,29 @@
+ npx @acala-network/chopsticks xcm \
+ --r polkadot \
+ --p moonbeam \
+ --p astar
+ [13:46:07.901] INFO: Loading config file https://raw.githubusercontent.com/AcalaNetwork/chopsticks/master/configs/moonbeam.yml
+ app: "chopsticks"
+ [13:46:12.631] INFO: Moonbeam RPC listening on port 8000
+ app: "chopsticks"
+ [13:46:12.632] INFO: Loading config file https://raw.githubusercontent.com/AcalaNetwork/chopsticks/master/configs/astar.yml
+ app: "chopsticks"
+ chopsticks::executor TRACE: Calling Metadata_metadata
+ chopsticks::executor TRACE: Completed Metadata_metadata
+ [13:46:23.669] INFO: Astar RPC listening on port 8001
+ app: "chopsticks"
+ [13:46:25.144] INFO (xcm): Connected parachains [2004,2006]
+ app: "chopsticks"
+ [13:46:25.144] INFO: Loading config file https://raw.githubusercontent.com/AcalaNetwork/chopsticks/master/configs/polkadot.yml
+ app: "chopsticks"
+ chopsticks::executor TRACE: Calling Metadata_metadata
+ chopsticks::executor TRACE: Completed Metadata_metadata
+ [13:46:53.320] INFO: Polkadot RPC listening on port 8002
+ app: "chopsticks"
+ [13:46:54.038] INFO (xcm): Connected relaychain 'Polkadot' with parachain 'Moonbeam'
+ app: "chopsticks"
+ [13:46:55.028] INFO (xcm): Connected relaychain 'Polkadot' with parachain 'Astar'
+ app: "chopsticks"
diff --git a/.snippets/code/tutorials/tooling/chopsticks/overview/terminal/fork-output.md b/.snippets/code/tutorials/tooling/chopsticks/overview/terminal/fork-output.md
deleted file mode 100644
index 1b14cce7f..000000000
--- a/.snippets/code/tutorials/tooling/chopsticks/overview/terminal/fork-output.md
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,29 +0,0 @@
- npx @acala-network/chopsticks xcm \
---r polkadot \
---p moonbeam \
---p astar
- [13:46:07.901] INFO: Loading config file https://raw.githubusercontent.com/AcalaNetwork/chopsticks/master/configs/moonbeam.yml
- app: "chopsticks"
- [13:46:12.631] INFO: Moonbeam RPC listening on port 8000
- app: "chopsticks"
- [13:46:12.632] INFO: Loading config file https://raw.githubusercontent.com/AcalaNetwork/chopsticks/master/configs/astar.yml
- app: "chopsticks"
- chopsticks::executor TRACE: Calling Metadata_metadata
- chopsticks::executor TRACE: Completed Metadata_metadata
- [13:46:23.669] INFO: Astar RPC listening on port 8001
- app: "chopsticks"
- [13:46:25.144] INFO (xcm): Connected parachains [2004,2006]
- app: "chopsticks"
- [13:46:25.144] INFO: Loading config file https://raw.githubusercontent.com/AcalaNetwork/chopsticks/master/configs/polkadot.yml
- app: "chopsticks"
- chopsticks::executor TRACE: Calling Metadata_metadata
- chopsticks::executor TRACE: Completed Metadata_metadata
- [13:46:53.320] INFO: Polkadot RPC listening on port 8002
- app: "chopsticks"
- [13:46:54.038] INFO (xcm): Connected relaychain 'Polkadot' with parachain 'Moonbeam'
- app: "chopsticks"
- [13:46:55.028] INFO (xcm): Connected relaychain 'Polkadot' with parachain 'Astar'
- app: "chopsticks"
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/.snippets/code/tutorials/tooling/zombienet/overview/base-example.json b/.snippets/code/tutorials/tooling/zombienet/overview/base-example.json
index ca336a2c1..306fb2162 100644
--- a/.snippets/code/tutorials/tooling/zombienet/overview/base-example.json
+++ b/.snippets/code/tutorials/tooling/zombienet/overview/base-example.json
@@ -4,7 +4,7 @@
"bootnode": false,
"provider": "kubernetes",
"backchannel": false,
- ...
+ "...": {}
- ...
+ "...": {}
diff --git a/.snippets/code/tutorials/tooling/zombienet/overview/base-example.toml b/.snippets/code/tutorials/tooling/zombienet/overview/base-example.toml
index fff1b657a..b9d669a28 100644
--- a/.snippets/code/tutorials/tooling/zombienet/overview/base-example.toml
+++ b/.snippets/code/tutorials/tooling/zombienet/overview/base-example.toml
@@ -3,6 +3,4 @@ timeout = 1000
bootnode = false
provider = "kubernetes"
backchannel = false
+# ...
diff --git a/.snippets/code/tutorials/tooling/zombienet/overview/collator-example.json b/.snippets/code/tutorials/tooling/zombienet/overview/collator-example.json
index 1547a6791..a0baec8e7 100644
--- a/.snippets/code/tutorials/tooling/zombienet/overview/collator-example.json
+++ b/.snippets/code/tutorials/tooling/zombienet/overview/collator-example.json
@@ -1,18 +1,18 @@
"parachain": {
- "id": 100,
- "add_to_genesis": true,
- "cumulus_based": true,
- "genesis_wasm_path": "/path/to/wasm",
- "genesis_state_path": "/path/to/state",
- "collators": [
- {
- "name": "alice",
- "image": "polkadot-parachain",
- "command": "polkadot-parachain",
- ...
- },
- ],
+ "id": 100,
+ "add_to_genesis": true,
+ "cumulus_based": true,
+ "genesis_wasm_path": "/path/to/wasm",
+ "genesis_state_path": "/path/to/state",
+ "collators": [
+ {
+ "name": "alice",
+ "image": "polkadot-parachain",
+ "command": "polkadot-parachain",
+ "...": {}
+ }
+ ]
- ...
- }
\ No newline at end of file
+ "...": {}
diff --git a/.snippets/code/tutorials/tooling/zombienet/overview/collator-example.toml b/.snippets/code/tutorials/tooling/zombienet/overview/collator-example.toml
index 6da7fdc67..efdf82897 100644
--- a/.snippets/code/tutorials/tooling/zombienet/overview/collator-example.toml
+++ b/.snippets/code/tutorials/tooling/zombienet/overview/collator-example.toml
@@ -9,4 +9,4 @@ genesis_state_path = "/path/to/state"
name = "alice"
image = "polkadot-parachain"
command = "polkadot-parachain"
\ No newline at end of file
+# ...
diff --git a/.snippets/code/tutorials/tooling/zombienet/overview/collator-groups-example.json b/.snippets/code/tutorials/tooling/zombienet/overview/collator-groups-example.json
index 48aef41b6..598487102 100644
--- a/.snippets/code/tutorials/tooling/zombienet/overview/collator-groups-example.json
+++ b/.snippets/code/tutorials/tooling/zombienet/overview/collator-groups-example.json
@@ -11,9 +11,9 @@
"count": 2,
"image": "polkadot-parachain",
"command": "polkadot-parachain",
- ...
- },
- ],
+ "...": {}
+ }
+ ]
- ...
\ No newline at end of file
+ "...": {}
diff --git a/.snippets/code/tutorials/tooling/zombienet/overview/collator-groups-example.toml b/.snippets/code/tutorials/tooling/zombienet/overview/collator-groups-example.toml
index 01965c726..09a27e87d 100644
--- a/.snippets/code/tutorials/tooling/zombienet/overview/collator-groups-example.toml
+++ b/.snippets/code/tutorials/tooling/zombienet/overview/collator-groups-example.toml
@@ -10,4 +10,4 @@ name = "group-1"
count = 2
image = "polkadot-parachain"
command = "polkadot-parachain"
\ No newline at end of file
+# ...
diff --git a/.snippets/code/tutorials/tooling/zombienet/overview/parachain-example.json b/.snippets/code/tutorials/tooling/zombienet/overview/parachain-example.json
index 156cc1626..8f7510400 100644
--- a/.snippets/code/tutorials/tooling/zombienet/overview/parachain-example.json
+++ b/.snippets/code/tutorials/tooling/zombienet/overview/parachain-example.json
@@ -1,11 +1,11 @@
"parachain": {
- "id": 100,
- "add_to_genesis": true,
- "cumulus_based": true,
- "genesis_wasm_path": "/path/to/wasm",
- "genesis_state_path": "/path/to/state",
- ...
+ "id": 100,
+ "add_to_genesis": true,
+ "cumulus_based": true,
+ "genesis_wasm_path": "/path/to/wasm",
+ "genesis_state_path": "/path/to/state",
+ "...": {}
- ...
\ No newline at end of file
+ "...": {}
diff --git a/.snippets/code/tutorials/tooling/zombienet/overview/parachain-example.toml b/.snippets/code/tutorials/tooling/zombienet/overview/parachain-example.toml
index cb96b3579..7858c54c4 100644
--- a/.snippets/code/tutorials/tooling/zombienet/overview/parachain-example.toml
+++ b/.snippets/code/tutorials/tooling/zombienet/overview/parachain-example.toml
@@ -4,4 +4,4 @@ add_to_genesis = true
cumulus_based = true
genesis_wasm_path = "/path/to/wasm"
genesis_state_path = "/path/to/state"
\ No newline at end of file
+# ...
diff --git a/.snippets/code/tutorials/tooling/zombienet/overview/relaychain-example-node-groups.json b/.snippets/code/tutorials/tooling/zombienet/overview/relaychain-example-node-groups.json
index b9921be50..5b6f5e928 100644
--- a/.snippets/code/tutorials/tooling/zombienet/overview/relaychain-example-node-groups.json
+++ b/.snippets/code/tutorials/tooling/zombienet/overview/relaychain-example-node-groups.json
@@ -1,5 +1,4 @@
- ...,
"relaychain": {
"default_command": "polkadot",
"default_image": "polkadot-debug:master",
@@ -15,7 +14,7 @@
"args": ["--chain", "rococo-local"]
- ...
+ "...": {}
- ...
\ No newline at end of file
+ "...": {}
diff --git a/.snippets/code/tutorials/tooling/zombienet/overview/relaychain-example-node-groups.toml b/.snippets/code/tutorials/tooling/zombienet/overview/relaychain-example-node-groups.toml
index 04169f5e0..03dd7a9f3 100644
--- a/.snippets/code/tutorials/tooling/zombienet/overview/relaychain-example-node-groups.toml
+++ b/.snippets/code/tutorials/tooling/zombienet/overview/relaychain-example-node-groups.toml
@@ -11,4 +11,4 @@ count = 2
image = "polkadot-debug:master"
command = "polkadot"
args = ["--chain", "rococo-local"]
\ No newline at end of file
+# ...
diff --git a/.snippets/code/tutorials/tooling/zombienet/overview/relaychain-example-nodes.json b/.snippets/code/tutorials/tooling/zombienet/overview/relaychain-example-nodes.json
index f8cbc14fa..9b3357303 100644
--- a/.snippets/code/tutorials/tooling/zombienet/overview/relaychain-example-nodes.json
+++ b/.snippets/code/tutorials/tooling/zombienet/overview/relaychain-example-nodes.json
@@ -1,5 +1,4 @@
- ...,
"relaychain": {
"default_command": "polkadot",
"default_image": "polkadot-debug:master",
@@ -17,8 +16,6 @@
"validator": true,
"balance": 1000000000000
- ],
- ...
- },
- ...
\ No newline at end of file
+ ]
+ }
diff --git a/.snippets/code/tutorials/tooling/zombienet/overview/relaychain-example-nodes.toml b/.snippets/code/tutorials/tooling/zombienet/overview/relaychain-example-nodes.toml
index 396668a6a..30e19d435 100644
--- a/.snippets/code/tutorials/tooling/zombienet/overview/relaychain-example-nodes.toml
+++ b/.snippets/code/tutorials/tooling/zombienet/overview/relaychain-example-nodes.toml
@@ -14,4 +14,4 @@ balance = 1000000000000
name = "bob"
validator = true
balance = 1000000000000
\ No newline at end of file
+# ...
diff --git a/.snippets/code/tutorials/tooling/zombienet/tutorials/spawn-a-basic-network/alice-logs.html b/.snippets/code/tutorials/tooling/zombienet/tutorials/spawn-a-basic-network/alice-logs.html
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..9c50e5d1b
--- /dev/null
+++ b/.snippets/code/tutorials/tooling/zombienet/tutorials/spawn-a-basic-network/alice-logs.html
@@ -0,0 +1,26 @@
+ tail -f /var/folders/f4/7rdt2m9d7j361dm453cpggbm0000gn/T/zombie-75a01b93c92d571f6198a67bcb380fcd_21724-SEzfCidQ1za4/alice.log
+ 2024-08-29 16:03:54 🙌 Starting consensus session on top of parent 0x81bfcf7de46ca0f5c0eca78639dbfa67afa0a22c7f1a98dfc5778449cb0a82f9
+ 2024-08-29 16:03:54 🎁 Prepared block for proposing at 11 (1 ms) [hash: 0x4ae2c654439a9be25cedd03fb9a091a5be7b53eae82276850e8c7061cb656d26; parent_hash: 0x81bf…82f9; extrinsics (2): [0x469d…d7d3, 0x8dd2…66e8]
+ 2024-08-29 16:03:54 🔖 Pre-sealed block for proposal at 11. Hash now 0xb74014d0fcd6df55fbe42848e21ddb556aa5f7358c66795e9a5131f0a666dbbc, previously 0x4ae2c654439a9be25cedd03fb9a091a5be7b53eae82276850e8c7061cb656d26.
+ 2024-08-29 16:03:54 👶 New epoch 1 launching at block 0xb740…dbbc (block slot 287493039 >= start slot 287493039).
+ 2024-08-29 16:03:54 👶 Next epoch starts at slot 287493049
+ 2024-08-29 16:03:54 🏆 Imported #11 (0x81bf…82f9 → 0xb740…dbbc)
+ 2024-08-29 16:03:54 Node uses the following topology indices index_in_gossip_topology=Some(ValidatorIndex(0)) index_in_parachain_authorities=Some(Active(ValidatorIndex(0)))
+ 2024-08-29 16:03:57 💤 Idle (2 peers), best: #11 (0xb740…dbbc), finalized #8 (0x2282…6f0d), ⬇ 2.7kiB/s ⬆ 2.1kiB/s
+ 2024-08-29 16:04:00 🏆 Imported #12 (0xb740…dbbc → 0x49f4…fbd8)
+ 2024-08-29 16:04:02 💤 Idle (2 peers), best: #12 (0x49f4…fbd8), finalized #9 (0x470a…9184), ⬇ 2.4kiB/s ⬆ 2.1kiB/s
+ 2024-08-29 16:04:06 🙌 Starting consensus session on top of parent 0x49f420d6d1d84031712f8b7535fdcd73fda740e7a1db6c61c4cf35d8aef9fbd8
+ 2024-08-29 16:04:06 🎁 Prepared block for proposing at 13 (5 ms) [hash: 0xd5cb11f7ebc5ece3f9a6c304ab5f6209f1ba148c334efc0844e76dd0815b4ff9; parent_hash: 0x49f4…fbd8; extrinsics (2): [0x9e7c…30ff, 0x7e55…1806]
+ 2024-08-29 16:04:06 🔖 Pre-sealed block for proposal at 13. Hash now 0xa5022ff182095544d5db8714b2c10d81c75d8aff53c53515f22fcd7220ce97d5, previously 0xd5cb11f7ebc5ece3f9a6c304ab5f6209f1ba148c334efc0844e76dd0815b4ff9.
+ 2024-08-29 16:04:06 🏆 Imported #13 (0x49f4…fbd8 → 0xa502…97d5)
+ 2024-08-29 16:04:06 ♻️ Reorg on #13,0xa502…97d5 to #13,0xb6c8…5c34, common ancestor #12,0x49f4…fbd8
+ 2024-08-29 16:04:06 🏆 Imported #13 (0x49f4…fbd8 → 0xb6c8…5c34)
+ 2024-08-29 16:04:07 💤 Idle (2 peers), best: #13 (0xb6c8…5c34), finalized #10 (0x81bf…82f9), ⬇ 4.0kiB/s ⬆ 4.0kiB/s
+ 2024-08-29 16:04:11 🥩 New Rounds for validator set id: 1 with session_start 11
+ 2024-08-29 16:04:11 🥩 Concluded mandatory round #11
+ 2024-08-29 16:04:12 🏆 Imported #14 (0xb6c8…5c34 → 0xb51a…f125)
+ 2024-08-29 16:04:12 💤 Idle (2 peers), best: #14 (0xb51a…f125), finalized #11 (0xb740…dbbc), ⬇ 2.8kiB/s ⬆ 3.5kiB/s
+ ...
diff --git a/.snippets/code/tutorials/tooling/zombienet/tutorials/spawn-a-basic-network/spawn-a-basic-network-test-output.html b/.snippets/code/tutorials/tooling/zombienet/tutorials/spawn-a-basic-network/spawn-a-basic-network-test-output.html
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..9c0852051
--- /dev/null
+++ b/.snippets/code/tutorials/tooling/zombienet/tutorials/spawn-a-basic-network/spawn-a-basic-network-test-output.html
@@ -0,0 +1,74 @@
+ 🛎️ Tests are currently running. Results will appear at the end |
+ Test Results |
+ 8/29/2024, 4:34:53 PM |
+ ✅ alice: is up (104ms) |
+ 2024-08-29 16:34:54 API/INIT: RPC methods not decorated: chainHead_v1_body, chainHead_v1_call, chainHead_v1_continue, chainHead_v1_follow, chainHead_v1_header, chainHead_v1_stopOperation, chainHead_v1_storage, chainHead_v1_unfollow, chainHead_v1_unpin, chainSpec_v1_chainName, chainSpec_v1_genesisHash, chainSpec_v1_properties, transactionWatch_v1_submitAndWatch, transactionWatch_v1_unwatch, transaction_v1_broadcast, transaction_v1_stop |
+ 2024-08-29 16:34:54 API/INIT: rococo/1014000: Not decorating unknown runtime apis: 0x6ff52ee858e6c5bd/1, 0x91b1c8b16328eb92/1, 0x9ffb505aa738d69c/1 |
+ 8/29/2024, 4:34:56 PM |
+ ✅ alice: parachain 100 is registered within 225 seconds (2362ms) |
+ 8/29/2024, 4:34:58 PM |
+ ✅ alice: parachain 100 block height is at least 10 within 250 seconds (2037ms) |
+ 8/29/2024, 4:34:58 PM |
+ ✅ bob: is up (43ms) |
+ 2024-08-29 16:34:58 API/INIT: RPC methods not decorated: chainHead_v1_body, chainHead_v1_call, chainHead_v1_continue, chainHead_v1_follow, chainHead_v1_header, chainHead_v1_stopOperation, chainHead_v1_storage, chainHead_v1_unfollow, chainHead_v1_unpin, chainSpec_v1_chainName, chainSpec_v1_genesisHash, chainSpec_v1_properties, transactionWatch_v1_submitAndWatch, transactionWatch_v1_unwatch, transaction_v1_broadcast, transaction_v1_stop |
+ 2024-08-29 16:34:58 API/INIT: rococo/1014000: Not decorating unknown runtime apis: 0x6ff52ee858e6c5bd/1, 0x91b1c8b16328eb92/1, 0x9ffb505aa738d69c/1 |
+ 8/29/2024, 4:35:00 PM |
+ ✅ bob: parachain 100 is registered within 225 seconds (2206ms) |
+ 8/29/2024, 4:35:02 PM |
+ ✅ bob: parachain 100 block height is at least 10 within 250 seconds (2037ms) |
+ 8/29/2024, 4:35:02 PM |
+ ✅ alice: reports node_roles is 4 (0ms) |
+ 8/29/2024, 4:35:02 PM |
+ ✅ alice: reports sub_libp2p_is_major_syncing is 0 (0ms) |
+ 8/29/2024, 4:35:02 PM |
+ ✅ bob: reports node_roles is 4 (1ms) |
+ 8/29/2024, 4:35:02 PM |
+ ✅ collator01: reports node_roles is 4 (22ms) |
+ 📓 To see the full logs of the nodes please go to: |
+ /var/folders/f4/7rdt2m9d7j361dm453cpggbm0000gn/T/zombie-68b7ea2539c6ce9ad6350d8a88674147_-90400-wSMnGnsj9Gnu/logs |
+ Result: 10/10 |
+ exit code 0 |
diff --git a/develop/application-devs/interact/.pages b/develop/application-devs/interact/.pages
index 0dbe45da2..b0d6c6ac4 100644
--- a/develop/application-devs/interact/.pages
+++ b/develop/application-devs/interact/.pages
@@ -1,3 +1,4 @@
title: Interact with the Network
- index.md
+ - 'Using Light Clients': 'light-clients.md'
diff --git a/develop/application-devs/interact/light-clients.md b/develop/application-devs/interact/light-clients.md
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..5fb24c053
--- /dev/null
+++ b/develop/application-devs/interact/light-clients.md
@@ -0,0 +1,50 @@
+title: Using Light Clients
+description: Information about light client options available in the Polkadot ecosystem and how they simplify interactions with the network.
+# Using Light Clients
+## Introduction
+Conventionally, applications use a JSON-RPC protocol for communication between a user interface (UI) and a Polkadot SDK-built node with one of the following approaches:
+- **User controlled nodes** - the UI connects to a node client the user has installed on their machine. These nodes are secure, but installation and maintenance of these nodes tend to be an inconvenience
+- **Publicly accessible nodes** - the UI connects to a third-party-owned publicly accessible node client. While these nodes are more prevalent in their usage as they are convenient to use, they are centralized and insecure
+With the advent of light clients, applications no longer have to rely on RPC nodes. Light clients don't sync entire blocks. Instead, they merely verify the finalized network headers. This option provides a cryptographically robust and less resource-intensive way to interact with and ensure the state of the network. Light clients are also available locally and embedded as part of the application, enabling a trustless solution versus running an RPC node.
+You can use a light client implementation to connect to a Polkadot SDK-based network, both in and outside the browser, as long as a [chain specification]() for that network is available.
+## Light Client Options
+Popular options for Polkadot ecosystem light clients include:
+- The [Polkadot API (PAPI)](https://papi.how/){target=\_blank} integrates [`smoldot`](https://github.com/smol-dot/smoldot){target=\_blank} as a choice of light client for both browser and server-based implementations
+- [Substrate Connect](https://github.com/paritytech/substrate-connect){target=\_blank} is a browser extension and JavaScript library that enables developers to build application-specific light clients for Polkadot SDK chains
+## Light Client Benefits
+A light client allows for all essential features of the chain, such as fetching data and transferring tokens, but it doesn't store a copy of the entire blockchain or require the trust of remote peers. Light clients fetch the needed data from a node with an associated proof to validate the data.
+=== "Full RPC Node"
+ - Complete verification of all blocks of the chain
+ - Holds all the previous block data and the chain's storage in database
+ - Installation, maintenance, and execution tend to be exhaustive and require system administration expertise
+=== "Light Client"
+ - Only verifies the authenticity of blocks of the chain
+ - No database
+ - No need to provision servers or other DevOps-related maintenance, singificantly reducing initialization time from startup
+## Resources
+Learn more about light clients and how they help you develop on Polkadot:
+- [What is a light client and why you should care?](https://medium.com/paritytech/what-is-a-light-client-and-why-you-should-care-75f813ae2670){target=\_blank}
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/develop/application-devs/tooling/.pages b/develop/application-devs/tooling/.pages
index 19e5de2ad..873708359 100644
--- a/develop/application-devs/tooling/.pages
+++ b/develop/application-devs/tooling/.pages
@@ -3,3 +3,4 @@ nav:
- index.md
- chopsticks
- zombienet
+ - asset-transfer-api
diff --git a/develop/application-devs/tooling/asset-transfer-api/.pages b/develop/application-devs/tooling/asset-transfer-api/.pages
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..cb23f4fbd
--- /dev/null
+++ b/develop/application-devs/tooling/asset-transfer-api/.pages
@@ -0,0 +1,6 @@
+title: Asset Transfer API
+hide: false
+ - index.md
+ - 'Overview': 'overview.md'
+ - 'API Reference': 'reference.md'
diff --git a/develop/application-devs/tooling/asset-transfer-api/index.md b/develop/application-devs/tooling/asset-transfer-api/index.md
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..836f37f56
--- /dev/null
+++ b/develop/application-devs/tooling/asset-transfer-api/index.md
@@ -0,0 +1,7 @@
+title: Asset Transfer API
+description: Asset Transfer API is a library that simplifies the transfer of assets for Substrate based chains. It provides methods for cross-chain and local transfers.
+template: subsection-index-page.html
+ - feedback
diff --git a/develop/application-devs/tooling/asset-transfer-api/overview.md b/develop/application-devs/tooling/asset-transfer-api/overview.md
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..9f0d54667
--- /dev/null
+++ b/develop/application-devs/tooling/asset-transfer-api/overview.md
@@ -0,0 +1,130 @@
+title: Asset Transfer API
+description: Asset Transfer API is a library that simplifies the transfer of assets for Substrate-based chains. It provides methods for cross-chain and local transfers.
+# Asset Transfer API
+## Introduction
+[Asset Transfer API](https://github.com/paritytech/asset-transfer-api){target=_blank}, a tool developed and maintained by [Parity](https://www.parity.io/){target=_blank}, is a specialized library designed to streamline asset transfers for Substrate-based blockchains. This API provides a simplified set of methods for users to:
+- Execute asset transfers to other parachains or locally within the same chain
+- Facilitate transactions involving system parachains like Asset Hub (Polkadot and Kusama)
+Using this API, developers can manage asset transfers more efficiently, reducing the complexity of cross-chain transactions and enabling smoother operations within the ecosystem.
+For additional support and information, please reach out through [GitHub Issues](https://github.com/paritytech/asset-transfer-api/issues){target=_blank}.
+## Prerequisites
+Before you begin, ensure you have the following installed:
+- [Node.js](https://nodejs.org/en/){target=_blank} (recommended version 21 or greater)
+- Package manager - [npm](https://www.npmjs.com/){target=_blank} should be installed with Node.js by default. Alternatively, you can use other package managers like [Yarn](https://yarnpkg.com/){target=_blank}
+## Install Asset Transfer API
+To use `asset-transfer-api`, you need a TypeScript project. If you don't have one, you can create a new one:
+1. Create a new directory for your project:
+ ```bash
+ mkdir my-asset-transfer-project \
+ && cd my-asset-transfer-project
+ ```
+2. Initialize a new TypeScript project:
+ ```bash
+ npm init -y \
+ && npm install typescript ts-node @types/node --save-dev \
+ && npx tsc --init
+ ```
+Once you have a project set up, you can install the `asset-transfer-api` package:
+npm install @substrate/asset-transfer-api@{{dependencies.asset_transfer_api.version}}
+ This documentation covers version `{{dependencies.asset_transfer_api.version}}` of Asset Transfer API.
+## Set Up Asset Transfer API
+To initialize the Asset Transfer API, you need three key components:
+- A Polkadot.js API instance
+- The `specName` of the chain
+- The XCM version to use
+### Using Helper Function from Library
+For a simpler setup process, you can leverage the `constructApiPromise` helper function provided by the library. It not only constructs a Polkadot.js `ApiPromise` but also automatically retrieves the chain's `specName` and fetches a safe XCM version. By using this function, developers can significantly reduce boilerplate code and potential configuration errors, making the initial setup both quicker and more robust.
+--8<-- 'code/develop/application-devs/tooling/asset-transfer-api/overview/setup.ts'
+ The code examples are enclosed in an async main function to provide the necessary asynchronous context. However, you can use the code directly if you're already working within an async environment. The key is to ensure you're in an async context when working with these asynchronous operations, regardless of your specific setup.
+## Asset Transfer API Reference
+For detailed information on the Asset Transfer API, including available methods, data types, and functionalities, refer to the [Asset Transfer API Reference](/develop/application-devs/tooling/asset-transfer-api/reference) section. This resource provides in-depth explanations and technical specifications to help you integrate and utilize the API effectively.
+## Examples
+### Relay to System Parachain Transfer
+This example demonstrates how to initiate a cross-chain token transfer from a relay chain to a system parachain. Specifically, 1 WND will be transferred from a Westend (relay chain) account to a Westmint (system parachain) account.
+--8<-- 'code/develop/application-devs/tooling/asset-transfer-api/overview/relayToSystem.ts'
+After running the script, you'll see the following output in the terminal, which shows the call data for the cross-chain transfer and its decoded extrinsic details:
+--8<-- 'code/develop/application-devs/tooling/asset-transfer-api/overview/relayToSystem.md'
+### Local Parachain Transfer
+The following example demonstrates a local GLMR transfer within Moonbeam, using the `balances` pallet. It transfers 1 GLMR token from one account to another account, where both the sender and recipient accounts are located on the same parachain.
+--8<-- 'code/develop/application-devs/tooling/asset-transfer-api/overview/localParachainTx.ts'
+Upon executing this script, the terminal will display the following output, illustrating the encoded extrinsic for the cross-chain message and its corresponding decoded format:
+--8<-- 'code/develop/application-devs/tooling/asset-transfer-api/overview/localParachainTx.md'
+### Parachain to Parachain Transfer
+This example demonstrates creating a cross-chain asset transfer between two parachains. It shows how to send vMOVR and vBNC from a Moonriver account to a Bifrost Kusama account using the safe XCM version. It connects to Moonriver, initializes the API, and uses the `createTransferTransaction` method to prepare a transaction.
+--8<-- 'code/develop/application-devs/tooling/asset-transfer-api/overview/paraToPara.ts'
+After running this script, you'll see the following output in your terminal. This output presents the encoded extrinsic for the cross-chain message, along with its decoded format, providing a clear view of the transaction details.
+--8<-- 'code/develop/application-devs/tooling/asset-transfer-api/overview/paraToPara.md'
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/develop/application-devs/tooling/asset-transfer-api/reference.md b/develop/application-devs/tooling/asset-transfer-api/reference.md
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..5ba57557c
--- /dev/null
+++ b/develop/application-devs/tooling/asset-transfer-api/reference.md
@@ -0,0 +1,266 @@
+title: Asset Transfer API Reference
+description: Explore the Asset Transfer API Reference for comprehensive details on methods, data types, and functionalities. Essential for cross-chain asset transfers.
+# Asset Transfer API Reference
+- :octicons-download-16:{ .lg .middle } __Install the Asset Transfer API__
+ ---
+ Learn how to install [`asset-transfer-api`](https://github.com/paritytech/asset-transfer-api){target=\_blank} into a new or existing project.
+ [:octicons-arrow-right-24: Get started](../asset-transfer-api/overview.md)
+- :octicons-code-16:{ .lg .middle } __Dive in with a tutorial__
+ ---
+ Ready to start coding? Follow along with a step-by-step tutorial.
+ [:octicons-arrow-right-24: How to use the Asset Transfer API](../asset-transfer-api/overview.md/#examples)
+## Asset Transfer API Class
+Holds open an API connection to a specified chain within the `ApiPromise` to help construct transactions for assets and estimate fees.
+For a more in-depth explanation of the Asset Transfer API class structure, check the [source code](https://github.com/paritytech/asset-transfer-api/blob/f2aa50db83882f23492f975221dd5501c35a26d5/src/AssetTransferApi.ts#L106){target=_blank}.
+### Methods
+#### Create Transfer Transaction
+Generates an XCM transaction for transferring assets between chains. It simplifies the process by inferring what type of transaction is required given the inputs, ensuring that the assets are valid, and that the transaction details are correctly formatted.
+After obtaining the transaction, you must handle the signing and submission process separately.
+--8<-- 'code/develop/application-devs/tooling/asset-transfer-api/reference/ctt-fn-signature.ts'
+??? interface "Request parameters"
+ `destChainId` ++"string"++
+ ID of the destination chain (`'0'` for relay chain, other values for parachains).
+ ---
+ `destAddr` ++"string"++
+ Address of the recipient account on the destination chain.
+ ---
+ `assetIds` ++"string[]"++
+ Array of asset IDs to be transferred.
+ When asset IDs are provided, the API dynamically selects the appropriate pallet for the current chain to handle these specific assets. If the array is empty, the API defaults to using the `balances` pallet.
+ ---
+ `amounts` ++"string[]"++
+ Array of amounts corresponding to each asset in `assetIds`.
+ ---
+ `opts` ++"TransferArgsOpts
+ --8<-- 'code/develop/application-devs/tooling/asset-transfer-api/reference/transfer-arg-opts.md'
+??? interface "Response parameters"
+ ++"Promise>"++
+ --8<-- 'code/develop/application-devs/tooling/asset-transfer-api/reference/tx-result.md'
+??? interface "Example"
+ ***Request***
+ ```ts
+ --8<-- 'code/develop/application-devs/tooling/asset-transfer-api/reference/ctt-example-request.ts'
+ ```
+ ***Response***
+ --8<-- 'code/develop/application-devs/tooling/asset-transfer-api/reference/ctt-example-response.md'
+#### Claim Assets
+Creates a local XCM transaction to retrieve trapped assets. This function can be used to claim assets either locally on a system parachain, on the relay chain, or on any chain that supports the `claimAssets` runtime call.
+--8<-- 'code/develop/application-devs/tooling/asset-transfer-api/reference/ca-fn-signature.ts'
+??? interface "Request parameters"
+ `assetIds` ++"string[]"++ ++"required"++
+ Array of asset IDs to be claimed from the `AssetTrap`.
+ ---
+ `amounts` ++"string[]"++ ++"required"++
+ Array of amounts corresponding to each asset in `assetIds`.
+ ---
+ `beneficiary` ++"string"++ ++"required"++
+ Address of the account to receive the trapped assets.
+ ---
+ `opts` ++"TransferArgsOpts"++
+ --8<-- 'code/develop/application-devs/tooling/asset-transfer-api/reference/transfer-arg-opts.md'
+??? interface "Response parameters"
+ ++"Promise>"++
+ --8<-- 'code/develop/application-devs/tooling/asset-transfer-api/reference/tx-result.md'
+??? interface "Example"
+ ***Request***
+ ```ts
+ --8<-- 'code/develop/application-devs/tooling/asset-transfer-api/reference/ca-example-request.ts'
+ ```
+ ***Response***
+ --8<-- 'code/develop/application-devs/tooling/asset-transfer-api/reference/ca-example-response.md'
+#### Decode Extrinsic
+Decodes the hex of an extrinsic into a string readable format.
+--8<-- 'code/develop/application-devs/tooling/asset-transfer-api/reference/de-fn-signature.ts'
+??? interface "Request parameters"
+ `encodedTransaction` ++"string"++ ++"required"++
+ A hex encoded extrinsic.
+ ---
+ `format` ++"T extends Format"++ ++"required"++
+ Specifies the format for returning a transaction.
+ ??? child "Type `Format`"
+ ```ts
+ --8<-- 'code/develop/application-devs/tooling/asset-transfer-api/reference/format.ts'
+ ```
+??? interface "Response parameters"
+ ++"string"++
+ Decoded extrinsic in string readable format.
+??? interface "Example"
+ ***Request***
+ ```ts
+ --8<-- 'code/develop/application-devs/tooling/asset-transfer-api/reference/de-example-request.ts'
+ ```
+ ***Response***
+ --8<-- 'code/develop/application-devs/tooling/asset-transfer-api/reference/de-example-response.md'
+#### Fetch Fee Info
+Fetch estimated fee information for an extrinsic.
+--8<-- 'code/develop/application-devs/tooling/asset-transfer-api/reference/ffi-fn-signature.ts'
+??? interface "Request parameters"
+ `tx` ++"ConstructedFormat"++ ++"required"++
+ The constructed transaction.
+ ??? child "Type `ConstructedFormat`"
+ --8<-- 'code/develop/application-devs/tooling/asset-transfer-api/reference/constructed-format.md'
+ ---
+ `format` ++"T extends Format"++ ++"required"++
+ Specifies the format for returning a transaction.
+ ??? child "Type `Format`"
+ ```ts
+ --8<-- 'code/develop/application-devs/tooling/asset-transfer-api/reference/format.ts'
+ ```
+??? interface "Response parameters"
+ ++"Promise"++
+ A promise containing the estimated fee information for the provided extrinsic.
+ ??? child "Type `RuntimeDispatchInfo`"
+ ```ts
+ export interface RuntimeDispatchInfo extends Struct {
+ readonly weight: Weight;
+ readonly class: DispatchClass;
+ readonly partialFee: Balance;
+ }
+ ```
+ For more information on the underlying types and fields of `RuntimeDispatchInfo`, check the [RuntimeDispatchInfo](https://github.com/polkadot-js/api/blob/2329af239eaf194696daeaa58ebf89f0080a5e0d/packages/types/src/interfaces/payment/types.ts#L21){target=_blank} source code.
+ ??? child "Type `RuntimeDispatchInfoV1`"
+ ```ts
+ export interface RuntimeDispatchInfoV1 extends Struct {
+ readonly weight: WeightV1;
+ readonly class: DispatchClass;
+ readonly partialFee: Balance;
+ }
+ ```
+ For more information on the underlying types and fields of `RuntimeDispatchInfoV1`, check the [RuntimeDispatchInfoV1](https://github.com/polkadot-js/api/blob/2329af239eaf194696daeaa58ebf89f0080a5e0d/packages/types/src/interfaces/payment/types.ts#L28){target=_blank} source code.
+??? interface "Example"
+ ***Request***
+ ```ts
+ --8<-- 'code/develop/application-devs/tooling/asset-transfer-api/reference/ffi-example-request.ts'
+ ```
+ ***Response***
+ --8<-- 'code/develop/application-devs/tooling/asset-transfer-api/reference/ffi-example-response.md'
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/develop/application-devs/tooling/chopsticks/overview.md b/develop/application-devs/tooling/chopsticks/overview.md
index 7280f860a..a2f5fdd03 100644
--- a/develop/application-devs/tooling/chopsticks/overview.md
+++ b/develop/application-devs/tooling/chopsticks/overview.md
@@ -226,7 +226,7 @@ npx @acala-network/chopsticks xcm \
After running it, you should see output similar to the following:
---8<-- 'code/tutorials/tooling/chopsticks/overview/terminal/fork-output.md'
+--8<-- 'code/tutorials/tooling/chopsticks/overview/terminal/fork-output.html'
Now you can interact with your forked chains using the ports specified in the output.
diff --git a/develop/application-devs/tooling/zombienet/tutorials/spawn-a-basic-network.md b/develop/application-devs/tooling/zombienet/tutorials/spawn-a-basic-network.md
index b9d77f4b4..90c2bc91b 100644
--- a/develop/application-devs/tooling/zombienet/tutorials/spawn-a-basic-network.md
+++ b/develop/application-devs/tooling/zombienet/tutorials/spawn-a-basic-network.md
@@ -191,7 +191,11 @@ To check the nodes’ logs, you can use the provided command listed by the outpu
tail -f /var/folders/f4/7rdt2m9d7j361dm453cpggbm0000gn/T/zombie-75a01b93c92d571f6198a67bcb380fcd_21724-SEzfCidQ1za4/alice.log
-After running this command, you will see the logs of the `alice` node in real-time, which can be useful for debugging purposes. The logs of the `bob` and `collator01` nodes can be checked similarly.
+After running this command, you will see the logs of the `alice` node in real-time, which can be useful for debugging purposes. The logs will be displayed in the terminal in the following format:
+--8<-- 'code/tutorials/tooling/zombienet/tutorials/spawn-a-basic-network/alice-logs.html'
+The logs of the `bob` and `collator01` nodes can be checked similarly.
## Running a Test
@@ -234,4 +238,6 @@ To run the test, execute the following command:
zombienet -p native test spawn-a-basic-network-test.zndsl
-This command will execute the test scenario defined in the `spawn-a-basic-network-test.zndsl` file on the network. If successful, the terminal will display the test output, indicating whether the test passed or failed.
\ No newline at end of file
+This command will execute the test scenario defined in the `spawn-a-basic-network-test.zndsl` file on the network. If successful, the terminal will display the test output, indicating whether the test passed or failed. For example, the following output shows the test results for the basic network:
+--8<-- 'code/tutorials/tooling/zombienet/tutorials/spawn-a-basic-network/spawn-a-basic-network-test-output.html'
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/develop/parachain-devs/get-started/polkadot-sdk/.pages b/develop/parachain-devs/get-started/polkadot-sdk/.pages
index 7ad7de401..b49cc167c 100644
--- a/develop/parachain-devs/get-started/polkadot-sdk/.pages
+++ b/develop/parachain-devs/get-started/polkadot-sdk/.pages
@@ -1,3 +1,4 @@
title: Polkadot SDK
- index.md
+ - 'Install Polkadot SDK Dependencies': install-deps.md
diff --git a/develop/parachain-devs/get-started/polkadot-sdk/install-deps.md b/develop/parachain-devs/get-started/polkadot-sdk/install-deps.md
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..620c3865f
--- /dev/null
+++ b/develop/parachain-devs/get-started/polkadot-sdk/install-deps.md
@@ -0,0 +1,336 @@
+title: Install Polkadot SDK Dependencies
+description: Install everything you need to begin working with Substrated-based blockchains and the Polkadot SDK, the framework for building blockchains.
+# Install Dependencies for the Polkadot SDK
+This guide provides step-by-step instructions for installing the dependencies you need to work with the Polkadot SDK and Substrate-based chains and their required dependencies on macOS, Linux, and Windows. Follow the appropriate section for your operating system to ensure all necessary tools are installed and configured properly.
+## macOS
+You can install Rust and set up a Substrate development environment on Apple macOS computers with Intel or Apple M1 processors.
+### Before You Begin
+Before you install Rust and set up your development environment on macOS, verify that your computer meets the following basic requirements:
+- Operating system version is 10.7 Lion or later
+- Processor speed of at least 2 GHz. Note that 3 GHz is recommended
+- Memory of at least 8 GB RAM. Note that 16 GB is recommended
+- Storage of at least 10 GB of available space
+- Broadband Internet connection
+#### Install Homebrew
+In most cases, you should use Homebrew to install and manage packages on macOS computers. If you don't already have Homebrew installed on your local computer, you should download and install it before continuing.
+To install Homebrew:
+1. Open the Terminal application
+2. Download and install Homebrew by running the following command:
+ ```bash
+ /bin/bash -c "$(curl -fsSL https://raw.githubusercontent.com/Homebrew/install/master/install.sh)"
+ ```
+3. Verify Homebrew has been successfully installed by running the following command:
+ ```bash
+ brew --version
+ ```
+ The command displays output similar to the following:
+ --8<-- 'code/develop/parachain-devs/get-started/polkadot-sdk/install-deps/termynal-1.html'
+#### Support for Apple Silicon
+Protobuf must be installed before the build process can begin. To install it, run the following command:
+brew install protobuf
+### Install Required Packages and Rust
+Because the blockchain requires standard cryptography to support the generation of public/private key pairs and the validation of transaction signatures, you must also have a package that provides cryptography, such as `openssl`.
+To install `openssl` and the Rust toolchain on macOS:
+1. Open the Terminal application
+2. Ensure you have an updated version of Homebrew by running the following command:
+ ```bash
+ brew update
+ ```
+3. Install the `openssl` package by running the following command:
+ ```bash
+ brew install openssl
+ ```
+4. Download the `rustup` installation program and use it to install Rust by running the following
+ command:
+ ```bash
+ curl --proto '=https' --tlsv1.2 -sSf https://sh.rustup.rs | sh
+ ```
+5. Follow the prompts displayed to proceed with a default installation
+6. Update your current shell to include Cargo by running the following command:
+ ```bash
+ source ~/.cargo/env
+ ```
+7. Configure the Rust toolchain to default to the latest stable version by running the following
+ commands:
+ ```bash
+ rustup default stable
+ rustup update
+ rustup target add wasm32-unknown-unknown
+ ```
+8. Add the `nightly` release and the `nightly` Wasm targets to your development
+ environment by running the following commands:
+ ```bash
+ rustup update nightly
+ rustup target add wasm32-unknown-unknown --toolchain nightly
+ ```
+9. [Verify your installation](#verifying-installation)
+10. Install `cmake` using the following command:
+ ```bash
+ brew install cmake
+ ```
+## Linux
+Rust supports most Linux distributions. Depending on the specific distribution and version of the operating system you use, you might need to add some software dependencies to your environment. In general, your development environment should include a linker or C-compatible compiler, such as `clang` and an appropriate integrated development environment (IDE).
+### Before You Begin {: #before-you-begin-linux }
+Check the documentation for your operating system for information about the installed packages and how to download and install any additional packages you might need. For example, if you use Ubuntu, you can use the Ubuntu Advanced Packaging Tool (`apt`) to install the `build-essential` package:
+sudo apt install build-essential
+At a minimum, you need the following packages before you install Rust:
+clang curl git make
+Because the blockchain requires standard cryptography to support the generation of public/private key pairs and the validation of transaction signatures, you must also have a package that provides cryptography, such as `libssl-dev` or `openssl-devel`.
+### Install Required Packages and Rust {: #install-required-packages-and-rust-linux }
+To install the Rust toolchain on Linux:
+1. Open a terminal shell
+2. Check the packages you have installed on the local computer by running an appropriate package management command for your Linux distribution
+3. Add any package dependencies you are missing to your local development environment by running the appropriate package management command for your Linux distribution:
+ === "Ubuntu"
+ ```bash
+ sudo apt install --assume-yes git clang curl libssl-dev protobuf-compiler
+ ```
+ === "Debian"
+ ```sh
+ sudo apt install --assume-yes git clang curl libssl-dev llvm libudev-dev make protobuf-compiler
+ ```
+ === "Arch"
+ ```sh
+ pacman -Syu --needed --noconfirm curl git clang make protobuf
+ ```
+ === "Fedora"
+ ```sh
+ sudo dnf update
+ sudo dnf install clang curl git openssl-devel make protobuf-compiler
+ ```
+ === "OpenSUSE"
+ ```sh
+ sudo zypper install clang curl git openssl-devel llvm-devel libudev-devel make protobuf
+ ```
+ Remember that different distributions might use different package managers and bundle packages in different ways. For example, depending on your installation selections, Ubuntu Desktop and Ubuntu Server might have different packages and different requirements. However, the packages listed in the command-line examples are applicable for many common Linux distributions, including Debian, Linux Mint, MX Linux, and Elementary OS.
+4. Download the `rustup` installation program and use it to install Rust by running the following command:
+ ```bash
+ curl --proto '=https' --tlsv1.2 -sSf https://sh.rustup.rs | sh
+ ```
+5. Follow the prompts displayed to proceed with a default installation
+6. Update your current shell to include Cargo by running the following command:
+ ```bash
+ source $HOME/.cargo/env
+ ```
+7. Verify your installation by running the following command:
+ ```bash
+ rustc --version
+ ```
+8. Configure the Rust toolchain to default to the latest stable version by running the following commands:
+ ```bash
+ rustup default stable
+ rustup update
+ ```
+9. Add the `nightly` release and the `nightly` Wasm targets to your development environment by running the following commands:
+ ```bash
+ rustup update nightly
+ rustup target add wasm32-unknown-unknown --toolchain nightly
+ ```
+10. [Verify your installation](#verifying-installation)
+## Windows (WSL)
+In general, UNIX-based operating systems—like macOS or Linux—provide a better development environment for building Substrate-based blockchains.
+However, suppose your local computer uses Microsoft Windows instead of a UNIX-based operating system. In that case, you can configure it with additional software to make it a suitable development environment for building Substrate-based blockchains. To prepare a development environment on a Microsoft Windows computer, you can use Windows Subsystem for Linux (WSL) to emulate a UNIX operating environment.
+### Before You Begin {: #before-you-begin-windows }
+Before installing on Microsoft Windows, verify the following basic requirements:
+- You have a computer running a supported Microsoft Windows operating system:
+ - **For Windows desktop** - you must be running Microsoft Windows 10, version 2004 or later, or Microsoft Windows 11 to install WSL
+ - **For Windows server** - you must be running Microsoft Windows Server 2019, or later, to install WSL on a server operating system
+- You have good internet connection and access to a shell terminal on your local computer
+### Set Up Windows Subsystem for Linux
+WSL enables you to emulate a Linux environment on a computer that uses the Windows operating system. The primary advantage of this approach for Substrate development is that you can use all of the code and command-line examples as described in the Substrate documentation. For example, you can run common commands—such as `ls` and `ps`—unmodified. By using WSL, you can avoid configuring a virtual machine image or a dual-boot operating system.
+To prepare a development environment using WSL:
+1. Check your Windows version and build number to see if WSL is enabled by default.
+ If you have Microsoft Windows 10, version 2004 (Build 19041 and higher), or Microsoft Windows 11, WSL is available by default and you can continue to the next step.
+ If you have an older version of Microsoft Windows installed, see the [WSL manual installation steps for older versions](https://docs.microsoft.com/en-us/windows/wsl/install-manual){target=\_blank}. If you are installing on an older version of Microsoft Windows, you can download and install WLS 2 if your computer has Windows 10, version 1903 or higher
+2. Select **Windows PowerShell** or **Command Prompt** from the **Start** menu, right-click, then **Run as administrator**
+3. In the PowerShell or Command Prompt terminal, run the following command:
+ ```bash
+ wsl --install
+ ```
+ This command enables the required WSL 2 components that are part of the Windows operating system, downloads the latest Linux kernel, and installs the Ubuntu Linux distribution by default.
+ If you want to review the other Linux distributions available, run the following command:
+ ```bash
+ wsl --list --online
+ ```
+4. After the distribution is downloaded, close the terminal
+5. Click the **Start** menu, select **Shut down or sign out**, then click **Restart** to restart the
+ computer.
+ Restarting the computer is required to start the installation of the Linux distribution. It can take a few minutes for the installation to complete after you restart.
+ For more information about setting up WSL as a development environment, see the [Set up a WSL development environment](https://docs.microsoft.com/en-us/windows/wsl/setup/environment){target=\_blank} docs
+### Install Required Packages and Rust {: #install-required-packages-and-rust-windows }
+To install the Rust toolchain on WSL:
+1. Click the **Start** menu, then select **Ubuntu**
+2. Type a UNIX user name to create user account
+3. Type a password for your UNIX user, then retype the password to confirm it
+4. Download the latest updates for the Ubuntu distribution using the Ubuntu Advanced Packaging Tool (`apt`) by running the following command:
+ ```bash
+ sudo apt update
+ ```
+5. Add the required packages for the Ubuntu distribution by running the following command:
+ ```bash
+ sudo apt install --assume-yes git clang curl libssl-dev llvm libudev-dev make protobuf-compiler
+ ```
+6. Download the `rustup` installation program and use it to install Rust for the Ubuntu distribution by running the following command:
+ ```bash
+ curl --proto '=https' --tlsv1.2 -sSf https://sh.rustup.rs | sh
+ ```
+7. Follow the prompts displayed to proceed with a default installation
+8. Update your current shell to include Cargo by running the following command:
+ ```bash
+ source ~/.cargo/env
+ ```
+9. Verify your installation by running the following command:
+ ```bash
+ rustc --version
+ ```
+10. Configure the Rust toolchain to use the latest stable version as the default toolchain by running the following commands:
+ ```bash
+ rustup default stable
+ rustup update
+ ```
+11. Add the `nightly` version of the toolchain and the `nightly` Wasm target to your development environment by running the following commands:
+ ```bash
+ rustup update nightly
+ rustup target add wasm32-unknown-unknown --toolchain nightly
+ ```
+12. [Verify your installation](#verifying-installation)
+## Verifying Installation
+Verify the configuration of your development environment by running the following command:
+rustup show
+rustup +nightly show
+The command displays output similar to the following:
+--8<-- 'code/develop/parachain-devs/get-started/polkadot-sdk/install-deps/termynal-2.html'
diff --git a/develop/parachain-devs/interoperability/.pages b/develop/parachain-devs/interoperability/.pages
index 8da1565aa..9061876c1 100644
--- a/develop/parachain-devs/interoperability/.pages
+++ b/develop/parachain-devs/interoperability/.pages
@@ -2,3 +2,4 @@ title: Interoperability
- index.md
- 'Transfer Assets with XCM': transfer-assets-with-xcm.md
+ - hrmp-channels
diff --git a/develop/parachain-devs/interoperability/hrmp-channels/.pages b/develop/parachain-devs/interoperability/hrmp-channels/.pages
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..05df7ec31
--- /dev/null
+++ b/develop/parachain-devs/interoperability/hrmp-channels/.pages
@@ -0,0 +1,7 @@
+title: HRMP Channels
+hide: false
+ - index.md
+ - 'Overview': 'overview.md'
+ - 'Opening HRMP Channels Between Parachains': 'para-to-para.md'
+ - 'Opening HRMP Channels with System Parachains': 'para-to-system.md'
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+title: HRMP Channels
+description: HRMP channels enable cross-chain communication in Polkadot, a temporary solution before the more efficient XCMP protocol is implemented.
+template: subsection-index-page.html
+ - feedback
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+title: HRMP Channels
+description: Discover Horizontal Relay-routed Message Passing (HRMP) channels in Polkadot. Learn how parachains establish and use these channels for interoperability.
+# HRMP Channels
+## Introduction
+Polkadot is designed to enable seamless interoperability between its connected parachains. At the core of this interoperability is the [Cross-Consensus Message Format (XCM)](https://wiki.polkadot.network/docs/learn-xcm), a standard language that allows parachains to communicate and interact with each other.
+The network-layer protocol responsible for delivering XCM-formatted messages between parachains is the Cross-Chain Message Passing (XCMP) protocol. XCMP maintains messaging queues on the relay chain, serving as a bridge to facilitate cross-chain interactions.
+As XCMP is still under development, Polkadot has implemented a temporary alternative called Horizontal Relay-routed Message Passing (HRMP). HRMP offers the same interface and functionality as the planned XCMP but it has a crucial difference, it stores all messages directly in the relay chain’s storage, which is more resource-intensive.
+Once XCMP is fully implemented, HRMP will be deprecated in favor of the native XCMP protocol. XCMP will offer a more efficient and scalable solution for cross-chain message passing, as it will not require the relay chain to store all the messages.
+## Establishing HRMP Channels
+To enable communication between parachains using the HRMP protocol, the parachains must explicitly establish communication channels by registering them on the relay chain.
+Downward and upward channels from and to the relay chain are implicitly available, meaning they do not need to be explicitly opened.
+Opening an HRMP channel requires the parachains involved to make a deposit on the relay chain. This deposit serves a specific purpose, it covers the costs associated with using the relay chain's storage for the message queues linked to the channel. The amount of this deposit varies based on parameters defined by the specific relay chain being used.
+### Relay Chain Parameters
+Each Polkadot relay chain has a set of configurable parameters that control the behavior of the message channels between parachains. These parameters include `hrmpSenderDeposit`, `hrmpRecipientDeposit`, `hrmpChannelMaxMessageSize`, `hrmpChannelMaxCapacity`, and more.
+When a parachain wants to open a new channel, it must consider these parameter values to ensure the channel is configured correctly.
+To view the current values of these parameters in the Polkadot network:
+1. Visit [Polkadot.js Apps](https://polkadot.js.org/apps/?rpc=wss%3A%2F%2Fpolkadot.api.onfinality.io%2Fpublic-ws#/explorer), navigate to the **Developer** dropdown and select the **Chain state** option
+ ![](/images/develop/parachain-devs/interoperability/hrmp-channels/overview/hrmp-overview-1.webp)
+ polkadot-docs/images/develop/parachain-devs/interoperability/hrmp-channels/overview/hrmp-overview-1.webp
+2. Query the chain configuration parameters. The result will display the current settings for all the Polkadot network parameters, including the HRMP channel settings
+ 1. Select **configuration**
+ 2. Choose the **activeConfig()** call
+ 3. Click the **+** button to execute the query
+ 4. Check the chain configuration
+ ![](/images/develop/parachain-devs/interoperability/hrmp-channels/overview/hrmp-overview-2.webp)
+### Dispatching Extrinsics
+Establishing new HRMP channels between parachains requires dispatching specific extrinsic calls on the Polkadot relay chain from the parachain's origin.
+The most straightforward approach is to implement the channel opening logic off-chain, then use the XCM pallet's `send` extrinsic to submit the necessary instructions to the relay chain. However, the ability to send arbitrary programs through the `Transact` instruction in XCM is typically restricted to privileged origins, such as the `sudo` pallet or governance mechanisms.
+Parachain developers have a few options for triggering the required extrinsic calls from their parachain's origin, depending on the configuration and access controls defined:
+- **Sudo** - if the parachain has a `sudo` pallet configured, the sudo key holder can use the sudo extrinsic to dispatch the necessary channel opening calls
+- **Governance** - the parachain's governance system, such as a council or OpenGov, can be used to authorize the channel opening calls
+- **Privileged Accounts** - the parachain may have other designated privileged accounts that are allowed to dispatch the HRMP channel opening extrinsics
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+title: Opening HRMP Channels Between Parachains
+description: Learn how to open HRMP channels between parachains on Polkadot. Discover the step-by-step process for establishing uni- and bidirectional communication.
+# Opening HRMP Channels Between Parachains
+## Introduction
+For establishing communication channels between parachains on the Polkadot network using the Horizontal Relay-routed Message Passing (HRMP) protocol, the following steps are required:
+1. **Channel request** - the parachain that wants to open an HRMP channel must make a request to the parachain it wishes to have an open channel with
+2. **Channel acceptance** - the other parachain must then accept this request to complete the channel establishment
+This process results in a unidirectional HRMP channel, where messages can flow in only one direction between the two parachains.
+An additional HRMP channel must be established in the opposite direction to enable bidirectional communication. This requires repeating the request and acceptance process but with the parachains reversing their roles.
+Once both unidirectional channels are established, the parachains can send messages back and forth freely through the bidirectional HRMP communication channel.
+## Prerequisites
+Before proceeding, ensure you meet the following requirements:
+- Blockchain network with a relay chain and at least two connected parachains
+- Wallet with sufficient funds to execute transactions on the participant chains
+## Procedure for Initiating HRMP Channel Setup
+This example will demonstrate how to open a channel between parachain 2500 and parachain 2600, using Rococo Local as the relay chain.
+### Fund Sender Sovereign Account
+The [sovereign account](https://github.com/polkadot-fellows/xcm-format/blob/10726875bd3016c5e528c85ed6e82415e4b847d7/README.md?plain=1#L50){target=_blank} for parachain 2500 on the relay chain must be funded so it can take care of any XCM transact fees.
+Use [Polkadot.js Apps](https://polkadot.js.org/apps/#/explorer){target=\_blank} UI to connect to the relay chain and transfer funds from your account to the parachain 2500 sovereign account.
+??? note "Calculating Parachain Sovereign Account"
+ To generate the sovereign account address for a parachain, you'll need to follow these steps:
+ 1. Determine if the parachain is an "up/down" chain (parent or child) or a "sibling" chain:
+ - Up/down chains use the prefix `0x70617261` (which decodes to `b"para"`)
+ - Sibling chains use the prefix `0x7369626c` (which decodes to `b"sibl"`)
+ 2. Calculate the u32 scale encoded value of the parachain ID:
+ - Parachain 2500 would be encoded as `c4090000`
+ 3. Combine the prefix and parachain ID encoding to form the full sovereign account address:
+ The sovereign account of parachain 2500 in relay chain will be `0x70617261c4090000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000`
+ and the SS58 format of this address is `5Ec4AhPSY2GEE4VoHUVheqv5wwq2C1HMKa7c9fVJ1WKivX1Y`
+ To perform this conversion, you can also use the **"Para ID" to Address** section in [Substrate Utilities](https://www.shawntabrizi.com/substrate-js-utilities/).
+### Create Channel Opening Extrinsic
+1. In Polkadot.js Apps, connect to the relay chain, navigate to the **Developer** dropdown and select the **Extrinsics** option
+ ![](/images/develop/parachain-devs/interoperability/hrmp-channels/para-to-para/hrmp-para-to-para-1.webp)
+2. Construct an `hrmpInitOpenChannel` extrinsic call
+ 1. Select the **`hrmp`** pallet
+ 2. Choose the **`hrmpInitOpenChannel`** extrinsic
+ 3. Fill in the parameters
+ - **`recipient`** - parachain ID of the target chain (in this case, 2600)
+ - **`proposedMaxCapacity`** - max number of messages that can be pending in the channel at once
+ - **`proposedMaxMessageSize`** - max message size that could be put into the channel
+ 4. Copy the encoded call data
+ ![](/images/develop/parachain-devs/interoperability/hrmp-channels/para-to-para/hrmp-para-to-para-2.webp)
+ The encoded call data for opening a channel with parachain 2600 is `0x3c00280a00000800000000001000`.
+### Crafting and Submitting the XCM Message from the Sender
+To initiate the HRMP channel opening process, you need to create an XCM message that includes the encoded `hrmpInitOpenChannel` call data from the previous step. This message will be sent from your parachain to the relay chain.
+This example uses the `sudo` pallet to dispatch the extrinsic. Verify the XCM configuration of the parachain you're working with and ensure you're using an origin with the necessary privileges to execute the `polkadotXcm.send` extrinsic.
+The XCM message should contain the following instructions:
+- **`WithdrawAsset`** - withdraws assets from the origin's ownership and places them in the Holding Register
+- **`BuyExecution`** - pays for the execution of the current message using the assets in the Holding Register
+- **`Transact`** - execute the encoded transaction call
+- **`RefundSurplus`** - increases the Refunded Weight Register to the value of the Surplus Weight Register, attempting to reclaim any excess fees paid via BuyExecution
+- **`DepositAsset`** - subtracts assets from the Holding Register and deposits equivalent on-chain assets under the specified beneficiary's ownership
+ For more detailed information about XCM's functionality, complexities, and instruction set, refer to the [xcm-format](https://github.com/polkadot-fellows/xcm-format){target=_blank} documentation.
+In essence, this process withdraws funds from the parachain's sovereign account to the XCVM Holding Register, then uses these funds to purchase execution time for the XCM `Transact` instruction, executes `Transact`, refunds any unused execution time and deposits any remaining funds into a specified account.
+To send the XCM message to the relay chain, connect to parachain 2500 in Polkadot.js Apps. Fill in the required parameters as shown in the image below, ensuring that you:
+1. Replace the **`call`** field with your encoded `hrmpInitOpenChannel` call data from the previous step
+2. Use the correct beneficiary information
+3. Click the **Submit Transaction** button to dispatch the XCM message to the relay chain
+!!! note
+ The exact process and parameters for submitting this XCM message may vary depending on your specific parachain and relay chain configurations. Always refer to the most current documentation for your particular network setup.
+After submitting the XCM message to initiate the HRMP channel opening, you should verify that the request was successful. Follow these steps to check the status of your channel request:
+1. Using Polkadot.js Apps, connect to the relay chain and navigate to the **Developer** dropdown, then select the **Chain state** option
+ ![](/images/develop/parachain-devs/interoperability/hrmp-channels/hrmp-channels-1.webp)
+2. Query the HRMP open channel requests
+ 1. Select **`hrmp`**
+ 2. Choose the **`hrmpOpenChannelRequests`** call
+ 3. Click the **+** button to execute the query
+ 4. Check the status of all pending channel requests
+ ![](/images/develop/parachain-devs/interoperability/hrmp-channels/para-to-para/hrmp-para-to-para-4.webp)
+If your channel request was successful, you should see an entry for your parachain ID in the list of open channel requests. This confirms that your request has been properly registered on the relay chain and is awaiting acceptance by the target parachain.
+## Procedure for Accepting HRMP Channel
+For the channel to be fully established, the target parachain must accept the channel request by submitting an XCM message to the relay chain.
+### Fund Receiver Sovereign Account
+Before proceeding, ensure that the sovereign account of parachain 2600 on the relay chain is funded. This account will be responsible for covering any XCM transact fees.
+To fund the account, follow the same process described in the previous section [Step 1 - Fund Sovereign Account](#step-1---fund-sender-sovereign-account).
+### Create Channel Accepting Extrinsic
+1. In Polkadot.js Apps, connect to the relay chain, navigate to the **Developer** dropdown and select the **Extrinsics** option
+ ![](/images/develop/parachain-devs/interoperability/hrmp-channels/para-to-para/hrmp-para-to-para-1.webp)
+2. Construct an `hrmpAcceptOpenChannel` extrinsic call
+ 1. Select the **`hrmp`** pallet
+ 2. Choose the **`hrmpAcceptOpenChannel`** extrinsic
+ 3. Fill in the parameters:
+ - **`sender`** - parachain ID of the requesting chain (in this case, 2500)
+ 4. Copy the encoded call data
+ ![](/images/develop/parachain-devs/interoperability/hrmp-channels/para-to-para/hrmp-para-to-para-5.webp)
+ The encoded call data for accepting a channel with parachain 2500 should be `0x3c01c4090000`
+### Crafting and Submitting the XCM Message from the Receiver
+To accept the HRMP channel opening, you need to create and submit an XCM message that includes the encoded `hrmpAcceptOpenChannel` call data from the previous step. This process is similar to the one described in the previous section's [Step 3 - Crafting and Submitting the XCM Message](#step-3---crafting-and-submitting-the-xcm-message-from-the-sender), with a few key differences:
+- Use the encoded call data for `hrmpAcceptOpenChannel` obtained in Step 2 of this section
+- In the last XCM instruction (DepositAsset), set the beneficiary to parachain 2600's sovereign account to receive any surplus funds
+To send the XCM message to the relay chain, connect to parachain 2600 in Polkadot.js Apps. Fill in the required parameters as shown in the image below, ensuring that you:
+1. Replace the **`call`** field with your encoded `hrmpAcceptOpenChannel` call data from the previous step
+2. Use the correct beneficiary information
+3. Click the **Submit Transaction** button to dispatch the XCM message to the relay chain
+After submitting the XCM message to accept the HRMP channel opening, verify that the channel has been set up correctly.
+1. Using Polkadot.js Apps, connect to the relay chain and navigate to the **Developer** dropdown, then select the **Chain state** option
+ ![](/images/develop/parachain-devs/interoperability/hrmp-channels/hrmp-channels-1.webp)
+2. Query the HRMP channels
+ 1. Select **`hrmp`**
+ 2. Choose the **`hrmpChannels`** call
+ 3. Click the **+** button to execute the query
+ 4. Check the status of the opened channel
+ ![](/images/develop/parachain-devs/interoperability/hrmp-channels/para-to-para/hrmp-para-to-para-7.webp)
+If the channel has been successfully established, you should see the channel details in the query results.
+By following these steps, you will have successfully accepted the HRMP channel request and established a unidirectional channel between the two parachains.
+!!! note
+ Remember that for full bidirectional communication, you'll need to repeat this process in the opposite direction, with parachain 2600 initiating a channel request to parachain 2500.
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+title: Opening HRMP Channels with System Parachains
+description: Learn how to open HRMP channels with Polkadot system parachains. Discover the process for establishing bi-directional communication using a single XCM message.
+# Opening HRMP Channels with System Parachains
+## Introduction
+While establishing Horizontal Relay-routed Message Passing (HRMP) channels between regular parachains involves a two-step request and acceptance procedure, opening channels with system parachains follows a more straightforward approach.
+System parachains are specialized chains that provide core functionality to the Polkadot network. Examples include Asset Hub for cross-chain asset transfers and Bridge Hub for connecting to external networks. Given their critical role, establishing communication channels with these system parachains has been optimized for efficiency and ease of use.
+Any parachain can establish a bidirectional channel with a system chain through a single operation, requiring just one XCM message from the parachain to the relay chain.
+## Prerequisites
+To successfully complete this process, you'll need to have the following in place:
+- Access to a blockchain network consisting of:
+ - A relay chain
+ - A parachain
+ - An Asset Hub system chain
+- A wallet containing enough funds to cover transaction fees on each of the participating chains
+## Procedure for Establishing HRMP Channel
+This guide demonstrates opening an HRMP channel between parachain 2500 and system chain Asset Hub (parachain 1000) on the Rococo Local relay chain.
+### Fund Parachain Sovereign Account
+The [sovereign account](https://github.com/polkadot-fellows/xcm-format/blob/10726875bd3016c5e528c85ed6e82415e4b847d7/README.md?plain=1#L50){target=_blank} for parachain 2500 on the relay chain must be funded so it can take care of any XCM transact fees.
+Use [Polkadot.js Apps](https://polkadot.js.org/apps/#/explorer){target=\_blank} UI to connect to the relay chain and transfer funds from your account to the parachain 2500 sovereign account.
+??? note "Calculating Parachain Sovereign Account"
+ To generate the sovereign account address for a parachain, you'll need to follow these steps:
+ 1. Determine if the parachain is an "up/down" chain (parent or child) or a "sibling" chain:
+ - Up/down chains use the prefix `0x70617261` (which decodes to `b"para"`)
+ - Sibling chains use the prefix `0x7369626c` (which decodes to `b"sibl"`)
+ 2. Calculate the u32 scale encoded value of the parachain ID:
+ - Parachain 2500 would be encoded as `c4090000`
+ 3. Combine the prefix and parachain ID encoding to form the full sovereign account address:
+ The sovereign account of parachain 2500 in relay chain will be `0x70617261c4090000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000`
+ and the SS58 format of this address is `5Ec4AhPSY2GEE4VoHUVheqv5wwq2C1HMKa7c9fVJ1WKivX1Y`
+ To perform this conversion, you can also use the **"Para ID" to Address** section in [Substrate Utilities](https://www.shawntabrizi.com/substrate-js-utilities/).
+### Create Establish Channel with System Extrinsic
+1. In Polkadot.js Apps, connect to the relay chain, navigate to the **Developer** dropdown and select the **Extrinsics** option
+ ![](/images/develop/parachain-devs/interoperability/hrmp-channels/para-to-para/hrmp-para-to-para-1.webp)
+2. Construct an `establish_channel_with_system` extrinsic call
+ 1. Select the **`hrmp`** pallet
+ 2. Choose the **`establish_channel_with_system`** extrinsic
+ 3. Fill in the parameters:
+ - **`target_system_chain`** - parachain ID of the target system chain (in this case, 1000)
+ 4. Copy the encoded call data
+ ![](/images/develop/parachain-devs/interoperability/hrmp-channels/para-to-system/hrmp-para-to-system-1.webp)
+ The encoded call data for establishing a channel with system parachain 1000 should be `0x3c0ae8030000`
+### Crafting and Submitting the XCM Message
+Connect to parachain 2500 using Polkadot.js Apps to send the XCM message to the relay chain. Input the necessary parameters as illustrated in the image below. Make sure to:
+1. Insert your previously encoded `establish_channel_with_system` call data into the **`call`** field
+2. Provide beneficiary details
+3. Dispatch the XCM message to the relay chain by clicking the **Submit Transaction** button
+!!! note
+ The exact process and parameters for submitting this XCM message may vary depending on your specific parachain and relay chain configurations. Always refer to the most current documentation for your particular network setup.
+After successfully submitting the XCM message to the relay chain, two HRMP channels should be created, establishing bidirectional communication between parachain 2500 and system chain 1000. To verify this, follow these steps:
+1. Using Polkadot.js Apps, connect to the relay chain and navigate to the **Developer** dropdown, then select **Chain state**
+ ![](/images/develop/parachain-devs/interoperability/hrmp-channels/hrmp-channels-1.webp)
+2. Query the HRMP channels
+ 1. Select **`hrmp`** from the options
+ 2. Choose the **`hrmpChannels`** call
+ 3. Click the **+** button to execute the query
+ ![](/images/develop/parachain-devs/interoperability/hrmp-channels/para-to-system/hrmp-para-to-system-3.webp)
+3. Examine the query results. You should see output similar to the following:
+ ```json
+ --8<-- 'code/develop/parachain-devs/interoperability/hrmp-channels/hrmp-query-output.json'
+ ```
+The output confirms the successful establishment of two HRMP channels:
+- From chain 1000 (system chain) to chain 2500 (parachain)
+- From chain 2500 (parachain) to chain 1000 (system chain)
+This bidirectional channel enables direct communication between the system chain and the parachain, allowing for cross-chain message passing.
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Binary files /dev/null and b/images/develop/parachain-devs/interoperability/hrmp-channels/para-to-system/hrmp-para-to-system-3.webp differ
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--- a/tutorials/polkadot-sdk/build-a-parachain/.pages
+++ b/tutorials/polkadot-sdk/build-a-parachain/.pages
@@ -1,6 +1,5 @@
title: Build a Parachain Tutorials
- index.md
- - prepare-relay-chain.md
- - connect-a-parachain.md
- - acquire-a-testnet-slot.md
+ - 'Prepare Relay Chain': 'prepare-relay-chain.md'
+ - 'Connect a Parachain': 'connect-a-parachain.md'
diff --git a/tutorials/polkadot-sdk/build-a-parachain/connect-a-parachain.md b/tutorials/polkadot-sdk/build-a-parachain/connect-a-parachain.md
index 9d0176470..33a87e34d 100644
--- a/tutorials/polkadot-sdk/build-a-parachain/connect-a-parachain.md
+++ b/tutorials/polkadot-sdk/build-a-parachain/connect-a-parachain.md
@@ -81,7 +81,7 @@ To reserve a parachain identifier, follow these steps:
1. Ensure your local relay chain validators are running. For further information, refer to the [Prepare a Local Relay Chain](/tutorials/polkadot-sdk/build-a-parachain/prepare-relay-chain/) tutorial
-2. Connect to a local relay chain node using the [Polkadot.Js Apps](https://polkadot.js.org/apps/){target=_blank} interface. If you have followed the [Prepare a Local Relay Chain](/tutorials/polkadot-sdk/build-a-parachain/prepare-relay-chain/) tutorial, you can access the Polkadot.JS Apps interface at `ws://localhost:9944`
+2. Connect to a local relay chain node using the [Polkadot.js Apps](https://polkadot.js.org/apps/){target=_blank} interface. If you have followed the [Prepare a Local Relay Chain](/tutorials/polkadot-sdk/build-a-parachain/prepare-relay-chain/) tutorial, you can access the Polkadot.js Apps interface at `ws://localhost:9944`
@@ -92,7 +92,7 @@ To reserve a parachain identifier, follow these steps:
4. Register a parathread
- 1. Select the **Prathreads** tab
+ 1. Select the **Parathreads** tab
2. Click on the **+ ParaId** button
@@ -168,11 +168,7 @@ To modify the default chain specification, follow these steps:
After running the command, you will see the following output:
- 2024-09-10 14:34:58 Building chain spec
- 2024-09-10 14:34:59 assembling new collators for new session 1 at #0
+ --8<-- 'code/tutorials/polkadot-sdk/build-a-parachain/connect-a-parachain/raw-chain-spec-terminal.md'
## Prepare the Parachain Collator
@@ -180,9 +176,9 @@ With the local relay chain running and the raw chain specification for the parac
To prepare the parachain collator to be registered:
-1. Export the WebAssembly runtime for the parachain
+1. Export the Wasm runtime for the parachain
- The relay chain needs the parachain-specific runtime validation logic to validate parachain blocks. You can export the WebAssembly runtime for a parachain collator node by running a command similar to the following:
+ The relay chain needs the parachain-specific runtime validation logic to validate parachain blocks. You can export the Wasm runtime for a parachain collator node by running a command similar to the following:
./target/release/parachain-template-node export-genesis-wasm --chain raw-parachain-chainspec.json para-2000-wasm
@@ -198,9 +194,7 @@ To prepare the parachain collator to be registered:
After running the command, you will see the following output:
- 2024-09-10 14:41:13 🔨 Initializing Genesis block/state (state: 0xb089…1830, header-hash: 0x6b0b…bd69)
+ --8<-- 'code/tutorials/polkadot-sdk/build-a-parachain/connect-a-parachain/genesis-state.md'
You should note that the runtime and state you export must be for the genesis block. You can't connect a parachain with any previous state to a relay chain. All parachains must start from block 0 on the relay chain. See [Convert a Solo Chain](https://docs.substrate.io/reference/how-to-guides/parachains/convert-a-solo-chain/){target=\_blank} for details on how the parachain template was created and how to convert the chain logic—not its history or state migrations—to a parachain.
@@ -218,52 +212,44 @@ To prepare the parachain collator to be registered:
--port 40333 \
--rpc-port 8844 \
-- \
- --chain /local-raw-spec.json \
+ --chain INSERT_RELAY_CHAIN_PATH/local-raw-spec.json \
--port 30333 \
--rpc-port 9946
!!! note
- Ensure that you replace `` with the path to the raw chain specification for the local relay chain.
+ Ensure that you replace `INSERT_RELAY_CHAIN_PATH` with the path to the raw chain specification for the local relay chain.
After running the command, you will see the following output:
- ...
- 2024-09-10 16:26:30 [Parachain] PoV size { header: 0.21875kb, extrinsics: 3.6103515625kb, storage_proof: 3.150390625kb }
- 2024-09-10 16:26:30 [Parachain] Compressed PoV size: 6.150390625kb
- 2024-09-10 16:26:33 [Relaychain] 💤 Idle (2 peers), best: #1729 (0x3aa4…cb6b), finalized #1726 (0xff7a…4352), ⬇ 9.1kiB/s ⬆ 3.8kiB/s
- ...
+ --8<-- 'code/tutorials/polkadot-sdk/build-a-parachain/connect-a-parachain/start-collator-node.md'
## Register With the Local Relay Chain
-With the local relay chain and collator node running, you can register the parachain on the local relay chain. In a live public network, registration typically involves a [parachain auction](https://wiki.polkadot.network/docs/learn-auction){target=\_blank}. You can use a Sudo transaction and the Polkadot.Js App interface for this tutorial and local testing. A Sudo transaction lets you bypass the steps required to acquire a parachain or parathread slot; this transaction should be executed in the relay chain.
+With the local relay chain and collator node running, you can register the parachain on the local relay chain. In a live public network, registration typically involves a [parachain auction](https://wiki.polkadot.network/docs/learn-auction){target=\_blank}. You can use a Sudo transaction and the Polkadot.js App interface for this tutorial and local testing. A Sudo transaction lets you bypass the steps required to acquire a parachain or parathread slot. This transaction should be executed in the relay chain.
To register the parachain, follow these steps:
1. Validate that your local relay chain validators are running
-2. Navigate to the **Sudo** tab in the Polkadot.Js Apps interface
+3. Navigate to the **Sudo** tab in the Polkadot.js Apps interface
1. Click on the **Developer** tab
2. Select **Sudo** from the dropdown menu
3. Submit a transaction with Sudo privileges
- 1. Select the **paraSudoWrapper** pallet
- 2. Click on the **sudoScheduleParaInitialize** extrinsic from the list of available extrinsics
+ 1. Select the **`paraSudoWrapper`** pallet
+ 2. Click on the **`sudoScheduleParaInitialize`** extrinsic from the list of available extrinsics
4. Fill in the required fields
- 1. **id** - type the parachain identifier you reserved
- 2. **genesisHead** - click the **file upload** button and select the `para-2000-genesis-state` file you exported
- 3. **validationCode** - click the **file upload** button and select the `para-2000-wasm` file you exported
- 4. **paraKind** - select **Yes** if you are registering a parachain or **No** if you are registering a parathread
+ 1. **`id`** - type the parachain identifier you reserved
+ 2. **`genesisHead`** - click the **file upload** button and select the `para-2000-genesis-state` file you exported
+ 3. **`validationCode`** - click the **file upload** button and select the `para-2000-wasm` file you exported
+ 4. **`paraKind`** - select **Yes** if you are registering a parachain or **No** if you are registering a parathread
5. Click on the **Submit Transaction** button
@@ -272,7 +258,7 @@ To register the parachain, follow these steps:
- After the parachain is initialized, you can see it in **Parachains** section of the Polkadot.Js Apps interface
+ After the parachain is initialized, you can see it in **Parachains** section of the Polkadot.js Apps interface
6. Click **Network** and select **Parachains** and wait for a new epoch to start
@@ -284,31 +270,7 @@ To register the parachain, follow these steps:
The terminal where the parachain is running also displays details similar to the following:
- ...
- [Relaychain] 💤 Idle (2 peers), best: #90 (0x5f73…1ccf), finalized #87 (0xeb50…68ea), ⬇ 1.4kiB/s ⬆ 1.1kiB/s
- [Parachain] 💤 Idle (0 peers), best: #0 (0x3626…fef3), finalized #0 (0x3626…fef3), ⬇ 1.2kiB/s ⬆ 0.7kiB/s
- [Relaychain] 💤 Idle (2 peers), best: #90 (0x5f73…1ccf), finalized #88 (0xd43c…c3e6), ⬇ 0.7kiB/s ⬆ 0.5kiB/s
- [Parachain] 💤 Idle (0 peers), best: #0 (0x3626…fef3), finalized #0 (0x3626…fef3), ⬇ 1.0kiB/s ⬆ 0.6kiB/s
- [Relaychain] 👶 New epoch 9 launching at block 0x1c93…4aa9 (block slot 281848325 >= start slot 281848325)
- [Relaychain] 👶 Next epoch starts at slot 281848335
- [Relaychain] ✨ Imported #91 (0x1c93…4aa9)
- [Parachain] Starting collation. relay_parent=0x1c936289cfe15fabaa369f7ae5d73050581cb12b75209c11976afcf07f6a4aa9 at=0x36261113c31019d4b2a1e27d062e186f46da0e8f6786177dc7b35959688ffef3
- [Relaychain] 💤 Idle (2 peers), best: #91 (0x1c93…4aa9), finalized #88 (0xd43c…c3e6), ⬇ 1.2kiB/s ⬆ 0.7kiB/s
- [Parachain] 💤 Idle (0 peers), best: #0 (0x3626…fef3), finalized #0 (0x3626…fef3), ⬇ 0.2kiB/s ⬆ 37 B/s
- ...
+ --8<-- 'code/tutorials/polkadot-sdk/build-a-parachain/connect-a-parachain/parachain-running.md'
## Resetting the Blockchain State
@@ -328,7 +290,7 @@ To reset the blockchain state, follow these steps:
./target/release/parachain-template-node purge-chain --chain raw-parachain-chainspec.json
-3. In the terminal where either the alice validator node or the bob validator node is running, press `Control-c`
+3. In the terminal where either the `alice` validator node or the `bob` validator node is running, press `Control-c`
4. Purge the local relay chain state by running the following command
@@ -339,9 +301,9 @@ To reset the blockchain state, follow these steps:
After purging the chain state, you can restart the local relay chain and parachain collator nodes to begin with a clean environment.
!!! note
- Note that in order to reset the network state and allow all the nodes to sync after the reset, each of them needs to purge their databases. Otherwise, the nodes will not be able to sync with each other effectively.
+ Note that to reset the network state and allow all the nodes to sync after the reset, each of them needs to purge their databases. Otherwise, the nodes won't be able to sync with each other effectively.
Now that you have successfully connected a parachain to a relay chain, you can explore more advanced features and functionalities of parachains, such as:
-- [Openning HRMP Channels](TODO:update-path){target=\_blank}
+- [Opening HRMP Channels](TODO:update-path){target=\_blank}
- [Transfer Assets Between Parachains](TODO:update-path){target=\_blank}
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/tutorials/polkadot-sdk/build-a-parachain/prepare-relay-chain.md b/tutorials/polkadot-sdk/build-a-parachain/prepare-relay-chain.md
index 4ea547a76..631b8f961 100644
--- a/tutorials/polkadot-sdk/build-a-parachain/prepare-relay-chain.md
+++ b/tutorials/polkadot-sdk/build-a-parachain/prepare-relay-chain.md
@@ -129,7 +129,7 @@ To start the validator nodes, follow these steps:
3. Review log messages as the node starts and take note of the `Local node identity` value. This value is the node’s peer ID, which you need to connect the parachain to the relay chain
- --8<-- "code/tutorials/polkadot-sdk/build-a-parachain/prepare-relay-chain/relay-chain-bootstraping-logs.md"
+ --8<-- "code/tutorials/polkadot-sdk/build-a-parachain/prepare-relay-chain/relay-chain-bootstraping-logs.html"
!!! note
You need to specify this identifier to enable other nodes to connect. In this case, the `Local node identity` is `12D3KooWG393uX82rR3QgDkZpb7U8StzuRx9BQUXCvWsP1ctgygp`.
@@ -161,6 +161,6 @@ To start the validator nodes, follow these steps:
5. Verify that the relay chain nodes are running by checking the logs for each node. The logs should show that the nodes are connected to each other and producing blocks. For example, Bob's logs will be displayed as follows:
- --8<-- "code/tutorials/polkadot-sdk/build-a-parachain/prepare-relay-chain/relay-chain-running-logs.md"
+ --8<-- "code/tutorials/polkadot-sdk/build-a-parachain/prepare-relay-chain/relay-chain-running-logs.html"
Once the relay chain nodes are running, you can proceed to the next tutorial to set up a test parachain node and connect it to the relay chain.
\ No newline at end of file